MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-Chapter 6 : Master, I am leaving.

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At this time, the Eastern Nirvana is 20 years old, the face is wrinkled, the light is turbid again, the hair has completely become white, and even the robes on the body are no longer shiny, like burlap. It is rough.

"It's amazing, it's amazing! I spent four days and four nights on the second layer of washing my veins, and you only had two more hours. The mysterious power was even more than my tenth. Not at all, it’s amazing!”

"Children, I am facing a choice now, is it to continue to wash your veins, or stop here?"

"Continue to wash the veins? It is very likely that my mystery is not enough. If the marrow is in the middle of the marrow, the consequences will be unimaginable, and your body will seem to reach the limit. If you stop washing the veins, I have left a lot of mystery. It’s too wasteful. I’m really reluctant. If you can wash the third layer for you, you can struggle for a few years, and you can become the head of Yin and Yangzong a few years ago. I am really reluctant!”

“Do I continue? Or stop?”

Of course, Yang Dingtian was completely unable to answer him, because he couldn't even move his fingers, let alone talk, and even his eyes could not be revealed.

"God makes you appear in front of me, just to create a miracle, I bet, I fight, we continue, even if it fails, I will..."

Finally, in a full-fledged tone, the Eastern Nirvana began the third time to clean the marrow.

The second time, the pain of Yangdingtian has reached the limit, and the Eastern Nirvana is also a teenager, but it is still the third time.

For the third time, Yangdingtian has completely felt that his body is not present. This is an extremely dangerous signal. He can't feel his hands and feet, can't feel his limbs, and can't even feel his face. Without sight and hearing, it seems that there is only a trace of knowledge floating between the raging fire and the extremely cold ice.

The Eastern Nirvana is also completely aging as the naked eye can see, the skin is layered and wrinkled, and the body is thinned layer by layer. Although the original hair is already white, but after all, it still has a luster. At this time, the dehydrated grass generally begins to dry and dry.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

It’s dark, then the sky is shining again!

More than twenty hours have passed, and the third time the marrow is still going on. Looking at the Eastern Nirvana, it has already dried up like a corpse, and he is still old and grayer than the beginning, and he has completely burned out. When Yang Dingtian just met him, his hair was like a hay, but it was still lush. But at this time, his gray and dry hair was broken and smashed one by one, and the thin scalp was only a few hairs.

The robe on the body has become a glimpse.

As for Yangdingtian, at first, the body still shed black impurities, but the things that have leaked out later have already seen **** color. Finally, the blood of the whole body is as open as the net, and the blood seeps out, making Yangdingtian the person. All of them are **** and fuzzy.

At this time, the mysterious power of the Eastern Nirvana has been forced to the top of the Yangdingtian, the third time to wash the marrow has been completed 99%, but the life of Yangdingtian is already dying, as if only one or two pressures will be The direct blood is bursting and dying.

The most terrible thing is that the atmosphere of the East Nirvana is empty, and there is no more mystery.

"Does it really have to be defeated?" The Eastern Nirvana sorrows and asks the heavens. He originally kept a little strength to prevent the life of Yangdingtian. However, the end of the mystery was insufficient, so he used the power of the final reserve. But even then, the last washing pulse can't be completed, and the progress stays at the last 1%. At this time, the stop of Yangdingtian is sure to die.

"I wanted to have a final farewell, but now I haven't."

"Remember, inheriting my clothes, will carry forward the Yin and Yang dynasty."

"Remember, when you are strong enough, you can see all my secrets in the flame ring and you will know why I am trapped under this mile."

"When you are strong enough, go through the path that I have not finished, completely challenge the order of the world, and see if the so-called **** does not exist?"

"Remember, take care of your teacher, take care of your wife, my daughter..."

"Remember, never let anyone know your Jiuyang Xuanmai, anyone..."


The Eastern Nirvana is mad!

"Boom..." A flame slammed out of his body, and his entire body burned.

"Boom..." The deep ice cave exploded suddenly, and the blue light slammed into it, as the same huge missile exploded in the cave.

The blue light swept through everything in the cave, and the crystal clear ice cave slammed. Yangdingtian spent more than 10,000 pieces of ice-cold steps produced in a year and burst open.


The Eastern Nirvana was completely ruined.

