MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ 1271: Emperor Naga, kill Medusa!

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"Slowly, you will come back." Naga Frost said suddenly.

Yangdingtian could not help but sigh, but still nodded.

Anyway, although the skywreck of the spaceship of the Imperial Palace is the closest to the Temple of the Soul, it should be only a few thousand miles away. But presumably it is completely impossible to pass, and I want to go to the soul hall to take another road.

With the fastest speed, he flew off the dark space, rushed out of the thick dark matter, returned to the bottom of the sea, and then rushed out of the sea and returned to the dark empire thousands of miles away.

Came to the hall of the Dark Empire.

"What's wrong? Frost?" Yangding Tiandao.

Naga Frost said: "Frank, are you going to leave the temple now?"

Yang Dingtian thought for a while and said: "In fact, our choice is not big."

Naga Frost said: "Actually, this time our goal is simply to find the Temple of Departure and find Medusa. And this goal has been completed, isn't it?"

This is true, this time Yang Dingtian went out to the waters of the Central and Western Seas, even because it was impossible to believe that the location of the Temple of the Soul would be there.

As a result, it is counted there, and it is not counted there.

In the depths of the sea in the Central and Western Seas, it is the center of the main hall of the spaceship, and the sacred vestibule should be in the cockpit of the bow, not in the chaos of the world, but in space.

But no matter what, you should be sure that you have found the so-called Departure Hall.

Then Naga Frost said: "We found where Medusa is, but we don't have a way to kill him now. Not to kill his strength."

Yangdingtian nodded to confirm this.

Naga Frost continued: "And it seems that Medusa seems to have no way to leave the so-called Departure Hall, and there is no way to come to the human kingdom to kill us. So this gives us enough time to make We became stronger until she was killed. At this time, she was trying every means to let us go to death."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "But if we don't go, she won't force me to go. She will give some energy to Ximen Ningning, then control her will, and let her become a slaughter. Go to kill and kill. Kill all the surviving humans."

Naga Frost acknowledged this statement. She wants to say, don't care about the survival of human beings, but she didn't say anything.

Yang Dingtian continued: "And even if we are huddled in the dark empire. Medusa once has no choice. Maybe she will control her Tongtian Emperor (the giant spaceship) and carry out a devastating attack on our dark empire. The Tongtian Emperor, where she is, is more advanced and powerful. Even, it is no longer necessary to absorb the energy of the mainland. Can you guarantee that it does not destroy the energy of our dark empire?"

Naga Frost thought for a moment, and nodded again: "There should be, but the cost is too high, so it is not a last resort. Medusa will not do that."

Yangding Tiandao: "But as long as we are shrinking in the dark empire, it is getting stronger and stronger. When it is enough to threaten her safety, it is the time when she has to, she will definitely shoot."

Naga Frost, acknowledged this statement of Yang Dingtian.

Yangding Tiandao: "Frost, is the current Medusa the most debilitating moment?"

Naga Frost nodded: "Her spirit, she should only recover about two or three percent."

Yangding Tiandao: "If we hide in the dark empire. Desperately devour energy. How long it takes to be powerful enough to defeat and kill Medusa."

Naga Frost said: "It’s been a long time, a long time."

she was. Simply, there is no mention of the world.

Yangding Tiandao: "But, Medusa will not give us this for a long time. So, now is the best time to kill this Medusa."

Naga frost is silent.

Yangding Tiandao: "Fros, we have a saying, called Kung Fu is outside the poem!"

Naga Frost said: "French, I know what you mean, you want to kill the Queen of Medusa by other means. Instead of passing through the martial arts, what do you think?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The first thinking, once again into the taboo of the mainland illusion. Then no longer leave, always find ways to destroy the most advanced Tongtian Emperor (mega spaceship)."

Naga Frost thought for a while: "French, your idea should be successful. Because there will be a law of destruction in the illusion. But... such an advanced spaceship, Jingjing, once destroyed, I doubt it. The mainland can't keep it."

Yangdingtian fell into silence.

This possibility is very powerful.

Yangding Tiandao: "So, in the taboo of the mainland, I have been waiting. Waiting for the construction of Medusa's spaceship, Dejing, is completed. It is obvious that Medusa is definitely not its highest commander. She may be just an intruder. It is the only intelligent life of the entire spaceship, and therefore has certain control. However, he will have a very beginning instruction, which will allow me to obtain the highest control of the entire spaceship, Jingjing, and then control the energy of the entire spacecraft. Instantly kill Medusa."

Naga Frost’s eyes lit up and said: “The possibility of the husband is there, but there are two problems. The first question, although in the eighth epoch, our reality is a few years in the illusion. A few years. But this eighth civilization era may have been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years. And the emergence of this spaceship, Dejing, represents the eighth era of human beings ready to escape the chaotic world. This shows that it is already At the end of the entire civilization. Therefore, you have to stay in the illusion for a long, long world, and it can be translated into real time, it may be hundreds of years."

