MTL - No Protection Tonight-Chapter 11 I like young women.

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Originally, I did not find her existence, but the male compatriots in the class said that there was a **** young woman outside. Indeed, compared with the young girl in the school, Tang Hao had an unparalleled lethality.

Moreover, these Sao pigs, discussing all day long, which class girls have long thighs and chests, which hard drive goddess has been very hot recently, should have been talking about the topic of sneaking and talking, they are talking about them.

"I rely on, the woman with such feelings, three years of blood, the death penalty is not lost!"

"Hey, I am still a boy, I want to be tempted by young women."

"Why do men like young women, because when you shoot your ass, she knows to change her position. When you lie down, she knows to sit up. When you stand up, she knows that she will kneel down. When you get down, she knows how to pick it up, and small. When the girl pats her ass, she turns back and asks what is going on with my ass."

They sigh one by one, it seems to be comparing, who is the strongest old driver, because the teacher is in a hurry, this class is temporarily replaced with self-study, and there is no teacher, so they speak freely, but the girl in the class, how many points Shy, a slap in the face.

I heard them say this, I am not happy, I can't say anything. After all, it proves my vision indirectly.

After the slogan, they couldn't help guessing. Who is this woman, watching, and not like the student mother, I am hesitant, this kind of thing is not convenient to disclose.

I am wondering how Tang Tang came to my school. Doesn't the cousin intentionally scatter us?

When the school bell rang, I was the first to rush out. "How come you?" Just in the classroom, I squeezed my arm and determined that it was not a dream.

Counting, I have been there for a week, I have never seen a church, obviously under the same roof, but I can't see each other. I really realized it, the bitterness and sadness of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

Ming knows that the cousin has put her in house, and I dare not be too enthusiastic.

"Yes, Zhuang Feng, Laozi must first WeChat, you stand by."

"Cut, you pick up the girl technology, while hanging out, see the brother."

There was a screaming screaming behind me. I looked at the black line. This group of singer pigs had never seen a woman like 800 years, but their impulses were also excusable. Although the princes wore the seriousness, they had a bone in them. A little sexy, especially the small eyes of the hook, every time I touch, I always accelerate my heart.

"That another place to say." I grabbed the wrist of the church, trotting all the way, to the school grove, there is a sitting position here, but fortunately, those guys went to eat, did not come over, I can't explain the province.

"Running, you can get tired of the scorpion." She panted, her face crawled on a layer of blush, extravagant and delicate.

"The bastard, I want to add your WeChat, of course I have to run." I am not very good.

Don’t hesitate to say, “If you add it, there’s nothing. Just the blind man can understand your learning situation.”

"No, no, you have no time with me, have a good conversation with them." I shook my head hard and showed a rare overbearing.

The church glimpsed a little, then smiled.

"Hey, let's just make a living." She was not awkward, sticking her fingers and poked my chest.

The curved beauty is like a crescent moon, and the white beak reflects the red lips. It is simply a kind of style, I have seen it.

Don’t seem to realize that she’s wrong with this move and hurriedly shifted the topic. “If you haven’t seen it for a few days, how can you lose weight!”

"Not because of you." I almost blurted out, although some words are not suitable, but the thoughts that have been suppressed for a long time, broke out in an instant, have already left my brain.

"I? What happened to me!" Don’t know if it’s stupid or fake, I’m so straightforward, can’t she understand? Or, in her heart, I am always a little uncle.

In fact, I am a boy who is not well-informed. Before I came to the house, I didn’t believe it. There was a woman who was more beautiful than the widow of the village head. It was a blind man and brought me to a colorful city.

After getting along with her for a long time, she knows that she is a woman with cold outside heat. Sometimes she can talk without brain thinking, but she won't have any jealousy. This is why she has been passive in emotional life.

Anyway, when I say this step, I am not afraid to die.

"No way, scorpion, look at it, a group of dinosaur girls with spicy eyes in the school, compared with you, it is really a world of difference. Only when I see you, can I wash my eyes and do aerobic exercise." My heart pounds, this is the most numb thing I have ever said.

As a child in the mountains, even if I rack my brains and dig my mind, it is rare to compile it. I just recently recommended a novel by my classmates, which has benefited me a lot. The name is "Reverse Youth" in the Dreamer Novel Network. Fried, beautiful girl sees one last, painted and painted, fragrant and stimulating, seeing me all day hard, really admire this author, more than my group of singer pigs.

"Giggle, you have a small slick, your mouth is smeared with honey." Don’t laugh at the legs and kick me gently.

"No, it's all big truth." Sure enough, women like to listen to sweet words. In contrast, the cousin is somewhat incomprehensible. He doesn't know how to be considerate, only knows to ask for it, and gets his own needs and happiness.

The last time he was drunk, I could see it clearly, oh, sometimes it was pitiful, inexplicably want to pamper her, but to maintain a good size and distance.

"Oh, I don't want to marry you now, it's your cousin's meaning. He seems to find our little secret." Don Juan lowered his voice, very helpless.

"Ah." I almost scared the soul, and said that I was always dreaming. In the dream, I was detained with the crime of seduce the scorpion, and became a talker after the meal in the village. My parents were also ashamed. Even angry to commit suicide in the lake.

In our village, this kind of ethical relationship is very taboo. I have been indoctrinated since childhood. The concept of a long brother is like a father. Once the incident occurs, the ghost knows what will happen. I would rather be cut by the cousin and not know the parents and the villagers.

So at this moment, I have no color, as if it is an empty shell, and there are ridiculous scenes in my mind.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, you're fine." Don't hold my hand, and the palm of my hand came to the temperature.

"I just said it seems, I am not sure." She pushed me and added.

I drop a trick, do you want to be so scary, this mood is like riding a roller coaster, "cough, scorpion, you know, can scare people!" I glanced at her, some blame.

"Hey, you are so interesting. Faced with three or five strong men without frowning, how can I hear this news, I am afraid of dying."

It is also true that if things are revealed, she has no effect. At most, it is a divorce. The cousin does not dare to treat her. After all, now the cousin owes a debt, and there are obstacles in that area. It is not a bad thing to leave him early. But I am in trouble.