MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 149

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Zhu Fu Jingguang was a very reliable person most of the time, and there was no accident in the short 24 hours. Even when Amuro was on duty in Poirot the next day, Zhu Fu Jingguang kept a smile and appeared instead of himself.

The cooking technique between the valley and zero was taught by Zhu Fujingguang, so the taste of Poirot's meals did not change much, and no one found the problem.

In this regard, Hagihara Kenji came to a conclusion.

"If you want to do something bad in the future, you can make Xiaozhufu change into Xiaogugu." Hagihara Kenji knocked on his hand: "Wow, a perfect alibi!"

Assuming that something went wrong within the organization, with surveillance and passers-by proving that he has been working in Poirot all the time - then Bourbon can rule out his suspicions for the first time.

Although normally, most of the time, the organization will not have such a situation, and if there is doubt, it will simply not wait for Bourbon's explanation.

Hagihara Kenji said thoughtfully: "If I do bad things in the future, maybe I will also become an accomplice."

Matsuda Jinhei: "Didn't you be long ago?"

Hagihara Kenji: "...Ahaha."

The 24-hour period of the zero-change dog in the valley was basically by Zhu Fu Jingguang's side, and Matsuda Jinping could only regret that he did not have time to take a few photos. But after thinking about it, Zhufu Jingguang will definitely not miss this opportunity, and I plan to ask Zhufu for backup after thinking about it.

As for the valley's opinion? Is it important.

Rei Furutani, who was automatically excluded from membership by Matsuda Jinping and lost his right of opinion, has something to say.

Anyway, everything is back to normal. Matsuda Jinhei became the calm police officer who yawned everyday and looked lazy and calm.

"That's why I said, protect your hair, Officer Takahashi." Matsuda Jinhei said in a light and happy tone.

Officer Takahashi, who had turned into the Mediterranean Sea, looked so angry that he wanted to punch Matsuda Jinhei.

What is mature and stable? It's all an illusion! This stinky boy hasn't changed since he first came in. Although it is said that being a police officer requires a child's heart, it doesn't mean that he needs to maintain such a child's heart!

"Who do you think I lost my hair for!" Officer Takahashi angrily scolded.

Matsuda Jinping lifted his sunglasses and said solemnly, "It is a cowardly act to attribute mistakes to others."

Officer Takahashi: "You still taught me a lesson?!"

Matsuda Jinhei: "So you also want to become a **** policeman who uses official positions to oppress people?"

Police Officer Takahashi: "You know how to use honorifics at times like this, right?! And you're already one of the bastards! Did you raise your fist just now? Are you going to beat me, bastard!"

Matsuda Jinping sadly put down his hand and said, "This may be the price of growth."

Is this some kind of joke about the workplace? And just now, Officer Takahashi, did you omit the police and just say bastard? Nagao, who came in with the file, saw that he knocked on the door twice and no one paid attention to his situation, and sighed: "Officer Takahashi, you know that you can't say anything about Matsuda-kun, right? Take some antihypertensive medicine and be patient. Enough."

‘Officer Takahashi, the information is ready. ’

Ah, bad, the mental thoughts and the words are reversed. Nagao thought slowly.

Hagihara Kenji, who didn't know when he arrived, leaned against the door, couldn't help but smile, and said, "Cough, Xiao Jinping, I mean Matsuda, he doesn't have this kind of attitude towards others, this is because he likes you very much. Your performance, Officer Takahashi."

Officer Takahashi: "Then I'd rather he hate me!"

Matsuda Jinping turned his face sideways, ignoring Officer Takahashi's words, and said hello: "Oh, when did you come here?"

Hagihara Kenji compared a wink: "When talking about the problem of police officer Takahashi's hair loss."

Nagao sighed again: "Don't add fuel to the fire, Hagihara-kun."

The topic became more and more strange, and after he had completely deviated, he kept watching this scene—also another colleague, Nishioka, who witnessed Matsuda Jinhei's entry into the job with his own eyes, and took the information handed to him by Nagao.

