MTL - Number One Player of Time and Space-Chapter 1151 evolutionary chaser

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In the artificial labyrinth, under the broadcast of the only divine magic "mirror" that the gods are allowed to use in the nether world, Orari's adventurers and commoners have witnessed the flood of tens of thousands of goblins and giants bursting like dikes. They poured into the Tower of Babel and rushed all the way into the dungeon from the undefended entrance.

The monsters on the surface of the dungeon are not even as powerful as ordinary humans. No matter in quantity or quality, they cannot resist the menacing goblin army. The labyrinth-like passages are quickly filled with green eyes, and the passages along the floors connect towards each other. continue to erode.

It was not until after entering the tenth floor that the goblin army suffered some casualties under the attack of long-range monsters. In addition to the positive cone structure of the dungeon, the area of ​​the dungeon became larger as it went down, which finally slowed down the goblin army temporarily. Invasion speed.

Compared with the unstoppable goblins, the situation of the giant army is a little embarrassing.

Except for a small number of small giants under three meters, the huge bodies of other large and medium-sized giants could not enter the narrow entrance of the underground city at all, and could only gather in the hall on the basement floor and keep wandering back.

It's just that this situation didn't last long. Out of desire for human beings and predatory instincts, individual giants began to squat down and dig down. With the same efficiency as large machines, they quickly lifted the hard slate ground to expose the bottom. Soft soil.

This discovery made the faces of the adventurers look ugly.

Although it is not easy to dig through the earth with a thickness of tens of meters, the problem is that, except for the surface layer, there are vertical passages called "shafts" on every level of the dungeon.

Under normal circumstances, no one will take the shortcut of "shaft". After all, the vertical height between floors is mostly two or three hundred meters. People without flying ability jumping down are basically dead ends.

Even the goblins who now occupy the first ten floors are clever enough to bypass the "shaft" after falling to the death of a few unlucky ones.

But giants are regenerative!

Once they are dug through the surface, it means that there is a theoretical possibility of giants appearing on any level of the dungeon.

And as time goes by, this probability will also increase.

"The situation is slightly different from what we expected. Once the giants dig through the surface, the monsters on the first seventeenth floor will not be able to block the goblin army for too long. We must speed up the advance! Considering the frequency of monsters in the dungeon, You have to be at least three floors away from the enemy in order not to be a wedding dress for their invasion!"

Under the coercive order of the decision-making level headed by "The Brave-Finn", the refugees once again packed light, discarded all personal items, and vacated some vehicles to transport the elderly and children with limited mobility.

In this way, there was no words all the way. After three days of long journeys, a team of tens of thousands of people finally arrived at the first stop of the expedition - Rivera Street on the 18th floor.

When the staff of the Adventurer's Guild communicated the notice to rest in place, the commoners who had been worried for three days finally breathed a sigh of relief. The carefree children looked at the 18-story azure crystal wonder with their eyes full of novelty, and happily ran and played on the grass.

Luo Jie sat lazily under the tree, letting "Dragon Girl-Vini" rest on his lap, enjoying this rare leisure time. The "Fujino Kaguya" dressed in the traditional costume of the Far East was far away. He ran and said loudly, "His Royal Highness Night Demon, Captain Finn told you to go to a meeting!"

Luo Jie opened his eyes and frowned: "Didn't you just have a meeting? Why did you open it again?"


Jono Kaguya" bowed his head and bowed back, "I heard that the scouts who stayed behind have returned, maybe they brought some urgent news."

Luo Jie pondered noncommittally for a moment, patted "Winnie" on his leg, and said to a tall figure with a wheel and axe not far away: "Asterios, accompany me to the headquarters for a walk. Come on."

The sturdy "Cow Girl-Asterios" turned around and followed Luo Jie silently like a loyal guard.

In the conference room temporarily requisitioned on Rivera Street, dozens of leaders of large and medium-sized Scroll clans came one after another, and their gazes converged on the "Brave - Finn" who was at the main seat.

The most famous blond man in Orila looked very preoccupied at the moment, with the cross under his nose, his eyebrows wrinkled a few deep folds from time to time.

"Time is tight, let's communicate with each other if you haven't come, and start the meeting early."

"Brave - Finn" stood up with his hands on the table.

"According to the reports of the scouts who stayed in the dungeon, the speed of the invasion of the otherworldly goblins suddenly accelerated, and it has now broken through the twelfth floor."

The heads of all the scroll clans were all taken aback, and "Scepter of Elephant God - Shakti" said in disbelief, "How is this possible? Starting from the twelfth floor, the number of monsters in the dungeon and the refresh rate will increase by one. There will also be a large number of monsters with long-range attacks, how can they be broken through so quickly?"

"The Brave-Finn" pressed his hand down, and when the discussion became quieter, he continued: "The scout also felt incomprehensible, so he risked his life to sneak into the back of the otherworld goblins to investigate, but unexpectedly there was one. Amazing find."

Having said that, "Hero Finn" took out something from the satchel at his waist.

Everyone here is familiar with this thing. It is the most common dungeon monster crystal core.

Luo Jie suddenly realized something: "Goblins are eating monster crystal cores?"

There is a group of heretics around him who can increase their level by eating monster crystal cores, so they are the first to react.

"Brave-Finn" nodded affirmatively: "As we all know, intelligent enhanced monsters occasionally appear in dungeons, and they can quickly improve their own level by swallowing similar crystal cores, but I can't imagine that these goblins actually have similar Characteristics...or maybe they are homologous to the monsters in the dungeons themselves."

"How serious is the situation now?"

The head of the Freya Scroll clan, "Ota", only sees his own goddess and On weekdays, the small and large affairs of the Scroll clan are all handled by the deputy head "Goddess' Chariot - Ellen" speak on behalf of.

"Very serious." "Brave - Finn" will never despise any opponent, even if the opponent is a stupid-looking goblin, "After discovering that monster cores can increase their level, the first twelve floors have been reduced to Goblin hunting ground, and they are not chaotic competition, but an organized and purposeful focus on strengthening individual individuals, and then using these enhanced species as the front to make key breakthroughs."

"The only thing that is fortunate is that even if these otherworldly goblins are strengthened, they will not have crystal cores like dungeon monsters after death. Otherwise, if they are recycled, it will definitely be an extremely terrifying thing."

"I think we have to shorten the rest time on the eighteenth floor." "Scepter of the Elephant God-Shalltear" squeezed his temples, and said with concern: "Since the otherworldly goblins can use the monster crystal core to upgrade, Then once it drags on for a long time, it will form a snowball effect... In addition, starting from the nineteenth floor, the monster crystal cores killed by the vanguard must be collected.

Come on, even if it is thrown into the giant blue waterfall in the end, it cannot be left to those goblins. "