MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 131

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Although Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinhei are colleagues, but because of their excellent abilities, it is impossible to bring these two people with them every time they go out on field missions. It is normal for one person to lead a team.

So Matsuda Jinhei didn't quite know how Hagihara Kenji bullied the children when he didn't see it. As a result, when Poirot occasionally met recently, when Edogawa Conan saw him communicate with Hagihara Kenji, he seemed very Worried look.

Hagihara Kenji said: "I'm actually no different from usual - real acting is not superficial~"

If this matter did not involve the FBI, it was simply a problem with Edogawa Conan, Matsuda Jinpei would have given up soon after the start.

Let him scare the child on the spot and then teach him that he can do it, but if he insists on doing this kind of thing for a long time, he will really feel bored and unnecessary. If the child is really scared, he will worry about regret and feel troublesome.

After all, this is not the only way to educate children - he does not deny that doing this kind of behavior at first is just bad taste.

However, now it is not only a conflict with Edogawa Conan, but also the FBI of another country that they do not deal with. Edogawa Conan is obviously cooperating with the FBI, and they have made their ace detectives. Living in his own home, he even concealed his identity to Yi Rong. This connection cannot be ignored at all.

Once Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji are exposed, it will indirectly affect Bourbon and Scotland who are still undercover.

Hagihara Kenji understands the twists and turns of this aspect better than Matsuda Jinping, and his current actions must be after careful consideration. No one trusts Hagihara Kenji's ability more than Matsuda Jinhei, so Matsuda Jinhei turned one eye and closed one eye, as if those small actions of Hagihara Kenji didn't exist, he naturally cooperated.

Although, Matsuda Jinping didn't know what he cooperated with, nor what kind of results his cooperation would cause.

When Edogawa Conan once vaguely hinted that he asked him if Hagihara Kenji was himself, Matsuda Jinping directly asked Hagihara Kenji to come over in front of Edogawa Conan, and then stretched out his hand and pinched Hagihara Kenji's face.

Then, in the confused and pitiful eyes of Hagihara Kenji, he asked Edogawa Conan: "However, I remember that there is no news about Kidd recently, right?"

Using the disguised phantom thief Kid as an excuse, Edogawa Conan who hinted at Matsuda Jinhei laughed dryly.

Hagihara Kenji put on Matsuda Jinping's shoulder and shouted in grievance a few times, but Matsuda Jinping slapped his face and pushed him a little further: "Okay, I didn't exert too much force just now, right?"

Hagihara Kenji grumbled and complained: "Xiao Jinping, you have no concept of your own strength! It's really painful!"

Matsuda Jinping was also a little suspicious: "Does it really hurt?"

Hagihara Kenji said immediately, "It's definitely going to swell up!"

Matsuda Jinping: "I thought your skin should not be so thin."

Hagihara Kenji: "...Why do I feel that you are mocking me? Isn't it really my illusion?"

Matsuda Jinping was too lazy to respond to this question, and said to Edogawa Conan: "I don't think I can't recognize this guy. If Kidd has the heart, he won't change into this guy at all, right? Unless Kidd wants to taste me fist."

Saying that, Matsuda Jinhei raised his fist with a wicked face and waved it in the air.

Edogawa Conan suspected that Kenji Hagihara might have been exchanged - but thinking about it carefully, with police officer Matsuda's observation ability, how could he not recognize his own baby taming?

Especially when they live together and see each other every day. Even the phantom thief Kidd and Belmod, two masters who disguised themselves as the top, couldn't fool Matsuda Jinpei who knew Hagihara Kenji well enough, right?

But making this easy is inherently dangerous.

Speaking of what he saw at the time... Officer Matsuda and Officer Hagihara seemed to be arguing?

Edogawa Conan struggled to remember what happened at that time.

Their conversation was...

【“Is it difficult to admit that you haven’t slept well?”】

[“There is no fieldwork mission during this time, but if there is, are you going to carry out the mission with such a body?”]

【“Have you thought about the consequences?”】

["Once the mental power is not concentrated - do you want me to witness another explosion?!"]

[“—Don’t say anything you don’t want to worry me, just because of you, how can I be relieved?”]

[“It’s also not wearing explosion-proof suits, and now this time too. You bastard, it’s really never changed…”]

At that time, Officer Matsuda's eyes were red, obviously because of fear and fear - but whether Edogawa Conan was checking the news or asking Officer Date and Officer Takagi, there was no relevant news, and there was no warning.

The job of a criminal police officer and a bomb disposal officer is different, and they don’t tell each other the details of their work on weekdays, but if it is a danger to their lives—there will definitely be relevant news and topics in the Metropolitan Police Department. As a friend, Date Air will definitely have more. Just ask.