An incomparably powerful impact force violently lifted Yangdingtian, rushing out into the sky, directly exploding Yangdingtian for several kilometers, not only leaving the cave, but even throwing it high to the ground. After the meter, the power was exhausted, and then fell to the ground.

At the same time, the original deep ice caves completely burst and collapsed, and countless snow on the ground was buried like caves in the caves.

"Come on, leave here at the fastest speed, and soon my enemy will come to see me."

"Children, goodbye, with my ideals and will, continue to go on in this world..."

The last voice of the Eastern Nirvana reverberates in the top of the sun! He completely detonated his own sea of ​​air, helped Yang Dingtian carry out the last 1% of the marrow-washing veins, and then completely destroyed the entire ice cave, and simultaneously pushed Yangdingtian directly out.

"Don't, don't..." After a few minutes of falling on the snow, Yangding genius resumed his ability to speak, and the ability to move, desperately crawling toward the collapsed cave.

At this point, the cave has ceased to exist and is completely buried by snow. Everything that is seen by the naked eye is all snow.

The Eastern Nirvana never intended to leave here alive, and never thought about the role of the ice step that Yang Dingtian worked hard to do. He has long planned to do everything, and use all the power that he has left to become the sun. Detonating his own sea of ​​air, Yang Dingtian launched his classmates, the most important thing is to eliminate every inch of the mark left by Yangdingtian, so as not to be discovered by his extremely powerful enemy.

"Don't..." Yangding whispered in a hoarse voice, and the brain always appeared in the scene of the explosion of the dying of the dying of the East. The proud and kind voice of the East Nirvana rang in his heart over and over again.

For more than a year, I have been living together for more than a year. The old man is his closest relative in the world and the only relative. In the mind of Yang Dingtian, he is not only a strict teacher, but also a kind father. Yangdingtian desperately made the steps of the ice, and made more than 10,000, just to one day be able to leave the ice cave with the old man.

but now……

This closest person, sacrifice his life and everything

I fulfilled myself, entrusted my life's career to myself, and gave my favorite daughter to myself.

So kindly, bigger than the world!

Sadness is overwhelming, but it must pass as soon as possible. Because Master said that his enemies will come soon, and he will come to fulfill the ten-year contract. Although Yang Dingtian wants to know who this enemy is, he knows sensibly that he should do it. Avoid the enemy before the arrival of the enemy.

Yangdingtian waved tears and smashed three heads in the direction of the cave.

"Master, you rest in peace. Everything you say, I will do it!"

"I will make myself strong soon, I will carry forward the Yin and Yang dynasty, I will finish the road you have not finished, even though I don't know what it is. I will kill your enemy, even though I don't even Know who the person is, male or female."

"I will make myself strong enough to challenge the order of the world and see if the so-called God exists, even though I don't even know what you mean by these words."

"I will take care of my sister, I will protect my future your daughter!"

"I will use my life to fulfill my promise to you!"

"Master, goodbye, rest!"

Miles of snow and ice, no matter which direction you look at, everything into the shadow of a flat snowfield, as if the whole world has only one color, people can not tell the southeast and southwest.

Yangdingtian discerned the direction by the sun in the sky and walked naked toward the east. In fact, he did not know which direction the Yin and Yang dynasty was in, because the last thing happened too suddenly, and these details were too late to explain. He must find a place where humans gather, and then ask the route to go to Yin and Yang.

The reason why Yangdingtian walks toward the east is that this direction is closer to the human gathering place, but it is also more than five thousand miles.

Only the place where Yangdingtian is now called Wanli Glacier is not an exaggeration, but it is indeed more than 10,000 miles. The entire ice and snow is more than 10,000 miles from south to north or from west to east. This world is much bigger than the earth, and no one knows where the margins of the world are.

The extremely deep ice cave that has been trapped for ten years in the East is almost in the middle of the entire ice and snow. It is about 5,700 miles from the people's place of residence in the east, and more than 7,000 miles from the crowds in the west.

At this time, there was only one flame pill on Yangdingtian, which was stuffed in his right ear. He was naked and could only be stuffed into the ear. This pill can last for half a month, so he must be half. Finished five thousand seven hundred miles in a month.

"Master, I am leaving..."

Read The Duke's Passion