MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ 1263: Only one method of breaking the gods!

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Next, Medusa really died down.

The new Medusa killing has never been erected.

Obviously, this way of slaughtering is too energy-intensive. Moreover, there are no areas where humans are very dense, so Medusa will adopt another way.

But I believe that it will take a while.

Because Medusa needs to restore its energy and spirit.

In fact, Yang Dingtian has never been able to understand how Medusa turned humans with astronomical numbers into fossils.

This simply does not meet Yang Diantian's understanding of energy.

Even if it is a demigod, it is impossible to kill so many human beings by using all energy to kill.

Moreover, for Medusa, there is no difference in the energy consumed by turning a holy power and a civilian into a fossil.

That is to say, in front of Queen Medusa, there is no difference between the Holy Power and the farmer.

So, this is definitely another way of killing. Absolutely not the current mainstream energy, to destroy another energy life.

It should be an energy response!

Moreover, Yang Dingtian believes that Medusa certainly does not complete this killing with his own spirit and energy.

Naga Frost said that even if she broke through the demigod, the point-to-point killing, can be done thousands of miles apart.

And Medusa’s killing radius turned out to be seven thousand miles, and it was a total massacre without a dead end. Within the entire sector, even half of the personal class will not survive.

This is incredible. and. After the killing, there is still a kind of energy in the entire space, and any incoming humans will still become fossils.

The entire area. They are all completely covered by death energy, which is even more terrible than nuclear radiation.

Yang Dingtian does not feel this energy, but he does exist.

Because of Nanbanzhou, it has been continuously experimenting.

The statue of Medusa in Zhongzhou has been closed for ten days, and the massacre has stopped.

Every three hours, Nanmanzhou will send a death row to the area covered by Medusa.

Although the massacre is over. Medusa’s eyes have been closed, but the death row is still a fossil.

but. It is getting longer and longer for these death row to become fossils.

The most recent data that Yang Dingtian got was seventeen minutes. It took 17 minutes for the death row to be placed in the area covered by Medusa's killings, from the beginning to the complete turning into fossils.

In other words. The energy of Medusa's killing has been exhausted.

Moreover, this has nothing to do with the distance that Medusa kills. Whether it is near or far from the statue, the special energy of this cage is the same.

This experiment is very inhuman, it was approved by Yangdingtian, and even many times, he personally completed it.

He wants to know, what impact will Queen Mesa of this big killing have on the entire human kingdom? Will it affect the survival of human beings in the future?

so far. Influential, and very large.

Although, the terrible energy that hangs over the human kingdom has been waning. But I want to die out completely, I really don't know how long it will take.


"Frost, according to your speculation, is it possible for Queen Medusa to use her energy to complete this massacre?" Yang Dingtian asked.

“Nothing?” Naga Frost said: “In six days, all the humans within 150 million square miles will be killed. And the killing range is seven thousand miles. This is simply impossible, and this is needed. Energy is an astronomical number. Fu Jun. I want to kill a person thousands of miles away. The energy needed is thousands of times more than killing people outside the kilometer. Because I don’t have a soul sword, I can’t let the soul sword After flying a thousand miles and then killing the target, I will release an energy arrow directly to kill it. As the distance increases, this energy has been decaying."

Yangdingtian understands that just like high-voltage transmission, as the distance increases, the loss on the way will also increase.

Naga Frost said: "I probably calculated that Medusa completed a killing, if it is purely from an energy point of view. It probably takes hundreds of peaks and a half of the sea."

Yang Dingtian suddenly understood the words of Naga Frost. If, a half-god, Naga, flies to a large area of ​​slaughter, the energy consumed is much smaller.

But like Medusa kills, this one-time no-dead covers 150 million square miles of killings. Need hundreds of peaks and deities of the Naga gas sea.

Queen Medusa has only one sea of ​​air. After it is completely released, it needs to be condensed again.

Naga Frost said: "So what is certain is that Queen Medusa has completed this big kill with a special spiritual power to control a very powerful energy. This energy is definitely not from the human kingdom. ”

Yangdingtian nodded, and it is impossible for the human kingdom to have such a huge source of energy.

Naga Frost said: "Next, she should not kill the new Medusa, but will change the way to kill the remaining humans. If I did not guess wrong, then Ximen Ningning should have thought of a certain possibility, so he fled desperately and tried to escape to a place where Medusa could not find it!"

Yangdingtian nodded and understood.

Next, Medusa's means can indeed be guessed.

For whatever reason, it seems that Queen Medusa is not willing to show up or can't show up.

However, she and her daughter Ximen Ningning are completely energy-connected. In other words, she can transfer part of her energy to Ximen Ningning, and then control Ximen Ningning to complete the next accurate killing.

Ningning thought of this terrible picture and fled desperately.

"Frost, the three Medusa killing, should exhaust the spirit of Queen Medusa." Yangding Tiandao: "So, then, how long do you think she will take to recover?"

Naga Frost said: "Fei Jun, he does not need to fully recover. As long as you recover to two or three percent, you can start the next precise killing."

That's right. This is true.

Naga Frost said: "The foundation of my ethnic memory, Medusa completes a complete spiritual recovery, it seems to be eight hundred days to one thousand three hundred days."

Yangding Tiandao: "You can't measure Medusa like this. She should be especially strong. And, as long as the recovery is 20% to 30%, the time will be very short. So I think that she left us only for half a year."

Naga Frost said: "I agree!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Froser, in the energy stronghold from the Soul Hall, I can meet Medusa in the illusion. If there is no guessing. The energy base is like a signal tower. It can be gathered and received. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the energy signal from Medusa."

"Right, husband." Naga Frost said: "Like your childhood TV tower, just like the earlier radio."

Naga Frost and Yangdingtian are now completely connected.

Different from Yangdingtian. She will read the memory of Yangdingtian almost whenever she has time, and she will not let any of them*. Instead, Yang Tiantian rarely voluntarily flips through her memory.

Therefore, she almost knows everything about Yangdingtian on earth.

Yangding Tiandao: "Is there a possibility to capture the energy signal from Medusa, to reverse the trend, chase and locate the position of Medusa?"

"Yes." Naga Frost said: "I said before, as long as I broke through the demigod. I will definitely meet Medusa. The method you said is the most direct. Directly capture her energy orbit, reverse Push back. I will find him in a few seconds."

Yangding Tiandao: "Do you have to break through the gods?"

Naga Frost Road: "French, Medusa is separated by tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of miles, even across the plane, to the energy signal sent to the human kingdom's departure hall, and then captured by the energy base. Zoom in. So, you can meet Medusa in the illusion. This energy signal is very weak. It needs the condensation and amplification of the energy base. So, when you chase the energy trajectory for reverse pursuit, you release The energy will always decay, and it will span tens of thousands and thousands of miles, even across several planes. Less than half of the gods, with our current cultivation, will be completely attenuated in less than a few thousand miles."


Be sure to break through the half-god before you can find the position of Medusa. Only when she is found can she be removed.

Naga Frost said: "This is what we have already done before, and it takes a huge amount of money. Because we mean two half gods, in the words of your earth, one plus one is greater than two."


For half a year, Queen Medusa will only give herself half a year.

At that time, she may control Ximen Ningning, enter the human kingdom, and even enter the dark empire to carry out accurate slaughter.

Yangdingtian can't let this happen.

In just one month, Yangdingtian can only not think of countless human beings who have become fossils, and countless human beings who have been killed.

As soon as I think of it, the brain will appear as many human fossils, his heart will even stagnate for a moment, and then the whole moment will shrink into a group, as if this can alleviate the pain of the heart.

Although, many of them have opposed Yang Dingtian, insulted Yang Tiantian, and rebelled and attacked the Bright Parliament.

But in this great disaster, all human beings should be the object of his protection and salvation.

He has saved a lot of it, but... but still lost so much.

Next, the human beings he has already protected, if there is another disaster, Yang Dingtian suspects that he will collapse.

Because, as if to prove that everything you have done, there is no value.