But no, on the bright side, there is no such news that has happened at all.

In addition to disguising as another person, Yi Rong also has a function - that is, to hide the wounds that should not exist on the body.

Edogawa Conan suddenly thought of this.

It seems that only Officer Matsuda and Officer Hagihara knew about the explosion that Officer Matsuda said about Officer Hagihara, which is why Officer Matsuda was so worried, but no one inside the Metropolitan Police Department knew the reason, and they felt it was very strange.

So, why, as a police officer of the explosives group, would he come into contact with the bomb in private?

Why did Officer Matsuda help the other party to conceal it?

Edogawa Conan caught something vaguely, but he still lacked the most crucial part, so he couldn't think of the answer yet.

There are very few people who can change face, except his mother Yukiko Kudo, one is a phantom thief and the other is a member of the organization.

When exactly did Kenji Hagihara learn to disguise?

There are more and more questions circling in his head, Edogawa Conan can't get the answer from Akai Shuo, but he asked Haiyuan, and got what kind of person Bourbon she knows.

Haibara Ai said: [“That is the same mystic as Belmod, I don’t know where he is doing, and where he will appear.”]

At the same time, he got the intelligence sent by FBI agent Judy: ["It is said that he is very good at collecting intelligence, has strong observation and insight, and is an expert in search."]

Although the danger is very close to him, Edogawa Conan's instinct as a detective makes him faintly excited in the process of finding the truth.

After school again, Edogawa Conan and Yoshida Ayumi and others separated, carrying their small schoolbag and heading back to the direction of the Mori Detective Agency.

Because police officers Matsuda and Hagihara have the habit of coming to Poirot for dinner, after Edogawa Conan put down his schoolbag, he talked to Maurilan and ran downstairs.

Poirot's gentle waiter, Toru Amuro, was also familiar with him, and greeted him with a smile on his face: "Good afternoon, is it school already, Conan."

"Yeah! Good afternoon, Mr. Amuro - please give me a glass of lemonade!" Edogawa Conan said sweetly, sitting in an inconspicuous corner.

Although Amuro Toru has the identity of a private detective, for various reasons, he has no chance to be exposed now.

But that's fine. He didn't want to be too conspicuous, so he quietly investigated the relevant information in front of his waiter. When the organization finds him, send some other intelligence scraps to perfunctory.

Anyway, Gin hasn't found Shirley for so long. Bourbon said that he has no news now, which is normal.

The real wave itself can't see any danger at all, and Edogawa Conan has never cast doubt on him, and only regards him as an ordinary waiter who is too handsome and has a very good personality. .

Edogawa Conan took his mobile phone and quietly watched Poirot's door. He was choosing a position that he would not be able to notice directly when he entered the door.

Elementary school students leave school much earlier than the police. After Edogawa Conan really squatted, it was already dusk outside.

"Welcome." Amuro glanced at the door and said with a smile, "It's Officer Matsuda and Officer Hagihara, good afternoon."

Hagihara Kenji waved his hand and said, "Good afternoon, as usual~ Please, Mr. Amuro."

The blonde waiter nodded and started to prepare naturally.

The two of them just found a place to sit down, and the voice line of communication is not high, and they will never disturb others.

Matsuda Jinping lowered his head and didn't know what to do on the phone, so he casually said a few words. But the more the topic went down, the more Matsuda Jinhei felt that something was not right.

Why do you feel like talking about things like that when you were a kid?

Then, as expected, Hagihara Kenji naturally followed the topic and said, "Speaking of which, do you remember the bankruptcy of my family before?"

Matsuda array flatly responded: "What's wrong?"

"Actually, I was worried back then, because the family went bankrupt, so Xiao Jinping stopped playing with me." Hagihara Kenji said with a smile.

Matsuda Jinping had a question mark on his head: "Huh?"

Hagihara Kenji bit the straw, and his words seemed a little vague: "After all, Xiaojinping, you were friends with me because of my car."

"Because it looks easy to dismantle." Matsuda Jinping did not deny it.

"Isn't it? That's why I'm so worried! Because my family is bankrupt and Xiao Zhenping has nothing to dismantle, shouldn't they come to play with me - is it strange to have such worries?"

Matsuda Jinping looked like he wanted to complain: "...In your heart, am I such a person?"

Hagihara Kenji smiled and said, "Don't substitute the ideas of adults for children."

Matsuda Jinhei didn't quite understand why Hagihara Kenji suddenly talked about this, but he still let the flow take its course: "And then? Why don't you worry about it after that."

"Yeah - as expected, Xiaojinping, you didn't notice at all." Hagihara Kenji muttered.

