MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ 1283: The method of killing the saints!

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The sun-top sky, which was supposed to lose all consciousness, suddenly trembled and looked at the beautiful and unparalleled saints in front.

Blooming in the glory of the Holy Light, barefoot step by step.

However, two feet away from Yangdingtian stopped, and stood there watching him, with a charming smile on his lips.

Other than that, there is no expression.

Yang Dingtian uses all the energy and reaches out to touch the ring.

As a result, when the hand that had just reached out touched her, she suddenly took a step back.

Yangding Tianyun has all the spirit and strength, dragging the body that has been melted into the dark world, a few inches forward, and once again reach out and want to touch the foot of the ring.

However, when Yangdingtian once again touched it, the downfall took another step back.

In short, she continues to lead Yang Diantian to continue to deepen, bear the highest multiple gravity you bear, but never let Yang Dingtian touch her.

Yang Dingtian, who had almost died, was actually living and resisting, stepping forward step by step, step by step, wanting to be close to the ring.

And the downfall, continue to step back, the corner of the mouth always with a charming smile.

Finally, Yangdingtian has no way to take a half step.

Because his entire body has completely collapsed, completely integrated with the dead world of the dark world, and even his hands have disappeared.

Then, the remaining heads began to collapse a little.

His mouth, nose, and finally his eyes.

All collapsed and all melted into the dead continent of the dark world.

In the end, Yangdingtian disappeared completely without a trace, and completely melted together with the dead continent of the entire dark world.

At this time, the Fujian and Taiwan did not retreat, and stood in the same place, the beautiful face of the unparalleled face burst into a charming smile, staring at the point of the point of salvation.

She looked at it like this. Yang Ding Tian lived and was destroyed, and his life was swallowed up.

Even the reason why she appeared, is that she is afraid that Yangdingtian is not deep enough. Insufficient and killed.

Now, Yangdingtian is finally completely destroyed, and the smile on her lips is still charming.

When you can't see the shadow of Yangdingtian again, take a step forward and check the place where Yangdingtian disappears.

Confirm that Yangdingtian has completely disappeared. Is it completely dead?

In the end, it was completely confirmed that Yangdingtian had been completely destroyed.

Her charming smile, a little convergence.

Of course, the face did not become vicious or cold. It’s just dull and expressionless.

Then, her beautiful figure disappeared bit by bit, and eventually disappeared without a trace.

The reason why she appeared, as if to specifically witness the death of Yang Dingtian. Guide the death of Yangdingtian!


What is the gravity multiple here?

I don't know, in short, it is an astronomical number.

Gravity has reached its limit, and the body of the demigod of Yangdingtian has been completely swallowed up.

Unlike the phagocytosis of dark matter, this phagocytosis is entirely due to gravity, because of gravity.

Yang Dingtian disappeared completely and disappeared, melting in the dead continent.

In an instant, almost all consciousness is lost.

There is no doubt that this is his most recent death from death.

Recently, it means that he is still not dead.

That's right. He is not dead yet!

Because, he died, the dark dragon deep in the sea is completely finished.

and so. It must be taken when Yang Dingtian is going to die.

Of course, if it is to devour energy, then the dark dragon can not be shot. Because, as long as it swallows a little more energy, the body will become even more. More than the limit of the sun in the sun.

At that time, the sea of ​​Yangdingtian will explode directly, and it will still die.

But this time is different. This time it is not to devour energy, but to release energy.

The gravity multiple of astronomical numbers here has swallowed everything about Yangdingtian. Naga Frost has been unable to provide energy to Yangdingtian, and she is already on the verge of death.

Therefore, it is necessary to turn the dark dragon to provide energy.

How much energy does the Dark Dragon have? Is it big?

Astronomical figures.

Especially in the end, in the fourth dark field, the energy it devours is completely heaven, astronomical.

It is the most greedy, most awkward creature.

Now, let it spit out energy to save the sun, then, it is completely his life.

It is completely inconsistent with energy.

However, in order not to let Yangding die, this hair must be pulled.

As a result, it continues to provide energy to the sun and then release it to the body.

Therefore, Yang rose from the dead world of the dark world.

Restored a little.

The energy of the Dark Dragon is continuously released and provided to Yangdingtian.

"Human, if you don't want to die, hurry back, back, back..." The dark dragon shouted, how much energy it cost in order to save the sun.

Yangding Tiandao: "But the ring is in front."

The Dark Dragon roared: "She wants you to die, step by step to lead you deep. Now, I sacrificed my energy to sustain your life, quickly back, back..."

Yang Dingtian is already a little awake at this time.

Just now, when I saw the fall, his brain was completely chaotic.

Originally, he had already planned to stop. If he stopped at that place, he would not die. It will only freeze in that place until the day when the Dark Empire is exhausted. Because, Naga frost is consuming the energy of the throne of the darkness, and it is continuously supplied to Yangdingtian.

But at this time, the fall of the saints appeared, attracting him to continue deeper and move on.

To put it more directly, it is that the saints are afraid that he will not die, so they will appear, attracting Yang Dingtian to deepen and let him really die.

Yangdingtian looks forward.

He has penetrated into the dark world for tens of thousands of miles. He doesn't know how far and how deep the front is.

From the end of the dark world, how far.

So he went one step further.

"You are crazy, you are crazy..." The dark dragon shouted: "Do you know how much energy I have spent to maintain your life?"

Yangding Tianxin said: "But your energy. All I gave you."

Dark Dragon Road: "Don't forget, I am just an unformed dragon. My energy is no match for the whole dark world. You can go back a few hundred miles, maybe I can support it. If you go deeper, even if I run out Energy, you will die."

Yangding Tiandao: "But the ring is up, she is in front."

"Arid, ridiculous." Dark Dragon said: "She appeared. Just a light and shadow, not even light and shadow, just a phantom. There is only one purpose, killing you! How stupid people will continue to deepen? ”

At this time, Naga Frost said in the heart of Yangding: "The husband, the dark dragon said nothing wrong. Her appearance is to kill you! You should quit first, we have enough world, get Know all this."

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment. Then said: "Well, I quit, but the dark dragons provide more energy against gravity, and I have to go out quickly."

The heart of the dark dragon is bleeding, and suddenly the energy supply is increased.

Yangdingtian immediately bounced from the ground, turned and accelerated, and flew away toward the Dark Portal.

Just after running out for a hundred miles, Yang Dingtian’s own energy can be supported, and the Dark Dragon interrupted the energy attack in the first world. then. The tortoise is deep in the sea of ​​Yangdingtian, and the wound inside the heart, calculate how much energy is spent today!

The more outward, the lower the gravity multiplier.

Yangdingtian is running faster and faster. In the end, it was a lightning-like flight.

A few days later, Yang.

The multiples here are almost the same as the human kingdom.

Yang Dingtian immediately searched for the image of the exiled person. Xiaoxitian’s demon fox family was able to be exiled by hundreds of thousands of people. But now, I still don't see half a figure.

Yangdingtian searched for a moment. Then went directly to the Dark Portal, opened a space door, and left the dark world.

Then, after the Zhoushan area, enter the tearing space, through the tearing space, into the human kingdom.

In the human kingdom, he did not enter the dark empire, but floated in the air to think.

I thought about it day and night.

The question of thinking is still two in the end. Who is the downfall? Where is the Temple of Soul?

At least, now there is more than one clue.

The tower wants to kill itself, and the Temple of Departure wants to kill itself! Therefore, the downfall is indeed the one who left the temple!

And the downfall is in the sky of the Red Sea!

That lonely temple is indeed the temple of the soul.

However, when Yangdingtian went, the Fujianese avoided it, and the lonely temple did not appear.

The Fujian and Taiwan want to kill themselves, but they don’t show up in the Red Sea in the sky. But let yourself die in the dark world!

Is it in the sky of the Red Sea? Can she not kill herself?

Yangdingtian has to think clearly about these things!


After a day and a night.

Yangdingtian went to the ice and snow, through the abyss border, into the first dark field, and then into the second dark field.

Think about the specific orientation in your mind first, then fly quickly.

Despite the skyrocketing, the hole here has long since disappeared. Yangding was light and easy, and a hole was excavated with a soul sword.

The deep cave is still there.

Yangdingtian is deep, deep and deep.

At the end of the cave, a stone man lay quietly there.

This is the stone man that Yang Dingtian once encountered in the second dark field, and promised one thing to help it find the reason for being abandoned.

Today, it has been several years.

The stone man woke up and saw Yang Dingtian whispering a little, saying: "Are you coming so soon?"

"Is it fast?" Yangding Tianyi has been a few years old.

However, the stone man is not a human being and is very indifferent to the concept of time.

Not to mention a few years, it is decades, for it, it is only a moment.

"Come, let me go." Yangding Tiandao.

At this time, the cultivation of Yangdingtian has surpassed the stone people, and even far surpassed.

The stone man got up and nodded: "Good!"

Then, Yangdingtian took the stone man, left the cave, left the second dark field, left the first dark field, and entered the human kingdom.

It flew to the center of the waters of Central and Western Australia. Once again, I entered the Great Hall of the Universe, the spaceship of the spaceship.

Sit on the commanding chair.

"Yangdingtian Commander, I am very happy to serve you. What orders do you have?" Cosmos.

Yangding Tiandao: "Please help me scan this stone man around me, its energy. Its memory, why it will have life and so on!"

"Yes!" Cosmic spaceship Imperial Beijing Road!

After a while, the results came out.

"Yangdingtian commander, it has no life, the reason why it can talk. Even think, and there is a certain force. Because, in its body, there is a small energy reaction!" Cosmic spaceship Imperial Beijing Road: "This is The product of our civilization, this kind of energy reaction, was once a battle soldier. However, before the end of the last day, this battle has not been activated, it was probably activated more than 10,000 years ago. !"

Yangding Tiandao: "Why, why can it be activated!"

The spaceship spacecraft Emperor Jingdao said: "Because of the law of our civilization! When it is more than two thousand years. After receiving the activation order of this civilization, every thousand years, the level required for command is reduced once. Even after 10,000 years, even if It is not the genre of our civilization. As long as the matching degree is sufficient, it can also be activated and controlled. Therefore, this battle is the same as that of the spaceship, and as long as it is a human with similar genes, it can exceed the certain degree of matching. If you get the command, you can of course activate it."

Yangdingtian was amazed.

It turned out that this stone man turned out to be a fighting soldier of the eighth era civilization.

Yangding Tiandao: "So now, can I get his control?"

"Of course." Cosmos, the spaceship, said: "The ship has the power to recruit any fighters and soldiers. And as the highest commander of the ship, you can of course have the highest control over it. Do you need control of it? ?"

"Of course!" Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, a beam of light slammed down the stone man.

A moment later, the spaceship spacecraft Emperor Jingdao said: "The order is instilled, you are jealous of this battle. Have the highest control."

Yangding Tiandao: "In the Red Sea in the sky, there is a terrible energy field. Anyone who enters will lose any mystery, including my demigod. So, this stone man fights and enters the Red Sea energy field in the sky. Will it lose energy and combat power?"

Cosmos, the spaceship of the universe, said: "Is there a sample of the material of the Red Sea in the sky?"

Yangtou said: "Yes!"

Then, take out an energy box from the space ring, and after opening it, there is a dark crystal suspended inside.

Suddenly, a beam of light is shining, and it is illuminated on the dark crystal.

Then, the beam was distorted because it was swallowed up by the dark crystals.

Then, the spaceship of the universe, which successively released different beams of light, began to analyze the dark crystal.

After a good time, I changed hundreds of rays and finally I was not distorted.

Then, the spaceship spacecraft Dejing began to analyze.

A moment later, the spaceship Di Jingdao said: "The commander, this substance can devour most of the energy, but there is still a small amount of energy that it can't swallow. So, I need to change the energy reaction of the battle cockroaches and change their output properties. To avoid being swallowed by dark crystals."

Yangding Tiandao: "It can still be like this."

It’s amazing!

"Of course." Spaceship Imperial Beijing Road: "Please wait!"

Then, the stone man suddenly slammed away into a myriad of powder.

Its heart part, a beating, transparent energy body, quietly in the air.

"嗖..." This energy body was quickly shuttled to the depths of the spaceship Dijing and was transformed.

About half an hour later, this energy body was sent back.

Then, the stone man's powder, re-agglomerates, and restores the man into a complete battle 傀儡 stone.

"It has been rebuilt."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, can you increase its energy output, making his power stronger?"

"Of course, but there are certain limits." Stone said: "What do you need it to do?"

Yangding Tiandao: "In the Red Sea in the sky, kill the saints!"

"The saints collapsed?" The spaceship spacecraft emperor suddenly made some doubts. (To be continued.)

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