MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 167

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Matsuda Jin was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking at the almost petrified Jiang Gu Ling who covered his face in front of him, confused: "Is it necessary?"

Zhufu Jingguang said with a smile: "Probably because of zero, he substituted into those scripts that Hagihara said before?"

Hagihara Kenji has always had a big brain hole. Before, because of Matsuda Jinhei's relationship, I read many types of light novels, some of which are good and some too wonderful, which led to the first version of Hagihara Kenji's script. Matsuda Jinhei supports it. Unstoppable dog blood.

But for Matsuda Jinhei, the most difficult thing to accept is that the protagonists in the script are just him and Zero Valley.

And Hagihara Kenji's previous statement about the injury risk and whether he was willing to say that he was willing to do it, made the last few days of Yatani zero all the preparations.

The only thing he thinks is too much is that Hagihara Kenji traps all the five of them in, and although he doesn't know what it is, Hagihara Kenji will definitely have a good time. wonderful script.

But he didn't expect that Matsuda's shape turned out to be underage! Even if he steps on three boats, it is better than falling in love with a minor!

"Zero is still very ethical in this regard." Zhu Fu Jingguang said with a low smile: "You look like only 15 years old now? Matsuda."

Matsuda Jinping replied: "It should be sixteen."

Hagihara Kenji also nodded: "Boys develop later than girls, and Xiaojinping didn't start to exert his strength until he was in high school - although he is still shorter than me, ahem, um, that's it."

So Zhu Fu Jingguang began to comfort Jianggu Ling: "Zero, Matsuda is 16 years old. According to Japanese law, women can get married at the age of 16, and you have not committed a crime."

It's just morally unreasonable.

"I think Kofukutani looks more affected." Hagihara Kenji smiled even happier.

Jiang Gu Ling covered his face and said in a muffled voice, "I will definitely promote the proposal to raise the marriage age in the future!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang patted Xia Gu Ling's shoulder and encouraged, "Then come on?"

Matsuda Jinping watched the topic become more and more crooked, and complained: "Don't you think that you have completely deviated from the theme?"

Matsuda Jinpei was sitting on the sofa, while Hagihara Kenji was standing behind the sofa with his hands on Matsuda Jinpei's shoulders. At this time, Hagihara Kenji picked up Matsuda Jinping's long curly hair, glanced at the direction of the barrage, and smiled at Yugu Rei: "But seriously, Xiao Yugu, are you, really, always Didn't you find out...?"

Jiang Gu Ling raised his face: "...what?"

"Why do you think I'm talking about my girlfriend?" Hagihara Kenji was surprised: "Have you really not paid attention to Kazami's thoughts at all?"

Down Valley Zero: "...??"

Jiang Gu Ling wondered: "Why did you suddenly mention Feng Jian?"

Hagihara Kenji was silent for two seconds before saying, "You should pay attention to your subordinates!"

"I thought that after so many years of training, you have made progress than in the past - you have improved in other places, but you are still so slow in this area!" Hagihara Kenji hates iron not becoming steel: "Don't you realize that Kazami has always thought that Do you have a leg with Ma Zhizi?!"

Valley Zero: "...?"

Falling Valley Zero: "...Huh?!?!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang put his fist in front of his mouth, blocking the smile that evoked the corners of his mouth. When Jiang Guling tried to confirm with him, he gently affirmed: "It seems that there is such a thing... I always thought you knew, but Default."

After all, a genius hacker with such a cute code name as Ma Zhizi, everyone acquiesced that Ma Zhizi is a girl, and Ma Zhizi has been revolving around Jianggu Zero, only accepting tasks distributed by Jianggu Zero—anyone will Let's get together with Kugu Zero and Ma Zhizi!

Why do you help to drop to zero? Of course it's because of love!

The cute Ma Zhizi raised her head and asked in confusion, "Why don't I know?"

Hagihara Kenji said: "You don't pay attention to this."

It is precisely because of this misunderstanding that Kenji Hagihara subconsciously uses the setting of the rumored girlfriend. But in his original expectation, Ma Zhizi should be a mature big sister who has turned sexually, so of course this script is feasible.

But now - Hagihara Kenji bent down and hugged Matsuda Jinpei's shoulder, put his chin on Matsuda Jinpei's head, and said righteously: "Such a cute little Jinpei, Dad, I will never give it to anyone. Human!"

Seeing this scene, Furuya Zero's expression became subtle at this moment: "I think you are the most dangerous right now, Hagihara."

Zhu Fu Jingguang thought for a while: "In this case, am I a mother again?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was substituted into the script, also acted. He wiped away the tears that didn't exist from the corners of his eyes: "Although I believe in you, Zero, as expected... I'm not very worried about handing over such a lovely daughter to you."

Rei Fukutani pointed at Kenji Hagihara, who was still holding the underage in front of him: "Look at this scene, Hiro! It's the man in front of me who should be sent to the police station now!"

Matsuda Jinping tugged at the arm hanging around his neck: "Okay, you guys don't play tricks."

Falling Valley Zero: "So why did you accept it so quickly!"

Matsuda Jinping: "What do you think?"

Furuya zero fell silent, Furuya gave up thinking, and looked at Matsuda Jinping with pity.

So Matsuda Jinping's fist became hard again.

After playing the game, several people started the final confirmation.

Jiang Gu Ling confirmed again: "So I shouldn't have to fall in love with a minor, right?"

Hagihara Kenji: "If you continue to mention it, I am very suspicious of your own thoughts, Kokakuya?"

The valley zero immediately shut up.

Hagihara Kenji's innate acuity is very high in these matters, but only acuity is not enough, so after discussing it with Kagani and Zhu Fu Jingguang, Kagani hesitated: "Is it too dangerous? ?"

Hagihara Kenji smiled and said, "I know this kind of thing better than you, Owakutani~"

"It's only this time anyway?" Matsuda Jinping put the choker-shaped voice changer on his neck, lifted the troublesome long curly wig with both hands, and coughed lightly: "Cough, is this the voice anyway?"

It was adjusted by Zhu Fu Jingguang in advance. It was a neutral but obvious female voice. At least it matched the tone of Matsuda Jinping, and there was not much sense of disobedience.

Hagihara Kenji gave a thumbs up: "No one will ever see your gender."

But after thinking about it, Kenji Hagihara pulled out another pair of matching black-rimmed glasses and handed them over.

Matsuda Jinpei is used to wearing glasses—sunglasses to be precise, so he accepts the presence of glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose well.

Thick-framed glasses obscured Matsuda Jinping's face intentionally or unintentionally, and the long curly hair that fell down had a similar effect. Not to mention that Hagihara Kenji didn't use any means of disguising. He simply put some makeup on Matsuda Jinhei's face, softening the lines that exist in the boy, but are not so obvious.

This time the situation is actually a bit delicate. It cannot be denied that the high-level officials really want to know the identity of Ma Zhizi, but with such a strong request, it is not difficult to guess whether someone is putting pressure on him.

Think about the work that Ma Zhizi helped Jiang Gu Ling to do - not to mention anything else, just the few slaps in the FBI before.

So since this is the case, it is enough to give the upper management an excuse (face) for refusing to put pressure on it. Of course, it is also a means for the public security to refuse the upper management.

After the two sides pulled together, all Matsuda Jinping needs to do now is to meet Yuya Kazami from the public security, instead of facing a more troublesome group of people.

This time it was indeed a trap, an obvious one that was best stepped on.

Matsuda Jinpei looked at Yuya Kazami, who was standing at the appointed place, wearing a light-colored suit, and couldn't help but want to complain that he was indeed a subordinate of Rei Kaguya, and his serious aura looked quite similar to him at first glance.

It was the one he hated the most, Matsuda Jinping said in his heart.

When Matsuda Jinping stared at Kazami Yuya, Kazami Yuya also noticed the long curly-haired girl who was getting closer and closer to him.

This girl who looks no more than high school age has a face that is beautiful enough even if it is blocked by the old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses.

Her facial features are not the small and delicate Japanese aesthetics, but if they must be described, they are aggressive beauty. It's just that this aggression is not that strong because of his young age.

The reason for such an impact is because she has a temperament that cannot be described in simple words and transcends gender, and this special temperament is more attractive than pure beauty.

Feng Jianyu only looked at it for two seconds, then looked away and waited intently for the arrival of Miss Mazhizi - however, the girl with long curly hair stopped in front of him, and a slightly neutral and crisp voice sounded: "That's it. You?"

Feng Jianyu was also taken aback: "What?"

Matsuda Jinping matched the originally agreed code, "So it's you, right?"

Feng Jianyu's pupils also trembled in an instant.

and many more? So this is Miss Maedako? What about the house royal sister he expected? !

No, the point is Mr. Furuya - it turns out that you are... ah yes, Mr. Furuya seems to have never admitted the relationship between him and Miss Maeda...

So it turns out that everything is just wishful thinking of him! ?

and many more! Now the point is... So is Miss Asaeda a high school student who looks like she's only 15 or 6 years old? !

No, maybe it's Mashiko-san's apprentice? Because she herself is inconvenient, so please ask the apprentice to come over?

Feng Jian Yu also tentatively said: "Well, may I ask you and Miss Ma Zhizi..."

Matsuda Jinping clasped his hands and narrowed his eyes: "I, why do you have an opinion?"

Kazami Yuya: So it's really me? !

Feng Jianyu also held a glimmer of hope. After all, his superior was only one year younger than him, but he seemed to be only the age of a high school student.

"Excuse me, you..." Wait, is it too rude to ask a lady's age? Feng Jianyu also held back the doubts in his heart and hid this tangled question in his heart.

When Kazami Yu also said these words, the hilarious laughter belonging to his family's young taming came from the headset hidden under Matsuda Jinping's long hair, Hagihara Kenji smiled happily across the headset: [Mr Kazami is really so funny hahaha! 】

[Alright, alright, Hagihara, stop laughing, they're leaving, zero, calm down, don't put on the look of 'that's what you're doing for the police', which Mr. Kazami can't see. 】

【Tsk! 】

Because the immediate director of Linggu Ling is still a good person, he understands Ling Ling's behavior and thoughts, so he helped him pull it.

Fight for a chance to let Matsuda Jinping choose the location by himself.

Matsuda Jinping simply chose a hotel with good security and let Kazumi Yu also open a room. Completely ignoring the eyes of the hotel counter that looked at the two of them hesitantly.

Feng Jianyu also wanted to say something, but finally held back.

After arriving at the room, Matsuda Jinping opened the notebook he had been carrying. It was not the notebook he used on weekdays, but a newly bought one that he had remodeled.

Matsuda Jinping couldn't adapt to his current voice, just like the cat before, he couldn't speak if he could not speak, he took the USB flash drive that Feng Jianyu also handed over and inserted it into the computer.

This is also a high-level request to prove that he is Ma Zhizi himself, and there is nothing better than hacking technology.

It can be said that so far, "Mazhizi" has given a high level.

Matsuda Jinping tapped on the keyboard of the notebook, and Kazami Yu also received the news in real time, confirming the true identity of the person in front of him.

There is no way to make excuses for himself, so the Miss Maedako he expected is really just a girl who looks like a high school student? !

When Kazami Yuya was disillusioned, Matsuda Jinpei, after analyzing the password on the surface, looked at the information in the USB flash drive and realized something—good guy, this bait is too, too exciting!

In this regard, Matsuda Jinhei can be completely sure that this time it is a trap for him, not simply that the high-level is stupid.

Because the information in the U disk even involves some important information about the organization.

That is to say, like one of Hagi's conjectures, it is not only the pressure from the outside world, but also the organization personnel are definitely mixed in at the top!

Almost instantly, Matsuda Jinhei remembered the conversation he had heard in the hospital to defuse bombs.

—A conversation between gin and vodka.

At that time, Jin Jiu said: [The organization is only searching for talents in various fields, but it is not impossible for him. The moment he refused, his end was already doomed. 】

Ma Zhizi is also a talent, a top talent, and a talent that the organization needs - but since Ma Zhizi's "debut" until now, she has never appeared in front of people, and the information is hidden, making it impossible for people to start.

Therefore, after realizing the ability of Ma Zhizi, the organization will inevitably take action. So that's one of the ways to draw out the twigs.

This time, it's really worth it. Matsuda Jinping stared at the information that was parsed out bit by bit on the computer. If he had this information, it would be a lot easier on the lower part of the valley.

However, Matsuda Jinhei also knew very well what the information in front of him represented.

There is definitely a locator on the USB flash drive, and even at this moment, a colleague captured his traces and attacked him at this time, making it impossible for him to easily parse the file.

Matsuda Jinhei's fingers almost knocked out cigarettes on the keyboard. He was still trying to parse the virus-loaded file while facing another attack from unknown hackers.

Even Matsuda Jinpei knew very well that since it had something to do with the organization, then the organization must have located this hotel and sent someone to arrest him.

The hacker on the other side is delaying time - but this information is indeed enough for him to take action, as long as the valley gets this information...

However, Matsuda Jinping's eyes flickered at this moment, and the words Zhu Fu Jingguang said a few days ago appeared in his ears again.

【We are companions. 】

[We are not simply a relationship between protector and protected. Our desire to protect you is the same. 】

[Songtian, we will complete our own tasks by ourselves, but we will ask our companions for cooperation when we encounter difficulties that cannot be easily solved. 】

Since the organization will put down such a big bait, it means that they have absolute confidence in catching "hemp branches".

Is he gambling or not? Do you choose to take a gamble and send this intelligence analysis to Jianggu, or... give up at this moment and evacuate immediately?

"Ms. Mazhizi?" Feng Jianyu also watched Matsuda Jinping staring at the computer for a while without moving, and hesitantly said, "Is there a problem?"

At this moment, Matsuda Jinping suddenly closed the notebook, made a slightly harsh sound, gritted his teeth and stood up, suddenly grabbed Kazami Yuya's wrist and walked out.

- He is not because of Zhu Fu Jingguang's words, it is simply that he is not alone now, and he cannot make things happen to Jiang Guling's subordinates because of his willfulness.

Feng Jianyu was also a little surprised: "Miss Mazhizi?!"

However, the moment Matsuda Jinping kicked out the door, a man in black plain clothes appeared from the corner—good guy, how fast did he come?

Matsuda Jinping slammed his fist into the face of the enemy who appeared, and the tail of his long curly hair swept Kazami Yuya's cheek between his movements. Feng Jian Yu also didn't even react at this moment: "Wait? What happened? Miss Ma Zhizi!"

"Idiot, of course he ran away!" Matsuda Jinping raised the corners of his mouth and looked extremely cold: "Who wants to eat such a troublesome bait! It's none of my business anyway!"

Feng Jianyu also stared blankly at the tail of the girl's hair that was raised and fell, and subconsciously reached out to catch it, and her heart beat extremely fast in an instant.

Uh...Mr. Kamiya, since you are not Miss Mazhizi's boyfriend, does that mean...I still have a chance?

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