MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 173

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Once a decision is made, then their mobility becomes very high.

Destroying an organization is not something that one person can do. No matter how reluctant they are, they have to cooperate with people from other countries.

Furutani still did not intend to reveal his identity as a police officer, so the cooperation was done by Director Kuroda.

What you need to do when you drop to zero is to take the opportunity to continue to climb up as Bourbon, and climb better and better.

At this time, Zero Valley unexpectedly found out what the top management of the organization thought about Belmod's disappearance.

Because the identity of the boss was revealed just after Belmod disappeared, and Belmod himself did know the identity of the boss, most people thought it was Belmod's betrayal.

As for the boss's own thoughts, I don't know the current downturn. The people at the bottom have no access to Belmod, and they don't even know about Belmod's disappearance.

Jiang Gu Ling felt that there was a lot of room for manipulation. As for how to do it... Didn't he happen to have someone who could disguise himself?

Hagihara Kenji: The day I learned to disguise, I never imagined it would come in handy at such a time.

At this time, Matsuda Jinping is basically the support of intelligence backup.

Matsuda Jinping: "Is there a possibility that my job is actually a police officer?"

Hagihara Kenji: "That's what I want to say too!"

Two police officers whose jobs have nothing to do with the public security have been working overtime again recently.

If I didn't understand that bomb disposal requires absolute concentration, I ensured sleep time, or sooner or later, there will be big problems due to lack of energy.

Even Zhu Fu Jingguang, who has been idle all the time, is also busy at this time. His work is arranged by Jianggu Zero. At this time, Jianggu Zero can't favor one over the other, and even Zhu Fu Jingguang voluntarily undertakes more dangerous tasks. Work.

However, this is also a warm-up before the decisive battle - Matsuda Jinpei and the others can still help at this time, but when it really starts, Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji want to help but can't help.

Subaru Okiya, who lived in Kudo's new family, disappeared without knowing it. No one knew that Subaru Okiya was equal to Shuichi Akai, but Shuichi Akai's reappearance confirmed that Kiel was an undercover agent.

Bourbon, who has been emphasizing and suspecting that Akai Shuichi is not dead, ridiculed at this moment: "I said it long ago, you don't believe it!"

This incident made Bourbon's position move up a bit, intentionally or unintentionally.

With the inner response of Jianggu Zero, he controls both sides together, and the part that he can control, on the surface, looks like the organization is better, but in fact, it gives the red team more opportunities to capture relevant personnel alive.

Knowing that Bourbon's current situation is very dangerous, Matsuda Jinhei did not take the initiative to contact him after there was no news for a whole week.

The current situation is that even if I sit in the office of the explosion department, I can hear colleagues chatting softly and asking if there has been a case at the police station recently, and I feel that the atmosphere is not right.

After a month of no news from the valley zero, Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was cooperating with the valley zero, immediately sent a message on the same day: "Zero has lost contact!"

Afterwards, Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji, who were sitting in the office, looked at each other, and the two of them picked up their jackets and ran out: "Leave early! Nagao, please remember!"

Longtail: "…"

Nagao: "You guys gave me a reason!"

Hagihara Kenji drove the car so fast that even the traffic police couldn't keep up. During their meeting with Zhu Fu Jingguang, Matsuda Jinhei took the information given by Zhu Fu Jingguang and began to find the most likely place where Jianggu Zero was now.

Matsuda Jinping has complained more than once about the desire to protect the valley, so in the really dangerous part, the valley is more willing to go by himself, rather than let his friends go with him.

According to the information given by Zhu Fu Jingguang, Matsuda Jinping identified three bases with the highest probability.

The three of them didn't even need to speak. After Matsuda Jinping marked the three locations, they consciously got into their car and started sprinting.

So the people who gave the traffic police a headache became three in an instant.

Matsuda Jin drove a motorcycle and walked along the path, but it was more convenient in this situation.

However, after arriving at the scene, Matsuda Jinping found that the building in front of him had no information on the map, just because it was remote enough, so no one noticed.

Matsuda Jinhei took the notebook he carried in his backpack and tried to hack the surveillance camera from a distance.

It turned out to be unexpectedly successful!

Matsuda Jinping quickly scanned one monitor after another, ignoring the research room with obvious problems on the screen, and finally found traces in a corner of a monitor.

You really don't need to habitually avoid surveillance at times like this! Although I know it's your instinct, but—it's so hard for me to find it!

According to the monitored coordinates, Matsuda Jinping determined the current position of Zero Valley.

However, in the process of looking for the valley zero, Matsuda Jinping discovered that the self-destruction system was turned on in this base (perhaps so called)!

And the time for self-destruction is coming soon!

What the **** have you done! Matsuda Jinping tried to make contact, but found that the authority was not enough and he didn't have time to crack the password. At the same time, he didn't have enough time to open the door unlocked by the pupil of the base.

Of course he can give him time - but the problem is that all he needs now is time!

Matsuda Jinhei gritted his teeth and thanked the two tubes left before for his willingness to transform into cats. The kitten's size is very convenient for him to get into those vents that even children can't drill.

He has an excellent sense of direction, he has already memorized the position in the base, and through the ventilation pipe, he has also found the position where the valley drops to zero.

He jumped down from the outlet of the ventilation pipe, the cat's paws turned into paws and landed lightly, and his tail flicked behind him.

There was only Zero Yatani in this room, and it looked like he had fainted from exhaustion after escaping to this position.

The current situation of Jianggu Ling is very bad. He was shot very close to the heart, and there are wounds all over his body. I don't know how it was caused.

But now it's too late to take care of so much. He used one of the remaining two tubes of wishing power, and now there is one tube left, which is just enough for the valley.

Gu zero unconsciously turned into a puppy, and the wound seemed to be a lot lighter because of his smaller size.

Matsuda Jinping tore the hem of his shirt into strips and urgently bandaged the wound. Before he came in, he had sent a message to Hagihara Kenji and Zhufu Jingguang, hoping that the two would arrive in time.

Otherwise, he would have to wear a pair of cat ears and be regarded as a pervert, and then send Yugu to the hospital, Matsuda Jinping still had the mind to make a joke.

Holding the puppy by the back of his neck, Matsuda Jinping took advantage of his strength to re-enter the ventilation pipe. The previous kitten was fine, but holding the puppy made Matsuda Jinping's movements difficult.

But time is running out, and if you don't run, it will explode!

After finally running out of the vent, Matsuda Jinping immediately changed back into a human form, then put Wang Guwang in his arms, and rushed out on a motorcycle.

However, just after he drove a certain distance, the base that had remained calm suddenly made a violent explosion sound, and the boom exploded!

The momentum of the explosion even spread to Matsuda Jinping, who had already driven a car for a while.

Matsuda Jinping is fine, but the motorcycle is probably broken and useless. In this regard, Matsuda Jinping calculated a little and laughed angrily.

He had renewed at least six vows for the five of them before, just in case, if the other four of them had no accident during this time, it would mean that this guy Jianggu Ling had to die four or five times, right?

If it's really all right, the system will deal with it directly without injury. Since all of them are seriously injured like this - Jianggu Ling, you are really amazing, aren't you? It's just your own luck!

The position of the bullet is to go to your heart! How dare you!

Matsuda Jinping was so angry that he didn't wait for Fu Jingguang until Hagihara Kenji rushed over. He sent a message and said to Hagihara Kenji, "Go to the veterinary hospital!"

Hagihara Kenji: "Okay... eh?"

Hagihara Kenji's eyes widened: "Wait? Did I hear it right? Are you sure it's not a police hospital but a pet hospital?"

"That's right." Matsuda Jinping pulled out a smile: "It's the pet hospital."

"I don't know his plans. He has no plans to reveal the identity of Jianggu Zero. We can't guarantee complete safety in the police hospital."

"And his injury is too serious. Treating him in the form of an animal will get better results, and it's not noticeable."

Hagihara Kenji: "..."

Hagihara Kenji's expression was a little weird, but he didn't refuse: "I see."

After arriving at the veterinary hospital, Hagihara Kenji picked up the sleeping puppy that had been held peacefully by Matsuda Jinpei, looked at Matsuda Jinpei who also wanted to get out of the car, and hesitantly reminded: "That, the ear... Xiaojinpei? "

It was only at this time that Matsuda Jinping reacted, and he snorted fiercely: "Then send him in first."

Then Matsuda Jinhei turned over the pile of things on the back of Hagihara Kenji's car.

For convenience, they put quite a few things in the trunk and back.

Matsuda Jinping turned around for a long time, and only pulled out a baseball cap that looked like Hagihara Kenji's aesthetic, with fluorescent letters on it. He frowned in disgust, but he still wore it on his head.

Then, he tied the suit jacket that should be worn seriously around his waist, blocking the tail, and at the same time blocking the damage under the hem.

When Hagihara Kenji saw Matsuda Jinping coming over, his expression was a little surprised. He knew how much his friends didn't like being restricted by tails and ears.

"It's true love." Hagihara Kenji sighed, then took out the phone and told Zhufu Jingguang the specific address, and said, "Mr. Sakamoto, I found your dog that was missing for two weeks, and I will now In this hospital, yes, yes, please come over quickly."

With such an explanation, the doctors who were originally slightly hostile because the dog was too seriously injured, their eyes are much gentler.

Then, with a professional examination, when the doctor said more about his physical condition, the aura of Matsuda Jinping became terrifying.

After Zhu Fu Jingguang arrived, Hagihara Kenji hid behind Zhu Fu Jingguang with a frightened face: "Xiaojinping laughed so terribly - Sakamoto-kun, help!"

Seeing that Hagihara Kenji was still so noisy, Zhufu Jingguang relaxed a little, but he still couldn't hide his worries: "How is zero?"

"Zero? Is that the child's name?" The veterinarian who had completed the examination tirelessly repeated the injury, and accused the owner of being irresponsible and not protecting the dog.

In this regard, Zhu Fu Jingguang accepted all of them. Looking at the sincere expression on Zhu Fu Jingguang's face, the veterinarian was not so angry anymore, he just sighed and said, "I need surgery, you can sign here."

Zhu Fu Jingguang glanced at Matsuda Jinping subconsciously, and Matsuda Jinping pressed his hat and nodded, proving that such an operation was feasible.

So Zhu Fu Jingguang also signed with confidence.

At this time, Hagihara Kenji noticed the impatience on Matsuda Jinping's face that still couldn't be hidden, and immediately said: "We still have work, since you have arrived, Zero sauce will be handed over to you, Sakamoto-kun."

Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned for a moment, glanced at Matsuda Jinping, and realized something: "Okay, trouble the two police officers."

When he got back to the Mazda, Matsuda Jinping immediately took off his baseball cap and took a deep breath: "I won't have to defuse the bomb after a while, I can just explode myself."

"Ahaha..." Hagihara Kenji laughed, his expression a little more serious: "What happened?"

"How do I know? Wait for the fella guy to wake up and ask him."

Because he still remembered the 24-hour limit, Zhu Fu Jingguang left the hospital with the dog under the strong refusal of the doctor, saying that it is not suitable for transfer at all and the puppy needs to be stabilized.

That's right, Ichiro Sakamoto is about to be blacklisted in this hospital. Recalling the gaze that he was treated like a scum just now, Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled bitterly.

He didn't dare to stay too long, and immediately ran to the apartment shared by Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji.

"Now that the plaster is cast, will it have any effect when Zero changes back?" Zhu Fu Jingguang worried.

After all, dogs are completely different from humans.

Then Matsuda Jinping looked calm and his ears moved: "It's okay."

Zhufu Jingguang: "But—"

Matsuda Jinping: "Don't ask, it's a cat demon."

Zhu Fu Jingguang shut up again.

This is also what he specifically asked about the system. This small problem can still be solved by the system. Anyway, there are so many super-scientific things, and it is not bad.

This time, Gu Ling was in a coma for a day and a night, and when he woke up, he almost thought he had gone to hell—otherwise, how could he see an evil ghost appearing in front of him?

"I'm really sorry for being an evil spirit in your heart!" Matsuda Jinping folded his hands with a displeased expression, and then shouted to the door, "Zhufu, Hagihara, people are awake."

So Zhufu Jingguang and Hagihara Kenji rushed in immediately.

Zhu Fu Jingguang worried: "What did you do when you lost contact..."

Jiang Guling opened his mouth and was about to explain, but he didn't expect Zhu Fu Jingguang to sigh: "But forget it, you'll be fine."

The cat-eyed youth rolled his eyes, with a happy smile on his face: "Welcome back, zero."

Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji stood on the side watching this scene, the early morning sun just shone on them.

Although the night has not completely dissipated, the sun has broken through the clouds, and will bring enough warm light in the future.

"Welcome back, zero."

"By the way, have we pushed out the squad leader again?"

"Um... Speaking of which, did I forget to say it?"


"I met Ida before and he said - Natalie is pregnant!"


- End of text.

The author has something to say: Good! The text is over, and there are still 6 chapters to add.

The next chapter is the follow-up to add bourbon to scare Xiaoke (cough). Besides this, what else do you want to see? For example, I kind of want to write the smaller and bigger version of Miss Maedako.

pps: Hongliang's open text, you can read it if you are interested!

"When I Bind the Story Maintenance System" by

My name is Zhu Fukongliang, male, 18 years old.

When I was in the second grade of middle school, I bound a plot maintenance system.

Every time I fell asleep, I would travel to a certain character in a parallel world, and my task was to play this character and proceed with the normal main storyline.

Only later did I realize that the parallel worlds I traveled through were scientifically called Doujin Worlds.

This system has had a huge impact on my life.

Because I always accidentally confuse the distinction between my world and the world of my fans.

—For example, when I just came back from the world of all beasts and saw a nasty ghost Matsuda, I didn’t react for a while, and said directly, “Where are your cat ears and tail?”

He also took a cat stick and stuffed it into Matsuda: "Here, your favorite snack."

Police Academy Five: ? !

Matsuda Jinhei: ...Wait? I am not, I am not! Take your eyes off!

- For another example, after returning from the world of transsexuality, I met a new member of my brother's band, his name is Shuichi Akai, and I couldn't help but hesitate: "You finally choose to be transgender...?"

Whiskey Group: ? !

Akai Shuichi: Huh?

—For example, there is a normal world where the hater Matsuda would play with fire on the Ferris wheel. Although he hates it, he must not understand common sense.

However, I remembered that my brother taught me a term called rebellious period. The more you stop him, the more likely he will do it. So in order to protect the fragile self-esteem of the other party, I decided to remind him politely.

"Songtian, I'll find someone to help you figure it out, you're not suitable for dating, you'd better be single for a lifetime."

I think I'm awesome, because that way Matsuda won't go on a date with the Ferris wheel in the Holy Land.

Matsuda Jinping: "?? No, wait, are you sure your brother is not playing with me? Zhufu!"

Zhu Fu Kongliang: Innocent jpg

Read The Duke's Passion