MTL - Number One Player of Time and Space-Chapter 7 Death Recast

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"Well, Stark, don't be excited. Jia Shuai also has difficulties. After all, everyone's points are spelled out with his life. To convince them to hand in maps and buy them together, it really takes some time and patience."

A girl with a rather sweet appearance took the initiative to act as a peacemaker.

Miluo Jie had no way of remembering the woman's name, and vaguely remembered what the Minister of Literature and Art seemed to be. He was very kind, and no matter who he spoke to, he was quiet.

"I will think of a way about the map." Jia Shuai frowned, and unconsciously squeezed the drink bottle in his hand, and saw that his psychological pressure was also very great. "In your opinion, what should we do now?"

Stark held his arms and squeezed the layered chin all at once, surely: "Finding weapons and collecting food supplies."

草 "Grass, I also know these two, can you be more specific? For example, where to find these things?" A dark-skinned boy complained dissatisfied.

Stark was also unwilling, twitching his neck and refuting: "I don't even have a map. Even if I tell you where to look, do you know where to go?"

Jia Shuai pressed his temples with a headache. Although Stark was uncomfortable speaking, his words were not rough, and it was really troublesome without a map.

"Shopping Street."

After a short while, Stark popped a place name out of his mouth.

"What?" Jia Shuai froze.

"In the game, the shopping street is the place with the most types of weapons and the easiest to obtain. At the same time, there should also be a supermarket there to get food and drinking water supplies ... However, I don't remember how the shopping street went in the game. And it is estimated that even remembering it is useless. At present, the scale of this good luck city is obviously much larger than the game map, and the location of facilities around will definitely change. "

"Well, thank you." Jia Shuai got up and patted Stark's thick shoulders. "The information you provided is very useful. Take a rest today and I will organize someone to find that shopping street tomorrow."

Uh ...

"Shopping Street ..."

沿着 Along the safe house on the map, Luo Jie found the location of the shopping street and turned the surveillance screen there.

Shopping Street is an indoor pedestrian street with a total length of about 150 meters from south to north. There are various shops on both sides, and a leisure plaza and pedestrian walkway in the middle.

Before the outbreak of zombies, it used to be the most prosperous central business district of Good Luck City, but now it has become the most horrible zombie base camp.

After switching the monitoring screen several times, Luo Jie found a familiar figure on the screen.

Sunglasses male.

At this moment, the other side was squatting on a pot of green plants in front of the bathroom, and gritted his teeth and stared at the dense corpse near the street.

Luo Luojie suddenly couldn't help but want to laugh.

I guess the sunglasses man is now abandoning the newcomer's decision before regretting it, so that there isn't even a helper who can lead him away.

Of course, this situation will not last long.

Luo Luojie remembers that at noon the next day in the previous life, the Sunglasses man and Jia Shuai reached a cooperation agreement, arranged a trap to kill a large number of zombies, successfully entered the shopping street and also obtained a large number of points.

Unfortunately, there is only one person in Luojie, unable to reproduce the trap of the previous life, otherwise the zombie in the shopping street alone is enough to make up half of the points required for an E gold weapon.

"Forget it, be practical."

Miluo shook his head with a mockery, and began to find the personal lockers in the security room one by one.

If there is a key, use the key to open it. If there is no key, use a crowbar to violently destroy it. He quickly opened more than twenty iron cabinets in the room and harvested a large number of guns, ammunition, electric batons, security uniforms, and a Heap of personal items that are very characteristic of Midi.

Only 700 points remained on Miluo's hand, which was not enough to pack all these things away. Only a white board armor and a pistol could be certified temporarily.

【Good Luck City Security Uniform】

Type: Armor

Quality: F (white)

Level: LV1

Strength: 25

Introduction: handsome black uniform with good luck city badge printed on the left arm and a light bulletproof vest, but the bulletproof effect is very suspicious.

Certification consumption-100 points.

【Red M92F Pistol】

Type: semi-automatic pistol

Quality: F (green)

Level: LV1

Power: 50

Introduction: Beretta manufactures 9MM semi-automatic pistol, one of the limited editions of the Olympic rings.

Certification consumption-500 points.

As for the bullets, Luo Jie brought a total of six 10-round magazines, and 120 scattered bullets.

Uncertified bullets cannot be brought back to the real world, but they do not affect their use in fantasy, as long as the firearms are certified.

Luo Jie frowned as he looked at the only 100 points left on the main panel.

Points seem to make a lot of money, but also spend a lot.

"It seems time to earn some points ..."

