MTL - No Protection Tonight-Chapter 1581 Ownerial dispute

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"This is what you forced me." I am a bit uncomfortable. Although I will not be fatally hurt by the defense effect of my black level, but they don't know how to swear, and I can't stand it.

"The Golden Snake dances across the thousands of troops." I clasped the Golden Snake Sword, and the whole man spun at high speed, and the swordsmanship poured out.

This is the move that I have only recently realized, the combination of two different forces, and a new spark.

"Hey." Suddenly a burst of voice spread.

The young monk of Shaolin was at the forefront, and there was a khaki barrier on the whole body.

The other three martial arts Tianjiao are also making efforts to further strengthen the barrier. It is just a blink of an eye, and the barrier is like a wall that is the same as a solid soup.

This is so, when the swordsman is rushing to the top, there is still a tendency to be crumbling.

The next moment, only heard a loud noise, the barrier became divided, accompanied by a strong aftermath.

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that the four martial arts Tianjiao suffered different degrees of injury. They were very embarrassed. In contrast, the kid was still a light and cloudy look.

"Defied." They are a little embarrassed. These people are all strong contenders for this year's championship, but they have lost to a rising star. Who would have thought this is the result?

Originally, it was a performance for the martial arts Tianjiao, but it became a personal show of his kid. This kind of grievance and sadness can only be realized by the parties.

This quiet atmosphere lasted for a minute or two, and I couldn't help but open my mouth when I saw them silently.

“Does this count as a promotion test?”

Although I did not ridicule the meaning of Master Qingyun, but at this juncture, no matter what, it is easy to think of his previous words.

Feeling the eager eyes around, Qingyun master's old face was red, subconsciously nodded, "Of course count..."

"So, is the promotion of Zhenwu Pavilion successful?!" I showed a smile.

"Yes, congratulations, for the Zhenwu Pavilion and even the entire rivers and lakes have won the supreme honor! Later they have finished the promotion, give you a special ceremony." Master Qingyun is not without approval, in fact, he is not malicious, It’s just that I refused his invitation, I couldn’t hold it on my face, and I wanted to suffer some bitterness. However, the master of Qingyun’s countless calculations did not count me to have endless cards. Even the big martial arts Tianjiao did not have much power.

Hearing the appreciation of Master Qingyun from the heart, Chen Zongshi and the priests couldn't help but feel a bit of joy. This way, I saw my growth, and I was more gratified and proud than the emotion.

"Hey, Master Qingyun, according to the usual practice, is he qualified to participate in the election campaign of the Allies?" Suddenly, a beautiful female voice rang, it was Li Meiling of the Emei School.

This proposal made everyone stunned. Indeed, according to the provisions of this session, the top three of the promotion are eligible to participate in the dispute of the lord. When people wear six, they fully possess this ability.

To talk about the martial arts lord, it is the throne of the eight sects (including the five poisons) who are at the helm of the helm. Over the years, they have been negotiating, who is the martial arts lord, but there is no good plan, in recent times, Because of the rise of the people in the Magic Road, the Wulin School wanted to select a martial arts ally who had the responsibility, ability, and heart.

Although some martial arts are indifferent to fame and fortune, but this matter is related to the status of the martial art, it must be argued according to reason. In fact, after the promotion of the martial arts disciples, it will be the real highlight, but in the end, it is voting, or speaking with strength. Even at this moment, there is no final conclusion.

Even Qingyun Master has no right to make decisions. Usually, there are few of them who are gathered together. I want to take this opportunity to clarify this matter.

Unexpectedly, Li Meiling will raise this sharp question, it is really a burst of blood.

As soon as I heard this, the rudders of other sects had a bad look. In contrast, the Emei School’s teacher, too, nodded and sent a glance to Li Meiling.

It’s not the other. Since ancient times, there has been a patriarchal thought in Huaxia. It is no exception in the martial arts school. With its inscrutable strength, Emei Shitai is also the mainstay of the big scorpion, but there is no competition for the lord. Hope.

For this reason, it is better to propose it. If this little guy is running for election, it is a good thing. Although he can't compare with the martial arts in terms of qualifications, he can't ignore the potential and the amazing talent. Enough to make these big names come to life.

"Little girl, what kind of jokes, how old is he?" The Huashan faction said that he was a bit uncomfortable.

"Uncle Yue, you don't forget, he is still not over twenty this year. It is not good to say. What are you doing when you are twenty? I believe that under his guidance, martial arts is hopeful. Brilliant!" Li Meiling is full of splendor and confidence.

"I agree!" Emei Shitai was the first to express his position. The simple three words not only propped up the scene for Li Meiling, but also showed a high recognition of me.

"I don't agree!" The voice just fell, and Yue Zhangmen did not hesitate.

"I don't agree." Kunlun's head echoed. Originally, he had a good relationship with Yuezhangmen. This matter involved personal interests. The preliminary decision of the previous negotiation was that the position of the lord was changed for three years, but it was not achieved. Consistent.

"That's good to say, you two and him to fight, see if you can deprive him of his qualifications, Xiaozhuang, do you see this?" Li Meiling's expression is very playful, she also knows that I can't make a decision for me.

"No problem." I shrugged.

"This..." Seeing me with a light and bleak look, the two big squats are somewhat difficult to ride.