MTL - Noble Emblem-Chapter 1133 Crow mouth

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"Why didn't anyone let the flames grow food?" Beta smiled. "Because it's not safe."

The little ghosts in the distance sent bags of food, even though they did not look like humans and looked strange, but they could still see the ultimate joy from their eyes, and the worship and respect of Beta.

With your own land, you have your own food.

She was sheltered.

Beta sighed softly: "The Devil has existed for a long, long time. Those who are willing to shelter the flames are only under the leadership of Phoenix and us."

Speaking of Phoenix, Angela's expression was a little weird, she seemed to complain, and she was envious. After a while, she asked, "Since Phoenix is ​​willing to shelter the flames, they don't seem to be planting on a large scale like you."

"Maybe Phoenix itself still has the characteristics of a" nomad "," Beta said lightly, "they have not evolved their thinking into the thinking of the agricultural nation."

With land, a safe residence, a reasonable tax system, and a sufficient population, agricultural civilization can be born.

Phoenix doesn't understand this. He may do it, but the process may be interrupted.

The Underworld Kingdom was targeted by Beta and Prince Holewen for a long time, and eventually had to move away.

"Then it is to protect these flame ghosts." Beta said lightly: "This is only the first attempt. With the improvement and development of farming technology, more and more grains and varieties will be grown in the future."

Angela was a little worried: "It's really to protect them. They can't let them run around in case they are learned by other cities."

"It's true, these technologies can only be rotten in Erbu!" Beta looked at the flame imps that glanced at him from time to time and said coldly, "If any imp wants to leave, kill him directly."

"I understand." Angela looked up and down Beta. "How do I feel you can do everything."

No way, too much knowledge can be received in the information age. Just open a web page, you can see some upset knowledge, and in some news, the basic knowledge related to news events will be popularized.

In this way, one day, the heavens come down, for more than ten years, twenty years, I know a lot of messy little knowledge.

The knowledge of most netizens may not be very deep, but the knowledge is absolutely broad.

Some simple basic knowledge is not useful in the information age, but in the wild era, it is new knowledge that transcends the era. Even if you don't remember it clearly, you can always achieve it by experimenting a few times.

Although it is said to be the first attempt, this farming involves knowledge about irrigation, planting interval, land use and so on. Actually, it is beyond the magic world and I don't know how far.

Soon, the largest grain store opened in the city under the name of the queen.

A peculiar thick-skinned fern, dried. Just boil it in boiling water for a few minutes and you're ready to eat. Many Demon purchases, whether as dry food or staple food, are quite good.

And many demons brought this crop to other cities. Within a month or so, the cities near Lime City had already become famous.

Many cities began to imitate, but the results were very poor. Most races of the Demon race are not good at farming. It is almost more uncomfortable for them to take care of the plants and let them reclaim the land than to kill them.

There are also some cities that have Fire Flames enabled ... but the effect is also very bad.

First of all, because there are no protection measures, many little ghosts are being killed by other demons who pass by, somehow, they are in a state of persecution every day, and the farming efficiency is very poor. Know how to grow effectively on a large scale.

Don't underestimate the word 'large-scale'. It is not simply a matter of throwing a large amount of seeds into a large area of ​​soil.

It has to do with irrigation and land use, and planting techniques.

Otherwise, the in-situ noodles will not only have one country facing the sky, but they will have the confidence to serve everywhere.

Someone is okay. Without anyone, it is just messing around. Even if you can barely grow something, the cost is surprisingly high.

After tossing a few times, they gave up, and then they felt that as a demons, it really was a robber.

Why do you have to work hard for something that can be solved with your fists?

However, some people still want this kind of high-yield food method.

Angela Haha laughed and was very happy in the palace of Erbu.

In the past two months, she has earned nearly two hundred gold coins by selling food alone. She has never had so much money in her hands. It was difficult to deposit about one hundred gold coins in the past. It's someone else's.

The current two hundred gold coins are all his own.

And the next batch of grain is about to mature, and then another batch of grain is put into storage, and it can be sold again.

But Beta came in the next second and said, "Queen, after this batch of grain is sold, the price must be reduced."

