MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 954 God Lord!

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"If you can really buy the blood, the bones and the fineness, it is not bad." Linglong Supreme slightly decapitated, in the Supreme Holy Land, she felt that Ye Chen is a somewhat slippery person, always able to Find some ways to favor the door.

"There will be a way!" Ye Chen smiled.

"In addition to the simple blood of the Holy Blood, it can also make the blood of the gods more gentle, although it is only effective for the mysterious blood, but it is very rare!" Linglong supreme, this is what she wants The reason for getting the Saint Blood Bottle.

Ye Chen looked at the distance, there are more than three million people, and there are several thousand people, these teams all the way to kill.

Ye Chen thought about it and followed the team with the team.

I took a look at Yu Ming, who was leading the way in front of him. He should have learned the lesson! Yu Ming was the only person who showed his desire to surrender when he was besieged by the Jinjiao strongman. That is to say, this person can't believe it, and Yu Ming now knows so many secrets!

"Exquisite and supreme, Yu Ming is your person, I will hand it over to you. Don't let him spread the news and be known by the Golden Horn family or other races, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!" Ye Chen looks to Linglong Supreme solemnly He said that he did not kill Ming, and he was given some exquisiteness to Linglong. After all, Yu Ming was a noble and supreme person.

Linglong Supreme nodded and said: "I understand!" Once the news leaked, it was not only Ye Chen but the entire Terran!

"We are behind them and look at the situation." Ye Chendao, commanding the Zhou Tianxing River, followed the army in front.

Several teams slaughtered the spirits all the way, and Ye Chen put some of the singularity into the Dantian world for direct refining.

Tianjun Jingyu has been in the dantian world of Yechen, slowly blending with the purple tales, and has not been turned away by Ye Chen refining, and these ordinary singular singers, once into the eternal field of Ye Chen, They were refining immediately, and they became a group of light groups, slowly integrating with some spirits.

After these geniuses are combined with the spirits of the Dantian world, it seems that some new life is brewing.

What kind of existence is life in the rules set by the ancestors?

Because most of the things in the universe are created by the ancestors, maybe all life is created by a certain ancestors!

Ye Chen constantly cultivated, the soul of the soul and the raccoon on the shoulders constantly blended, faintly, Ye Chen seems to see the distant place, that beautiful land, beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful. On one of the mountains, a stone monument stands tall. When you see this stone tablet, Ye Chen’s heart is ecstatic. This stone tablet should be the stone carving of the Holy Spirit that the exquisite Supreme said!

The condensed **** looked at the stone of the Holy Spirit, and Ye Chen’s mind quickly swept through the figures, a scene of a grand war, which was the people who were constantly being slaughtered in the universe, and one strong man was unwilling to roar. Struggling to fight, and finally turned into a **** fog in the universe.

One strong man is fallen, this is everything that the Terran is encountering, and Ye Chen’s heart passes through the endless sadness.

Keep watching, the familiar figure, passing quickly.

The first one is exquisite and supreme. Ye Chen certainly knows that Linglong Supreme is one of the leaders of the Terran. The second one, the familiar figure passed the eyes of Ye Chen, and Ye Chen was shocked.

Actually it is Nangong Ze!

At this time, Nan Miyazawa has already run his own power in the Scarlet Kingdom, and it is already a hegemony. His cultivation has been amazing.

Two eternal gods, one of the **** gods, and the next is the **** of the gods.

When Ye Chen saw the image of the third person, he was already shocked.

Actually it is...

Star Xuan? !

On Tianyuanxing, Ye Chen once saw the image of Xingxuan, which is almost exactly the same as Nangongze, but still can feel some difference, no matter the attitude or behavior of speaking, there are obvious differences. .

And the human leader of this demon **** country looks exactly the same as Xing Xuan, and even the look of the same is exactly the same!

In other words, Nangong Ze only changed his appearance to be the same as Xing Xuan. This is the real star Xuan in the God of the Devil!

Xing Xuan is a hero, sitting on a high throne, his eyes are deep and profound, and his body is full of magic.

In the body of Xing Xuan, the rich magical power has formed a huge nebula.

He looked up at what, the light shining through the eyelids contained murder.

I don't know what kind of position Xingxuan is in the Demon God Kingdom. It should be a very powerful person! There are thousands of people and powerful people around him, but they are all demonized.

Seeing the horrible magic of Xing Xuan, Ye Chen understands that Xing Xuan at this time should not be the star Xuan on the Tianyuan Star.

Xing Xuan, is the fourth person leader?

Ye Chen couldn't help thinking that this Xingxuan, who has been enchanted, is trying to do anything. Is it to rebuild the glory of the Terran, or is there any other attempt?

Through the stone carvings of the Holy Spirit, you can see the position of other Terran leaders. Of course, you can only see a fragment. Ye Chen saw that a group of democrats who had entered the devil under the star Xuan squatted at him and shouted something in his mouth.

