MTL - No Protection Tonight-Chapter 1566 The only remaining one

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Just when I arrived in Beijing, Li Lao called me the first time after learning the news. Obviously, he hoped to hear my reply.

Although it was late, I promised to go to Li’s house. On a certain level, I was hurting Li Meizhen, otherwise she would not become like this. Because of this, I want to help her as much as possible, not Behind the head.

An hour later, I arrived at the Li family and saw me as soon as I arrived. Li Lao did not mention how happy he was, no matter whether he could save Li Meizhen at the end, at least that I have this heart. If it is really limited, he I will not blame me.

"Xiaozhuang, I am sorry to disturb you in the middle of the night, hey, the old man is really no way. In the past few days, there was a cry in the room of Xiaoyan, but when I went in, the voice disappeared. It’s really strange.” Li Laoxiao apologized, and he was flustered. Even at his age, after experiencing this bizarre incident, he still couldn’t help but be scared.

"Ah... then take me to see it." Li Lao said, I heard my back cold.

Not long after, I came to Li Meizhen's room.

After my last treatment, the coldness of Li Meizhen's body was obviously relieved, and the room was quite normal, but she was still unconscious.

Hey, before patronizing with the blood demons, but neglecting the situation of Li Meizhen, I don’t know how she is, from the perspective of the Gorefiend, he did not threaten me with Li Meizhen, can’t talk about use, in other words Most of the time, Li Meizhen has something he is looking for.

If it is a unique physique, should he rob Li Meizhen? Just because she took away her three souls and seven sorrows, is it because of the memory of Li Meizhen? To be precise, it is the hundred martial arts hidden in her mind!

Mom, I suddenly thought of one thing. If Li Meizhen is complete, she can't use her super powers violently, otherwise it will break Yangshou, but in a state of separation of souls, it is different, she may be able to Use countless times.

If the Gorefiend tortures her through some special methods, Li Meizhen is likely to teach hundreds of martial arts! However, regarding this point, I can't verify it at the moment. The previous Gorefiend against the big wizard did not seem to have the absolute upper hand. The means of the great wizard did not belong to the hundred martial arts.

And I was behind the oriole, occupying an excellent opportunity, although the Gorefiend deliberately resisted my true martial arts, but it was still affected, which may be related to the martial arts level of Zhenwu.

Then, I gave Li Meizhen the pulse and found that her blood was normal, and there seemed to be a trace of contact in the bones.

This is strange. When I was diagnosed last time, Li Meizhen was basically a vegetative person. Obviously this situation is better, but why is there such a similar gas field connection? I can't figure it out.

Is it because of my previous finger exploration and dripping into the treatment of blood, has Li Meizhen’s physique changed?

The more I think about it, the more I think it is possible. Pure Yang blood can not only help her balance her body, but also has some unexpected effects.

After a little sinking, I looked at Li Lao, "Li Lao, I have to go to the doctor, if you are convenient, just avoid it."

He stumbled and quickly agreed to me.

Not long after, I left Li Meizhen in the room.

"Offended." I apologized, extended my hand and placed it in the 'source of the yin'. When I touched it, I could obviously feel a free air. In a short while, I was free. Like a slideshow, Li Meizhen, who has become a half body, looks a bit strange.

Although the Gorefiend forcibly took away the three souls and six scorpions, and one of them was sealed, but after my blood treatment, the only remaining glimpse was awakened, and she was a very special physique, although she could not My pure blood is comparable, but it can't be much worse.

The so-called crying, that is the message she sent to the outside world, but did not want to scare the grandfather, so every time Li Lao came in, she would be like before.

In other words, it is not all her soul that Gorefi takes away. If I can try it, I might have a chance to wake her up.

Now this situation is simply through the acupuncture method. Obviously, the palliative is not a cure. Suddenly, my mind has a flash of light. Isn’t the pure blood of the genius claiming to have unlimited possibilities? Since I passed the pure blood of the yang before, I have stabilized the chill of Li Meizhen, and this time it is not bad.

I put out my finger again and sent a drop of precious blood, and then she had a red glow underneath, accompanied by strange energy.

But it didn't last long, the light disappeared, and I couldn't help but frown. It seems that this trick is not useful.

It seems that there is no medium that can carry the yin and yang. Li Meizhen is not a warrior. It is not surprising to think about it carefully. This is like a sudden downpour in the drought. If there is not a suitable container, it can only be expected. Sigh.

What exactly can you withstand such a strong yin and yang? I thought a little and couldn't help but look at my lower body.

It stands to reason that now I have mastered the yin and yang double repair method, from this aspect can give Li Meizhen a very good help, if successful, her half of the missing soul, may be able to find it back.

You must know that even the treasures of the soul of the town, in the case of the night Ji witches who manipulated the blood of the beads, still do not leave, although Li Meizhen has no blood, but has a rare negative physique of the millennium, this It is a rare treasure in itself, just look at how to develop.

"Cough, Li girl, I now think of a good way to help you, just some extreme, you may have to sacrifice your most precious things, if you want me to help you find the other half of the soul, then continue to remain silent, no The flower that is willing is moving the finger." I don't know if she can hear it, but in order to have a clear conscience, I still say hello.