MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 115

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【I will remember this moment】

[Thanks for hagi's contribution, please say, thank you hagi! 】

【Thank you hagi! 】

[Woo woo woo turned out to be the cry of a little milk cat! No wonder Song Sweet doesn't shout! So cute! Thank you hagi! 】

[Actually, I thought it would be the kind of cat called hhh with a smoky voice! The dumb one! 】

"Xiaojinping - this time it's definitely bleeding!" Hagihara Kenji covered the scratches on his face, crying without tears, "Isn't Miaomiaoquan bad! Why do you want to put your paws on!"

Is this the point? ! Matsuda Miaomiao turned her head away and turned her back to Hagihara Kenji, but did not look back.

"It's really painful! Hiss... It's completely different from last night's fist..."

Does it hurt so much? deserve it. Matsuda Cat's paws moved unconsciously.

Hagihara Kenji glanced at the cat on the table with his back to him, wrinkled his face and took the phone as a mirror, looked at the wounds on his face, and said aggrievedly, "Wow, at this level, there will probably be scars? I want to disfigure my face. La! No one will like me in the future—"

Is it so serious...? Maomao's head turned slightly, and he glanced at Hagihara Kenji out of the corner of his eye. He didn't seem to have any strength just now... but his current size shouldn't be able to cause much damage, right?

Hagihara Kenji continued to work hard, "Okay...Although it's my own fault...I'm sorry, I won't tease you like this next time...Hey!"

Seeing the small black **** that were formed into a ball moving a little uncomfortably, Hagihara Kenji felt that it was almost the same, pulled out the chair and stood up, making a not too harsh pulling sound.

After hearing the movement, the cat was obviously more restless. Hagihara Kenji even saw the cat with his back facing him stretch out a paw by standing up, trying to compare the sharpness of the nails - this kind of cuteness the behavior of.

This is occupied by the cat's instinct, oops, it's really a bit too cute. With this thought in mind, Hagihara Kenji walked towards the door without looking back.

But after hesitating for a while, Matsuda Cat Cat did not move.

Hagihara Kenji looked at the doorknob after closing the door, a little surprised, "Why didn't you follow?"

Are you really angry? No, Xiao Zhenping won't be angry with him for too long because of this kind of thing. Hagihara Kenji has this confidence.

After all, the most important point is that there were only the two of them in the room just now. Even if they were embarrassed, Xiao Zhenping wouldn't show too much emotion - so really, is it just the two of them?

Wow, what kind of ghost story is this? Hagihara Kenji touched his arm, and after chatting with a few colleagues who happened to meet on the road, he pointed to the claw marks on his face with a wry smile.

I heard that Kenji Hagihara brought a cat back before, so they were not too surprised, "I got caught, Hagihara-kun."

"I was caught, Officer Hagihara."

"Ahaha... Because I'm a little too much, maybe I scared it?" Hagihara Kenji blinked.

Hagihara Kenji walked to the infirmary. There was no one in the room. He did not rub the medicine and bandage himself, but returned to the office with the medicine box.

When he opened the door, he immediately noticed the cat's alert ears, and only slowly relaxed after noticing him.

[Xiao Zhenping was really completely eaten by hagi! Is this the black belly! 】

[By the way, is Hagi really angry? No, after all hagi has such a good temper? 】

[The person who was caught should have reason to be angry! Although it is not Xiao Zhenping's fault! 】

[Obviously it was hagi who teased it first! How could the cat be wrong! 】

[Although, Xiao Zhenping really took a good look at it. I usually forget it. Now I have ears and a tail. After Hagi left just now, I was really lost. Zhenping cat! 】

Very nice to understand. Hagihara Kenji had the same idea. He lowered the corner of his mouth, as if he didn't see the cat, and took the medicine box to rub medicine for himself.

Unexpectedly, during the process, Hagihara Kenji did not make any intentional screams like before, but just kept quiet. For a while, only the sound of Hagihara Kenji applying medicine was left in the room.

If Hagihara Kenji deliberately sold miserably, Matsuda Jinhei would still not turn his head indifferently, but he kept this silence—even if he knew that Hagihara could not be angry because of such a thing, he knew very well that Hagihara Kenji was not in the infirmary to deal with it, but he took it with him. What was the purpose of disposing the medicine box in front of him, and he couldn't help but wonder if he really went too far just now?

Matsuda Jinhei endured so much for a long time, but in the end he didn't hold back his worries, he changed his posture with a flick of his tail, and faced Kenji Hagihara who was still putting on a Band-Aid.

In fact, Jinping and Matsuda didn't make much of a mistake in their estimation, the wound was not too serious, it was just a Band-Aid. The only trouble is that they are not sure whether to get rabies vaccine or not.

"Are you worrying about me?" Hagihara Kenji rolled his eyes and said in his usual tone, "It's nothing, don't worry too much, I was teasing you just now, but it's actually not as serious as the punch you punched yesterday."

"But what I said just now, I'm serious." Hagihara Kenji put down the alcohol cotton pad in his hand and picked up the black cat lying on the table "After all, Xiaojinping, you let me guess, I can only take the opportunity to test it. Come on."

