MTL - Night Ranger-v5 Chapter 1 The **** of magic?

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The sky is still dark and unclear. ┅E┠┇┠┇ says ┄┡┅-```1``-`-`----`-

On both sides of the mountain, a lot of dark clouds are accumulating.

It is obviously noon at the spring, but it is like a cold winter.

After the Cataclysm, the climate in Fernan became extremely harsh, and even the first mountain range that has been in the spring of all seasons has fallen into a long and varied climate.

A strong breath left its own traces on both sides of the mountain.

Centered on the towering tower, everyone has quietly stabilized their positions in their own way.

No one will be tempted until the real opportunity opens.

They are guarding each other and others start to form an alliance with each other.

The forces from all sides of the universe finally met in a corner of Fernando 6.

In the long history, similar local conflicts emerge in an endless stream; but for Fernan, it is the first time since the Tertiary that powerful creatures with local accidents have come, and their contradictions are likely to dominate the universe. The pattern.

The sensitive vocabulary of destiny slabs, on the cusp of this cusp, touched the nerves of many people.

Perhaps it is because the supreme power of the heavenly kingdom is against the star-beasts of the era of destruction, and the **** and the abyss do not use the most powerful forces.

At the highest level of acquiescence, the protagonists of this local conflict are mostly servants or devil-level characters.

Only they can enter Fernan in the case that the universe magic pool is just broken and the void is still unstable.

As for the **** of truth, in Marvin's understanding, it is completely another level of creatures.

But even if most of the creatures remain restrained, there are still people who are desperate to kill!


In the low-lying rainforest in the southwestern part of the Tongtian Tower, five people wearing costumes are surrounded by a circle.

They are holding hands with each other and have words in their mouths.

They have white and silver lightning pendants on their chests. This is the symbol of the **** of medium power lightning.

"Are you praying to your gods?"

A somewhat immature voice rang at the side.

The theologians frowned, and the leaders were dissatisfied with the ritual that the child had disturbed them.

In this case, the gods of the Kingdom of Heaven are still united.

Most of the servants are united.

No one will take the initiative to provoke the people of the heavenly kingdom.

"If you don't want to die, go away!"

The leader flashed a sigh of relief in his eyes.

This little child has a feeling of irritability.

But it is a legendary wizard. The grade is a small point, it is estimated that this is a big 6 rare genius - but what happened to the genius?

Strong geniuses are nothing but mortals in the eyes of their gods.

The limitations of mortals are too great. Before arriving at the Big 6, they did not see the local mortal in their eyes.

The competitors in their eyes are only each other.

The little boy smiled slightly: "Praying is useless."

"The **** of lightning is a waste. After losing the storm slate, he can only mix a medium power."

"You are better to believe in me."

Five wizards were shocked by the arrogance of the little boy.

"What are you talking about?"

One of the sorcerers was angry and yelled.

The little boy frowned.

In an instant, the horrible arcane energy burst out of the body of the gods.


The crack began to sound. The godsman had no time to use the magical technique, but he was directly blown into pieces!

"kill him!"

"This is a madman!"

The other four people were shocked.

However, the boy’s face showed a regretful look:

"Why don't you give up on dark speculation?"

"I am the true God."

"I am the real **** of magic!"

After talking about this passage, he ran through a horrible magic.

His body surface reveals a hint of blue light.

Those gods actually penetrated his body directly, and did not hurt his essence at all.

In the horrified eyes of the four Lightning God believers, the horrific arcane storms came from the void and directly tore them into pieces.

The boy slowly stepped into the shadows and left the place.

After twenty seconds, a person appeared.

Seeing the body of this place, Ma Wen brows again wrinkled.

"This is the thirty-seventh..."

"His degree is so fast, I have not been able to catch up."

Marvin is a headache.

He didn't understand what was born.

He went to the underground pedestrian palace and Chiba Sen. During this period, Pooh said that it should be in the White River Valley.

But after he arrived in the first mountain range, it seemed that his temperament suddenly changed.

After the attack on Isabel, he began to kill.

No matter who he is, he will smash his poisonous hands!

And he really has this ability.

His arcane energy is so powerful that it is derived from the inheritance of the wizarding god, and it is indeed well-deserved.

Even more frightening is that Marvin can't keep up with his murder.

He wanted to stop Pooh, but it took a few minutes to send Isabel to a safe place, which led to the current situation.

Thirty-seven legendary powerhouses died under Pooh's witchcraft.

If he doesn't stop it. God knows what will happen.

"What happened to this kid?"

With such thoughts, Ma Wen continued to pursue it!

Because of the Tongtian Tower, the nearby space was blocked by the power of order.

Ma Wen can only rely on the gods to chase the Pooh, otherwise the endless road will open. I have already caught up with him.

He is now very worried about Pooh's anomaly.

In particular, the term "magic god" gives him a feeling of horror.

You know, the last time you want to be the **** of magic is the phoenix.

The mad woman was hacked to death by Marvin.

Now, his brother is making a sound to become a new generation of magical gods.

What exactly is going on?


In the low woods, God is swiftly swept to the extreme. Night tracking also continues to open.

Pooh progressed very fast, but he was a wizard and he continued to kill.

After he killed the thirty-ninth legend, Marvin finally arrived.

"You are not Pooh."

"who are you?"

Ma Wen looked at the fresh body on the ground, took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Pooh reveals a natural expression:

"Brother, what's the matter with you? These people are **** people."

"They destroyed the universe magic pool, don't you remember?"

"Aren't they your enemy? I will help you kill them. How do you still question me?"

Marvin glimpsed However, at this moment, a strong sense of crisis blew around him.

God is agile - explosion!

Ma Wen has risen from the ground up.

The next second, where he is, has been ruined by arcane energy!


Ma Wen’s shadow was like lightning, and he did not hesitate to rush to Pooh.

The latter's eyes flashed a hint of surprise, and immediately revealed a sneer.

In the next second, the arcane energy around him began to boil.

"No one can stop the **** of magic."

"Even if you are, it is the same."

... (to be continued.)