In the past ten years of hard work, the sacrifices and struggles of countless elites in the Parliament have become meaningless.


"Frost, half a year, break through the gods, you can use any means, whether it is light or dark." Yangding Tiandao: "Is there a way? Any way!"

"No." Naga Frost was smashed.

Then, Naga Frost said: "The husband is not only the human kingdom, but the entire chaotic world. The only place that can break through the gods is the dark throne of the dark kingdom. Even the remaining ruins of the old Naga Empire. Can't do it, the energy pressure is not enough."

Yangding Tiandao: "Frost, don't forget, I still have two energy gems. This is the two eyes on the Medusa trap that guards the ruins of the Naga Empire. These hundreds of thousands of years, they swallowed up and don't know. How much energy. Not long ago, they also swallowed 4,900 descendants of the near-middle **** Naga."

Naga Frost said: "I know the husband, you and me are connected, I certainly know their existence."

Yangding Tiandao: "Even with these two eye energy gems, can't we let us break through the gods?"

Naga Frost said: "Of course it is enough, let alone let us break through half-god, even ten, one hundred fears are enough. This Medusa trap is the border guard of the Naga Empire, there is no Knowing millions of years. When the Naga Empire existed, every one thousand years, one of the eye gems would be taken off in turn, releasing the energy in the Naga Empire. After the Naga Empire was destroyed, at least 10,000 years later. It has not been taken down and no energy has been released. Therefore, the energy inside is completely astronomical."

Yang Dingtian pulled out an energy gem from the space ring, and really did not feel any energy at all. It’s totally unimaginable how this little energy gem can put such a huge amount of energy.

Naga Frost said: "The husband, size has no meaning for these two energy bodies. Because of its internal, it is also an independent huge space. Even, it seems to be an energy sea of ​​the sea. His internal, complete It can be a space of tens of thousands of miles."

Yang Dingtian is very clear about this.

Naga Frost said: "And in fact, these two things are not the products of the Naga Empire. It is the legacy of the ancient era."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian was completely shocked.

She originally thought that these two things were made by the Naga Empire, and they were not thought of as an ancient era.

Yangding Tiandao: "Then, is there no way to devour the energy inside?"

Naga Frost said: "Before, in the Naga Empire. Every time you turn on this energy stone, you need dozens of powerful half-god Naga. A little bit open, a little release. With our two, how can it be opened? ?"

Yeah, such a huge amount of energy condenses on this crystal. Yang Dingtian can imagine that he is completely impossible to open. And even if it can be turned on, the only result is that tens of thousands of miles of human kingdoms are completely devastating, and the Great Nirvana comes early.

Because the energy inside is really amazing. The simple four thousand and nine hundred near-decent gods and later generations of Naga, have surpassed the tolerance of the human kingdom.

However, the current route is already very clear.

Throughout the chaotic world, only the dark throne of the Dark Empire can break through the demigods normally, but it takes hundreds of years.

If you want to break through the gods in a short time, you will only swallow these two ancient energy bodies. ( Medusa Trap Eye Gems)

But it is impossible to open it, and it is even more impossible to devour its energy!

However, it is now this time. Try anything that is impossible.

Routine thinking is impossible, but in another way, in another way, there may be breakthroughs and surprises.

Yangding Tiandao: " I decided. The next time, our only mission is to study how to open these two ancient energy bodies, how to engulf these two energy bodies."

Naga Frost said: "Yes, you are a male, you have the final say!"

Then, Naga Frost said: "Master, have you got the right direction?"

Yangding Tiandao: "There is a faint direction. You said that it is not a product of the Naga Empire. It was an ancient era. It may have been a product of tens of millions of years, or even longer. Then we want to open it and want to devour it. It must first know what he is."

Naga Frost said: "Frank, according to your most daring prediction, what is it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I will find the answer, frost, you wait, I believe soon, we will know what they are!"

Then, Yangding Tianhua became a streamer and flew west.

Naga Frost immediately knew where Yangdingtian was going. That place can indeed find the answer, even the method of opening and consuming. (To be continued)

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