MTL - Offered Into Marriage-Chapter 172 Extra (2-1)

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Fanwai (2-1) Maomao

Things still have to start from the day when Archibald recovered.

After leaving the suppression room, Archibald took the puff upstairs and entered the bathroom.

The little puff supervisor was put on a towel rack, and after watching his little dad stripped off, he suddenly realized something.

Puff's eyes widened: "Hum!"

Archibald looked back at him, "What's up, puff?"

The puff turned to his side and shook his long tail: "Well, oh, oh!"

Little dad, your tail is gone! !!

Archibald understood and smiled. "Dad was sick before, so he couldn't put away his tail. Now Dad is fine, so the tail is put away.-Look at Grandpa and Uncle Monta, are they? No tail? "

Puff tilted his head for a moment, then hummed in frustration: "Well, huh?"

Can I still play tall?

Archibald probably knew what the puff was thinking. He paused and said, "Although the tail disappeared in the form of a human, Dad still has a tail when he becomes a beast, and he can be accompanied by him when he becomes a beast Puffs climbed trees, raced, and played together. "

Bimorph cubs require adult beast-like teaching. If both parents are not bimorph, it is common to send children to early education institutions. But Archibald was double-formed, but he could only watch other people play with puffs. Although he didn't say it, he was always a little lost in his heart.

Now is a chance.

And Puff was very happy to hear Archibald's words. ——It's okay to play with grandpa, but playing with that bad guy and uncle will always change from playing together to being played by him, but it's annoying!

Puff's tail was almost ringing: "Huh!"

Archibald smiled again and came to the puff and asked, "Will the puff take a bath with my dad and come down for a swim?"

Puffs like to play with water and clean, so they immediately agreed.

So the two fathers and sons went into the bathtub together, and the puff dogs fluttered back and forth in the bathtub.


Yang Yang sorted the instruments in the treatment room downstairs, and Shu and Abe were too excited. They followed his buttocks and kept asking questions.

"Will Bird return?"

"Will the medicine stone soul power be abnormal with his own soul power?"

"So many soulpowers, what about indigestion?"

Yang Yang understands their feelings, answers each other with a temper, and then coaxes them to calm down.

After an hour, Heshu and Abel finally calmed down, and then wanted to share joy with others, such as Ahiborne.

They called to announce the good news, and Yang Yang looked at the time, wondering; "have been bathed for so long?"

Yang Yang thought about it and said to He Shu and Abel, "Dad, father, I'll go up and see the Duke, and come down in a while."

Abel and He Shu were busy talking on the phone, and when they heard and waved at him, they heard it.

Yang Yang went upstairs, entered the room, and saw that Archibald had finished washing, and only wrapped a towel around his waist, holding a large towel in his arms. Looking closely, the towel was moving, apparently it was puffs.

Yang Yang walked with a smile, "I thought you were asleep after washing for so long."

Archibald turned back, but looked solemnly, and opened his mouth to Yang Yang silently.

Yang Yang looked at his mouth and was not sure: "Puff? What happened to puff?"


Puff heard Yang Yang's voice, responded from the towel, then arched back and forth, and finally drilled his head out of a gap.

The puff looked at Yang Yang and immediately sued: "Huh! Huh!"

Big dad, little dad he bullied me! !!

Yang Yang didn't know what their father and son were doing, but looking at the puff's hair had not dried, he looked at Archibald: "What are you doing? Why not blow him?"

Archibald didn't answer, but said to Yang Yang, "Go to the bathroom and get the hair dryer, and let the water in the bathtub drop by the way."

Isn't the bathtub draining and cleaning automatic?

Yang Yang's heart moved, realizing that Archibald might have something to tell him, and the bathroom nodded: "Okay, I'll get it. You can wipe the puffs again."

Archibald nodded and glanced down at the puff.

The puff looked at him alertly, and pressed his small head on the towel: "Huh!"

Don't cover me again!

Archibald pretended not to understand the meaning of the puff. When he reached out, he lifted the other corner of the towel and covered the puff's head.

Puff: "........."

What's going on with dad today? !!

On the other side, Yang Yang entered the bathroom.

The steam in the bathroom was gone, but the water vapor was still heavy.

Yang Yang saw the bathtub at a glance, but did not expect that it was not drained, not only the bathtub, but the bathroom was not cleaned.

Yang Yang was suspicious, walked to the bathtub and looked at him, then froze-I saw that there were some short hair floating on the water surface filled with the bathtub. The roots are floating on the water, and they are still very noticeable at first glance.

Yang Yang picked up a glance, the tip was caramel, and the hair root was milky white.

No doubt it is puff's hair.

Yang Yang: "..."

OK, he understood why Archibald was wrapped in puffs.

Yang Yang thought about it, took a dozen hairs floating, found an empty box from the storage space, put it in, and then started the cleaning mode of the bathroom and took the hair out by himself.

As soon as Yang Yang stepped out of the bathroom, Archibald hurriedly looked back, with a real call for help in his eyes.

Yang Yang: "..."

Yang Yang almost didn't laugh. He pouted and walked over, seeing the small parcel in Archibald's arms struggling harder, so he reached for the parcel and sat on the bed himself.

Yang Yang opened the towel, revealing a puffy little head of puff: "Yeah, who is this cute!"