Sure enough, he had guessed correctly back then—they were acquaintances, officers Matsuda and Takahashi. Otherwise, who would dare to say such a thing to the commander?

Nishioka coughed lightly: "Officer Takahashi."

After being reminded, Officer Takahashi took a deep breath and looked at the two unruly and egoistic people in front of him who had been police subordinates for many years.

Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji were both outstanding among the newcomers back then, and they were the ones who could lead the team as soon as they joined the company.

The full name of the place where they work is the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team of the Mobile Group of the Police Department of the Metropolitan Police Department. The specific promotion is different from that of the criminal police, but the essence is still the same.

For example, they can't always be ordinary members of the handling class, and they are also divided into team leaders and officers.

The only pity is that these two people are not from the professional group, otherwise, this age and resume can directly replace his current position.

In his previous life, Matsuda Jinping was stuck in the position of "Inspector of Inspection" when he was transferred to the first class of search. It stands to reason that his age and ability were qualified at that time, and he could go to the next level. It's just because the promotion needs to pass the exam, and Matsuda Jinping was full of revenge and didn't take the exam at all.

But this life is different, Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji take the normal promotion exam together.

Officer Takahashi said, "I remember you are almost 30."

Hagihara Kenji still maintained the tone he had just said: "I suddenly feel so pathetic when you say it out loud, Officer Takahashi."

Matsuda Jinping raised his eyes: "Isn't our file on your desk? It doesn't count, Officer Takahashi."

Several blue veins appeared on the forehead of Police Officer Takahashi: "Shut up for me!"

Hagihara Kenji blinked, while Matsuda Jinhei hummed lazily.

Officer Takahashi said with a headache: "In short, I have put up the application for promotion. You two prepare it for me."

There are regulations for the promotion of police officers in Japan. Basically, once you pass the exam, you will know where you can be promoted in the future. It is a typical occupation in Japan that is respected with age.

So when Officer Takahashi called them, Matsuda Jinping had already guessed what he was going to do.

It stands to reason that this is good news, but neither of the two people in front of him showed any excited expressions, and Matsuda Jinping even frowned: "It's very troublesome."

Hagihara Kenji reassured: "Don't think so, at least after the promotion, Xiaojinping, you can use honorifics to some people. Although it is indeed very troublesome."

Matsuda Jinping thought for a while: "You are right."

Officer Takahashi covered his heart: "You repeated the word trouble just now, Hagihara?! And don't say it as if Matsuda would use honorifics on weekdays! Do you know how many people have given me advice? !"

"Be serious with me, you two guys!"

Matsuda Jinping: "I'm serious about being troublesome."

Hagihara Kenji: "I'm also seriously trying to appease Xiaojinping's emotions?"

"Get out of here!" The gentle and polite police officer Takahashi was so angry that he uttered swear words.

Nagao, who had sent the files, was kicked out together, and he said helplessly, "Can you two play when no one else is there next time?"

Hagihara Kenji smiled and put his arm on Matsuda Jinhei's shoulder: "Isn't it interesting?"

Matsuda Jinhei yawned.

"You are just bullying Officer Takahashi to like the two of you, and you are reluctant to keep you alone." Nagao shook his head and returned to his post.

That being said, Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji will still make some preparations for this.

"However, the professional group is really good. The first time I joined the job, I started from the police department. In another two years, Kogoya will be able to be seen by the police, right?" Hagihara Kenji calculated a little.

"But his current file seems to be stuck." Matsuda Jinping said: "After all, he is undercover."

"I remember Xiaojinping, your academic performance was high back then, why didn't you take the vocational group?" Hagihara Kenji complained: "If you are serious, I will work hard to catch up with you, okay?"

"It's too troublesome, and I didn't think about being a police officer seriously back then." Matsuda Jinping replied casually: "If you don't say anything else, I won't be able to pass the interview."

"And, don't attribute the reason you didn't take the test to me." Matsuda Jinping threw this sentence back.

Hagihara Kenji said with a low smile: "Well, after saying that, I didn't seriously plan to become a police officer at the time, I just started preparing halfway to be with you."

