MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 583 Effort is also talent

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  Chapter 583 Effort is also talent

   "How could this be..." Xiao Li, who was lying on the ground, looked at Neji who had been declared victorious.

   "Just one move, one move defeated me..." Xiao Li's face was full of disbelief.

  Before the battle, although he didn't dare to say that he defeated Neji 100%, he felt that there was a possibility of winning, after all, he had improved so much.

  He didn't expect that Neji could instantly kill him with the power of thunder.

  The strength of the two is not at the same level at all, the difference is too big.

  The people around saw that Xiao Li was instantly killed by Ning Ci, but they didn't show any surprise or difference, because in their understanding, Ning Ci was a genius who could do anything, while Xiao Li was just an ordinary person.

  Ordinary people can't beat geniuses, this is a matter of course.

  Xiao Li stood by frustratedly, watching the end of one battle after another. In the end, Ning Ci easily won the first place, and no one could pass the second move in his hands.

  Looking at Ningci who had won the first prize and still maintained a calm expression when facing the teacher with a smile and praise, Xiao Li felt a little at a loss.

  ‘Could it be that no matter how hard we try, an ordinary person like me can’t surpass a genius like Neji? '

  Having worked hard for half a semester and wanted to be a blockbuster in the mid-term exam, but was defeated by Ning Ci with one move. Xiao Li was a little disheartened at the moment, feeling that his efforts seemed meaningless.

  What's the use of practicing so hard? He practiced hard every day, getting up early and going to bed late, but was killed by Ning Ci with one move

   And the classmate who played all day but didn't study and seldom exercised was also killed by Ning Ci's one move, so what is the difference between them.

  Oh, the difference is that those students at least had fun and had fun.

  Back home, Xiao Li subconsciously went to the nearby training ground to practice as usual after eating and digesting, hitting wooden stakes.

   But after hitting twice, Xiao Li suddenly stopped.

   "Is my practice really useful?" Xiao Li looked confused.

   "If you can't catch up with a genius like Neji no matter how hard you try, wouldn't it be better to live a more comfortable life? Just like them, as long as you pass, the rest will be happy..."

   "But do you really think that would make you happy?"

  Suddenly, a man with a watermelon head and thick eyebrows in a green tights jumped down from the tree, and asked Xiao Li in a serious voice.

  "Everyone has their own way of life. Some people choose to burn their youth to chase unattainable dreams, and some people choose to live an ordinary life. But don't you know what your inner choice is?"

   "The way I want to live..." Xiao Li read silently.

  Of course he knows this, he wants to become a great ninja, even if he can only use taijutsu.

   "I want to be a great ninja, but that's impossible because I don't have the talent of a genius." Xiao Li said with some frustration.

  “Ordinary people can’t catch up with those geniuses no matter how hard they try.”

   "Then why are you still training?" Metkay laughed, showing his gleaming white teeth.

  Xiao Li realized that he subconsciously started practicing again.

   "Genius is not impossible to surpass, but it is extremely difficult to surpass! You must work hard with the determination to surpass everything." Maitekai's expression became serious again.

   "Hatake Kakashi, do you know?" Maitekai asked.

   Rock Lee nodded, Kakashi is still very famous in Konoha.

   "There is no doubt that Kakashi is a genius, and now I have forty-two wins and forty losses against him!"

   "I dare not say what will happen in the future. At this stage, I can say that my strength surpasses Kakashi!" Maitkai raised his chest and smiled, his two rows of big white teeth were particularly shiny.

   "Could it be that you are the master Maitekai who uses physical skills?" Xiao Li looked at the man in the green tights in surprise.

  Although Maitekai does not have enough record to sing, but his powerful Taijutsu also shines in the Yanyin battlefield. Although his reputation is definitely not as good as Kakashi's, it can be regarded as a little famous in Konoha.

   "That's right, I am Konoha's proud blue beast Maitkai!" Maitkai nodded.

   "Actually, I am really similar to you. Do you know that in the beginning, I was almost unable to enter the ninja school because of my talent." Maitkai and Xiao Li told their own stories.

   "A strong man like you will not be able to enter the ninja school because of his talent?" Xiao Li was shocked.

  Although he knew that there was such a powerful junin as Maitkai, he really didn't know that Maitkai had such a past.

   "That's right." Mikey nodded.

"In the ninja school, I met Kakashi, my lifelong opponent. He was a real genius, and he was really strong at that time. The first time I fought with him, he cleanly knocked me out with just one move. Defeated." Metkai talked about his experience with Kakashi's acquaintance.

  Xiao Li doesn't know how to describe his current mood.

Like, so similar, he was told by the teacher that he might as well go to an ordinary school because of his poor talent, and Maitkai almost couldn’t get into school because of his talent. He worked hard for half a semester and was given a second move by Neji, and Maitkai was also given a trick by Kakashi second.

"However, how can you give up your dream just because of one failure? Failure is also an important part of youth! I practice hard, and if I can't do five hundred push-ups, I can do a thousand. If I can't do it, I can run a hundred laps around the village. In the end, I chose to surpass Kakashi."

   "Xiao Li, I've been watching you for a while, you are very similar to me, ordinary but hardworking, don't deny yourself just because of one failure." Maitekai said seriously.

   "Effort is also a kind of talent, we are geniuses who work hard!"

  Xiao Li's mind was shocked, and his blood boiled with enthusiasm from what Maitekai said, and he even wanted to practice all night.

   "Would you like to be my disciple? Let's work together to surpass all geniuses and become the strongest with physical skills!" Maitek smiled, showing his white teeth, and stretched out his hand to Xiao Li.

   "Teacher Kai, I am willing!" Xiao Li said loudly with excitement.

   After learning about Maitekai's experience, Maitekai directly became the idol in Xiao Li's heart.

  Because Maitekai has experienced similar experiences to Xiao Li, but he has already lived the way Xiao Li wants to live, and has become a strong man who only uses physical skills.

  How can Xiao Li not worship and yearn for such a Maitkai.

   "Good! Very energetic." Hearing that Xiao Li called the teacher directly, Maitekai nodded in satisfaction.

   "Then let's run around Konoha ten laps to warm up and then start practicing!"

   "Okay, Teacher Kai!" Xiao Li's face was completely bewildered, and there was only enthusiasm for cultivation.

  Since then, Konoha has had another Taijutsu ninja wearing a green tights and a watermelon head.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion