MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 3 father

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"Ye Ye sister, I did not expect you to come to the military field."

Just when Ye Hao and Ye Chen talked, a teenager of the same age came over.

Ye Kongyan is considered to be a young talent in Yejiabao. Among the younger generations of Yejiabao, three people reached the fifth-order peak, and only one line could enter the sixth order. They were the daughters of Ye Shu, who was the uncle of Ye Shuxiong, Ye Hao, and Ye Kongyan. Although Ye Kongyan cannot be compared with the original Ye Chen, it is also very talented. Handsome looks, in addition to family life, he is the son of Ye Jiabao's elders, the elders in Yejiabao's position is second only to the patriarch and a few others.

"Yeah." Ye Hao said with a voice, there are outsiders coming, her look has returned to a cold.

Ye Hao’s attitude made Ye Kongyan’s face look a little unsightly. Ye Kongyan glanced at Ye Chen, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes. He didn’t understand what Ye Chen’s kid had in the end. Ye Chen used to be a genius, but now Already a waste person, Ye Hao in the end to see Ye Chen what?

"Ye Chen big brother does not come to innocent, recently the body is better?" Ye Kongyan looked at Ye Chen, although so, the mouth is flashing a trace of disdain.

Before Ye Chen Xuanqi was abolished, Ye Kongyan was almost obedient to Ye Chen. Ye Chen was two or three months older than Ye Kongyan. Ye Kongyan became a lover of Ye Chen, and he was very affectionate. Ye Chen also taught Ye Kongyan. After a few things, after Ye Chen's meridians were abolished, Ye Kongyan didn't even look at it, letting Ye Chen really understand what is called human nature. Ye Chen is born and proud, and others will not come. He will not sneak up and be laughed at.

Only when you are down, will you recognize who is your true friend.

"It's not bad, can eat and sleep." Ye Chen faintly replied, although the situation is worrying, but he is still free and easy.

"It seems that someone's life is still quite comfortable. But they are patriarchs, but they are really sinned. In order to collect the gas, Dan is gray, but he feeds the white-eyed wolf." Ye Kongyan’s eyes were slightly stunned and glanced. Ye Chen, said, "It is said that Donglin County King got an intermittent Dan. After the patriarch knew it, he rushed to the Donglin County Wangfu two days ago to seek medicine from Donglin County Wang, even at the Donglin County. Oh, but it was bombarded by Donglin County. If you want to come to such a heavy treasure, how can Donglin County Wang give away people at will? Unfortunately, the hero of the patriarch I, Yan Tiehan, actually squats for medicine, and now it has been passed down by Donglin County. laughing stock."

"What do you say?" Ye Chen's heart sank, he knew nothing about it, and his father and brother did not mention this matter to him.

"Ye Kongyan, don't say it again!" Ye Hao looked anxious and snorted. This matter, Ye Jia's uncles and uncles specifically explained, can not let Ye Chen know, did not expect Ye Kong Yan Yang to yin, and said everything.

Ye Chen’s heart trembled, looking back at Ye Hao, his voice hoarse and lowly asked: “Hey, is this thing true?” From Ye’s reaction, this thing is true, Ye Chen can’t help himself. After a while, his father actually pleaded for him to squat, and his father was a patriarch of the family. He could imagine the humiliation of his father's heart.

"Why don't you tell me? The patriarchs secretly made a lot of things for him. In order to give him a collection of gas and Dan Wen to raise the meridians, Ye Jiabao almost spent decades of savings. He dragged Ye Jiabao into the present. If I was the same waste person as him, I would have been killed for a long time!" Ye Kongyan snorted. "You guys are still so good to him, I just can't see it!"

Ye Chen thought that he was very bitter in his heart, but in fact his father was more bitter than him. The little grievances he received were nothing compared to what his father had done. Ye Chen eyes panic acid, strong to resist the tears that are about to burst out, father, child is not filial, let you suffer, the child swears, in his lifetime, if the child can restore the mysterious, set the whole Donglin County Wangfu, wash the snow you suffer humiliation!

"Ye Chen brother, don't listen to him talking about it, there is nothing at all!" Ye Hao looked anxiously at Ye Chen. Everyone worried that Ye Chen would not think about it after knowing this.

"Do not worry, I will not look for short-sightedness. If you encounter such a setback, you will find a short-sighted person. That is the real coward!" Ye Chen clenched his fist and nailed his nails deep into the flesh. For example, living is the greatest courage.

Ye Hao’s eyes flashed with tears, Ye Chen’s brother, I have no parents since I was a child, you are my only relative, you must have nothing!

"Some people are really cheeky." Ye Kongyan sneered.

Ye Chen looked up and stared at Ye Kongyan. He said: "I know that you still have a great elder. They want me to die early, but I tell you, I will never find it so easily, even if I am doing it now. And how, I can know that I have been a waste in my life!"

"I don't believe that this waste has a day of turning over in this life. Let the patriarchs go to the Donglin County Wangfu for medicine. Do you think Donglin County King will give you such a heavy treasure like Broken Dan? Don't dream in the day!" "Ye Kongyan sneaked and smiled. "You will only drag the family! You can do it yourself." Ye Kongyan took a sip and sneered and turned away.

"Ye Chen brother, don't listen to him." Seeing Ye Kongyan left, Ye Hao rushed to the ground, although Ye Chen said that she would not find short-sightedness, but she was still very worried.

"I will go back first." Ye Chen shook his head and turned to walk outside the military field.

Looking at the back of Ye Chen’s desolate, Ye Hao’s heart hurts.

Ye Jiabao, outside the home of the family.

The main hall of the house is very magnificent, but it has not been repaired in these years. The outer walls are eroded by wind and rain, and there is more or less degraded taste. The trees in the courtyard have not been trimmed for a long time, and they grow wildly.

At the peak of Yejiabao, it was ranked second in Lianyun 18 Fortune. There were two or thirty gardeners in the house of the family. But then the gardeners were all quit, and the family’s outside industry was also ten to five. .

On the bluestone steps at the entrance of the main house, Ye Chenyi slammed down and slammed a few heads in the direction of Ye Zhantian’s residence. The blood on his forehead was still unaware.

"Father, the child is not filial, you are wronged!" Ye Chen was hoarse, and his heart was sour.

Ye Chen secretly vowed that if he had a lifetime, he would be able to restore his strength and be sure to reinvigorate Ye Family and live up to the grace of his father and several uncles!

The main house hall.

A middle-aged man in a gray robe sighed for a long time. He was calm and steady. He just stood there casually. He was like a singer, but his face was a little old, and between the two, some white. Hair, this person is the Ye Family leader Ye Zhantian.

"Big Brother, don't you go out and have a look?" One person next to him said that he was a little younger than Ye Zhantian. He was one of Ye Zhantian's many brothers, called Ye Zhanlong.

Ye Zhantian has three brothers, two brothers who are at the turn of the eight worships, six people by age, Ye Zhantian ranks the boss, Ye Zhanlong ranks the second child, is the law enforcement master, Ye Zhanxiong ranks the third, the other three are outside, responsible for the family Peripheral affairs.

Ye Chengang went to the home of the house, and Ye Zhantian and Ye Zhanlong had already noticed it.

"When I have a face to see Chen Er, these years, I have suffered this child. When I passed away, I had already confessed to me. I have to take care of Chen Er, but I have not fulfilled my father’s responsibility at all. I have a strong opinion, and I don’t even want to call me a father. I know that he is resentful of me. Now I am doing it, I just hope that I can compensate him." Although Ye Zhantian did not go out, he always pays attention to Ye Chen. To Ye Chen shouted out the father's two words, Ye Zhantian could not help but shed tears, and Chen Er finally told me to call a father.

"Big brother, Chen Er is very sensible and very strong. I don't believe that God will always play tricks on him. Even if he tries his best, we have to help him find a broken Dan!" Ye Zhanlong's tone is resolutely authentic, his eyes flashing A trace of coldness, "Donglin County King's humiliation of our Ye family, one day, one day, let them double the repayment!"

"The thing of Donglin County King, this is the end. Donglin County King is the canonized king of the county, and his men are only nineteen-level masters. There are 17 of them, with 100,000 troops, and there is also a backstage in the DPRK. Our Ye family can't be their opponents. They can only knock their teeth and swallow their stomachs. Now I just want to cure Ye Chen, even if I am reluctant, I will be willing to provoke the right and wrong." Ye Zhantian Shaking his head, even if the old man came back, Ye Jia’s strength is far better than that of Donglin County’s Wangfu. “After these years of tracing, I already know who was hurting Chen Er, even if I try my best, I will For Chen Er to get back to justice!" Ye Zhantian flashed a glimpse of a sudden decision.

The wind whistling, Ye Chen lingered for a while, he did not want to become the burden of Ye Jiabao, if there is any chance for him to restore the broken meridians, he is willing to pay any price!

With a bang, the flying knife in my mind suddenly trembled, and the flying knife reacted again. Ye Chen was shocked. Recently, the flying knife always vibrated from time to time, and this time the reaction seems to be more intense than before. .

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