Matsuda Jinhei is only serious about his interests and his goals, and everything else is more casual. And Hagihara Kenji - he feels frivolous, let alone.

When Kurtani and Zhufu Jingguang didn't need help, Matsuda Jinping's daily life overlapped with Hagihara Kenji again, and the biological clock returned to normal when overtime was not needed.

After all, bomb-related tasks generally don’t require overnight stalking like the criminal police.

Zhufu Jingguang used the identity of Sakamoto Ichiro to not get close to anyone specially, but maintained the role of an ordinary person and secretly assisted Zero Valley. After all, he lost direct contact with the public security, and Jiang Guling was not willing to let his friends perform any dangerous tasks, but Zhu Fu Jingguang returned to his daily life. But this is certainly not what Zhu Fu Jingguang hoped.

The related problems here have to be solved by Zhu Fu Jingguang and Jiang Gu Ling, and Matsuda Jinping did not get involved.

"Hey, I always feel that if the temperature drops again, it will snow." Hagihara Kenji leaned against the window and said, looking at the bare tree branches outside the window.

Matsuda Jinping said: "It's less likely? It's snowing or something."

Hagihara Kenji thought for a while: "Then go to Hokkaido to play next time on vacation?"

"I didn't agree." Matsuda Jinping frowned, "I don't like too cold weather."

"Because the temperature is too low, the flexibility of your fingers will also be reduced, right - Dismantling Master-san?" Hagihara Kenji teased: "Xiaojinping, you are usually very casual, but you are super picky in some places."

Matsuda Jinhei did not answer this sentence.

No matter how cold the weather is, the work still has to be done. The welfare of the police is indeed very good, but the relative responsibilities are also more.

Matsuda Jinpei put on a scarf when he went out. Kenji Hagihara, who sat in the Mazda driver's seat and waited for a long time, complained, "It's too cheating. You went out after the heating was almost stuck, right?"

Matsuda Jinping handed over the hot coffee in his hand: "For you."

Hagihara Kenji: "...Although I should say thank you, but you just wanted to warm your hands, right?"

Matsuda Jinhei: "Sometimes, ignorance is the most romantic."

Hagihara Kenji: "Don't perfunctory me with the lines on the TV series."

Complaining so, Hagihara Kenji stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the location of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The temperature has been dropping lately and it looks like there is a real possibility of snow.

Matsuda Jinhei put his hands in his pockets. He didn't have the habit of wearing gloves, he was used to doing everything with his hands, and he found it troublesome to find gloves.

"So the fundamental problem is that you're throwing things around!" Hagihara Kenji complained, "Can't you put it away? This is already the third pair you've lost with mine?"

"You can't wear gloves when dismantling things."

"Even though it's true... that's not a reason at all!"

"You're so annoying, Hagi."

"Don't act like a spoiled brat at this time!"

Matsuda Jinpei, who lost his third pair of gloves, was called out of bed by Kenji Hagihara on the day of his rest day because he was unreasonable.

"Just buy ten pairs of the same wholesale directly." Matsuda Jinping proposed sleepily.

"Don't be so unfeeling, that will only make you more indifferent, right?" Hagihara Kenji asked.

Hagihara Kenji is quite fond of shopping, and his aesthetics are also more exaggerated - such as his floral shirts, floral shirts and floral shirts.

Matsuda Jinhei didn't care about this aspect, and let Kenji Hagihara drag him around casually.

However, when he accidentally saw the combination of the young detective team and Dr. Akasa who went out to play, Hagihara Kenji's expression was a little strange for a while, he said softly to Matsuda Jinping: "I have a bad premonition."

Matsuda Zhenping glanced at it and agreed: "I think so too."

However, it is impossible to say such words in front of others. Hagihara Kenji didn't specifically say hello, and the other side didn't notice them, so he and Matsuda Jinping continued to choose dismantling props at will.

Hagihara Kenji: "Wait? Aren't we here to buy gloves?"

Matsuda Jinping's eyes were much more focused than before: "The same is true for tool gloves."

