MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

When the forest went to work the next day, the whole person was embarrassed and his face was very ugly.

Roughly because he fell asleep with his father's bedtime story last night, and ended up with a nightmare.

After all, the ghost story of Emperor Hugh is not a general ghost story.

The emperor’s personality is even more peaceful. It’s also a big monster, or a big monster against the human spirit. Simply put, it’s just listening to the story of the emperor’s story. It’s really going to see the people in the story.

Lin Muwan experienced a night of holographic ghost stories, and Qin Chuan’s dragon must have been cut off by him.

Qin Chuan did not have any interest in himself. Probably he had never seen such a scene. He was scared to blow up the dragon scales and drilled into their arms.

The ginseng doll and the other three little monsters rushed directly into the glass room, and they could not be seen without hearing.

Only the forests that want to accompany relatives, and the dragons who tried to take the two emperors back home, stayed strong.

Oh, there is also a mysterious scene that has been very calm and waveless.

So in the end, they all went to the body of Xuan Jing, who seemed to be fearless and upright.

According to Emperor Xiu, Lin Xueqi’s favorite thing before is the ghost story, so he only tells ghost stories.

When Lin Muzhen arrived at the office, he decided to go back and buy a few sets of peaceful and sweet fairy tales or children's literature to give his father a thought.

Don't talk about ghost stories anymore.

It was made that he saw a dark corner in the daytime and felt that something would come out in the next second.

The forest took a deep breath and opened the door of the office.

A black shadow came out of the office.

The forest was scared, and a series of horror pictures flashed through the night, and the conditioned reflexes were going to pass.

The black shadow that rushed over did not see the situation and stopped the car.

The forest looked at it and let out a sigh of relief. The whole person’s jealousy and exhaustion went up to the next level: “It’s big black... How come you got back?”

"The old turtle made me come back. It doesn't matter if I stay there." Big black looked at Lin's face and his sly look. "What's the matter with you? It's so weak."

"I saw a few ghost films before going to bed and had a dream of a night." Lin Mu sat in his position and took off the hat on his head. The whole person squatted on the chair and was dying.

The sun came in and fell on the small saplings above his head, and the saplings were smashed.

"Your business is not going well?"

"In fact, it's okay." Dahe looked at Linmu's frightened look, jumped onto his own workstation, pulled the drawer and rummaged, and said, "The recent Emperor House has committed something again, they have not been able to Stop, every time I find clues, they are traps, and I can't catch any rules. But when I look at the emperor's house without hurting them, they are scattered, leaving only the old turtle and another human to continue tracking."

Lin Muyi: "What? The Imperial House is a big thing, are you so scattered?"

"No, for us, as long as he is not mad, he wants to do everything for those who have had a causal effect. As for private enmity, we don't care." Dahe looked for a long time and finally found a small box. "Eat this, use the nightmare and crush."

Lin took the small box and asked: "Is that dead, and nobody cares?"

"Someone, is this not leaving the old turtle and a human?" Dahei replied, "Our existence is not within the jurisdiction of human law. There is a special existence on the human side, and there are special rules. Ordinary people are different."

That dare is good.

Lin Mu feels that he is a bit double-labeled, but it doesn't matter.

It’s just a matter of revenge, knowing that it’s a simple revenge, and that he doesn’t have to worry about the fact that he has no need to worry about the fact that he’s not enough to say that this shouldn’t be the case.

The Emperor’s house loves to go to the ground, and it’s a small problem if you don’t lose yourself.

It’s easy to have revenge and resentment.

It would be better to have no interference from third-party law enforcement officials.

Even if there is interference, the Emperor House will not care very much.

The forest opened the box in his hand.

There are a few pods in the box, and the pods are a few brown fruits with a light aroma.

"What is this?" asked Lin.

"The fruit of the planting grass is usually scared or eaten when it is a nightmare. After all, we have nothing to control here, and occasionally help treat the incurable diseases." Big black wears clothes there while wearing one side. Q, "If you say it again, are there any unfortunate characters in our office?"

Lin Mu: "Well?"

"I always feel that there is a stock... um... I don't know how to describe it. If I smell it, I feel the thief's powerful smell." The **** smack touched it and couldn't touch the appropriate description. "Probably this feeling."

Lin Mu sniffed and sniffed for a long time and couldn't smell anything.

Big black swears at him: "You are not a dog."

The woods bowed their heads and took the fruits to eat. They only felt that the coldness and exhaustion of the apex of the heart were scattered, and they looked at the dark corners, and they no longer glimpsed the imaginary illusion.

Lin Mu sighed and answered the words of Dahei: "There is no such a particularly powerful character."

After saying that he closed the lid, the movement was slightly.

It’s not like there is no such thing as a powerful character...

Qinchuan seems to count one.