Although Ye Chen can't hear the sound, they can see from their mouth that they are saying two words - God!

Ye Chen’s heart trembled, the man who controlled the gods forging, the Yuanyuan Mountain and the sickle, and the omnipresent God of Tianyuan, is actually Xingxuan? !

Knowing this, Ye Chen is hard to accept, because in the ninth heaven of the ban, the man also received the grace of Xing Xuan. After the disappearance of Xing Xuan, he did not die, but was already in the sky. Devil Kingdom, and is in a high position.

The fifth human leader, Ye Chen just saw a vague figure, probably because it was too far away, and Chaos Shenguo did not know how far it was from here.

Ye Chen’s heart sighed, and the next time he met Xing Xuan, it was probably an enemy. Although Xing Xuan is also a human leader, he is probably already controlled by the ancestors...

"Do you also see the stone carving of the Holy Spirit?" Linglong Supreme looked at Ye Chendao next to her. She was still uncertain. Who is the second leader of the eternal godland? It is still somewhat vague, but when Ye Chen When she saw the stone carving of the Holy Spirit, she also saw Ye Chen through the stone of the Holy Spirit.

If more people become human leaders in the future, they can all see other people with the Holy Spirit stone.

“Yeah!” Ye Chen nodded. Through the stone carvings of the Holy Spirit, Ye Chen saw the current data of the Terran, more than 6,000, and wanted to advance to the second-level race, and there are some difficulties.

However, the gods of the gods of the Jinxing spirit seem to have reached the edge of the Tianhe domain.

It won't take long for a big battle to happen in the Tianhe Star!

"I must have seen it too!" Linglong supremely sighed and looked at Ye Chen.

"How long do they expect to attack the Tianhe Star Field?" Ye Chen saw through the Holy Spirit stone carving that the Terrans of one after another were slaughtered. This is a tragic genocide!

"It is expected that there will still be half a month. Their leading troops will go to the Tianhe Star Field. There are not many leading players in the first stage. They should be able to deal with them, but then the Tianhe Star Field will continue to war. Until a hundred years later, the Shenjin Star Spirit is really big. The strong man can destroy the ancient people left by other stars, and will eventually travel through the distant time and space to reach the Tianhe Star!" In the exquisite eyes, there is a strong light shining. If the Tianhe Star Field is slaughtered, she will follow The Terran Powerhouses in the Tianhe Star Field are killed together!

In the era of the ancient times, the Terran had several powerful allies, but now, these allies have also fallen, and the gods will kill all these races one by one.

If the **** Jinxing spirit is not because of the threat of the ancestors, the human race has already been cleaned up.

The ancestors are the reason why the gods of the gods are relying on the human race, because they want to use the human race to fight against the ancestors, but at the same time the ancestors are also the reason why the spirits of the stars want to extinct the human race. Because of the expansion of the ancestors, they constantly put a personal family. Become the strong of their camp, turn the spear to deal with the star soul family, this is the Xing spirit family can not tolerate.

Regardless of the ancestors and the soul of the stars, they are all powerful races in the universe. Human beings are nothing more than the ants that live in their cracks. They are the tools they use.

This is the law of the universe!

The struggle between the powerful races is only a victim.

Ordinary star soul, there is no threat to the human race, because the ordinary star soul does not have any strength, they are only the lowest existence of the star soul family, the real threat to the human race, is the **** Jinxing soul!

Only half a month, I don’t know how many gods will enter the Tianhe domain, and Ye Chen feels that time is tight.

"Do you know the return channel to the Tianhe Star Field?" Ye Chen looked to Linglong Supreme.

"Know, it is hidden in the imperial mausoleum!" Linglong supreme nodded.

In the original Emperor's Mausoleum, there was a transmission passage to and from the Divine. This was what Ye Chen did not think. It seems that the people who built the Emperor's Mausoleum had some intentions!

Linglong Supreme glanced at Ye Chen, who built the Emperor's Mausoleum that year, not others, it is Ye Chen's past life! However, she did not say anything. In that year's war, she was completely unclear about the specific situation. I only know that every strong person has exhausted the last drop of blood for the human race.

"How long does it take for that transmission channel to go to the domain?"

"It takes almost seven days to go back." Linglong Supreme thought for a moment.

"Then we have a place for trials, and after we have arranged the things here, we have to go back immediately!" Ye Chendao, his lover, relatives, and tribes are all on Tianyuanxing. Can he not worry?

"Don't worry, the Star Souls are just the first troops to reach the Tianhe Star Field. The Supreme Alliance should be enough to deal with it!" Linglong said that they would not be useful to go back so early, or to upgrade their strength in the domain.

Although it is only the leading force, Ye Chen will inevitably have some concerns.

~~ nursed for a few days, the body recovered slightly, and today I finally adjusted the update time back, then I will try to keep it stable and updated. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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