Matsuda Jinhei, who really has no impression: ?

- Who knew there would be so many twists and turns in your head.

"I just remembered it suddenly... By the way, do you remember that model?" Hagihara Kenji gestured with a pistol.

"Pistol?" Matsuda Jinping's expression became even more puzzled. He remembered the pistol, but if he remembered the pistol model correctly, they saved money to buy it together when they were in middle school, right? This topic is moving too fast.

"Yeah - I remember saving money for a long time, that model is really awesome!" Hagihara Kenji said.

Matsuda Jinping nodded, not denying this: "The model is indeed very delicate, and it looks like the real thing. I remember we played with it for a long time."

"It's a pity it was lost."

In this regard, Matsuda Jinping is also a little pity.

During the course of the conversation, Zero Furuya had already delivered the curry rice. Matsuda Jinping scooped a spoonful of curry and said, "But it's just a childhood filter, right? Maybe that model isn't that delicate, but we didn't touch a real gun back then, so we felt it was exquisite."

Hagihara Kenji let out a low laugh: "That's right, now, Xiaojinping, you are very happy to dismantle the pistol, and today you were scolded by Officer Takahashi again~"

"Tsk, it's not my problem this time. There is indeed a problem with that pistol. I can see it at a glance. Don't you worry about the accident when you go out with such a pistol? What should I do if it explodes?"

"—Yes yes yes." Hagihara Kenji said perfunctorily.

After eating the curry rice, Matsuda Jinpei went to checkout, and the two left the scene one after the other.

Edogawa Conan also jumped out of the corner. After paying the money, he trotted out of the cafe.

Gu Ling looked at the time and planned to get off work.

After leaving Poirot, Matsuda Jinhei asked Hagihara Kenji, "Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

Hagihara Kenji rolled his eyes: "This is bait~"

"Reject the Riddler's behavior." Matsuda Jinping used the lines that often appear on the barrage.

Hagihara Kenji was amused, and he didn't hide it much: "Well - but Xiaojinping, you still remain ignorant, your acting will be better, right?"

Matsuda Jinping, who was judged to have poor acting skills: "..."

Matsuda Jinping turned his head away and looked out the window with a stinky face.

Hagihara Kenji smiled and said, "Are you angry?"

Matsuda Jinping was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Then, within two weeks, Matsuda Jinhei knew what Hagihara Kenji had done—because the little detective took advantage of Hagihara Kenji to drive and hinted to him again that something was wrong with Hagihara Kenji.

over and over again...

Do these people like to scare children so much? If I'm not mistaken, Shuichi Akai should know who Bourbon and Scotland are, right? Now it seems that Akai Shuichi didn't say anything. Is it really okay for you to cooperate and not exchange information?

Or did Akai Shuuichi tell the others and only hid the little detective? This is not incomprehensible, after all, Edogawa Conan looks only 7 years old.

Hagi didn't mention how he should cooperate anyway, so he could just answer according to his own ideas.

With this thought in mind, Matsuda Jinpei leaned against the wall beside Poirot's door, lowered his head to the little detective who looked up at him, and sighed helplessly.

"...I don't know what the **** you and Hagi are doing." Matsuda Jinping said, "You've been staring at us recently, and it's not that I didn't notice it."

Out of a little kindness towards children, Matsuda Jinping still reminded: "That guy likes to tease children very much, don't be fooled by him and don't know."

"Anyway, there's nothing to worry about."

When Edogawa Conan wanted to say something, Matsuda Jinhei raised his hand, made a pistol motion, and placed it on the little detective's head.

"My relationship with him is that he is holding a gun and facing me like this, so I won't dodge it." Matsuda Jinping lowered his eyes and said with a low smile in the child's stunned eyes: "Because his gun is probably in it. It will only give out roses."

Just like that kid from Kuaidou who likes to be handsome. Matsuda Jinhei thought so.

Hagihara Kenji honked the horn, and Matsuda Jinping finally pressed the little detective's hair: "Okay, let's go."

Matsuda Jinhei walked over to the white Mazda, bent over and said something to the driver's seat, then turned to the passenger seat, opened the door, and sat in.

Hagihara Kenji asked, "What did you say to the children?"

Matsuda Array was leaning against the window, looking at the little detective's figure reflected in the rearview mirror, and replied casually, "I'm telling him not to be deceived by the strange uncle."

"Huh—?" Hagihara Kenji looked over in confusion.

Matsuda Jinping knocked on his hand: "Oops, I forgot to remind him to call the police when he encounters a strange uncle."

Hagihara Kenji: "Hello!"

Read The Duke's Passion