MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Linmu looked at the phone that was hung up, and lost the lame.

The old swing made a "Oops" sound, and it slowly swayed twice.

Lin Mu took the phone and sighed heavily.

He really has nothing to ask for. Two colleagues don't have to count on it, and he doesn't know any monsters, let alone big monsters that can be unscrupulous in the unknown world.

The Imperial House is now difficult to protect itself. No matter which aspect of the forest is considered, it is impossible to ask for the only one that may be able to help him and help him.

I am also weak, and my blood is still being shackled. It is safer to stay at home and have pilgrimages. The office is not worried about being attacked because of the special status of the data room, but it is impossible to run outside.

Weakness is the original sin.

The woods leaned against the back of the swing chair and thought that he was most likely to be a black-handed father, feeling sad.

This isolation is not the first time.

When someone was bullying their orphans and widows, the mother was seriously ill after that time.

Although it was a little bit harder when I was with my mother, the forest didn't feel too difficult.

What makes him feel difficult is the kind of things and people who can't protect what they want to protect because they are weak and weak.

Still have to work hard.

Lin Mu thought.

Just like before, when you are bullied, you will fight back.

As long as you are strong enough, even if you are alone, you are not afraid.

It is possible that the father may have to wait for a while - if he is really taken away.

Because the monster should be strong, there is no clue in the forest.

I can only ask for help from Dahei.

Lin Mu slammed his face and touched his mobile phone. He was ready to call Dahei to ask questions about the cultivation of monsters.

As a result, when the mobile phone was just taken out, he heard a three-wheeled motorcycle parked outside the yard.

Lin Mu turned to look at the past and found that it was express delivery.

Thinking of what he bought recently, Lin quickly took the phone and jumped off the swing to open the door.

The courier brother unloaded a lot of things from behind the car and looked at the trees coming out. He gasped: "What are you buying and how heavy?"

"Some things to raise a dog to raise flowers." Lin Mu looked at his brother's gasping look, picked up his sleeves, "I will move."

"Ah?" The courier brother looked at the thin arms and thin legs of the forest. Just prepared to make a sound, I saw this thin young man squatting and lifting a wrought iron frame of more than 30 kilograms. I broke into the yard, turned around and picked up two ten kilograms of cultivated soil, and there was no stagnation in the wind.

Express courier closed his mouth and felt that it would be better to work harder.

He leaned against the car and watched the forest slamming things off, part of it in the yard, and another part into the house.

Lin Mu took out a utility knife from the house and went to the side of the parcel at the entrance of the courtyard: "Trouble a little waiting, I take a look at the parcel."

"Well, you check it." Express courier said, looking at the small yard of the forest.

This courtyard is not complicated and you can see the bottom at a glance.

There are a small attic on the two floors of the self-built house. From the outside, I watched the house for a certain period of time. Some of the creepers spread quietly on the outer wall. There are several windows on the first and second floors with flower stands and some hanging type. The green plants grow very lush.

Several of them are in the flowering period, and they are scored outside.

On the concrete road next to the house, there are some potted plants. Through some windows on the first floor, you can see that there are some indoors. The concrete road is turned over a part of the ground. It seems to be ready to be planted but has not yet been sent out. .

In addition to this is a green meadow, a wooden swing on the blanket quietly swaying in the wind.

On the fence outside the courtyard wall, there are vines with flowers, small and colorful.

The whole yard was full of greenery, and the wind blew through the courtyard to bring a clear fragrance. It made people completely forget the distress and troubles, and yawned with ease and drowsiness.

Lin Mu checked the parcels that needed to be checked. When he looked up, he found that the courier brother had already started to fight against the car.

He seemed to have a good dream, and he slept with a slight smile on his face.

The forest patted the other side gently: "I finished the test."

"Ah? Oh." The courier shook his head. "That, I am gone!"

"Let's wait." Lin Mu shouted at him, turned his head and went to the house to take the peppermint oil and handed it to him. "Get refreshed, be careful on the road."

The courier brother stunned for two seconds, and he smiled at him with a lot of fun. He calmly accepted the peppermint oil: "Oh, thank you, your yard is really beautiful."

Lin Mu Wen Yan, also smiled at him, bent his eyebrows, revealing two small pear vortex at the corner of his mouth.

When the three-wheeled motorcycle went far, the forest took back the line of sight and looked at the pilgrimage planted outside the yard. It was found that the flower that was supposed to be squashed was blooming in the same place, swaying with the wind.

It seems that ordinary people can't see or touch.

The trees regained their sight and repacked the packages that were unpacked and inspected, and moved one by one back into the house.

When moving to the last few pieces, Lin Mugang walked out of the house and saw a figure standing outside the far door.

Yan Xuanjing stood straight outside the yard, and the body was still not suitable for the ancient costumes that appeared in the modern world. The long hair hangs behind him, and he is quietly watching the trees in the yard.

Lin Mu looked at the face, slightly widened his eyes, and it took a while to get back to God very hard. He quickly went to the door of the courtyard and opened the door: "Hey... Hey, sir?"

晏 景 景 景 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫

Lin Mu felt that the sound of Xuanjingjing was really nice.

"How come you are here?"

"I am coming..." Yan Xuanjing said that it was stagnant for a moment.

He also can't say what he is doing.

Originally, I was looking for monsters with the ginseng dolls. The result was that the ginseng dolls had turned over several hills. The friends of the ginseng dolls were not found. However, the whole monsters of Qingyaoshan all knew that the monsters that were suspected to be only nine-tailed foxes came nearby. .

