MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 570 The strong are more powerful

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  Chapter 570 Stronger is even stronger

   Konoha quickly responded to Iwagakure and Sandgakure's request for help, and sent Kakashi Matekai, two good friends, to lead the ninja troops to Iwagakure.

  Nagazawa over Sand Yin asked Shisui to bring Itachi and Dou and some ninja troops to support.

   Even Nagasawa has made some preparations, and if there is a problem with Yunyin and Wuyin, the war can be ended as quickly as possible.

  After arranging everything, Nagasawa left a shadow clone in Konoha, and then went out by himself.

  After walking out of Konoha, looking at the scenery outside, Yongze felt a little emotional. He seldom produced Konoha on his own body, and usually he was dispatched by shadow clones. The last time he walked out of Konoha, he seemed to be grabbing Obito.


  After Onogi was captured, Nagato lost interest in Iwagakure. He let Scorpion and Beiruhu enter the Land of Earth and continued to attack until he captured Iwagakure and captured Hitoruki.

  Leaving the battlefield of Yanyin, Nagato used his powerful strength to rush to the battlefield of Yunyin.

  Taki Ninja Village, Shuang Nin Village, Tang Nin Village, and the three ninja villages can only be said to be average in strength. If it weren't for the advanced weapons, it would have been extraordinary to not pull the hips quickly against Shang Yunyin's troops.

   It was Musashi and Loquat Juzang who led the three ninja villages to attack Yunyin.

  Musashi is obsessed with swords. It's okay to ask him to lead the charge, but wouldn't it be difficult for him to command it?

   Although Loquat Juzo is an experienced ninja, he is not a commanding talent, he is better at assassination.

  So the two of them assembled their troops very simply, and confronted Yun Yin head-on, for a duel between real men.

  Based on the lessons learned from Yanyin Village, the Fourth Raikage also personally led the troops to intercept, and even brought his brother Rabbi Eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki.

  The middle and lower ninjas maintain a balance of power, the Yunyin ninjas have powerful lightning escape and physical skills, and Tang Ninjas also have advanced weapons.

   But at the level of Jonin, Yun Yin has the advantage.

  In the battle of the top powerhouses, Musashi and Loquat Ten Zang also fell into a bad situation.

   "As expected of the fourth generation of Raikage, really strong!" Musashi clenched the two sharp swords in his hand, panting heavily.

  Now he is no longer the fledgling little samurai back then. Relying on the excellent platform of Xiao Organization, Musashi has fought against all kinds of masters.

  Even so, among the people he has fought against, the Fourth Raikage is probably the strongest one besides Nagato.

  The speed is so fast that even if he senses it, it is difficult to deal with it, and the defense is so strong that he can directly use his hands to head-to-head with his domineering double knives.

   "If you know you are strong, why don't you surrender quickly." Fourth Raikage laughed twice and then glared at Musashi.

  Musashi was amazed by the strength of the Fourth Raikage, and the Fourth Raikage was also surprised that there are such powerful and pure swordsmen as Musashi in the ninja world.

  Musashi didn't speak, and responded to Fourth Raikage's words with a few sharp sword auras.

  Surrender is impossible to surrender. If you can’t fight, you will run away, but you will never surrender.

  Raikage's body was full of aura, the lightning wrapped around his body surged, and he turned on the Thunder Escape Chakra Mode with all his strength.

   Musashi's situation is not good, and Loquat Ten Zang's is even more worrying.

   Kirabi's strength is not weak at all. Not only is Perfect Inchuriki able to borrow the power of the Tailed Beast at will, Kirabi's own strength is also very good.

  Although Loquat Juzo is also a well-known master in the ninja world, he is not an opponent at all against a powerful Renzhuli like Kirabi.

  While Musashi was still struggling to support the rapid offensive of the fourth generation of Raikage, Loquat Juzo was sent flying out after Kirabi used the tailed beast chakra, and hit the ground hard.

   Kirabi, who defeated the enemy, immediately rapped to celebrate.

  While rapping and preparing to make up the knife, Loquat Shizang was completely defeated.

  Seeing that Loquat Juzo was in danger, Musashi had an idea and adjusted his body to take the blow from the Fourth Raikage, and then the power of the Fourth Raikage slashed at Kirabi, so that Kirabi failed to make up the knife.

   "You don't think you saved me like this, I will be very grateful to you, it is the fate of a ninja to die on the battlefield." Loquat Juzo who was rescued said indifferently.

   "It's really stupid to save people and get injured on the battlefield. Your naivety will kill you sooner or later."

  Pipa Juzo spoke extremely cold words like a killer without emotion, but at the same time got up quickly to help Musashi deal with the attacking Fourth Raikage.