Yangding Tianyi, yes, this possibility exists, even absolute.

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "Then maybe there is a way to directly leap the eighth era to the end, and then shuttle the long darkness again, which represents the loss of time. Go directly to the ninth era, then return to the eighth era. That is exactly the end of the eighth era."

Naga Frost said: "French. Your theory is equally feasible. But, you have known for a long time. The shuttle in the dark void represents the passage of countless times. You fly backwards in the dark void, once the speed exceeds the dark void The speed of the shuttle itself will be awake from the illusion, and it will appear in the mainland."

Yangdingtian was silent again.

That's right, Naga Frost said it was correct again.

Thinking for a while, Yangding Tiandao: "Then I still have a concept."

Naga Frost said: "Frank. Please say."

Yangding Tiandao: "You know, I once got a demon nucleus of the Naga king. Its soul. It used to be in my mind, and then injected into my soul sword. But from beginning to end, because of extreme Arrogant, it has hardly communicated with me. Only when it is fatal, it will take the initiative to control the soul sword. The first time, in the secret of the desperate city, once again in the dark empire, you will immediately To be trapped by the day, it controls the soul sword to release the sword and return to the sect, saving you."

Naga Frost said: "Yes, do you think this Naga king's demon nuclear existence is not accidental?"

Yangdingtian nodded: "Yes, in the ancient Naga empire. In addition to Medusa's defection, all other Naga chose to sacrifice themselves and build the imprisoned space of the new Naga Empire. I think. Naga Empire is sure After chasing Medusa, I finally gave up. But I will definitely not give up completely. Therefore, the royal family of the Naga Empire left a demon nucleus, and then injected the soul and spirit into this demon nucleus. There is no rebellion and alive. I have not completely abandoned the pursuit of Medusa."

Naga frost eyes brighten, this possibility. It is completely there.

Yang Dingtian continued: "If I guess the accuracy, then the soul of this Naga king, so there is a way to kill Medusa."

Then, Yang Dingtian took out the soul sword and said: "If this is the case, we have already found Medusa for it. How to kill it, maybe it depends on its means."

Naga Frost said: "French, you and me are connected. But you and the soul sword are indeed one-way. You can control the soul sword with consciousness, but it does not necessarily know your thoughts. So, find Medusa's Message, you still need to tell it."

Yangding Tiandao: "This is very simple, write one of the most simple scrolls, and then use the consciousness to control the soul sword, and comprehend this scroll is."

That's right, it's true.

This kind of reel transports not only the martial arts, but also the simplest information. This information scroll, even the energy runes are not needed.

So, can Yang Dingtian communicate directly with the Naga King Sword Soul? Of course, but at least to wake it up first, and it seems that there is no idea to communicate with Yangdingtian.

So, you can only tell it in this way.


Without further ado, Yang Dingtian immediately entered the deep meditation world with Naga Frost.

Write a scroll at the fastest speed and tell me about Medusa. Among them, Yang Dingtian even wants to write the position of Medusa in the scroll.

Later, I found that writing the specific position of Medusa with the scroll code is so amazing that I can only give up. Inform the general direction of Medusa.

After writing, Yangdingtian immediately woke up from the illusion, and the scroll was already written.

Then, Yangdingtian used the consciousness to control the soul sword and immediately realized the scroll.


I only saw that the scrolls were burned out in an inch.

When the last corner of the reel was completely burned.


Yang Dingtian only felt a loud noise inside his mind.

Then, an endless pressure, swept through.

Yangdingtian is fine, Naga Frost has instinctively bowed down.


Then, an incomparably huge image of Naga appeared in the mind of Yangdingtian.

It is a tens of thousands of meters in size, and it is all golden, especially its eyelids, and two horns. It is also the golden glare.

In Naga, who is the most powerful, who is the most expensive?

The closest to the fallen dragon is the most powerful and noble.

From the pupil of the eye and the two corners, you can see the bloodline of Naga.

The Naga, which Yang Dingtian saw at this time in the brain, is already extremely powerful and noble.

Looks like. It is no different from a dragon. Basically, it is not a Naga. Of course, no matter what. It is also a Naga, not a dragon.

"Human, did you find the trace of the traitor Medusa?" This Naga king, made a hoarse voice.

This voice is not explained by the male and female, it has exceeded the human form.

Then, Naga Frost had already bowed to the ground. The first slogan: "Naga alone, frost, see my emperor."

Yangding Tianyi. This Naga king, it is not just a royal family, but the emperor of the Naga Empire.

The lord of Naga looked as if looking towards Naga's frost, and frowned slightly: "You have already broken the order. Who made you born?"