However, his words and deeds are too much like a dog, so that when he gets along, he can't think of himself as a multi-powerful existence.

The existence of the dragon vein is indeed very powerful.

However, this probably has to be kept secret.

"You also have a very good smell on your body." Big black cockroach.

Linmu looked up at him and realized that the smell of good news that Dahei said was probably the smell of Emperor Xiu.

- Unlike his half-hanger, as a pure, complete emperor, Dad's breath is very different from him.

Gentle and not to be ignored.

Lin decided to quickly skip this topic. He said: "Just you are back, I will take a vacation tomorrow."


"My mom is avoiding the day." Lin Mu said, "I wouldn't know if she told her?"

"In general, as long as you have not been punished in hell, you have already reincarnation." Dahetuo thought, "I heard the ghosts say that if you pass on your thoughts, you can receive them even if you reincarnate, but generally It’s all done by dreaming or something else, and it’s very fast.”

"That's great." Lin Box put the box in his hand on the table, and his mouth slightly bent a smile. "Some things I have to tell her."

For example, Dad is back.

Another example is that they are not what he always thought.

For example, he is not alone now, and his family is very busy every day.

"That is generally, if giving gifts to humans, what is more appropriate to send something?" Lin Mu remembered two embarrassing, asked.

"Ah?" Big black, "What human beings, living dead?"

"Elderly, live." Lin answered.

Forest trees are not very strange to give gifts to elders.

He has a gift to Tan Lao, who has always been cherished by him.

But now he is not an ordinary person, and he wants to send something that is not ordinary. After all, many of the monster's east things are very useful for humans.

"Send the ginseng of the year of the tree, or send him a pot of flowers, and put a few buds into the pot." Dahe felt that this was really feasible. He smashed his hand. "Anyway, humans can't see the pilgrimage." Just anti-devil ghosts."

Lin Mu feels reasonable.

As a human being, he does not have any special skills to take shots.

Lin Mu went to work in a bookstore, bought a set of fairy tale books and a set of children's literature and a bunch of famous books, carrying a bag of knowledge back home.

Emperor Xiu is very fond of reading books, because when he passed the time, he almost always watched the book memories of the big monsters who searched him from everywhere.

But when the forest came back, he found that his father was sitting on the tree raft and took the twigs and set up a tablet computer to watch a movie.

Lin Mu listened to him outside the yard for listening to the hearing of his ordinary people, and found that his father was watching the ghost film of a famous woman surnamed.

No wonder the fact that the four little monsters could not be found in the yard today.

After all, Emperor Hugh is watching ghost films.

Even if they don't look at it, they just hear it. Under the influence of Di Xiu, they will also be there.

The forest glanced at the smoldering water well in the yard, which did not know when it came out, and said: "Dad!"

Emperor Xiu controlled the small branch of the body to poke the computer, pressed the pause, dialed the luxuriant branches, and the son who came back from work called for a beckoning.

The well was also disappearing.

Lin Mu sighed: "I bought a lot of books back, don't look at ghost films."

The emperor took a break and showed some regretful expression.

The son is afraid of ghosts.

This is what Emperor Xixi never imagined.

After all, my son is a ghost fan.

The trees stretched the branches, turned off the page of the movie, and placed the tablet on the swing next to it.

After the death of Emperor Hugh, behind his own baby son, he whispered: "Is the work going smoothly?"

"It's very good, I just sent a salary and a bonus today." Lin Mu Yingdao, saw a few monsters hiding in the house and playing with the dragon pulse pinch toy to throw the frisbee, could not help but smile, "You scared them impressive."

The emperor squinted and blinked: "I didn't think of the monsters."

Lin Mu said: "Because the current efficiency of the government is very high, there are very few ghosts in the Central Plains. The ghosts are left behind. I heard that the ghosts will not stroll around."

"Linmu!" The little ginseng threw away the little duck in his hand and ran over. The carefully pointed probe glanced at the yard and found that there was no abnormality in the yard. He was relieved and soft and sprinkled. "You I'm home."

Lin Mu took a look at his head: "Well, I am back."

"I made durian Dafu Mango Dafu and Dafu ice cream today!" The little ginseng was very good at the chest, then swelled his face, turned his head and glanced at the toffee on the side, complained, "but the toffee puts the ice cream." Stealing it."


Xuan Xuanjing shook his ears.


晏玄景 brow wrinkled.

He is clearly eating brightly.

What can be called stealing?

"The toffee also said that I should not tell you." The small ginseng continued to complain, "but you came back from work and the ice cream he bought has not been delivered!"

Lin Mu’s doubts look at Xuan Xuan: “Do you like this?”

The toffee dignified is there, slightly dagger.

"Then buy more, I don't care." Lin Mu patted the head of the small ginseng, watching the little guy run into the kitchen, and looked at the emperor, "I will go to see my mother tomorrow, Dad, you can Going together?"

The emperor took a break and looked down at his translucent hands and nodded.

He returned to the courtyard and folded a delicate branch to the forest.

He can't get away from the body too far, but the trees carry the branches, and he can barely keep up.

Lin Mu had dinner, and followed the emperor to spend the sun outside.

He thought that after the new book, the bedtime story tonight would be milder, but he never imagined that Diugh could accurately slam the "Phantom of the Opera" in a fable of fables, children's literature and world famous works.

Lin Mumu looked at the magnificent opera house that appeared in front of him, and put the dragon pulse in his arms to the side of the little ginseng in his hand. He took a slightly horrified plot and did not start. He patted his **** off the battlefield.

Yan Xuanjing stood on the roof and looked at the void in the distance, as if he was fascinated.

When he noticed that the forest climbed onto the roof, he slightly turned his head: "Don't listen to the bedtime story?"

"The ghost story before going to bed is not conducive to good health." Lin Mu took two small stools on the roof and gave him a piece of Xuanjing. "And, you can't let you sleep without it every day."

Yan Xuanjing corrected him: "The monster does not need to work like a human being."

"It won't be tired if you don't rest." Lin Mu looked at the squatting squatting on the small stool, and he took back his eyes and reached out to play the moonlight falling down.

He looked at the tree downstairs and squatted for a while, asking: "What is the Great Wilderness?"

Yan Xuanjing thought a little and replied: "The scenery is more beautiful than the Central Plains, but it is **** everywhere."

"It doesn't sound too good for me." Lin Muzhen.

Yan Xuanjing shook his head: "The valley of Emperor Hugh is different."

The valley where Emperor Xi’s life is like a paradise.

Peace, ease, no killings and enemies.

Before his father began to contact the valley, because of the characteristics of the **** of the gods, there was hardly any mourning for the emperor.

The monsters that will be close will be almost comforted by the power of the Emperor.

And a lot of big monsters, will not be tempted by the gods of the heavens and the earth.

A few monsters alone can't bear the cause and effect of killing Shenmu.

Before the appearance of the house, most of the trees and flowers were very safe.

After that, what happened around the world is known.

However, the valley of Emperor Hugh has been well protected because it has not been affected.

From the memory of Wu Xuanjing's five hundred years, there is almost no more special place in the Great Wilderness than in the valley of Emperor Xiu, and there is no such thing as a naive to a bit of a stupid monster in the Great Wilderness.

- No, it can't be silly.

Emperor Xi’s use will still be used, not to mention a more stupid forest floor.

"You probably like the valley." Yan Xuanjing paused, "If you are willing to go to the wilderness."

Lin Wood can't imagine how the great wilderness is, but he feels that he probably can't be like his father. It doesn't get too tired for a place to stay for thousands of years.

“It’s too tired to stay in a valley. It’s better to be in the Central Plains, at least relatively safe.”

"You can also go out." He looked at the forest with a slight head. "I am different from my father. I have not succeeded the national lord. I have not carried so many responsibilities and affairs. I can accompany you to protect you."

"Although my strength has not reached the top, but if you want to take you through the wilderness, the problem is not big."

Xuan Xuan said so, there is no expression on his face, and the voice is cold and clear, and there is no undulation, as if he just thought of it, it is a matter of course.

"You can go anywhere, I will accompany you."

Lin Muzhen looked at him for a while, slowly taking back his sight and raising his hand to touch his chest.

There was something violently beating there, revealing an inexplicable sour taste.

Lin Mu licked his lips and raised his hand to cover his face: "Hey Xuan Jing, I ask you anything?"

晏玄景一怔: "Yes."

The forest blocked his face and sighed: "You are a small lord... Is it a marriage match?"


Qi Xuanjing replied, some doubts why Lin asked this.

He turned his head and looked at the forest, and found that the young man who was favored by Yuehua sat on the small stool. At this time, he had become a ball. He lowered his head and buried his face between his arms. The tip of his ear was abnormal. The layer is shallow and thin, and there is a light group rolling down from his hair. The halo penetrates the thin red, like a **** jade.

晏 景 景 景 一 一 一 一 一 一 景 景 景 景 景 景 景 景 景 景 景 景 景

A few small moons fell on the neck, and the dragonfly rolled, making it look like a small piece of skin shining.

The fox reminiscent of the back of the bare, dew that he glimpsed when he first gave him the moon.

It is also like this piece of skin, white and translucent, like a little bit of fluorescence.

晏玄景 愣 好 好 好 , , , , , , 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓

" shut up quickly."

Lin Mu squinted, his voice was helpless.



The fox closed his mouth. 2k novel reading network

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