MTL - Number One Player of Time and Space-Chapter 1176 Press F to enter the tank

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An hour later, Luo Jie took a car to the address provided by "Huang Liuhua" in the text message.

Different from the previous hotels, this time it is a private villa located on the outskirts of the city. From the main entrance, you can see the only artificial beaches in Belon City, as well as the endless blue sea.

Press the doorbell to explain the purpose of the visit, and soon a public face Obasan politely invited Luo Jie into the villa and took him to a bedroom on the third floor with a sea view.

"Teacher, please wait a moment, I'll go and call Miss Lisita."

After the maid left, Luo Jie walked around aimlessly, looking at the furnishings in the room casually.

Although the interior decoration is exquisite, there is a hotel-like standard and rigidity everywhere, without the slightest breath of life. Obviously, this is not the bedroom of "Lisa Lisita", it is just an ordinary guest room.

After a while, there was the sound of the door opening, and Luo Jie turned back subconsciously.

The person who entered the door was a girl in the school uniform of Shenghua College. Her fair skin and three-dimensional facial features highlighted her exotic ancestry, and her gorgeous blond hair added the finishing touch to this rare beauty.

The most striking thing is her figure.

At first glance, the old stalk of "press the F key to enter the tank" will pop up subconsciously in Luo Jie's mind, but when you look at it a second time, you will find that the blond girl's super-standard feeling does not make people feel Fat and bloated, with just the right waist curve, it gives people a different kind of beauty that is different from the mainstream aesthetics of "white, young and thin".

The most shining pearl of the private Shenghua Women's College, the eleventh consecutive student council president - "Lisa Lisita".

Well, despite having such a long list of dazzling titles, in the eyes of Luo Jie, who is used to seeing queens and princesses, she is just a little arrogant girl.

"You're not the first to force a decision in front of me." The blond girl's eyes flashed with undisguised contempt, and she went straight to the sofa and sat with her arms crossed, "If you think this can attract my attention, let me I am interested in you, and I can only say that you are wasting your time."

Luo Jie blinked unexpectedly.

Hey, did the system really increase the difficulty?

Compared with the innocent, almost idiot-like silly white sweet in the original book, the pretentious version of "Louisa Lisita" in front of me is not cute at all.

However, it is more in line with her status as a super chaebol and a talented girl.

Seeing that Luo Jie didn't refute, "Louisa Lisita" was just said by herself, she smiled coldly, and lifted a cover on the table, and the neatly stacked new banknotes appeared in front of Luo Jie's eyes, faintly exuding ink Unique aroma.

"I have already investigated your situation. You have been married for three years and have no children. Due to operational errors, you owe the original company a debt of 100 million yuan, plus a mortgage. Due to financial pressure, you applied for the life instructor of the private Shenghua Women's College. a position."

"Let's get straight to the point, I plan to announce the ugly life guidance system of Shenghua Academy to the news media. As long as you are willing to stand up and testify, the 30 million yen will be yours."

Luo Jie raised his eyebrows inadvertently.

Compared with the 5 million in the original book, this version of "Louisa Lisita" is really a big deal. The shot is 30 million, which is almost the salary of two years of life coaching.

Hey, don't think it's too little - this kind of high-intensity work, it is really difficult for ordinary people to persist for two years, this compensation is not only very reasonable, it can even be said to be quite generous.

It's a pity that Luo Jie was neither an ordinary person nor did he choose this job for money.

"Miss Lisita, it's not really about money..."

"Forty million."

The blond girl spit out a number again, and the expression she wrote lightly was like throwing away a used tissue at will.

"You may not believe it, I love this job as much as I love my life..."

"Fifty million dollars, don't go for it. If it's not too much trouble, you can buy stronger evidence at this price."

"make a deal."


"Wait, did I agree earlier?"

"Louisa Lisita" was so choked that she couldn't stop coughing, and a pair of beautiful emerald eyes stared at Luo Jie fiercely.

Luo Jie smiled nonchalantly, sat on the opposite sofa, crossed Erlang's legs, spread his hands and said, " do I cooperate with you?"

"Louisa Lisita" confirmed that Luo Jie was really willing to testify for her. Although there was still disgust in his eyes, the indifferent expression on his face was slightly slower. He took out a folded manuscript from his body, unfolded it and handed it over: "I have already obtained the employment contract you signed secretly with the school. Now I need you to record another testimony to prove the authenticity of the content of the contract, and I can send it to major news media to thoroughly expose the filth of life guidance. Ugly system."

A few minutes later, "Louisa Lisita" got the witness testimony she wanted, threw a pre-written check to Luo Jie, and waved him to leave.

Luo Jie didn't do anything that was almost useless to raise a relationship. He put away the check and left the villa. After getting into a taxi, he called "Huang Liuhua".

"Principal, you guessed it right, that girl gave me 50 million and asked me to prove my real name to the media."

"I knew it." The voice on the other side of the phone was a little helpless. Obviously, "Louisa Lisita" has not been tossed once or twice, "So... you didn't agree?"

"I promise."

"Don't forget, we signed a non-disclosure agreement!" "Huang Liuhua"'s tone sank, with a faint hint of threat.

"So, didn't I inform you for the first time!" Luo Jie laughed.

"What do you mean...?" "Huang Liuhua" seemed to understand something.

"The reason why she keeps is because she has never experienced that powerless despair... Rather than always nip the situation in the bud, it is better for her to let go of her hands and feet, and then completely accept a realistic beating ."

"Huang Liuhua" was silent for a long time, and seemed to be considering the feasibility of this proposal.

"Perhaps, I was too cautious before... Just do as you say, I've had enough of this girl's toss."

"It should be like this, Principal, you are always too tense, or I will go to you now and have another round."

"I have to contact those people in the media today, let's do it another day."

Hanging up the phone, Luo Jie closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

In the original book, Uncle Anonymous first rejected the lure of "Lisa Lisita", and then used a bet to let the other party try to accept his own life guidance, and finally through persevering water mill work, thoroughly said (multiple voice) the proud blond student council president.

Read The Duke's Passion