MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 3366 Ancient news

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Tiandao Faling is stunned. Although his heavenly path has been destroyed by humans and left with only a soul, his past life is also the heavenly path that has dominated the Jiuhuang, and now he is a strong person in this universe that transcends the realm of God.

Right now, some people think of him as an instrumental person. Seriously, he doesn't exclude himself as an instrumental person. He was originally a god, and he was just an instrumental.

But he wants to be a decent tool person! "I can help you now!"

Tiandao Faling could only agree with a smile, Qin Yun helped him a lot after all.

Qin Yun took out the Yuetian shuttle.

"You still keep this stuff ..." Tiandao Fa inspired with inspiration.

"With your joining, I hope my progress will be faster!"

Qin Yun smiled and said, "Tian Dao Fa Ling, don't hide it at that time, you must show your strongest power and help me quickly dig for more **** gold stones!"

In order to help Tiandao Faling, Qin Yun left a large group of people there. Now, after helping Tiandao Faling, he naturally uses this tool severely.


Tiandao Faling smiled and nodded.

"The guy you caught, if you figure out anything, you better share it with me!"

Qin Yun said: "The descendants of Shenyang are difficult to deal with, especially now that they are getting stronger with the environment, it is even more difficult to deal with!"


Tiandao Faling sighed: "The descendants of Shenyang are out of control, which is also one of the few in the universe!"

Yuetian shuttle is rushing to the site of Qiwen Shenshan to meet with large troops. Although the space shuttle speed is very fast, it takes a little time because of the long distance.

"What's the use of Shenyang Blood Seeds?"

Qin Yun said: "Tian Daozi said before, you need the seed blood of Shenyang very much!"

"Shenyang blood seeds can make the soul stronger ... Shenyang blood seeds can make the flesh stronger!"

Tiandao Faling said: "This is my previous cognition, but now it seems that after the blood seed of Shenyang can strengthen the soul, it will stimulate the stronger power of the physical body, and even cause the physical body to further strengthen!

Qin Yun was secretly pleased that his soul was now weak and could not keep up with the physical body.

And the physical body has a lot of potential that hasn't been stimulated.

This Shenyang blood seed crystal looks very suitable for him! "However, Shenyang blood seed crystals are very special, energy is lost very quickly, and it is extremely difficult to replenish energy!"

Tiandao Faling said: "I need to reserve some energy of Shenyang blood seed crystals to study how to deal with the descendants of Shenyang."

"Why would the descendants of Shenyang know to use the seed blood of Shenyang?"

Qin Yun asked.

"It was revealed to the Cosmic Protoss by the Cosmic Spirit. After the Cosmic Protoss tried it and found that they were united, they would be beyond the control of the Cosmic Spirit.

In addition, they found this very large seed blood of Shenyang, so they quietly did it. "

Heavenly Way, Lingling Road.

"What about those magic spirits?"

Qin Yun remembered Fa Ling Tianzi, who had previously met in the Imperial City of Huoling. They also seemed to be directed at the seed blood of Shenyang.

"They were originally ordered to take the Shenyang Blood Seeds, but ... they learned that Shenyang Blood Seeds could make them stronger, so they didn't take them out for the time being, but to see for themselves whether they were true. "

Heavenly Way, Lingling Road.

"One more question, why do you know so many things?"

Qin Yun looked at the heavenly magic spirit.

Tian Dao Fa Ling smiled and said, "Because I am also a Fa Ling Tian Zi now!"

Qin Yun frowned, but was not immediately alert. Although he was unhappy with this handsome and handsome bald man, he knew that the bald head in front of him could be trusted.

"Aren't you asking me about ancient waste?"

Tiandao Faling laughed.

"How are my parents?"

Qin Yun is really curious about Gu Huang, but he cares more about the safety of his parents.

"This is when I left, they were all fine! It took me a lot of effort to escape from the ancient wasteland ..."

The smile on the spiritual face of the heavenly law gradually disappeared.


Qin Yun frowned again.

"Yes! And it was Jiu Yang Fa Ling and Cosmic Fa Ling who helped me escape!"

Tiandao Faling sighed: "As for the ancient wasteland now ... it should be very stable!"

Qin Yun was stunned. What happened to the ancient wasteland?

Jiuyang Fa Ling and Cosmic Fa Ling actually joined forces to get this heavenly Fa Ling.

"Ancient waste is out of control?

That place should be run by Jiuyang Faling? "

Qin Yun asked.

"The cosmic spirit and the nine-yang spirit must transform people. After they transform people, naturally they cannot operate the laws of every world and space.

However, even if they are not human, the ancient wasteland is not beyond their control. "

Tiandao Faling said: "There is a test field, there is a big problem, it should be considered a seal now!"

Qin Yun is very worried about his parents. He hasn't met his parents for many years, especially his mother! "You don't have to worry, your parents will be fine! Father Tian Ming will take care of your parents!"

Tiandao Faling patted Qin Yun's shoulder.

"What happened to the ancient wasteland?"

Qin Yun asked.

"Let's put it this way, the mutants of the descendants of Shenyang appear in the ancient wasteland and spread. They are very strong and out of control. As for why they appear, neither the Jiuyang magic spirit nor the universe magic spirit knows.

Tiandao Faling shook his head: "I came to the heavens and the desert to find out the way to destroy them. Otherwise, once the ancient waste seal is forced to spread here, it will be dangerous!"

Qin Yun knew that the so-called test field of Jiuyang Faling was dangerous, and cursed: "How can this guy, Jiuyang Faling, come up with such a terrible thing?"

Tiandao Faling smiled: "What is the reason for the cosmic Falun doing a lot of experiments?

Whoever created the powerful flesh and prepared it for himself later! Jiuyang Faling is also doing various experiments.

And in the experimental field of Guhuang, they created various monsters in it, what do you say? "

Qin Yun was speechless, and one or two of these magic spirits are not good! "Thank you very much for telling me this. I will give you some of the energy of the Shenyang Blood Seeds! How much I will give you depends on the results of your labor ... when it comes, work!"

Qin Yun's Yuetian shuttle has entered the strange mountain of wonder.

After the heavenly magic spirit came out, Qin Yun introduced him to everyone.

We all know that such a big brother was brought in to work by Qin Yun. Everyone admires it. After all, this is the big brother who once dominated the Nine Wilds order.

Although Jiuhuang is no longer there, most of the people here have been 'cared for' by the gods created by the Taoist spirit, especially Xiao Yuemei! Tiandao Faling has some grievances, but this kind of grievance can't bear it by himself, so he called the Tiandao altar, Tiandaozi and the group of bald strongmen, and at this moment all joined in, and ransacked the city of the Fire Empire madly.

Ten days later, the pretty emperor returned. He did not return by himself, but brought a group of people back.

The returned Emperor, suddenly understands what happened after he left through his heart and belly, and suddenly became furious! The angry Qin Yun betrayed him even when he was not suppressing their camp! It is true that the barbarian king turned to the universe gods and sold the barbarian interests, which the barbarian could not tolerate.