   Musashi and Loquat Juzang have been together for a long time, and he was not angry when he heard what he said, and smiled cheerfully.

  Musashi knew that Loquat Juzo's character was twisted like this, so he just listened the other way around at this time.

   Probably means, you saved me, I am very grateful, since you were injured for saving me, then I will save you with my life.

"Brother, stand back a little, I'll use the tailed beast jade to end the battle!" At this moment, Kirabi has entered the state of a half-tailed beast, with a dark red chakra full of tyranny all over his body, and eight big tails fluttering behind him .

  Kirabi opened his mouth wide, and instantly a large amount of dark red chakra gathered in front of the mouth, quickly forming a dark ball and flying towards Loquat Juzo and Musashi.

  The fourth generation of Raikage silently blocked the escape route of the two of them. Tailed Beast Jade and his Thunder Dun Iron Fist always had to eat one.

  Looking at the swiftly attacking Tailed Beast Jade, Loquat Juzo took a deep breath, a bold idea popped up in his mind, and quickly blocked Musashi behind him.

  However, just when Pipa Shizang was about to take the tail beast jade with his body, he suddenly found that the tail beast jade stopped abruptly.

   Loquat Shizang also suddenly felt a strong suction, and was immediately sucked into the sky.

  Boom! !

  The tailed beast jade erupted with terrifying energy, triggering a violent explosion. The shining white light turned the war into white time, and the ground trembled violently, leaving a big pit where the tailed beast jade bombarded.

   "The leader of Guangren Village, why are you here?" Fourth Raikage frowned and looked at the figure floating in the sky.

  According to the information, this Yahiko should be in the Land of Earth, how could he appear on the Yunyin battlefield.

  Just when Tailed Beast Jade hit Loquat Juzo, Nagato made a move and used the Vientiane Tenzō to **** Musashi and Loquat Juzo into the sky.

   "Come and defeat Yunyin Village." Nagato said lightly, withdrew Wanxiang Tianyin, and loosened the control over Musashi and Loquat Juzang.

  There are quite a few people in the Akatsuki Organization Center who are pregnant with ghosts, and Nagato is also very clear about it.

   Not to mention Obito and Jue, who are no longer members of the Akatsuki organization, but Beiliuhu and Scorpion, who have a lot of thoughts.

  There are not many pure people like Musashi and Loquat Ten Cang. Musashi just wants to challenge the strong to increase his strength, and Loquat Ten Cang just wants to have a shelter.

  So Nagato had a good impression of this pair, and he decisively helped at critical moments.

   "What a big tone, Yunyin Village is not comparable to the old, weak, sick and disabled like Yanyin!" Fourth Raikage glared at Nagato with wide eyes, and opened his mouth to step on a fistful of private goods.

  Of course, having said that, Fourth Raikage instantly became vigilant, ready to launch a thunderous offensive against Nagato at any time.

   Among other things, the record of capturing the Third Tsuchikage is solid, and the Fourth Raikage will not underestimate Nagato.

   "With unnecessary struggle, you will see what a real strong man is." Nagato floated in the sky and looked down.

  Fourth Raikage's violent temper, seeing Nagato's contempt, Fourth Raikage's Raikage's Raikage Chakra mode was brought to the extreme in an instant, and even his hair stood on end, looking like he was about to explode.


  Fourth Raikage’s calf was slightly bent, and his whole body’s strength was concentrated on his leg. Chakra erupted, and he leaped up with terrifying power in an instant, and grabbed Nagato. He didn’t like being looked down and talking.

  Fourth Raikage's movements are extremely fast. Even Musashi, who has a domineering sense, can only sense the fourth Raikage's breath in action, and his eyes can't keep up with it, so it's hard to react.

  But Nagato's perception is so powerful, and he has his own Liugouyu reincarnation eyes. In his eyes, Raikage's speed is only mediocre, and it is not fast at all.

  You must know that what the Fourth Raikage is facing now is not a puppet of heaven, but Nagato's body, the body that has completed the absorption of Oni Luoya and awakened Liugouyu's reincarnation eye.

  But because of the transformation technique, Yahiko still looks like Yahiko in the eyes of others.

  Because Yahiko's body was almost destroyed by Onoki's dust tunnel during the battle with Onogi, Nagato simply didn't use a puppet.

  In the past, the main body was replaced by Penn Liudao because the main body's leg was injured and it was inconvenient to move, not because the puppet was stronger.

  Now he is not strong enough, using Yahiko's body to fight Iwagakushi just want to commemorate Yahiko, a friend who passed away.

  Now I miss it and miss it. In order to avoid problems with Yahiko's body, Nagato simply dispatched the main body directly.