These monsters don’t dare to fight, and the site doesn’t dare to fight. They don’t dare to make trouble. They are all quiet like chickens in the dark corners, for fear that they will be taken care of by the nine-tailed fox. Eat it.

As everyone knows, the nine-tailed fox does not have to use it to eat the soul, and the eyes are gone.

For a time, the monsters all died, their heads and eyes were all hidden, and they didn't even dare to look outside.

The friends of the ginseng dolls are estimated to be one of them, and they will hide, and several hills will not be traced.

Qi Xuanjing happened to receive the news that Wu returned, so he took two hairs to give the ginseng doll a talisman and turned to the street office.

He knew that he could see the trees in the office, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't see each other day and night. The concentration of the demon in the forest suddenly surged several levels.

When I first saw the forest, I couldn't find out that he was a half demon, but now I can see it at a glance.

Probably also because of the soaring power of the demon, the influence of the enchanting talent of Xuanjing's strong convergence is no longer as great as before.

This is a good thing.

However, Xuan Jing did not think that the forest would be bloody.

It was an injury and was taken away by others.

Qiu Xuanjing hurriedly went to the side of the Qingyao Mountain to pass a letter to the relatives in the wilderness, telling that the things in the wilderness might be related to the Teya House and immediately returned to the forest home to confirm the safety of the trees.

How to say it was to take him in, and to provide him with a good place to repair the injured.

But after confirming, he did not know what to say.

晏玄景 has a half-small shell, his face is always calm and cold, and after quietly watching the forest for a long while, he said nothing:

The forest horrified and widened his eyes. He was a little embarrassed when he spoke: "Come, come see me?"

"You are hurt." Xuan Xuan pointed to the wrist of the forest.

Lin did not expect a big monster to pay attention to this detail so much. He stayed for a moment and suddenly became alert.


Yan Xuanjing was puzzled by this sudden alert.

The forest is very alert.

To be honest, he is not familiar with Xuanjing.

The last time I met, I didn’t look at him too much. The second time I found out that he had been so tight after passing through the blood, there must be problems.

The nine-tailed fox is so concerned about what he does -

Lin Muton paused and thought of the information he had found.

By the way, the father of Yan Xuanjing’s return is one of the big monsters that protected the emperor.

But after Dixie’s disappearance, they had no movement at all for a full 30 years.

Linmu's subconscious touch on the wrist is said to be the hand-knitted rope of the nine-tailed fox fur. Carefully licking the bright and unsmiling face, but vaguely can see a little big monster, a bit of uncertainty is the enemy is a friend.

The forest line looked down and swept over the location of the Xuanjing station, and found that he happened to be standing outside the pilgrimage.

Lin Mu took back his gaze and looked up at Xuan Jingjing. He laughed out two small pear vortexes and whispered, "Whenever you come, do you want to come in for a cup of tea?"

If the monster with sin is burned by the pilgrimage.

Lin Mu was eager to see this nine-tailed fox come in and see it. He burned and he didn't lose money. He didn't burn it and he earned blood.

The feeling of instinctiveness of Xuanjingjing had a cool feeling coming from the back. He looked up and looked around in a circle. He did not notice any abnormality and then frowned slightly.

To cultivate to this extent, he usually feels that he will not go wrong.

- Someone is calculating him.

Lin Mu looked at the big monsters around him and tried to shout: "Mr. Hey? Hey Xuan Jing?"

Yan Xuanjing slowly retracted his gaze, nodded and lifted his foot and walked straight into the yard.

The pilgrim was gently rubbed by his clothes, and he trembled and bent down the branches. After he passed, he shook again and swayed straight.

Lin Mu looked at the big monster safely into the yard, greatly relieved.

Yan Xuanjing felt that the chill and the sense of crisis suddenly disappeared. He couldn’t help but stop and thought about whether he had offended anyone recently.

Then I found that there were too many offenses, as if anyone could harm him.


Forget it.

The nine-tailed fox chose to give up.

Lin Mu closed the door of the courtyard and found that Xuan Jingjing was bowing his head and carrying a boxed package. He quickly went up and bent over to wrap the package.

"Sorry, sorry, I haven't got it." Lin Mu was a little nervous, and said with a parcel, "You can sit in the advanced house."

Yan Xuanjing nodded a bit, and he picked up a stool in the living room to sit down, his posture was dignified, and his back was quite straight.

Before Lin Mu took the small ginseng down the ginseng to make tea to the big monster.

Yan Xuanjing carries a cup and puts the enamel cup out of the style of a treasured teacup.

The nine-tailed fox turned to look at the forest, and looked at him with two eyes: "You have a lot of demon power."

"Oh, yes." Lin Mu was somewhat cautious in the face of this overly good-looking big monster. After the other side's peaceful crossing of the pilgrimage, the mentality relaxed a lot, saying, "Because you know your blood."

The movement of Xuanjing tea was slightly delayed. After waiting for three seconds without waiting for the next step, I realized that the blood of the forest is not a type that can be said at will.

He drank the ginseng tea and looked at the way the woods stopped talking. He asked slowly: "Do you have something?"

"..." Lin Mu hesitated for a long time, still nodded, "Yes."

Xuan Xuan put down the teacup in his hand.

"Monsters... How should the half demon become stronger?" Lin asked.

Compared to the big black, this big monster in front of it will obviously know more.

Lin Mu feels that he does not have to be close to the distance.

He looked at Xuanjing and said seriously: "I want to be stronger, but I don't know how to do it."

Nine-tailed foxes whispered, recalling their own experiences when they were young. After a long time, they answered with uncertainty: "... Beaten?"

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