MTL - Offered Into Marriage-Chapter 180 Fanwai (End)

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Fanwai (finished) finely divided


When the puff was five years old, he added a younger sister, twins, twins.

In the twins, one ear was buried in the hair and looked like no ears. A small head was "smooth" and was rounded by Yang Yang. The hair color was also caramel, but it was burnt. The degree was a bit too high. Looking at the black color number of Taro, Yang Yang took the nickname "chocolate"-finally rejected by Archibald, so he changed the nickname to "caramel".

Because it comes out of an egg, whose body part comes out of the shell first to determine the size.

Caramel is the elder sister and dumpling is the younger sister.

The two small hair **** are not as full of unprecedented soul power as the puff, but they also have self-awareness early, but their physical development is the same as that of ordinary bimorph cubs.

So until they were a month old, they could tremble with Xiao Neiba to climb around, and Yang Yang dared to let them out of the crib.

Puffs like their two little sisters very much. From their broken shells, puffs come to see them every day.

Same today.

The two younger sisters were basking in the sun, and their hair was still exploding. They looked like **** of wool that had just gotten together, or those that had not been cut before they could be cut.

"so good."

The puff is in the shape of a beast, lying on the grass and resting his chin on a thin blanket. A little black leopard face is only two palms away from the two sisters.

Tang Yuan likes his brother very much, turns his head when he hears the voice, and yells at his brother, "Hmm!"

Caramel glanced up at the puff, then rolled his eyes—ah, it started again.

The puff sighed enviously: "That's great, you still have hairs."

Dumpling: "Hmm!"


Puff: "But you look good when I don't have hair."

Dumpling: "Hmm!"


Puff: "And you will also lose hair, it will fall off soon, and then it will be even more ugly."

Dumpling: "Huh?"


Puff: "Really, I lost my hair when I was a kid, but it's ugly! The scale armor was not pure black before, it's weird!"

Dumplings: "........."

Tang Yuan: "Uh-uh! Uh-uh ..."


Caramel stretched out her little front legs, pushed her sister towards the puffs, and then turned her head.

——Brother, take care of it yourself, I don't care.

Puff: "........."


A few days after Archibald's recovery, he was very uncomfortable.

——The legs are okay, the focus is on the tail.

In the past, Archibald ’s tail was part of his body. In addition to fighting, Archibald was also used to doing things in his daily life.

For example, as a third hand, roll a pillow, pick a falling object, and roll a sheep.

When the tail was gone, Archibald shattered the number of small objects in the house, catching up with the number he had broken in the past two decades.

And when Yang Yang got up in the morning, when Archie Bird wanted to stay, he waited for Yang Yang to get out of sight. Then Archie Bird realized that the "tail" sticking out was his illusion.

Archibald: "........."

Just helpless.

Yang Yang was helpless.

One month after Archibald's recovery, he turned into a beast for the first time. Although he had also seen great changes, it was another thing to see his dear turned.

When the huge Leicester appeared before him, Yang Yang didn't respond for a few seconds.

Lester was just standing, but Yang Yang's chest was high, not to mention the pressure brought by his huge body.

When Yang Yang looked into his eyes, he felt like a lamb locked by a beast, unable to move.

At the same time the blood was boiling.

"So handsome!"

Yang Yang rushed to Archibald's body, holding Archibald's neck in a mess. Feeling Archibald turned back into a human form.

Archibald's ears turned red, and he caught Yang Yang's two wrists with one hand, and warned him with a dumb voice: "Don't touch it."

Yang Yang froze, then wondered: "Do you feel the scale armor elsewhere?"

Archibald: "Squama armor does not have skin dullness, but it is not. And ..."

And nothing, Archibald said. Because he wasn't sure if others were like this, but as long as he was touched by Yang Yang, it would feel particularly obvious, which may be related to Yang Yang and his soul power, or it was because he became an animal.

Yang Yang didn't ask, it wasn't too important.

But soon, Yang Yang had another trouble-Archibald could not control his beast shape too well.

For example, the next morning, when Yang Yang opened his eyes, he saw a large mouth of blood basin, and the puff traced the powder-colored black scale short legs, resting on the fangs of that large mouth of blood basin, as if next Can be swallowed the same.

Yang Yang: "... !!!"

Yang Yang was almost not experiencing brain congestion. After two seconds, he realized that the giant in front of him was Archibald, not a Siberian tiger or polar bear, and he would not eat his little puff.

Yang Yang exhaled slowly.

Early in the morning, can you stop being so exciting?

Close to the fangs in Leicester's mouth, Yang Yang felt that he gently closed his mouth, and the puff's short legs could be "quack" like shrimp sticks.

So he passed the Yang Yang after the god, and quickly pulled out the puff's legs from Archibald's mouth. Then he put the puff into the small nest on one side, then extended his foot, and kicked the duke with one foot. Get out of bed ... well, didn't move.

But I woke up.

Waking up, Archibald was still at a loss, looking at Yang Yang: "What's wrong?"

Yang Yang's feet still rested on Leicester's body, and Wen Yan kicked two more times: "Let's see for yourself."

Archibald lowered his head and saw his beast shape.

Archibald: "... ????"

Archibald had no impression of his transformation into a beastly shape, and was also aggressive: "How did I change into a beastly shape?"

Yang Yang was a little angry and said something serious just now.

"This time it's with puff's legs. What about my hands next time? Or maybe with puff's head?"

Archibald: "........."

Although I want to say that I am not so cruel, I think it is possible.

So Archibald was a little scared.

In the end, Archibald decided to sleep with Yang Yang before he could completely control his beast shape.

Yang Yang didn't let him, "You just need to make a floor in the house by yourself. If you sleep in separate rooms, the puffs should think we are in conflict."

And he himself was unwilling.

Archibald thought about it and agreed.

So the next week, Archibald laid the floor in the bedroom.

Puff thought this was the punishment of the little dad, so at first he wanted to share the joys with Archibald, but after Yang Yang told him that it is easy to make the scales rough on the floor, the puff decisively abandoned the little dad and climbed obediently Go to bed.

Archibald: "........."

This fragile father-son relationship.

Archibald lay on the ground, looking at Yang Yang on the bed, and couldn't hold it. He hit the floor on the first night and slept in the middle of the night.

However, the next morning, he found himself in the shape of a beast again.

And Yang Yang was awake, still sitting by the bed, resting his feet on a soft armor on the belly between his hind legs, and pressing gently, his voice seemed to smile, "Come on, Lord Duke."

Archibald: "........."

Duchess, you are playing with fire.

Archibald cheered, and after a week, he was finally able to control his beast shape changes, and then successfully moved back to bed.

On the first night back in bed, Archibald sent the sleeping puffs to the bedroom next door, where he played with the Duchess for a night of fire.


Yang Yang's formal wedding with Archibald was held when the puff was two years old.

Two-year-old puffs can run, jump, and speak clearly, not only for soy sauce, but also for Monta.

So no doubt qualified for the position of two father's little flower girl.

Their wedding was two years late, but it was the most appropriate time-the Dotton family's illness was cured, the child had grown up, and Uncle Dotton was elected.

The Dottons are no longer "titled nobles", but have become complementary to the Sauron family.

The wedding of the children of these two large families, even if Yang Yang and Archibald want to keep a low profile, they can't keep a low profile.

The grand wedding is scheduled to take place in the soul cable star, in the Sauron's palace.

It is a palace with a thousand years of history, magnificent, and solemn and sacred stacked for thousands of years.

When Yang Yang wore a dress and walked into the palace among the flowers scattered by his own baby, a strange throbbing rushed out of his heart—the world of Yang Yang's life. In his country, same-sex marriage is not affected. Supported by law; after the end of the age, Yang Yang didn't even think about weddings.

He never thought that he could have a wedding, and he could feel this kind of ceremony.

When the new ring was inserted into the fingertips, Yang Yang felt that his soul was also tied up. It was a touch inspired from the heart.

——The person in front of him is the lover of his life and the companion of his soul.

It is also his home, his destination.

Yang Yang never thought he would cry, but the tears couldn't stop.

"really weird."

Tears crossed the corners of the mouth, and the corners of the mouth were tilted. Yang Yang looked at Archibald and said with a smile, "It's been two years since I lived together, and I have done everything I should or shouldn't. Touched, so happy. "

Archibald did not speak, but smiled softly, listening to Yang Yang's voice.

Yang Yang glanced down at his hand wearing the ring, then reached out to catch Archibald's hand, his fingers interspersed and fastened.

Yang Yang looked at Archibald, looked at his eyes seriously, and said, "Master Duke, it's great to meet you."

Archibald also laughed, wiped tears for Yang Yang with the other hand, and then shook his head gently: "I can meet you, great.-I am definitely the luckiest person in the world, You brought my new life, brought you, and puffs.

You are my miracle. I will love and protect you with my life and soul, just as you did to me. "

Yang Yang pouted with a smile: "Master Duke's love of speech skills is good."

Archibald also laughed, and lowered his head to kiss him, and muttered, "Other skills have grown a lot."

Yang Yang being kissed: "..."

Oh, then you are great.

Yang Yang took a vengeful bite of Archibald's lips, and Archibald pressed his tongue against his back.

Life is short, but the happiness of two people can be long.


It's completely over now! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Originally I wanted to write a bit of bean sprouts, but they are all things that can be expected, so I won't go into details, and save you some Jinjiang coins.

Thank you for your support all the way. Xianyujing has gained a lot in this article, and a lot of things have been written in the small book.

I hope the next Wenxianyujing can continue to grow, love you, what? !! !!

PS: Drop a random red envelope today ~ Bixin ~


Xinkeng: Orphans and Widows (formerly: Doomsday Cub)

Conceptual copywriting: weak, pathetic, killing without blinking.

(Yes, the detailed copy has not been figured out yet. QAQ)


It will be published in May. Please support me! !! Than heart! !! !!


Good night last article = 3 =

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