MTL - Number One Player of Time and Space-Chapter 1223 Demon venue

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The night after the meeting with the hapless ten, the "Magic Paradise" officially sailed into the high seas.

After dinner, new information appeared on the temporary personal terminal assigned to each tourist by the cruise ship, and some special areas that were originally inaccessible have been officially opened to the public.

There are five special areas - Demon Botanical Garden, Warcraft Colosseum, Mask Auction, Demon Chang Pavilion, and Supreme Member Club.

Demon Botanical Garden is a scenic tourist area, in which various demon plants and small demon creatures are cultivated, suitable for ladies and children to play and experience different exotic customs.

Warcraft Colosseum, similar to the ring-shaped closed arena of the ancient Roman Colosseum, where demon possessors and monsters raised by the organizer will fight here for tourists to watch and place bets on.

The Mask Auction mainly auctions some illegal items that cannot be seen through conventional channels.

Yaomo Changguan, um-a sour place.

The supreme member club, including the special VIP area of ​​the first four items, needs to pay a one-time membership fee of 5 million yuan to enter. All consumption except auctions and gambling is exempted, but it is only valid for one voyage. After the voyage ends, VIP Membership is automatically void.

Luo Jie's mission this time is to break into the Supreme Member Club and wait for an opportunity to rescue "Sharon". Naturally, it is impossible to feel sorry for the 5 million yuan - anyway, the Star Church will reimburse it.

Click on the registration button, enter the real-name account of "Piao Yisheng" provided by Tianxing Church, enter a long set of numbers like 5000000, press the OK button, and the IU interface of the personal terminal will immediately change.

Luo Jie couldn't help marveling secretly, it turns out that there are really colorful blacks in this world... It's really difficult to accept Party B of this design.

Not long after successfully signing up as a supreme member, there was a knock on the door of Luo Jie's room.

A white waiter with English tendrils stood outside the door, handing a new room card to Luo Jie's respectful hands.

"Dear guest "Mr. Park Yisheng", you have passed the verification of the supreme member of this ship, we will replace you with a new supreme member room, please come with me. "

The supreme member room is located in the supreme member club area on the third floor of the cruise ship. The suite of more than 100 square meters is completely arranged according to the specifications of the presidential suite. The nearly 20-meter-wide invincible viewing platform can almost have a panoramic view of half the cruise ship.

"Mr. Park, are you satisfied with this room?" The tendril waiter stood at the door, bowing his head respectfully, "It's still early, do you think you want to rest early, or enjoy the special entertainment of this ship?"

"Any good recommendations?" Luo Jie asked calmly.

"If you like to pursue **** excitement, Warcraft Colosseum is a good choice. Not only can you watch the life and death fights of gladiators up close, but you can also choose your favorite gladiators to place bets..." the tendril waiter kept observing during the introduction Looking at Luo Jie's expression and seeing his lack of interest, he immediately changed his mind and said: "Of course, at your young age, the Demon Changguan is also a good choice. We have recruited a new batch of demon beauties , will definitely give you an alternative experience completely different from that of human women."

Luo Jie pretended to be impressed, and casually tossed the tendril waiter a chip that he exchanged at the casino as a tip.

"That's right, that's it, lead the way."

Taking the special elevator to the nineteenth floor, the attendant with tendrils led Luo Jie to a bronze door with a succubus relief.

"Mr. Park, my access authority is only here, but please don't worry, after entering this gate, there will be another person to receive you."

Luo Jie nodded, and stepped into the slowly opened door.

Different from the imaginary Fengyue place exuding a luxurious atmosphere, the room behind the gate does not look like Ding Dianchang Pavilion at all. The baroque decoration style is full of the charm of the classical court of Ouzhou, and well-dressed celebrities from all walks of life come and go. Groups of people with wine glasses in their hands chatted and laughed in low voices, looking like a high-end club in the upper class.

Because he already knew that a biohazard event would happen on this ship soon, Luo Jie didn't bother to get close to these so-called celebrities who didn't know if they would survive, so he simply followed the example of the people around him, took a glass of red wine, and walked to the viewing balcony alone A deserted corner.

【Supersensory intuition】Suddenly felt something, he turned his head subconsciously, but saw a girl with a very strange appearance not far away at some time.

The elf-like long ears and the double horns on the top of the head mark her non-human bloodline. Her appearance is slightly strange but very in line with human aesthetics. She is dressed in a gorgeous dress similar to a dancing girl. The two completely different temperaments of coquettish and pure are contrasted. So sexy.

It is very similar to the "Pure Desire Style" that was once popular on the Internet, but the temptation that is inadvertently and naturally revealed is by no means comparable to those Internet celebrity beauties who rely on high-tech and Xiutu pull their legs and pinch their throats.

Seeing Luo Jie staring at her a little lost, the girl of different race blushed a little, but still boldly greeted her eyes, smiled shyly and said: "The guest's intuition is really sharp, I have the talent of "Conscious Stealth", as long as If I don't make too conspicuous actions, most people will automatically ignore me in their consciousness. "

Luo Jie smiled noncommittally, and asked, "Are you the receptionist here?"

"The guest's guess is correct. In order not to disturb the guests who have no needs for the time being, Changguan specially chose me as the receptionist who has the talent of "Conscious Stealth". "The girl of different race gave Luo Jie an elegant salute, and introduced herself: "My name is "Maria Sainte", what does the guest want me to call you?" "


"Then let me call you "Master", most of the guests who come here will choose this title. "

Luo Jie nodded indifferently, and glanced undisguisedly at the petite, soft, yet **** and hot body of the girl of the different race "Maria". The latter blushed shyly and showed a shy smile again .

"May I name you?"

Although he knew that the girl's frowns and smiles in front of him might be professionally trained performances, but he had to admit that this short time together and conversation made Luo Jie feel very comfortable.

"Maria" showed a surprised expression, and then waved her hands like a frightened deer, saying: "No, I'm still in the apprenticeship period...Of course, when I officially debut, I very much hope that you, the master, will be my first nominee .”

Luo Jie nodded to express his understanding, and did not continue to insist.

Before he came, he had read the mandatory terms on his personal terminal, which mainly mentioned that he should not name the trainee Changfu who has not debuted, otherwise, if the magic power is out of control and the whole body is in a state of magic, the "Magic Paradise" will not be responsible for any consequences .

That is to say, the dog girl may turn into a real dog, and the spider girl may turn into a real spider. Except for a few Fu Ruikong with strange XP, the average monster girl lover is sincere HOLD can't live with this big scene of madly losing SAN value.

"That... ask a more private question, and you can choose not to answer it." Luo Jie followed "Maria" out of the hall and walked into a long corridor, "Maria, what race are you?"

"The race of the demon Masao is information that must be made public so that the guests can make choices according to their preferences." "Maria" turned her head slightly, her melodious voice was not in the slightest displeasure, "My race is "sea monster". . "

While talking, the two came to a quiet hall, the walls were covered with full-body realistic oil paintings of women of various colors like an art gallery.

"Master, this is the place of bliss, please choose your favorite demon Changfu here."

Luo Jie suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was familiar, and then remembered the content of an indescribable drama.

There is no plot in the original book, it is basically the hero's feat of passing through the demon Changguan with one life, and the monster queens guarding each level have their own unique skills, the plot is tight, and the scene is hot, even now it seems that there are not many Deserving action blockbuster.

No plot means that there will be no sidelines, presumably it should be the material used by the system to fill the main world at random - anyway, this is not the first time, Luo Jie even has a natural sense of adaptation.

"It's my first time to come to the "Magic Paradise", and I'm not familiar with everything here, please recommend it to me. "

Luo Jie smiled and looked at "Maria", with a carefree attitude.

His purpose of choosing this place is to set foot on familiar terrain in advance to rescue "Sharon" on the day of the auction. Sese is just a disguise, so naturally he won't take it too seriously.

"Maria" didn't think much, and introduced the characters drawn in the oil painting to Luo Jie very dutifully.

"Master, you are the first guest of the hotel on this voyage, so I won't introduce you to those ordinary women, but only a few top names in the hotel—"

She took a few steps forward, came to an oil painting of two twin girls with one horn and one wing, and raised her hand to introduce.

"This is "Mary" and "Yuri", they are very rare twin succubi, possessing the talent of "sensual sharing", the perfect cooperative service will give you an unparalleled supreme experience. "

The second painting is a beautiful woman with the temperament of the sister next door. She looks like a human being in appearance, but behind her is a pair of extremely beautiful golden butterfly wings.

"This is "Garnett", the most beautiful king-spotted butterfly demon among the butterfly demons. The body will naturally emit a floral fragrance, and the scale powder scattered by the butterfly wings has a slight illusion effect, which can amplify your sensory experience, and at the same time it will not be like a certain Not as harmful to the body as some hallucinogens. "

The third picture is a straight black beauty with three fluffy fox tails and a maternal temperament.

"This is "Calamus", a family of nine-tailed foxes famous in oriental mythology. They have a gentle and obedient personality, and are born with good luck. It is said that making friends with them can absorb bad luck...Of course, these are just unconfirmed rumors, master, please don't take it too seriously. . "

The fourth picture is a short-haired dog girl with lop ears, with a weak temperament and is very pitiful.

"This is "Hui". Although it's just an ordinary dog ​​monster, something went wrong when she summoned her body, which made her five senses dozens of times more sensitive than ordinary dog ​​monsters. She is very popular with some customers with special hobbies... and the monster's The body is generally very strong, and it will not be as vulnerable as a human woman. "

The fifth picture shows two people again, one is a beautiful red-haired loli with double ponytails, and the other is a cold-tempered green-haired fierce lady Yu. Judging from the composition and position of the two, it is obvious that they are a pair of master and servant.

"The red-haired one is "Nina", the green-haired one is "Kriss", and the race is vampires. One of the special ones is "Nina" - she is a helper with a two-shaped body, and can perform a variety of services with "Kris", especially favored by some elderly guests who are unable to do what they want. "

"Maria" was about to continue the introduction, when Luo Jie suddenly got up and walked to a certain oil painting in the corner.

"Who is this?"

In the painting is a beautiful woman exuding a virtuous and homely temperament. Her long silver hair is tied into a bun, and her skin is so white that it is almost glowing. There is a crystal clear and cold like ice and snow.

"Hmm..." "Maria" didn't expect Luo Jie to ask about this painting, she seemed a bit embarrassed, but as a receptionist, she couldn't refuse the reasonable request of the guests, so she hesitated and said truthfully: "Her name is "Xue Nai Shen Dong" ", the race is the snow girl, because it is a race that is said to bring bad luck to men and women, it is disliked by many guests. "

"Is there such a thing?"

"I don't know, but it seems that the more powerful the person, the more willing to believe this."

Luo Jie shrugged and agreed with this sentence.

"However, even if the thing that brings bad luck is false, I don't recommend you to name her."

"Why?" Luo Jie was a little curious.

"Maria" raised the corners of her mouth helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Because the magic power of "Yue Nai Shen Dong" is very strong, even with a collar that suppresses the magic power, it will still emit cold air all the time, and many guests were frozen into sages as soon as they took off their clothes." There is no record of successful service so far... It is said that the museum is considering abandoning her. "

Luo Jie nodded, he walked towards this portrait because the woman in the portrait gave him a sense of "Esthers", but when he looked closely, there was a huge difference in both appearance and temperament. UU Reading

Just when he was about to choose randomly from the first few people, a picture with a blurry memory suddenly flashed in his mind.


How do you say "Xue Nai Shen Dong" where did you hear the name? People pay き 合い が bitter hand na widow の 雪女さんといいの finger wheel?

You are enough for the system! There is not enough material, even the unanimated comics are not let go?

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