Obviously, the Naga King is not very happy with the existence of Naga Frost. Because they feel that they are already a product of backwardness, they are bent on creating a new Naga, and they are completely new spiritual Naga.

Now, another half-goa Naga, an energy system, comes out. Although it has been saved, it does not like her existence.

Naga frost crouched on the ground. Did not speak.

The Emperor of Naga revisited Yang Dingtian and said: "Human, you know clearly, where is Medusa?"

Yangding Tiandao: "In the spacecraft built by the eighth era of the human kingdom. This spacecraft is wrapped in dark matter, mostly in the chaotic world, but the cockpit and the bow are out of the chaotic world, and space is explored. ""

The Emperor of Naga stunned: "It turns out that it is no wonder that Medusa can escape the pursuit of our Naga Empire. It is already a chaotic world."

Then, the king of Naga said: "Now. You start to reproduce the specific position of Medusa and the route of travel in your mind."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yes, although this route is very accurate, the surrounding environment is very unrealistic."

"Nothing!" The king of Naga.

Yang Dingtian immediately in his mind, recalling the trajectory of the energy signal from the soul temple, starting from the east from the grassland and going north, all the way forward, do not know how much space has passed, and finally reached the destination to the soul hall!

With the permission of Yangdingtian, the Emperor Naga directly read this memory of Yangdingtian.

Then sighed: "Great, great, I will go here. No wonder the search and pursuit of the empire at the time was nothing. Her escape direction is exactly the opposite of our pursuit."

Yangding Tiandao: "The Emperor Majesty, can you find a way to kill Medusa? At this time!"

The king of Naga said: "You should know that I just pin my soul in the demon nucleus. Whether it is energy or spirit, it is very weak, less than one thousandth of the body. So, you rely on my energy. It is completely impossible to kill Medusa."

Yangding Tiandao: "You can also borrow the power of this soul sword, and the energy of me and Naga Frost."

The king of Naga: "There is no doubt that as the Emperor of Naga, there is a special trial for the subjects of my empire. You can restrain the Naga, including Medusa. But now the energy is too, too weak. It still doesn't work."

Yangding Tiandeng was frustrated in his heart: "Is there really no way to do it under the Emperor's Majesty?"

The king of Naga said: "Unless, you have the fossil liquid of our Naga empire. I have this fossil liquid in the big trial, so as soon as I enter a little to Medusa, she becomes a fossil. ""

Yang Dingtian was shocked and said: "Medusa is dedicated to turning others into fossils. Will she become a fossil herself?"

The king of Naga: "Of course, she can make people become fossils, it is a kind of spiritual energy. And this fossil liquid is the energy of the Naga people. Although they are fossils, but the United States Dusha fossilism doesn't matter at all."

Yangding Tianxi looked out and said: "The emperor is kneeling, I really have it!"

After all, Yangding Tian took out the box, which had a beating green liquid, as if it were alive.

The Emperor Naga did not dare to look at the green liquid, saying: "Where did you get it from here? The Naga Empire is dead, and there is such a fossil liquid?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I got it from an auction of Medusa, and even they didn't know what it was. I don't know what it came from."

The Emperor of Naga wondered: "It's really weird."

Yangding Tiandao: "My Majesty the Emperor, what should I do to make this fossil liquid into your big trial?"

The king of Naga: "This fossil liquid is not a liquid, but an energy. Wait, I teach you to write a swallowing reel, and then let your soul sword swallow the fossil energy. But this fossil Energy is fatal to the energy of the Naga. Once your soul sword has swallowed it, the nucleus in your soul sword will be wiped out, and the mysterious energy of my Naga royal family is also gone.

"Is there any damage to your soul?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"That wouldn't be." The king of Naga: "Fossil, just to keep the body and energy from fossils, the soul is still free."

That's good.

The king of Naga: "The sea of ​​your current soul sword is strong enough to peel off my demon nucleus."

Next, under the control of the Emperor Naga.

At the hilt of the Chaos Emperor Spirit Sword, a little bit of energy permeates.

Finally, condensation becomes a complete Naga king demon nuclear ~ ~ Yang Dingtian put it back into the space ring.

Then, the king of Naga said: "You wait a few hours, I write a scroll, and then write this scroll through the spirit of Naga alone."

"Yes!" Yangding Tiandao.

At less than an hour, the Emperor of Naga completed the scroll and then wrote the fossilized energy stream through the hands of Naga Frost.

Yangding Tian used the consciousness to control the soul sword, and realized the scroll, which completely swallowed up the fossil energy.

In fact, the Emperor Naga himself can control the Soul Sword to do so. He acts like this, only to prove that it has no intention to take the highest control of the soul sword.

After all this, the Naga royal family said: "Okay, set off, kill Medusa!"


Note: The 5,000-word chapter, thank you all. (To be continued)