MTL - Number of People-Chapter 2685 The profound changes in the Guizi scroll, with hindsight

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  The prosperity of Yangzhou Stock Exchange has already been reflected in Di Bao and "Today's News", and now "Today's News" has even opened a special issue.

Although the column is not long, it is not published every day, but every five days. It mainly introduces the situation of newly listed stocks on Yangzhou Stock Exchange and the situation of stocks with large trading volume or large price fluctuations of existing stocks. In addition, it also takes into account national debt. transaction status.

Feng Ziying instructed Cao Yu to set this up specifically for this purpose. The purpose is to continuously broaden the horizons of the Chinese people, so that more people will turn from land appreciation and silver hoarding to the stock market, and use the original purchase of land as a conservative financial management method for value preservation and appreciation and simple storage of silver. into financial markets.

   I have to say that this kind of publicity method that the common people like to see in the news immediately achieved great results.

Zhen Baochen also mentioned in Feng Ziying's letter that since "Today's News" opened this column in October of the fourth year of Wantong, it has had the largest circulation in the Jiangnan area, and "Jiangnan Daily", which is comparable to "Today's News", is also in Wantong. A special issue of the same type was opened in December of the same year.

  After entering Wantong five years ago, the number of companies from the north that intend to list on the Yangzhou Stock Exchange has increased dramatically, and the capital flowing into the Yangzhou Stock Exchange from the north has also increased sharply.

By the way, "Today's News" was naturally created by Feng Ziying, but now "Jiangnan Daily", which has the second largest circulation in China, has experienced several twists and turns. Participating newspapers.

  In addition, "Jiangdong Morning Post", which has the third largest circulation, has some relationship with the Shen family in Suzhou, and "Lingnan News", which is published in Guangzhou and spread throughout Nanyang, is also somewhat related to the Duan family.

   "Today's News" is not only the number one in the capital, but also in Yangzhou, Suzhou, Jinling, Hangzhou, Datong, Xi'an, Wuchang, and Ningbo, and the circulation is not small.

It’s just that the communication conditions are limited. The newspapers received in other places are basically ten days later. The timeliness is greatly reduced, but it is still sought after by the gentry.

  The localization of "Today's News" is also under consideration, but it will take some time for the gentry to authoritatively recognize the news from the capital.

   "Today's News" and "Internal Reference" have now become the standard configurations of important ministers in the DPRK and China, and many people even want to join "Yuedan Review".

"Yuedan Review" from Qingtan Academy has become a kind of weathervane, and each issue can bring something new, and Feng Ziying also keeps sending her own article to the editorial department of "Yuedan Review" of Qingtan Academy every month. Basically, it is a privilege to be able to use various pseudonyms.

  The senior officials present here are naturally not too concerned about the high cost of subscribing to several newspapers every month, but they are deeply impressed by the many things they get from it.

Feng Ziying is the one who likes to use this kind of super-dimensional strike propaganda method to achieve subtle brainwashing and infiltration. Although these people are adults and their worldview has already been finalized, as long as the kung fu is ground into a needle, after years and years, there will always be Bringing some changes to their thinking will always broaden their horizons, so that they will not be too disgusted when accepting new things.

  However, many people have realized the influence of this kind of newspaper. For example, many censors in the Metropolitan Procuratorate have proposed to censor newspapers published in various places to prevent speech that is harmful to the prestige of the court.

Fortunately, Feng Ziying told Cao Yu to implement the censorship system when publishing the newspaper from the very beginning, making "Today's News" basically a scientific and subtle way to conduct propaganda and education, whether it is the Ministry of Rites or the Metropolitan Procuratorate. "Today's News" is still relatively recognized.

  Feng Ziying's topic is no longer limited to military affairs, but a more grand and long-term assumption made by the future Great Zhou court on where the empire will go in the future.

That is how the empire will operate in the next five or even ten or twenty years, and what kind of goals it will achieve. It's just that Feng Ziying is very smart to use the army as a way to expand the territory of the imperial court and to eliminate population violence for the imperial court. The topic of the huge hidden dangers and pressure brought about after the increase was brought out, and it was naturally extended to this topic.

  The topic suddenly expanded to such a large and deep place, which surprised Gu Bingqian and others.

They knew that Feng Ziying would definitely not be limited to simple military affairs, and he was just as reckless and open-minded in discussions with cabinet ministers before, but in this grand court meeting, when it came to the direction and goals of future national development and construction, it was just Some unbearable feeling.