"Why?" Angela screamed. "I want to make money. It's so hard to get so much money. Why should I sell it cheap?"

"The owner of the city has the responsibility to benefit the citizens." Beta said lightly: "You have to adjust the price of food to a reasonable range. You can't just make money for yourself. Sufficient food and normal food prices can guarantee your city The population is growing. "

Angela said helplessly, "What do so many people want in my city?"

Beta sighed: "You really have no ambition. With a population, you have an army. With an army, you can protect yourself and go out and expand. Then build a second city ... Although you are now called the Queen, but How many succubus are still suffering in the demon world, do you calm down and call the queen, is there really a queen-like behavior? Just a small town owner. "

Angela's face suddenly became unhappy, she said with a big red lips: "Okay, I know, just do what you say. How much does the price fall to?"

"A third."

"Isn't it only about 60 gold coins for one sale of grain?" Angela's face was almost green, and two sheep hoofs took a step, went to Beta, grabbed his collar, and said angrily: "Li Lin, You are my sheriff, but how do I feel that you are always helping me to bleed. My only hobby now is to make more money. This happiness, you want to take away? "

Although it was said to be holding the collar, it didn't work hard at all. Beta didn't care, but just said lightly: "You can not listen. In this way, you will make as much money as possible later, just to help others make wedding dresses. Your succubus is not strong. If you don't have enough troops to protect, just A devil can take your money away. "

Angela took a deep breath and let go of Beta: "Okay, I listen to you, but it's too much."

She thought it was only 10% or 20% lower, but did not expect to drop it by 60%.

Beta was about to speak, and at this moment Martha flew in from outside and said in a panic, "The queen is not good. There is a devil and Naga out there, and she wants to see you."

The devil ... Angela looked at Beta, the look seemed to say, you crow mouth.

What the devil does is called the devil because of the devil.

In fact, any succubus, bone demon, heart-stealer, etc. are just ordinary residents of the demon world. Only the devil is the upper creature of the demon world.

They were born with great strength, even if they did nothing, they would automatically enter the elite level as long as they can live to ten years old, and live up to the age of fifty, which is the master level.

After that, the strength will continue to rise slowly according to personal talents. If you can live to 300 years old, it will automatically become a legend.

It's just that the environment of the demon world is too bad ... Few devil can live to 300 years old, and such devil is already a big brother, a lord-level figure, and controls the first layer of the devil world.

Now the Devil Realm merges and becomes a continent, so it becomes the rule of a vast territory.

At this point, a devil came to the door, for what purpose.

Beta can guess one or two.

Angela was a little nervous, and she looked at Beta.

"See you," Beta said, "I stand by your side."

Angela immediately felt relieved, she nodded, and sat back on the throne.

Beta stood a little behind her, like a guard.

After a while, a tall, muscular devil came in, and a four-armed Naga followed him.

The height of the devil is about three meters, and there are two arched sharp black horns on the forehead. After the head is bent, the face is similar to a human, but the nostril is larger and the face is much more square.

In addition, there are many scale-like things on the face, which is actually a stratum corneum. Their outer skin is very hard. In order to grow, they will peel off at small scales.

The devil's eyes are pale green, which is a manifestation of the evil energy. His eyes fell on Beta for a while, and finally he looked at Angela, and then showed a stunning color.

The aesthetic view of the demon world is different from that of humans.

In Beta's view, Queen Angela was barely ugly, which was still because of her pair of extremely flexible big jellies that added points to Beta.

In the eyes of most creatures of the demons ~ ~ Queen Angela is simply terribly beautiful.

Mozu creatures look at whether a female is beautiful or not, depending on three factors.

Body, magic smell, and temperament.

To some extent, the demons know how to appreciate the inner nature of women.

"You are Queen Angela?" The stunning devil spoke. His voice was very loud, and as soon as he opened his mouth, a pale green evil energy fainted out: "I am the messenger of Wei Shiya City, I brought my father Goodwill. Willing to buy your food planting technology for a hundred gold. "

Angela froze in her eyes.

Beta was also a bit surprised. Unexpectedly, the demons understood the importance of planting grain so quickly.

And still a devil lord.

A little trouble.


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