   "Shinra Tensei!" Nagato stretched out his hand, Samsara's eyes were shocked, and the terrifying repulsive force pressed towards the attacking Fourth Raikage.

  The Fourth Raikage had already planned to capture Nagato, and immediately he and Kirabi used the super thunder plow to give Nagato a ruthless blow.

   Unexpectedly, just as he jumped up, an indescribably terrifying force pressed down on him, like a giant mountain falling from the sky and pressing down on him.

   Boom boom boom! !

   There was a deafening loud sound, and a pothole bigger than the explosion of the tailed beast jade just now appeared on the ground. Yellow sand flew all over the sky, the ground was in a mess, the ground cracked, and the trees shattered.

   "Big brother!" This sudden change caught Kirabi a little off guard, and he hurriedly called out big brother and ran to the fourth generation of Raikage.

  Just now, Nagato's movement was too fast, and just raising his hand instantly sent the Fourth Raikage into the big pit. Kirabi couldn't react at all.

   "Brother, are you okay?" Kirabi looked at the Fourth Raikage in the pit with a distressed expression.

  Even though the fourth generation of Raikage Raikage had a very strong defensive power under the chakra mode, he was injured instantly by Nagato's shot, and there were a lot of wounds on his body.

   "I can continue to fight." The fourth generation of Raikage took a breath and continued to squeeze the chakra and continued to use the Raikage Chakra mode to recover from injuries.

  The Lightning Dungeon Chakra mode not only has a strong defense, but in this mode, the recovery power will also be greatly enhanced.

   "Can you continue to fight? What's the point?" Nagato was a little surprised when he saw that the fourth Raikage still had the power to fight.

  Raikage kept inhaling and exhaling, facing the terrifying pressure provided by Nagato, he thought of the man Fujiwara Nagasawa who made the ninja world peaceful again.

  Yongze is also so powerful that it is outrageous that a random move can cause great destructive power.

  ‘No wonder the ninja world fell into such a chaotic environment. It turns out that the leader of the so-called Guangnin Village is so powerful. ’ Fourth Raikage couldn’t help but worry about Yunyin Village.

  Even if he is stronger, he has to admit that after Nagato appeared, Yun Yin was defeated.

  Fourth Raikage is a person who is not willing to admit defeat. If he only beats him by one and a half moves, Fourth Raikage will definitely not feel that he is inferior to others.

   But in the face of Nagato's terrifying monster, which can make Raikage injured in Raidu Chakra mode with one move, it's hard for the Fourth Raikage to refuse to admit defeat, how can this be compared.

  Of course, the strength is not as good as others, and the Fourth Raikage will not bow to Nagato.

  Even if Nagato beat him to death, he still refused to accept it.

   "If you want to hurt big brother, go through my level first." After discussing with the eight-tailed animal in the body, Kirabi directly turned his whole body into a tailed beast, turning into a huge eight-tailed bull ghost.

   "Bi, be careful, I don't know why this guy makes me feel a bit like the former Sage of the Six Paths." Eight tails reminded Kirabi.

  In the perception of Yao, Nagato is really not a good existence to deal with.

  Kirabi nodded, then opened his mouth to gather the tailed beast jade.

  Tailed Beast Jade is a bad street move that all tailed beasts know, but it is really easy to use and powerful.

  And there is also a gap between the tailed beast jade, the tailed beast jade released by the powerful tailed beast and the tailed beast jade released by the ordinary tailed beast cannot be generalized.

   This time, Kirabi is still using the Tailed Beast Jade that is fully transformed into a Tailed Beast, which is stronger than the Tailed Beast Jade that has just been transformed into a half-tailed Beast.

  Just the body shape looks different. The body shape of the tailed beast jade released by the full body-tailed beast is more than five times that of the half-tailed beast.

  But what Kirabi didn't expect was that Nagato received his tailed beast jade head-on without dodging or dodging.

  But when the Tailed Beast Jade was about to hit Nagato, a reincarnation eye opened again in the center of Nagato's forehead, and it still had six tick marks.

   "The God Emperor produces the spirit god!" Nagato directly activated his special skill of the Six Gouyu Samsara Eye, absorbing the attacking Tailed Beast Jade.

  Watching the huge tailed beast jade disappear into the air, Kirabi below was a little dumbfounded.

  Where is his tailed beast jade? Where did the big tailed beast jade go?

   "How about trying your own attack?" Nagato activated his ability again, and released the strengthened eight-tailed beast jade at Kirabi Raikage.

  The Tailed Beast Jade that has strengthened the reincarnation eye ability is larger than the one launched by the eight tails just now, and the momentum is very amazing.

  Kirabi didn't expect Nagato to have such a method at all, and didn't know how to deal with it for a while, so he just protected the fourth generation of Raikage behind him.

  (end of this chapter)