MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 161

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Soaking in a hot spring is indeed a very stress-relieving activity, and I don’t know if it’s a purely psychological effect or whether the hot spring has a related effect. Matsuda Jinping felt that he had cleared away all the fatigue he had accumulated on weekdays, and was drowsy on the edge of the hot spring. Location.

Edogawa Conan glanced at Hagihara Kenji and Amuro Toru, who were chatting happily with Mouri Kogoro, and sat next to Matsuda Jinhei without any hesitation.

The usually unmanageable curly hair was stained with water vapor, and the fringe on the edge was attached to the cheeks and ears. Matsuda Jinping ignored it, just closed his eyes, as if he was really asleep.

However, there was still some movement from Conan Edogawa. Matsuda Jinping raised his eyes lazily, and saw the little ghost who had found a place beside him to soak. He didn't say anything and closed his eyes again. Only this time, Matsuda Jinhei did not relax completely, and began to try hard to recall the bald man he bumped into just now from the corners of his memory.

Because it was a hot spring, everyone wore loose clothes, and so did the bald man. Although he just glanced at it, the other party should have practiced.

As for what he was practicing, Matsuda Jinping had a little guess, but he wasn't quite sure yet.

Where have you seen...? Matsuda Jinping frowned slightly, and the conversation on the other side also unknowingly became lower.

Hagihara Kenji got a little closer and saw the expression of his friend who was obviously thinking, and said with a low smile: "They are all out on vacation, are you still thinking about work?"

"No, it's something else." Matsuda Jinping opened his eyes, "But I didn't think of it, it shouldn't be too important."

Matsuda Jinping has always been able to think about it, but if he really can't think of it, he doesn't force himself. And after soaking in the hot spring for a long time, the body was a little hot, and after he started to sweat, Matsuda Jinpei asked, "It's almost there, are you going?"

"Eh? So soon." But after thinking about it, there are still two days left, and Hagihara Kenji didn't refuse, "Let's go to dinner then? I remember you didn't eat anything on the way, are you still hungry? "

"A little bit." Matsuda Jinping said: "But now I want to sleep more than eating."

"Haha, after all, you guys are yawning and sleepy 365 days a year and 300 days a year." After complaining like this, Hagihara Kenji had already changed his clothes.

His hair was longer than Matsuda Jin, and the edges of the ends of his hair were completely soaked in the hot springs, and the water was still dripping down.

However, after so many years, under the premise of maintaining this hairstyle just to be handsome in the summer, Hagihara Kenji is still very experienced with his long hair.

After dealing with it for a while, he put on the shoulder of Matsuda Jinping who was waiting for him: "Yeah, it's been a long wait."

After coming out of the steaming hot spring, the cool evening wind blew through and dissipated the heat from his body. Matsuda Jinping breathed out unconsciously, and the whole person seemed quite relaxed.

The place to eat is in the public room, because this shop is more traditional and needs to sit on the floor.

At this time, the sitting posture can show a person's character very well. Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinping are directly cross-legged, and Maurilan, who arrived ten minutes later than them, is a standard kneeling sitting.

Mao Lilan was a little surprised after seeing them, probably because of the atmosphere, and Mao Lilan's tone also seemed more casual than usual: "Is Dad okay?"

"He was with Amuro, and Conan asked Amuro to take care of him." Matsuda Jinhei replied.

Because they knew each other, Mao Lilan didn't change positions deliberately, and sat directly with the two police officers.

In the process of waiting for the meal, by the way, wait for Mouri Kogoro and a few people to finish soaking.

Hagihara Kenji never made the atmosphere awkward. He smiled and chatted with Maurilan at random, while Matsuda Jinping was yawning and drowsy, and he didn't even think of taking out his mobile phone.

This is a public space, and it must not be just a few of them. It is probably a good time to soak in the hot spring. The seats in the back are full of people, and the room is a little noisy, but it is within the range that Matsuda Jinping can bear.

Mouri Kogoro and the others came by coincidence. Almost as soon as they arrived, Hagihara Ken's set meal at 2 o'clock was already served.

Mouri Kogoro and Fukugu Rei didn't seem to be doing anything. Edogawa Conan was probably a child. After soaking for a long time, he looked dizzy. the state just now.

Dinner was still a traditional meal, Matsuda Jinping poked at the fish in front of him, his expression was lazy and casual, and even his temperament was not as scary as it used to be.

They didn't have the habit of eating without talking, Hagihara Kenji smiled and said, "Is it in a good mood?"

Matsuda Zhenping's mouth curled slightly: "It's a rare vacation, of course you have to relax, right?"

Sake is always indispensable on such occasions, but Matsuda Jinpei didn't want to play the oolong he was drunk before, and he didn't want to get a headache the next day, so he refused Kogoro Mouri's invitation.

As a result, there were clearly four big men at the table, and in the end, only Mouri Kogoro was really drinking. Mouri Kogoro said unhappily, "The boy who doesn't understand the charm of wine."

But just after this, Matsuda Jinping heard a clean and helpless young male voice from a position not far behind him: "Nonaka-sensei, you are drinking too much..."

And the teacher Nonaka said with a laugh: "This level is just the beginning! Continue pouring wine for me!"

Matsuda Jinping turned his head slightly, and was a little surprised to find that the drinker happened to be the bald man who bumped into him.

After observing a few people around Nonaka, Matsuda Jinpei confirmed his guess... If nothing else, it should be an existence like a fitness coach.

But his name is, Nonaka...? I always feel that this surname is getting more and more familiar. Where have you seen it and heard it?

Matsuda Jinhei couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression again, and deliberately paid attention to the conversation over there.

According to the names between them, the young man who persuaded people not to drink was called Kotani Shinshin, and the bald man's full name was Ye Zhongguo, who was indeed a fitness trainer as he expected.

and many more? Nonaka, Wild China Kei...?

Matsuda Jinping turned his head sharply, his eyes fixed on the position of the bald man, and he carefully observed the other's facial features - and this action was too obvious, even the drinking Mouri Kogoro couldn't ignore it.

Hagihara Kenji asked suspiciously, "Xiaozhenping?"

And his eyes were too sharp, and the drunk bald man also noticed it and looked over viciously: "Hey! What are you looking at!"

The seemingly good-natured Kotani Shinshin immediately grabbed the bald man and said to Matsuda Jinping after a few words of comfort, "Sorry, sorry, we may be a little noisy here..."

Hagihara Kenji immediately made a round, then pulled Matsuda Jinpei, who was still staring at the bald man, and asked in a low voice, "Small Jinpei?"

And Mao Lilan and others also showed worried and doubtful eyes.

Matsuda Jinping finally recovered, but the peaceful aura on his body disappeared instantly, revealing the condensation that belongs to facing criminals. The curly-haired officer's expression became indifferent in an instant, but he did not anger the people around him, and said calmly, "It's okay, don't worry."

He remembered. Matsuda Jinhei confirmed in his heart with a calm face.

Ye Zhongguo, the real murderer of that murder case back then—the real murderer of the case that caused his father to be mistakenly arrested.

Back then, he was still a primary school student. After careful calculation, 20 years have passed since he was imprisoned for murder, and the murderer can indeed be released after serving his sentence.

The corner of Matsuda Jinping's mouth twitched and he acted in accordance with the law. It was completely reasonable for him to be released after being jailed for murder, so he had no reason to be upset at all.

Even the cause of his father's misjudgment back then was absolutely attributable to the policeman at that time.

Even his father's current situation, it can be said that his own will is not strong enough, and he will be drunk and decadent after a loss - there are thousands of reasons, but Matsuda Jinhei is hard to deny, he is very unhappy now.

Facing the murderer of the past, the culprit who made his father become like that, but now he can be called a teacher by others, and then open a fitness classroom innocently?

Matsuda Jin lowered his eyes, noticing that the atmosphere at the dining table had become silent because of him, he restrained a little, and said, "You guys continue, don't worry."

Forget it, it's been so long. Matsuda Jinping restrained his already clenched fists and lowered his eyes to try to calm down his emotions.

However, the bald man behind him did not cooperate at all. Just as Matsuda Jinping was trying to restrain his emotions, the topic of the other table unknowingly changed to the reason why Ye Zhongguo became a fitness teacher.

He was probably drunk—or a man who would have accidentally killed someone because of a fight and quarrel had a very impulsive personality.

"Hahaha, I was also a good boxer back then, but there was a little accident." Ye Zhonggui used his experience in prison as a talking point, and boasted to his students: "But I also have to Thank you to the boxer who passed by!"

"Thanks to him, the papers are full of his name - and no one notices a little guy like me!"

Matsuda Jinping slammed the chopsticks in his hand against the table, making a loud noise, and even the eyes of people with other tables fell.

And Kenji Hagihara, who realized something during the conversation, suddenly widened his eyes: "Could it be—"

Matsuda Jinping took a deep breath, the long bangs blocked his eyes at the moment, no matter what, he was not the wanton boy who would wave his fists at will.

"Sorry, I'm full." Matsuda Jinpei stood up. The meal in front of him was less than a third of it. He suppressed his emotions and quickly left the position, for fear that he would stay for another second. will be completely unstoppable.

Hagihara Kenji first apologized to a few people perfunctorily, and immediately followed: "Wait, Matsuda!"

Jiang Gu Ling thoughtfully glanced at the bald-headed man who didn't seem to realize what he said, and secretly cried out in his heart.

It's really bad, I came across it here.

Read The Duke's Passion