MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ 1278: Great harvest!

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Yangdingtian just got in the position of the command cabin.

Suddenly, the light in the entire pyramid changed.

From transparent white light to yellow light, it turns into blue light and turns into red light.

In short, many colors are constantly changing.

Finally, Yang Dingtian’s brain once again sounded a special voice.

"The entrant is a non-holistic human race!"

Yang Dingtian is speechless, how can he be a non-complete human race?

However, he knows the meaning of this pyramid cockpit, which means that Yangdingtian is not complete, not exactly the same as the eighth-century human.

"The degree of human race match, 89.95%!"

Yangdingtian was astonished. The similarity between himself and the eighth generation of the chaotic world was 89.95%.

Of course, he does not know whether the number is high or low.

Because on the earth, the genetic similarity between humans and mice is more than 90%. The genetic similarity between humans and orangutans is more than 99%.

Of course, this pyramid may detect not only genes, but also the spirit, the way of thinking, and so on.

“Do you suspect that it is a descendant of human race, or is it a foreign similar race?”

The sound in the pyramid continues to sound, and it will still judge itself.

"According to the command of the top commander of the spacecraft, when the ship loses the last human manager, the racial similarity is the highest basis for giving control."

"Entrants. Matching more than 50%, you can have the highest command of the ship."

"Enter, please your name." asked the pyramid. It is still within the mind of Yangdingtian, and it spreads directly with consciousness.

"Yangdingtian." He began.

"Lord Yang Dingtian, congratulations on becoming the new commander of the ship." Pyramid Road: "Here, I will implant a unique energy rune for you, which is the only password certificate for all of our ships." Fully bound to your soul and body! Accept?"

"Accept." Yangding Tiandao.


Suddenly. Incomparably complicated energy light, injected into the brain domain of Yangdingtian. Xuanmai, Qihai, inside the body.

Countless medium colors, incomparably complex energy runes. Instant injection.

Through rapid calculations, Naga Frost found that if converted into a password, it is probably hundreds of thousands of digits, and every second is changing.

Therefore, this energy code has no possibility of cracking at all.


"Energy rune input is bound, and from then on, you will have control over our series of spaceships." Pyramid Road.

Yangding Tiandao: "If that. On another spaceship, there is also a conductor?"

Pyramid Road: "Then we will use racial matching as the sole basis, the one with the highest match. Will have the highest power of the ship."

Yangding Tian Xingxi, then said: "Through the center of the earth, about ten thousand miles, there is another ship. Can I control you to defeat the spaceship and kill the controller inside Medusa?"

Pyramid: "Sorry, I can't do it. Because. I lost the entire hull and lost the highest command post. There is only one pyramid cockpit left. I have almost lost the attack ability and cannot defeat a complete ship. ferry."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, if I get outside the cockpit of the spaceship pyramid, can I directly regain the highest control of the spacecraft?"

Pyramid Road: "No, you must enter the cockpit and sit on the command post. Or, enter the highest command post and sit on the commander!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Where is the commander?"

Suddenly, inside the Yangdingtian brain, there was an image of a complete spaceship.

Very incomparably huge, the captain is more than a thousand miles.

Then, the picture continued to deepen and deepen, and finally entered the commanding throne of the highest command post.

That's right, it was the spaceship in the Jingjing, which was seen by Yangdingtian, on the throne of the Great Hall of Heaven. It is the one that is thousands of miles below the center of the Central and Western Seas.

In other words, as long as Yang Dingtian can leave the fourth dark field, he can go deep into the waters of the Central and Western Seas and enter the vast hall of the ship in the Imperial Park controlled by Medusa, directly taking away the highest control of the spaceship. .

In this way, there is absolutely a way to kill her!

Yangding Tiandeng is extremely excited!

Although this trip was a life of nine, Yang Dingtian still got the most important thing.

With the energy rune code that the pyramid has just injected into his body, Yangdingtian is equal to the method of killing Medusa!

It’s a great harvest! It’s a surprise!

This adventure is really worthy of being born in the dead!

However, although I got the law to kill Medusa. But at least, let's leave this terrible fourth dark field!


Yangding Tianben wants to go out immediately, but wants to take the opportunity to understand the top secrets of the chaotic world.

Therefore, he asked again, "Excuse me, how many ships are there in the same boat?"

"Ninety-nine ships." Pyramid Road: "At the time, the world made a total of ninety-nine spaceships."

Each ship is thousands of miles long and can hold millions of humans.

Ninety-nine ships mean that hundreds of millions, or even billions, of the eighth era of humans can be installed, and even more.

Such a huge spaceship, made so many ships, human beings with such astronomical figures can only have one reason, that is, the end of the world, the eighth era of human beings, to escape from the chaotic world, into the universe.

"Is it the eighth era that human civilization has suffered the end of the day, to escape the chaotic world?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes." Pyramid Road.

"In the end, did they succeed?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No, it failed." The pyramid road.

“Why did it fail? Why is there a doomsday?” Yang Dingtian asked.

Pyramid Road: "Yangdingtian Commander. Your authority is not enough, so I can't answer you."

Yang Dingtian asked: "The current human kingdom of the chaotic world has an underground dark empire. There is a concrete picture in my brain. Is this the product of the eighth era?"

Pyramid Road: "Do you authorize me to read your brain?"

"Of course." Yangding Tiandao.

The pyramid reads Yang Diantian's memory of the Dark Empire.

Then quickly replied: "The commander, it is indeed the product of what you call the eighth era of human civilization. It was one of the underground refuge of the Milin Empire during the Second World War."

Second World War? Yang Dingtian asked: "The eighth era of human civilization, how many years have you maintained a total of several world wars?"

"From the enlightenment of civilization to the destruction of civilization, a total of 380,000 years. A total of five world wars." Pyramid Road.

"Three hundred and eighty thousand years, so long and long." Yangdingtian was shocked.

"Actually. After entering the developed stage of energy civilization, the destruction of the world is only less than two thousand years."

Sure enough.

“What is the direct cause of the destruction of the eighth century energy civilization?” Yang Dingtian asked again.

Pyramid Road: "Sorry, Commander. Your authority is insufficient."

Naga Frost said: "French, I think you have to leave soon. Because the recovery of this pyramid cockpit definitely has an impact on the calm vacuum."

Yangding Tiandao: "Pyramid, what should I call you?"

"Cosmos No. 95." Pyramid Road, it must be the spacecraft numbered ninety-five.

Yangding Tiandao: "The universe number ninety-five, now the entire eighth era country, has become the fourth dark field, there are countless energy vortices everywhere. It is enough to destroy all the energy vortex. Excuse me, you have a way to drive me out In the fourth dark field, go to outer space?"

Pyramid Road: "I don't know. Although I can avoid the big energy vortex, I can use the phasing power of the energy vortex to find the shortest way to rush out of your so-called fourth dark field. However, my energy cover is limited, it is likely to be When it is not rushed out, it is completely destroyed."

Yangding Tiandao: "So. Please try."

"Yes!" The pyramid said: "You want to go to outer space, not the earth's empty space?"

"Yes. It is outer space." Yangding Tiandao.

"Follow!" Pyramid Road.


In an instant, the entire pyramid cockpit, turned into a streamer, rushed out of this calm vacuum.

Thousands of miles away, it instantly rushed out and then directly into an energy vortex.


The terrible energy of the energy vortex, desperately crushing and destroying the pyramid cockpit.

The layer of energy cover is shredded and turned into nothing.

In the pyramid cockpit, a new layer of energy cover was born.

The speed of its flight is extremely fast.

However, from here, the fourth dark field is rushed out, with a straight line distance of more than tens of thousands of miles. Moreover, to avoid the huge vortex, it is impossible to be a straight line, and it can only be turned around.

Therefore, the distance of flight exceeds several hundred thousand miles.

Every minute, the energy hood of the pyramid cockpit is being destroyed.

"The commander, currently flying 30,000 miles, the remaining 70% of the energy cover!"

Yang Dingtian heart jumped and said: "So, can we rush out?"

"The current probability of success, thirty-nine percent." Pyramid Road.

This probability is really not high.



The pyramid cockpit continues to fly at a speed.

The energy hood continues to be madly destroyed.

"The commander, you have already flown for 49,000 miles, and the remaining 50% of the energy cover!"


This is probably the most exciting flight ever since Yang Diantian has been in history.

In fact, in the pyramid, nothing can be seen at all. Because it is flying too fast and too fast, the speed per second is more than a thousand miles.

Therefore, across the pyramid, only the rapid light and shadow shuttled.

Unparalleled science fiction, incomparable dreams.

"The commander, you have already flown 83,000 miles, and the remaining 13% of the energy cover!"


"The commander, you have already flown ninety-nine thousand miles, and the remaining energy shield is two percent!"

At this point, the heart of Yangdingtian is already cold.

"Lord Commander, my energy cover is about to be destroyed!"


Suddenly, a shocking light.

"Lord Commander, I have lost all the energy hoods, I am about to be completely destroyed!"


In an instant, the entire pyramid cockpit, completely broken bones, gray smoke and smoke.

The sound of the pyramid finally sounded inside the Yangdingtian for the commander, the mission failed! ”

Then, the body of Yangdingtian slammed into the energy vortex.

The whole body was once again shredded by layers.

Once again, completely broken bones!

However, it is at this time!

The sea and soul that Yang Dingtian survived suddenly fell into a huge energy and slammed out.

Then, the surrounding energy vortex disappeared.

He was taken out of the fourth dark field and entered outer space.

Yang Dingtian, successfully escaped! Fortunately!


Note: The second one is sent, thank you! (To be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion