MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 931 Identity exposure

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The strong people of all ethnic groups sealed all the way to the road, and the atmosphere was arrogant.

Among these strong men, the leader is a golden horned strongman wearing a gold armor. His body is much taller than the ordinary golden horns. He is nearly three meters tall and majestic, and his body is full of violence. Muscle, holding a golden giant axe.

His brass bell eyes, squatting on beams, small cymbals and so on.

His name is Tong Niu, and the star is at the peak level. It is only a trace away from the domain god. He is holding a life-threatening golden axe in his hand!

"Put the things down, let them go, otherwise, this is your place of burial!" The voice of the copper cow is like a thunder, and some of the strong people around him are tumbling.

Liang Mu stood up and did not humble and sigh: "The copper cow, I Liang Mu has no grievances with you. Today, I am going to this nursery. I can take a lot of magic medicine. If you have to grab it from me, I will guarantee that I will Let you pay the price!"

On Liang Mu's body, an amazing chill out of the air, countless ice ridges gathered around, like a sling armor.

The smell of gunpowder in the air is a lot stronger.

The copper cow haha ​​laughed: "Liang Mu, your Tianhan family is afraid that they will be removed from the domain of the gods in the near future. This is not useful for the **** medicine. Just give it to me!" The copper cow looks mad, the body Through the blood of killing.

The two sides are screaming and murderous, and the strong people of the Golden Horn family around the Tongniu gather more and more.

Wu Qi looked at the little girl next to the dress and said: "I said that Ye Chen couldn't help it. Maybe these golden horns are all brought by Ye Chen. The guy doesn't know where to go. It is estimated that Sneering aside, he must have taken away the medicines in our hands!"

"Uchi!" Xiao Yan glanced at Wu Qi, "Ye Chen brother is not such a person!" Xiao Yu has a celestial spirit, you can see that Ye Chen is good or bad, Wu Qi these words are simply made out of thin air, leaves Chen will not do that, let alone Ye Chen is not a Golden Horn family.

Xiao Yan’s gaze is far away. Among those who are strong in the Golden Horn, Ye Chen is smiling at her.

Seeing Ye Chen, Xiao Xiao’s heart was touched, and Ye Chen did not leave them alone.

The war is on the verge of a blow. In addition to the two sides of the conflict, there are two or three thousand god-level powerhouses on the outside.

Everyone’s ideas are focused on this side.

"The number of the Golden Horn family is so much, Liang Mu is so bad."

"Liang Mu is also a child. He has gotten a lot of good things in the Golden Temple. The death rate of the team he led is the lowest, but he often walks on the shore. How can there be shoes?"

"I heard that the team of Liang Muzhu was the first to enter the nursery, so they got the most medicine!" Several people blinked with greedy light.

"No wonder copper bulls can't stand it!"

That is the nursery of the Void God, planted so many **** medicines, Liang Mu and others are the first to enter the nursery, certainly grabbed a lot of magic drugs.

"Liang Mu is afraid of planting this time. He is not an opponent of the Tongniu. The number of people on both sides is so much worse."

"Liang Mu, I see you this person is more pleasing to the eye, if you hand over the magic medicine, follow me later, I will not treat you badly!" Tong Niu looked at Liang Mu and smiled, full of superior self-confidence.

"It is impossible for me to hand over the magic medicine. Copper bull, if you want to grab it, we will rely on the ability to see who can laugh at the end!" Liang Mu's face is cold, he has been mixed in Cangyi China for so many years, countless times in On the line of life and death, I have already been obsessed with life and death.

Can kill can not be humiliated!

On Liang Mu's body, a cold current scrolls, and the power of time and space is flowing, and clothing is hunting.

At this moment, Liang Mu, the whole person's mood and momentum have reached the peak.

The copper cow raised his eyes slightly. He was only one line away from the domain god. The strength was much stronger than that of Liang Mu. However, Liang Mu’s artistic conception and momentum at the moment made him feel a little scared.

Although the Tianhan family is a declining race, after all, it was once one of the very powerful ethnic groups among the thousands of gods. There are still some inheritances left, so Liang Mu should not be underestimated.

The copper cow snorted and the golden axe in his hand was released.

The various ethnic groups behind Liang Mu are always ready to go to war.

Uchi held a sword, his eyes swept over the strong people of the Golden Horn family, his eyes fell on Ye Chen's body, and suddenly his eyes filled with the light of hatred.

"It's you! These golden horns are not brought by you, you really don't have a good heart!" Uchi has been blinded by hatred, pointing to Ye Chen, who is mixed among the golden horns.

In the blink of an eye, all the eyes of the Golden Horn family are focused on Ye Chen.

"You!" Little stunned, just mad, and how Uchi is so brainless!

"Damn!" Ye Chen couldn't help but cursed. At the moment when Wuqi's voice just fell, there were suddenly hundreds of mysterious flying knives in his body.


Hundreds of mysterious flying knives spurted in all directions.

Puff puff!

In an instant, one strong man of the Golden Horn family was shot through the mysterious flying knife.

