MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 3380 Strange hometown

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Qin Yun is very puzzled, especially the existence of the gods and desolation now, how unexpected?

Can the Lord of the Universe be so powerful that he cannot intervene?

"Why would I die?"

Qin Yun has gone through so many years and also experienced many vicious dangers, but he is still alive.

Especially now that his physical body is very strong, he feels very difficult if he wants to die.

"In the heavens and deserts of the heavens, you will not have any dependence! Before, there were Jiuyang Faling and Jiuyang Goddess.

However, Jiuyang Fa Ling has been beaten into the ancient wasteland. The goddess Jiuyang can only hide in the gods and moons of the heavens. "

The principle of the universe: "And my power is unable to leave this universe. I can only watch you step by step towards death, and I can't shoot."

"I don't need to rely on others, I rely on myself!"

Qin Yun is full of confidence in himself.

In his eyes, the Heavenly God Famine is his hometown, and he must go back, not to mention that now that he knows the bad situation of the Heavenly God famine, and coupled with the crisis of the Heavenly God Moon, he wants to go back even more.

"If you go to the heavens and the desert, if you are really about to die, the ninth bead of Jiuyang Divine Spirit will save your life!"

The principle of the universe.

"What did you put in this bead?"

Qin Yun was surprised.

"Yes, I do put things in! Otherwise, why do you think Jiuyang Shenfu can continue to evolve so much?

And can also affect the evolution of Jiuyin spirit? "

The principle of the universe: "The thing of the ninth pearl is not put by Jiuyang Faling, but me!"

Qin Yun looked at his Jiuyang spirit, but he did not expect that the Lord of the Universe had noticed him many years ago.

"When you practiced before, I reworked your Jiuyang Deity and improved the Ninth Bead! There is a Shenyang in it. You cannot see the Ninth Bead, but you can draw the power of the Shenyang from the Ninth Bead . "

The principle of the universe.

"It seems you already knew that I was going to return to the heavens and the desert!"

Qin Yundao.

"That's your character!"

The Lord of the universe sighed, "But I still have a glimmer of hope."

"What kind of Shenyang is in the ninth pearl?"

Qin Yun asked, and then he looked at the nine incomparable round crystals in the space of the universe's heart.

"The Shenyang that belongs to you! When you have enough strength, you will know what Shenyang is!"

The main principle of the universe: "Did you see the nine gods here?

This is the seed blood of Shenyang! "

Qin Yun was shocked. He had previously suspected that it might be the seed blood of Shenyang, but he did not expect it to be! "There are many Shenyangs in the universe, but after these Shenyangs evolved into magical spirits, they wanted to swallow the power that belongs to the universe.

The birth of Shenyang was originally to conceive a large number of creatures. Instead of doing so, they devoured Shenyang and escaped from the universe, so those Shenyang were locked in here. "

The principle of the universe.

"Is this the same with the Blood Vessel Box?"

Qin Yun asked.

"more or less!"

The Lord of the universe sighed: "Blood veined boxes were originally small universes. They were later sealed and turned into blood veined boxes. They floated around the universe and spread the seeds of life everywhere, which could affect the evolution of souls. This was also my secret participation in the transformation. "

Now, those bloodline sky pattern boxes are integrated into the **** king's seal.

"Qin Yun, go to the heavens and deserts, you must not be too aggressive! Although your various hidden techniques are powerful, they are only powerful in this universe. It is not possible to go to the heavens and deserts! The sun shines You have nowhere to hide! "

The principle of the universe.

"Then I go to the heavens and deserts, will I be discovered immediately?"

Qin Yun realized that the laws of the deities of the heavens were controlled by the descendants of Shenyang, which was bad for him.

"As long as you don't show up and don't make a high-profile, then it won't! It depends on what you choose to do. If you pass and declare the return of the King of God in high-profile, you will surely die faster."

The lord of the universe sneered: "When you wait, you won't be able to regret it!"

"I will pay attention!"

Qin Yun nodded.

Now he can only choose to believe in the Lord of the universe, and he must conceive the overall power of the heavens and the desolation to be stronger.

Going to the desolate heavens, he couldn't be as brazen as before.

"How many years have passed since I left the heavens and the desert?"

Qin Yun asked.

"It didn't take long, hundreds of years! For me, it was an instant! However, at this time, the descendants of the gods of the heavens and the gods became very strong.

The principle of the universe.

Qin Yun was speechless for hundreds of years?

Of course, for Qin Yun, hundreds of years are not long, and they are short, let alone the master of the universe.

"Where am I?"

Qin Yun asked again.

"It's also hundreds of years!"

The universe's main way: "I can open the channel now and let you go to the heavens and the desert, are you ready?"

"I ... I want a stronger weapon!"

Qin Yun felt that the Lord of the Universe was so powerful that he would definitely give him a very powerful weapon.

"The weapons of the heavens and the desert are more powerful, and the materials there are better than my universe! And my weapons, where to go is waste iron!"

The universe rule: "Even if I go there, it will become waste!"

Qin Yun was even more puzzled. What did the heavens and deserts become?

"All right, send me over!"

Qin Yun had no choice but to find out. He put away his own **** Wang Tianyin, and wondered if he could go to the heavens and gods' wasteland.

The Lord of the Universe soon opened a passage.

Qin Yun entered the passage, and in a blink of an eye came to a hot desert.

Nine gods of the heavens in the sky are extremely huge and burst into strong sunlight.

Qin Yun can be sure that this is the gods of all realms, which he can discern.

What made him unbelievable, however, was that he was burned by the sun.

It didn't take long for his skin to turn red, and he began to crack! "what happened?

My returning body couldn't resist the sunshine here? "

Qin Yun tried it secretly, trying to perceive the energy of the gods of all realms, but he couldn't perceive it, he couldn't ingest energy from the heavens and gods.

Qin Yun can only absorb energy from Bai Shenyang among Bai Yangzhu to restore himself.

He moves the incapable force in his body, holds his body to fly, and can fly! He hurried on the road at the same time, at the same time secretly using the sky pattern, can also be used, but the power is not strong.

Qin Yun couldn't figure out what happened, so he had to leave this hot desert first.

Over the centuries, the heavens and gods are scarce enough to undergo earth-shaking changes. The strong and powerful forces of that year will surely be swept away and no longer exist.

The magic mirror is definitely gone.

Qin Yun took out a large number of soul-chasing charms, and there was no response. Soon after he had just arrived in the heavens, he could feel that he was very uncomfortable here.