Miluo doesn't want to earn 200,000 points before the end of the fantasy. This is a nonsense number, and at least he must take away the remaining two weapons, one blue and one purple.

In the fantasy world, the most cost-effective point earning is undoubtedly completing various hidden tasks.

戒 However, Luo Jie does not intend to choose this way for the time being.

Because for him, there is actually a more efficient option.

Luo Luojie's sight fell subconsciously on the [Red M92F pistol] in his hands. The expression on his face seemed to be struggling. Finally, he took a deep breath and resolutely set his muzzle on his temple.


When Luo Jie opened his eyes again, looking at the room that seemed to have met before, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

But just for a moment, his eyes returned to clear, he jumped from the ground without hesitation, and grabbed the mobile phone on the opposite computer desk.

手机 He put the phone there in advance in order to record the entire process of his death and recasting.

The video showed that at the moment the sound of the gun went off, his body fell sharply in the opposite direction of the gun, and then there was no more movement, just like he really died.

After ten seconds, changes began to appear, and the wound on his head began to heal at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

Alas, it is not accurate to use the word healing. In fact, the recovery of the entire wound is like reconstruction from nothing, and there is no way to see the gradual regeneration of the body tissue.

After a second, he opened his eyes and ended the whole process of recasting death.

"That is to say, the first ten seconds is equivalent to complete death, and the real recasting begins from the eleventh second ... Although it is not the same as imagined, if this time difference is used well, many tactics can be realized. Fight back. "

Miluo Ji whispered to his chin, and he deleted the video from his mobile phone, so as not to be aware of his biggest secret.

重 The effect of death recast is undoubtedly very powerful, but it is not omnipotent, at least it is not easy to use in this illusion at present, and it can even be said to be quite foolish.

Luo Luojie can completely imagine that if he accidentally died in the siege of the corpse, waiting for him will not be resurrected in situ, but the zombies will be glad to find a piece of meat that will never eat.

Of course, he did this experiment not just to test the time of recasting, but to determine an inner conjecture.

Luo Luojie moved his body in place, holding the sword with both hands and waving it a few times.

死亡 After the death and recasting, all the fatigue and soreness caused by the battle have disappeared, and his strength has returned to the peak level again.

And judging from the level of awakeness shown by the brain, mental strength seems to have recovered.

Sure enough, as he suspected, the ability of this "recast of death" is obviously not as simple as "revived in the blood".

[Recast of Death] (Passive)-Resurrected in a complete state within a certain period of time after death (10 seconds + body defect percentage X 30 seconds), and clear all gains and deductions.

罗 When Luo Jie saw this skill description, he noticed that there was a very delicate word in it.

——Complete state.

Yes, because the resurrection items and skills are relatively rare, he still clearly remembers that whether it is S-level props [Undead Tail] or S-level skills [Blessing of the Goddess of Life], its skill description is "complete state" "Instead of the" complete state "in the [Death Recast] description.

Complete state refers to the physical body, and its scope is limited to recovering internal and external injuries and repairing broken limbs.

And the complete state represents the restoration of all attributes, and from the current situation, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com which even includes energy loss.

Although the difference between the two is only one word, its effect means the difference between heaven and earth.

既然 "Since the guess is correct, let's start ..."

Luo Luo wiped the blood on his face in front of the mirror in the security room.

The brand-new black security uniform, coupled with his full-spirited face and innocuous smiles of humans and animals at this moment, can not see that this is a zombie butcher who has just been killed from the blood of the dead mountains, but it is quite a bit of a big boy next door腼腆 Qing astringent.

I ca n’t help it, he was born with such a deceptively good face, and only those who know him know that the cut is actually black inside.

He opened the door of the room, and again appeared with a sword in the corridor outside the security room.

He just didn't have the cautious temptations before this time, but instead went straight to the oncoming corpse, which was abnormal.

A few zombies roared, and raised their hands awkwardly to him.

Miluo's stature violently rises, and the long sword in his hand turns from left to right to a lingering moon-like cold light.

Under the full force of the defense, [Raider's Half Sword] the sharp blade cut through the rotten muscles and bones of the zombie, two disgusting human heads with a small half of the shoulders, and the broken arm were thrown at the In the air.

Waiting for a moment, Luo Jie turned back almost without a pause, and the violently chopped a zombie sideways, dragging his intestines flying a few meters away.

"Hell! Cut off!"

Luo Luo cursed in a low voice, slashed his backhand, and opened a V-neck for the zombies that flew behind him. The two halves of his head and shoulders were rolled to the sides, splashing with blood and falling to the ground.

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