Then, one after another, the mysterious flying knife exploded.


The power of the Xuanqi flying knife explosion instantly exploded a group of people.

After the strength of Ye Chen's strength, the power of these mysterious flying knives has also been greatly improved compared to before. Even if the star lord peaks, it will be very miserable.

Ye Chen is very fast. These are happening in an instant. Those strong people of the Golden Horn family did not react at all. They couldn’t think of their own people who would suddenly become troubled.

More than two hundred golden horns of the strong, harvested a large piece like cutting wheat, there are nearly a hundred people, a group of people stunned, painful, although in the gods, anyone's resilience will become very strong However, the damage caused by Xuanqi Feidao to them is not as fast as other injuries.

Seeing this scene, the copper bull was angry. He did not expect that among the golden horns, there were traitors who had turned their elbows out and killed so many people!

"As a family of golden horns, they actually kill the same family and regard it as rebellious and killing!" The copper cow shouted, and the eye-catching golden axe in his hand instantly burst into a dazzling light, and fell toward Ye Chen.

In the hands of Ye Chen, the sword of the shadow was taken out, and the sword was thrown out with a sword of hundreds of meters long.

A bang!

Gold and iron symphony, a powerful force fluctuations oscillated.

Ye Chen stepped back and the copper cow was shocked to the spot.

The copper cow was shocked, and Ye Chen’s strength was not inferior to him!

At this time, Ye Chen had already retreated to the side of Liang Mu and Xiao Yan. Ye Chen looked at Wu Qi next to him and waved his hand to Wu Qifan.

Wu Qi is arrogant and wants to block by hand, but Ye Chen is much faster than him.

The sound of "啪" was crisp, Wuqi was fanned by Ye Chen, and Wu Qi was completely blinded by blind eyes. This slap is to wake him up!

As a escort, even Ye Chen deliberately hides in the middle of the enemy can not see? Or is Uchi intentionally trying to harm Ye Chen?

Wu Qi squinted, his mouth overflowing with a trace of blood, staring at Ye Chen with gaze.

Xiao Yan glanced at Wu Qi, Wu Qi almost killed Ye Chen just now. If Wu Qi had a sigh of relief, then Xiao Xiao would forgive Wu Qi, but Wu Qi still had resentment. Not just a narrow-minded problem.

"Uchi, you are no longer suitable for my guard. When I return to the family, I will make a request to the patriarch to dismiss your guard position!" Xiaoxi looked at Wuqi and sighed.

"Small you are actually for an outsider, to disarm my guard!" Uchi looked up, his eyes glazed with anger, and glanced at Ye Chen. Just now he was deliberate. He had a strong possessiveness to Xiaoyan. Ye Chen stood in the Golden Horn family, but he looked at him with a small eyebrow, which made him very unhappy.

"Uchi, I hope you can get some lessons!" Xiao Yan frowned and sighed.

Wu Qi squinted at Ye Chen and then retreated to the side. He understood that he was not Ye Chen’s opponent, not to mention that Xiao Yan is now standing on Ye Chen’s side. He looked at Xiao Xiao’s back and thought he was. A woman, if it is not to look at your beautiful, and is the little daughter of the patriarch, who will be willing to be your guard! Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unjust!

Ye Chen felt the gaze of Wuqi, and sneered at it. If it is not the enemy, I will accompany you to have fun. I have let go of you for the time being. If you don’t know how to come to the door in the future, don’t blame me.

The copper bull watched Ye Chen with vigilance. He felt that Ye Chen’s strength was not weak and he did not dare to act rashly. Any delay in time would be beneficial to them.

There are more than five or six hundred people in the front of the Golden Horn family. They are all coming from outside the nursery. Among the five or six hundred people, there are only five or sixty people at the peak of the star.

"Ye Chen brother, what to do, they are more and more people!" Xiao Yan anxiously looked at Ye Chen, "If Ye Chen brother has a method, then go first!"

"Reassured, nothing!" Ye Chen smiled faintly, so he was not in the eyes! If you want to fight, then have a good fight in this nursery!

The copper cow came out and stared at Ye Chen, angered: "I was almost cheated by you. You are not my golden horns! Actually fooled us with camouflage, you have the ability!" If not Wu Qi, Ye Chen will not be so easily exposed.

"But do you think that you can get out of here? I admit that you are good, even stronger than me, but can you deal with so many golden horns?" The copper screamed twice and sneered.

"It’s not easy to deal with you?" Ye Chen sneered a sigh. "Do you want to go one by one, or together?" Is it more than one? There are more than 30,000 people in the world of Ye Chen Dantian. If you are all out, it’s not easy to take care of you.

At least five or six thousand strong people around the eyes are all focused here, Ye Chen does not want to easily reveal his own cards. A large number of people enter the domain of the gods. If they are discovered, the consequences will be more serious, which will definitely lead to unnecessary trouble.

Among the thousands of gods, there are many races that will not let the people enter the domain again!

Ye Chen’s eyes swept over the arm guard space and the Dantian world, and a dangerous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

~~(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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