"So you're really not a cat demon?" Hagihara Kenji blinked.

Matsuda Cat Cat didn't open his mouth, just tapped Hagihara Kenji's arm with his paw, still in Morse code.

"...Isn't it true, I think it's reasonable?" Hagihara Kenji complained, "After all, Xiaojinping, your personality itself is very cat-like. I felt that way when I was a child!"

"And your hair, sometimes when you don't wake up in the morning, is curled up like cat ears - ah, I never reminded you of this."

"Speaking of which, Kojinpei, you stained my clothes." Hagihara Kenji changed the subject before Matsuda Jinpei got angry.

Because the cotton swab dipped in alcohol was placed on the table just now, the cat's paw was probably unconsciously contaminated with a little alcohol. As a result, the dust contaminated by the previous walk on the ground was diluted by the liquid, and in the action of typing Morse code just now, it was directly transferred to his clothes, leaving an obvious uneven cat's claw stain.

Hagihara Kenji seemed to notice something and narrowed his eyes sharply, "Wait - Xiaojinping, lend me your paw!"

When the guilty cat wanted to sneak out quietly, Hagihara Kenji grabbed the front paw of the Matsuda cat without much force, and under the same puzzled eyes of the cat, he wiped the ground with clean water. Dust contaminated meat pads.

Because the whole body is black, Hagihara Kenji didn't notice this detail before. After wiping the pads, Hagihara Kenji's eyes lit up with a smile on his face, "Let me help you clean it?"

"I know that if I step on the ground, it will get dirty, but since I have taken out all my tools, isn't it better to be clean?" Hagihara Kenji said with a smile, and said honestly in the skeptical eyes of the cat, "How could I have For another purpose, Xiao Zhenping, don't you still believe me?"

"—I'm going to get hurt! Kenji-chan is about to cry! I'm just not worth your trust... Cough, what happened just now was just a coincidence! After all, it's so rare... Anyway, it's okay for you, Xiao Zhenping, to clean up!"

Hagihara Kenji smiled and got the acquiescence, raised the cat's front paws, and wiped the dust on it little by little.

The meat pads that were originally the same color as the hair also returned to their original color unconsciously.

"Sure enough, it's pink." Hagihara Kenji had a weird smile on his face that made Matsuda Cat's claws itchy.

【Ah, ah, ah, it's a pink pad!】

【hateful! It's a milk cat meowing, it's a pink pad, how should I look directly at Xiao Zhenping in the future! 】

[It turns out that in the cat's perspective, Xiao Zhenping is actually a little milk cat just born! 】

[Damn it, don't think I didn't see it, hagi, you took the opportunity to pinch the meat claws several times! I want to pinch too! 】

【Ahhhh, my soul wears hagi, I really can't do it, **** I want to get on it too! 】

Before Matsuda Jinping narrowed his eyes, Hagihara Kenji put down the cotton swab and gauze mixed with black and gray stains in his hand, "But Xiaojinping, have you ever been vaccinated?"

After the cat looked up at him, Hagihara Kenji tilted his head and thought for a moment, "It's a cat after all... It stands to reason that I should be getting a rabies vaccine - this is common sense! Medical common sense after being scratched by a cat! There is no irony. Make fun of what you mean! You know it yourself!"

Probably because he had a clear understanding of Matsuda's attack power, Hagihara Kenji immediately added a sentence, for fear that any inappropriate lines would make the cat fry.

"And I remember that the vaccine will take several shots, right? If I can, I really don't want to." Hagihara Kenji propped his chin up and looked at the young domesticated dye that turned into a cat. "So Xiaojinping, do you want to get a shot? ?"

Regarding this point, Matsuda Jinping is also not clear.

[It stands to reason that Xiao Zhenping should not have had any vaccines... But he is not a real cat at all? so hagi needed? 】

[I don't know... But it's better to fight than not to fight, in case there is one or two accidents? 】

[Although, it's all hagi's problem, how could the cat go wrong! 】

The barrage was also taken away by Hagihara Kenji, and he began to think about this problem. Hagihara Kenji is not in a hurry, anyway, as long as the rabies vaccine is given as soon as possible within an hour, it is still early.

The half-long-haired police officer propped his chin and said with a smile, "I'm not in a hurry, Xiao Zhenping, you can ask - whether I need this vaccine or not."

Matsuda Jinping wanted to nod subconsciously, but after reacting to what Hagihara Kenji said, his pupils shrank and he raised his head suddenly. So Matsuda Jinhei met Hagihara Kenji's eyes, which was the sharp calm that Hagihara Kenji had almost never shown him, belonging to the police.

The smile on Hagihara Kenji's face didn't change, he said with a smile, "Huh? Look at what I'm doing, don't you ask, Xiaojinping."

"Or is it inconvenient because I'm there?"

【and many more? ? ? ! ! 】

【hagi? ? ? ? 】

So this guy, it was intentional from the start? Matsuda Jinhei suddenly realized this.

Read The Duke's Passion