MTL - No Protection Tonight-Chapter 1611 Arranged

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"Wind Jun, are you sure to take me to China?" Fujiko looked at me with a faint look.

She actually has some concerns. The most important thing is the family. According to the temper of the younger lord, once she leaves the country, she will inevitably slap her family. This is not what the vine wants to see.

"Well, why, are you not willing? Oh, I know, are you worried about your family?" I asked for a while.

Fujiko suddenly appeared in her eyes, although she only knew it soon, but what surprised her was that I actually understood her so much. It was so easy to get the money, and the confidant was hard to find. She suddenly had such a sigh.

"Nothing, if they don't mind, they can go to the Huaxia country to settle down. As a state of friendship, China can also accommodate them." I said awkwardly.

Feeling my sincerity, Fujiko couldn't help but be grateful. He took out his mobile phone and pressed it a few times, listening to it in his ear.

Then I said to me in Chinese, "Thank you so much, Feng Jun, how can I repay you?"

Although her expression is rather blunt, it is quite funny, I understand it. Obviously, she used translation software on her mobile phone. Although it is a bit of a hassle, some words, through translation, are always difficult to talk about. There is a different feeling through learning and expressing by myself.

And if it is to prepare for long-term contact, it is also inevitable to learn the language of the other party. She can't expect me to learn Japanese. It is better to try it.

When I said this, the silky charm was very exciting. Because I was very close to me, I could smell the scent of her body. Although the vine did not deliberately wear **** clothes, the career line on the chest was quite proud. The gully, especially under the white skin, is particularly eye-catching.

"Cough, go to work in my company in the future." I swallowed swallowing, only to feel dry mouth.

Fujiko recorded what I said, and translated the text. The pretty face showed a loss. "Is that just?"

"Hey, what do you want to do..." I was like a pure chu, a man, knowing it.

She used the phone for a while. "Wind, I can't enter your life, but I think you can get into my body... okay?"

Although this statement is not clear, I soon understood it. Her charming appearance, accompanied by a little bit of tears, a pitiful look, evoked my inner desire and possessiveness.

If you can talk to the hard drive goddess, it is also a dream, after all, when I understand, they are my enlightenment mentor.

"Hey, if you don't promise me, then I won't go back to China with you, let me kill the younger ones." I haven't waited for me to respond, and I'm mad.

"This..." I am a little bit smirking, feeling that she is very cute, although there are some jokes in this statement, more is the expression of her inner attachment and remorse.

"Well, for the future development of the company, I am willing to sacrifice the color." As a big man, I did not twist and pinch, and simply agreed to her.

I don't know why I made such a decision. It may be because of a **** and a desire for freedom. Because in China, there are always many eyes looking at me, whether it is my growth or not. The richness of emotions must be weighed again and again. Just because I am afraid that I am sorry for Liu Jie, I almost missed Xie Shiqi and I was cold.

Later, I thought about it carefully. I was less than twenty. It was in a stage of bloodyness. In fact, there are some impulses that are inevitable. I just want to see how I can grasp it. If I am too shackled, I will become indecisive.

And on the issue of confidante, I have talked with Liu Jie about their knees. They clearly said that there are many kinds of relationships, one is derailed, the other is pure physiological needs. If it is the former, then Can not forgive, on the contrary, if it is only personal needs, does not involve emotions, then they can close one eye, but the premise is to do security measures, absolutely can not be infected with anything outside.

I have to say that they made a particularly big concession, which I saw in my eyes and moved.

And I am not only for my own desires, but also for the entertainment company to lay the foundation, we must know that Fujiko is only a medium, I also said very clearly, she can introduce other high-quality Ivy actress, together with China's development.

She has a good personality. There are a lot of friends in the circle. Maybe she can pack a group of actresses. When the staff is there, there is no shortage. Once this gimmick is spread, the popularity is definitely a lever.

Although I promised Fujiko, I did not immediately take her to the box, and I always felt that something would happen.

I continued to chat with her. It was a relationship between the boss and the subordinates. She saw that she was busy with the translation. I also made an app and then converted it into Japanese and handed it to her. This is more convenient.

Coincidentally, I saw that the WeChat group in Fengliutang was very lively. There was a guy named Along. With his own efforts, LOL rushed to the strongest king in the district, and Zheng Zong of the live broadcast company. Specially introduced him to the professional club, has reached an intention, for this reason, Zheng Zonglu continued to send 10,000 red envelopes, it is no wonder that the group fried the pot.

As the founder of Fengliutang, I naturally can't pretend to be dumb, but also send a bunch of red envelopes. They grab a lot of fun, and then some people say, "Boss, where are you now, I haven't seen you for a long time, Have time to go back to Yuncheng to play."

I made a position and they boiled.

"Boss, you should not make a fortune, go to the country to engage in women Y?!"

"Cough, you can't do it right. I came here to negotiate business. I am going to introduce some Ivy actresses, and then set up a strongest female group. You should not let go of the game, and learn from Aaron. I will arrange one for him when I go back." I joked a voice in a half-job and took a small video on the spot.

This can be said that a stone has stirred up thousands of waves, and members of the Fengliutang have been ‘climax’ in an instant.