The puff hummed rightly, but immediately heard Yang Yang's words, "Huh!"

It's a puff!

Yang Yang smiled and kissed the puffs with a bowed head, and said, "Puffs, dad, blow the hair off for you, puffs with your eyes closed, okay?"

Puffs were weird, and they didn't make him close his eyes before.

But it was the request of the big daddy, of course he would agree.

Puff closed her eyes obediently: "Hmm!"

Yang Yang also said, "It's okay for Dad to say, and then puffs can open their eyes."

Puff: "Hmm!"

So Yang Yang unbuttoned the towel and took out the puff. ——Unsurprisingly, a few hairs were sticking in the towel.

Yang Yang directly put the towel into the space, and then opened the hair to blow the puff. At the same time, Yang Yang asked Lott to open the terminal light screen and type on it to communicate with Archibald.

Yang Yang: [Did you just start losing hair today? 】

Archibald: [Well. It was fine a few days ago, and today I had to get out of the bathtub before I saw that there was hair on the water. 】

Yang Yang: [I remember that the pup of the pups began to fade in the 10th month after the shell was broken. Why is he so early? 】

Archibald: [I'm also surprised that although the puff's consciousness and soul power are developing ahead, but the physical development speed is the same as that of ordinary children, and it shouldn't start losing hair so early. 】

Yang Yang: [Will it be summer, so hair loss? 】

Archibald: [No, the body temperature of the bimorph pups can be self-regulated before being shaped, and will not lose hair due to temperature. 】

Yang Yang paused. When blowing the puff, his fingers passed through the thick soft hair of the puff and did not bring out the falling hair.

Yang Yang embraced the last glimmer of hope: [I don't think he lost a lot of it like in the parenting film, and there were only a dozen drops in the bathtub. Is it just that the hair is fragile and broken? The human figure does not have dry hair. 】

Archibald: [The hair of the bimorph pup is comparable to scale armor, it is a weapon for self-protection. Unless it is deliberately pulled, or the pup is severely malnourished, there will be no hair loss. -And all he dropped was not the whole. 】

Yang Yang was silent for a moment, but finally faced the cruel reality: [So, he just started to lose hair. 】

Archibald also remained silent for two seconds, typing a word with extreme reluctance: [Yes. 】


The two fathers were silent, and then took a deep breath, and spit out slowly.

The storm at Doton Manor is coming.


Yang Yang dries the puffs and carefully poke them from beginning to end. After not falling off the puffs, she said to the puffs, "You can open your eyes."

The puff lying on Yang Yang's leg opened his eyes, immediately stood up, raised his short legs and smelled it.


After puffing himself, I felt very satisfied, so I raised my short legs and gave them to Yang Yang.

Big daddy, you smell, I'm fragrant!

Yang Yang took the puff and took a sip, boasting, "The puff is so fragrant.-OK, we're going to take the little dad down to check the body."

Puff glanced at Archibald next to him.

Archibald had put on a whole home service, and when he saw the puff, he was immediately nervous, for he was afraid that the puff would find out the fact that they had shed hair.

The puff didn't find it, he just hummed a few times at Archibald, and Yizheng resigned severely: "Hmm, hmm, oh wow, ah!"

Little dad, it would be wrong for you to cover me! You have to admit your mistakes, otherwise I won't hold you!

Archibald: "........."

Thanks for taking the cubs these months, he has completely received the puff message.

Archibald bent down and sincerely apologized to the puffs: "Puffs, I'm sorry, it was my father who overplayed the punk just now. Isn't that stuffy?

When Puff saw Archibald admitting wrongly, his tail woke up immediately: "Oh!"

That's not true. Since you confessed wrong, I will forgive you!

Archibald smiled and kissed the puff: "Let's go down then."

The puff responded with a bounce, jumping down from the bed by himself, and making his way in front of him.

Out of the door, walking in the sun, the puff caramel-colored hair showed golden light, I wonder if it was just washed, the hair release layer on his little front leg even fainted a rainbow arc.

The puff was so pleasantly surprised that he immediately stopped as if he had been acupointed, held his little legs still, and turned back to Yang Yang: "Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Big dad, hurry up, take a picture of me!

Yang Yang was just behind him and saw the arc of light, surprised, and understood the meaning of the puff.

"it's beautiful."

Yang Yang squatted down, took a picture of the puff with the terminal, and showed the puff, "Okay, Dad took it. Puff, put your feet down."

The puff persisted, and he yelled at Yang Yang: "Daddy!"

And grandpas didn't see it!

Yang Yang: "... Dad sends the photos to Grandpa."

Puffs quit: "Wow!"


Yang Yang: "..."

Helpless, in the end, Archibald called Heshu and Abel, as well as Amber, Yuma, and Roth. The whole family, including the smart housekeeper, watched the rainbow arc of the puff's little front legs. She lowered her short legs.

But because he lifted it too long and his legs were numb, the little guy was finally carried by Abel.

Yang Yang and Archibald were at the end, whispering.

Yang Yang: "The puff is so smelly, if you let him know that he has lost his hair?"

Archibald was decisive: "Hide it first!"

Otherwise, what else?


Yang Yang: Why did you lose hair so early?

Bird: It's too early.

Yang Yang & Bird: Why is this? (The duke husband is watchingU.jpg across the screen)

Updated in advance! Awesome!

Good night = 3 =

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