MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 3382 Transcendence

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Qin Yun thought of the previous veins box. These things were originally independent small universes, and there were a lot of strange patterns inside.

Today, these blood vein boxes are integrated into the God King Seal, which means that there are a lot of strange patterns in his God King Seal.

"My **** Wang Tianyin definitely has a lot of odd patterns. As long as I use them well, I can release all kinds of powerful strange patterns through the **** Wang Tianyin, such as the word Tianwen!"

Qin Yun glanced at the God Wang Tianyin secretly. He was still afraid to release it, fearing that the God Wang Tianyin would be destroyed by the power of the law here.

However, if the God King Tianyin cannot be taken out, it will be inconvenient.

"If the God King Tianyin is a strange pattern, and there is a large collection of strange patterns inside, then you should not be afraid of the power of the law here!"

Qin Yun still decided to take a chance once and put out the God King Tianyin to try to see if he could confirm his conjecture.

He immediately released the God King Tianyin in his palm! As soon as the God King Tianyin came out, he released a layer of mask on his own, as if defending himself.

Sure enough, the law here is still very powerful, it seems to destroy the God King Tianyin.

The intense sunshine of all realms, penetrated the self-released protective cover of the **** king Tianyin, and penetrated into the sky.

The **** king Tianyin shuddered, the outer protective cover suddenly disappeared, and the rays of the sun of all circles shone on the heavenly seal.

Qin Yun was very nervous, he was hesitating whether to take back God Wang Tianyin.

However, God King Tianyin is still golden and not rusty.

"Can it be said that God King Tianyin is self-incorporating into the laws of the heavens and the desolation?

awesome! "

Qin Yun sighed.

He found that it is not only the **** Wang Tianyin, but also the Jiuyang spirit, which shows that the strange patterns inside these things are very powerful and can evolve by themselves and integrate into the power of different laws.

Qin Yun has not yet integrated into it, and can only release his power to resist the erosion of the law.

Fortunately, a large number of strange patterns have accumulated in his body over the years, so that he will not be killed by the power of the law at once, but he is still uncomfortable now. If he does not want to resist it, he cannot rest assured to find it. Friends and relatives.

His body is fused with various strange patterns. After feeling the power of the law, he is also defending himself and can resist some of the power of the law.

But the remaining part needs to defend itself.

After all, his body is not like that of the **** Wang Tianyin and Jiuyang.

"If God King Tianyin can, then I can also use the power of God King Tianyin!"

Immediately, he used the God King Tianyin to print the word "Fang" in multiple places on his body.

Let these Tianwen characters blend into the flesh and bones, and there are still many, it can be said that they are dense and layered.

After finishing it, Qin Yun was also a bit tired, after all, it would consume a lot of his own power.

To his delight, this trick really worked! A large number of anti-sky pattern characters, after being incorporated into his body, the body will generate a strong defense force on its own, which can make him temporarily more comfortable and stay up to night.

Finally, in the evening, Qin Yun was still in the desert, and he was uncomfortable with sunlight during the day, which made him unable to move forward.

The first night of his arrival in the new heavens and gods is coming.

The nine overbearing gods of all walks of life gradually disappeared into the air, and Qin Yun suddenly relaxed a lot.

The sky gradually rose for nine rounds of the moon! Seeing these nine moons, Qin Yun was shocked for a while! "No, it is much smaller than the original gods and moons!"

Qin Yun took a closer look and determined that Shenyue still has the power of the heavens and gods, but has been constrained by the power of the laws of the heavens and gods.

"It should be that the original gods of the moon divided up most of their energy and condensed September ... mainly to gather a large array to resist the invasion of powerful enemies!"

Qin Yun is on the ground, and you can see the nine rounds of the gods and moons in the sky, forming a large array with each other.

Although there are nine rounds of Shenyue in the air, Guangxia is very harmonious and comfortable, unlike the daytime, it is breathless.

The light of the Nine Rounds of the Divine Moon did not make the night as day. Most of the heavens and gods were still covered by darkness, and the night was proudly preserved.

"I have to practice! My return to the beginning is great ... it's time to realize the next level! This special environment deep in me now is a great time for me to realize the breakthrough!"

Qin Yun is now in the heavens, but as a stranger, he is rejected by the land he wants to protect.

At the same time, he was out of the universe that gave him powerful power. At this moment, he has a deeper understanding of Guichu, and at the same time, he is eager to return to the state after his completion.

Qin Yun began to absorb the remaining Shenyang blood seeds, as well as the Shenyang blood seeds he had previously obtained.

He directly put the seed blood of Shenyang into his own spiritual moon to devour and refine! He returned to great success in the beginning, and was very strong physically, but his soul did not improve much.

And for many years of cultivation in the heart of the universe, he just realized the heart of the universe, re-refined the divine spirit of Jiuyang's spirit, and he has refined the **** Wang Tianyin.

In the past few hundred years, his cultivation has mainly been about returning to the first state, and looking for a breakthrough point in the first state.

In the heart of the universe, he found a breakthrough point, but did not have the opportunity, as if bound by something.

Now returning to the heavens and gods beyond the universe, he seems to have got rid of the shackles.

"Extreme! I'm here!"

Qin Yun didn't know why, the seed blood of Shenyang was even refined into the spiritual moon, and it became the core of the spiritual moon.

His soul leaps and bounds in the blink of an eye! Then, his soul began to return to the beginning, turned into a seed, and then erupted, and a new moon rose in the sea of ​​his spirit! This new moon is neither a moon nor a **** moon, but a crystal moon! It is the crystallization of the blood of the **** moon, which is still very small, but it gives him a powerful soul.

The seed blood of the **** moon appeared in the sea of ​​spirit, as if it illuminated his whole world, as if guiding him in the dark of confusion.

Jingyue's light shimmered, and every time it flashed, it stimulated his body and soul.

His body and soul soon became immersed in extremely strong resonance.

"The opportunity is here! Let's get rid of it!"

Qin Yun's soul and body seemed to be roaring at the same time, and then madly ingested energy from the Shenyang of the Jiuyang spirit to cleanse the body! It was dawn, and the violent Nine Gods of the Realm took off! At noon, Qin Yunpan was sitting in the hot desert. After opening his eyes, he looked up at the gods of the heavens in the air and could open his eyes. Now he has adapted to the heavens and deserts.

He is not integrated into the laws of the heavens and gods, but he is detached from the heavens and gods, and will not be affected by the laws here.

This is transcendence, transcend everything! "I don't know how strong I am now!"

Qin Yun has no concept of his own power, but mainly finds no contrast.

"No matter, find everyone before you talk!"

Qin Yun was relieved after stepping into the transcendence, at least during the daytime, he would not be tortured by the power of the laws of the heavens and the desert.