   I have to say that the topic Feng Ziying suddenly brought up also aroused heated discussions among everyone in the hall.

  Where will the property income be used instead? What is the standard for the future goals determined by the imperial court, and how should wealth and income support the realization of these goals?

  This series of questions actually points to a core issue, that is, what core elements should the court set its goals around, and this point is about to come out.

"Everyone is talking about the national economy and the people's livelihood, but what is the country and the people?" Seeing that everyone was thinking deeply, Feng Ziying originally wanted to restrain herself, but felt that it was better to take this opportunity to talk about this topic because it was always necessary to bring this topic to light. I can also take this opportunity to make everyone think deeply.

  The current cabinet will be completely different from the previous cabinet. It will have clearer goals and clearer thinking, just because it has itself.

"Some people may say, isn't the country our Great Zhou? The people of course refer to the common people. This statement is correct, but not always." Feng Ziying asked herself and answered: "The country is based on the people, and the country is also established for the people. The above is a broad concept, which includes not only the structure and system of our imperial court, but also the ideology, customs and habits of all of us. Five classes and groups of soldiers, farmers, businessmen and soldiers."

"Combining the country and the people together will create a complete whole, but the root lies in the people, and I think the interests of the people are to let them live and work in peace and contentment. Whether it is working in a workshop, farming the land, fishing and hunting, or sailing in a boat, the old, weak, sick and disabled are provided for,..."

  These words sound a bit high-profile or reasonable. Everyone is familiar with such words for a long time, so naturally they will not be moved by these words.

Feng Ziying also understood, so she changed the subject: "But to achieve these goals, it is not enough to just follow the scriptures step by step. I said it just now, not to mention the future population growth. Now there are still countless people in Dazhou who can't eat enough. There are countless people who die of starvation and disease every year. It is impossible for everyone to do what I just said, but we should at least do our best to satisfy the vast majority of people in every class,..."

  A large group of people in the palace frowned again. Everyone from every class, including scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen knew that Feng Ziying added a soldier without authorization. Do you think the wishes of the army should also be included?

Of course Feng Ziying understands the dissatisfaction of the crowd, but he wants to bring this point up: "Soldiers, peasants, businessmen, and soldiers may sound like five classes, but soldiers and soldiers are actually attached to the country, or the court, and they are not themselves. In the production of anything, the two are actually more about controlling the collective and then safeguarding the interests of the collective. Some people may say that merchants are not the same? But merchants are the connection between the two largest classes of workers and peasants, and even they They are part of the workers and peasants themselves, but the division of labor focuses on slightly different things,..."

"So, from the perspective of the national economy and the people's livelihood, the prosperity of the country and the prosperity of the people, and the safety of the country and the people, as the top of the imperial court, we should actually focus on how to maximize the interests of such a collection of the three. , Only when the interests of the vast majority of them are maximized, can the interests of our soldiers and soldiers be maximized. This is a symbiotic relationship,..."

A group of people roughly understood that the reason why Feng Ziying described the internal relationship here in such detail and tirelessly was to bring together the interests of all classes in the entire Great Zhou to the greatest extent, and then use it to support what he mentioned earlier. The strategic expansion plan comes up.

  Everyone laughed, thinking that they understood the meaning of Feng Ziying's words. After all, the court's wealth should support this strategy, and this strategy will be led by the army first.

Feng Ziying sighed in her heart, these people have not changed their minds yet, they always think in the old way of thinking, and have not realized the changes in the overall situation in the past ten years, especially in the two major regions of Shanxi and Jiangnan. This huge and profound change is taking place in the entire gentry group and class.

The industrial and commercial power in Jiangnan continues to expand, and the volume of trade with other countries outside of Jiangnan, including overseas, is also increasing. Although Shanshan is not as good as Jiangnan, it relies on the breakthrough development of a series of industries such as steel, coal, cement, and shipbuilding. The power of industry and commerce is also growing rapidly. At the same time, with the expansion of a series of financial institutions such as banks and securities exchanges, the number of practitioners and rentiers attached to this system is also increasing significantly, and their influence is also growing.

  This change also directly impacted the original inherent group class, and even caused huge differentiation and disintegration.

In particular, the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River showed two extremes. A considerable part of them had already embarked on the route of business and profit, while a small part was still sticking to the land, but they also accepted the idea that silver hoarding was not as good as depositing in silver villages for profit, and then began to Get involved in the stock market, and this change deepens over time.

  But the people in the DPRK and China are still belatedly aware, or have not really realized this change, which is really regrettable.