Hagihara Kenji: "It's totally different—!"

But they heard a scream.

Matsuda Jinhei:…

Hagihara Kenji:…

The two looked at each other, and the police instincts made them react immediately. The group of young detectives also responded very quickly and rushed to the scene.

"Officer Hagihara? Officer Matsuda!" The juvenile detective team immediately noticed the two police officers who came over.

Hagihara Kenji brought a gentle smile and nodded to the children, Matsuda Jinhei had already begun to control the scene.

However, in addition to these children - there is an unexpected person.

Zhu Fu Jingguang held the ordinary face of Sakamoto Ichiro, and his expression was a real accident: "...It's a coincidence, Mr. two police officers."

"It's really a coincidence, Mr. Sakamoto." Hagihara Kenji said honorably, but Matsuda Jinping raised his eyebrows and asked Hagihara Kenji, "Do you know him?"

Hagihara Kenji said helplessly, "Ichiro Sakamoto, didn't you meet Date that time before?"

Matsuda Jinhei made an expression of memory, but no matter how he looked at it, it was perfunctory: "Oh, ah—it's you."

Zhufu Jingguang: This acting skill is really as expected of Matsuda.

Hagihara Kenji: ... It's not so much the acting, I really suspect that Kojinpei didn't remember this face at all... Well, probably not? After all, this identity was pinched by Xiao Zhenping...?

Edogawa Conan: ...No, no matter how you look at it, you can't think of it! It's exactly what Police Officer Hagihara said!

But this kind of performance is more natural and more in line with Matsuda Jinping's setting. So Zhu Fu Jingguang could only smile awkwardly with this ordinary face.

It was Haibara Ai who seemed to have noticed something, hid behind Dr. Akasa, and held onto Dr. Akasa's clothes tightly.

And this reaction was captured by Edogawa Conan.

But now the more important thing is the murder case.

This is a shop that sells tool parts. Dr. A Li is a scientist. He just saw it and started shopping. A few children have never been to this kind of shop, and they were very interested, so they came in together.

However, there are not many customers in this kind of store, so the suspect confirmed it at once.

Matsuda Jinhei observed the scene and noticed Haibara Ai who was shivering behind Dr.

Matsuda Jinping quickly recalled the popular science on the barrage, and knew that this kid has something called organizational radar - so then again, Zhufu is also counted?

Matsuda Jinping asked Hagihara Kenji in a low voice, "How is it?"

Hagihara Kenji had obviously noticed the doubt, guessed Matsuda Jinping's plan, nodded and said, "Leave it to me."

After confirming that Kenji Hagihara could solve it, Matsuda Jinhei stood up, walked over to Dr. Agasa, and lifted Ai Haibara's collar.

Everyone at the scene was shocked by his actions, and Hai Yuanai, who was being held by him, even had his pupils shrunk, and the color of his eyes turned pale with fright.

Edogawa Conan opened his mouth, but out of trust, he didn't stop him directly, he just said, "Officer Matsuda?"

"This kid looks very uncomfortable. I took her to the ventilated position at the door, and by the way, I controlled not to let people come in and leave." Put people down at the door.

After leaving the room, looking at Haibara Ai who was still shivering and was also very afraid of him, Matsuda Jinping made a troublesome "tsk". As if he unknowingly took off his scarf, he crouched down and wrapped the dark blue scarf that was still warm around Haibara Ai's neck.

Haibara Ai was wrapped in a warm scarf half of her face, and she couldn't even breathe through her nose. At this time, Haibara Ai didn't seem to have reacted yet, and blankly grabbed the scarf and looked at Matsuda Jinping.

"...You look cold, so it should be almost right?" Matsuda Jinping stood up again and leaned against the wall.

It was only at this time that Haibara Ai reacted.

Although Matsuda Jinping's aura was still quite dangerous, after leaving Zhufu Jingguang, Haibara Ai also seemed to realize something and slowly blinked her eyes.

Haibara Ai lowered her head and adjusted the shape of the scarf, holding the scarf that was still warm with both hands, her voice was very soft: "...Thank you."

