MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ The new book "Destroyed Emperor" is released, recommended

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Brothers, the first ten days of the first month, after numerous rewrites and revisions, my new book was finally released.

In fact, the new book was written in December 2014. It was only recently finalized and it was released today. I am really speechless.

I don’t know if it was abolished seven times or eight times. Because the fantasy is too difficult to write, the routine is no longer enough.

From beginning to end, for a full year, the abolished manuscript is nearly a million words, the pain inside, the anxiety, the choice, can not be described in words.

In the middle of the road, there was a big storm of harmony. Jiuyang was temporarily blocked. These months are completely worthy of the heart.

Now that the new book has been finalized and released, I am also taking a breath.

The title of the book is "Destroyed Emperor."

Jiuyang Jiansheng is about salvation, so the new book is about to die.


New book content introduction:

The junior male Lan Ling was smashed by meteors and passed through the world.

In a different world, she was saved by a female warrior of the Sox family. It seems to be God's will. He looks like Soren, the landlord of Tianshui City, and Sauron's defeated family has died.

In order to report the life-saving grace, the protagonist promised to pretend to be the Lord Sauron, and went to Wangcheng to inherit the position of the Earl and the Tianshui City Lord.

So, he faced a family that was swaying and dying. A widow and sister of national color, an astronomical amount of money and gambling debts, as well as nearly three-digit girlfriends and lovers.

Lan Ling felt the pressure of the mountain.

With the demon star, he can directly devour the dragon's strength and improve.

Therefore, Lanling began the road to the sky.

From the Lord of the Waters, to the Queen's husband, to the barbaric hegemon, to the eternal demon, the emperor of the world!


It’s been 5 months since Jiuyang Jiansheng has finished. I’m looking for brothers’ collections and I’m looking for brothers’ recommendation tickets. Thank you.

please. (To be continued.)



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