Matsuda Jinhei didn't answer, and kept his actions just now. Then he recalled, and suddenly put his hand in his pocket, Haibara took a step back sadly, but he didn't expect Matsuda Jinpei to actually take out two pink-packed candies from his pocket.

Matsuda Jinping frowned and seemed to dislike this color of candy, but he still asked, "I only have this flavor, do you want it?"

Haibara Ai hesitated for a while, but Matsuda Jinhei simply answered her for her, shoved it directly into her hand, and then looked away.

Until this time, Haibara Ai really recovered.

He doesn't seem... not from the organization. Haiyuan Ai looked at the pink-packed candy in her palm, and realized that the scarf around her neck, in addition to a faint smell of smoke, was also mixed with a little sweet candy smell.

Are you quitting smoking? Haibara Ai's brain analyzed the answer for her.

Haibara Ai clenched the candy in her hand, raised a burst of courage, and asked the question that she had always cared about before: "...That,"

Matsuda Jinping looked at her condescendingly.

Haiyuan Ai instinctively flinched at first, but soon became firm: "You... do you know me?"

Matsuda Jinping: "Huh?"

Haibara Ai: "...When I was in Poirot before, I asked if we had any brothers and sisters..."

Matsuda Jinping recalled that he had indeed asked this question, although he didn't know it at the time, so he was startled by the children in front of him.

"Well." Matsuda Jinping hugged his hand and said, "What's wrong."

"So, do you know me?" Haibara Ai repeated the question.

Matsuda Jinhei should have denied it, but looking at Haibara Ai's firm and fragile eyes, and looking at the other party as if confirming something, the player who only stepped on the accelerator said bluntly: "Almost."

Hai Yuanai opened his mouth, not knowing how to continue asking.

Matsuda Jinping turned his eyes away and continued on his own initiative: "Someone is looking for you."

Haibara Ai's face turned pale, but she didn't expect Matsuda Jinping to say, "He was taken care of by your mother, so he wants to protect you."

"...But your age and name didn't match, so I hesitated at the time." Matsuda Jinpei knew that getting smaller was Haibara Ai's most important secret and the source of her sense of security.

Once she knew that she had become smaller and was known to outsiders, Haibara Ai would only feel fear, and subconsciously fled, doubting that since one person knew, whether others would find out.

So Matsuda Jinping said, "Are you the third child?"

Haibara Ai, who had already thought of the conspiracy theory, was stunned.

Matsuda Jinping scratched his hair, "...when your parents left, were you pregnant? So I don't know if it's my brother or my sister..."

"Tsk, that guy didn't tell me too much, but since you changed your last name, it means you don't want to be discovered, right? I'll take it as I don't know."

Matsuda Jinping lowered his eyes and looked at Haibara Ai who was completely stunned: "In short, that's it."

Haiyuan Ai exceeded his expectations and said a name: "...Lingjun?"

This time, it was Matsuda Jinping's turn to be stunned.

There were sparkling tears in Haibara Ai's eyes, as if he had realized something from Matsuda Jinping's reaction: "...You're talking about that Rei-kun, right?"

She got the tape that her mother left her, and she listened to her mother's voice over and over again, almost reciting it.

Mom mentioned it once and met a half-breed just like her, whose name was "Zero".

Matsuda Jinping: "..."

Matsuda Jinping squatted down and put his hand on Haibara Ai's head, his tone was a little helpless, but he did not deny: "You actually know."

"Can I ask you to keep it a secret?"

The tears in Haibara Ai's eyes fell uncontrollably in an instant. She grabbed Matsuda Jinhei's clothes tightly and hid her cry.

...Ah, it turns out that besides her, there are people like her who have been missing that person.

Matsuda Jinhei froze and was pulled by Haibara Ai, looking like a **** who bullied children.

At such a time, you should pull that "Master Zero" himself over, right? What is he here?

It's really not good, that Lingjun's young tame dye is in the room! It's no problem to find him a meal replacement!

Matsuda Jinping said helplessly in his heart.

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