MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 530 The end of doflamingo

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  Chapter 530 Doflamingo's end


  Vergo stomped on the ground dozens of times at high speed, his body flickered, and he quickly dodged towards the outside of the base.

  Being able to become the base chief of the New World Branch, Virgo naturally has impressive strength. He has already mastered the Six Forms with a high degree of proficiency, and the speed is so fast that the navy of the G5 branch can only see afterimages and cannot keep up with the main body.

   "Want to run after hitting my subordinate?" Yongze smiled and pulled out the blade Ruohuo, and simply swung the knife at Virgo.

   Virgo, who was running wildly, felt a strong sense of crisis, but he didn't dare to turn back, and continued to move at a high speed.

  But how could he be faster than Yongze's slash, the next moment Yongze swung the knife, Virgo had already been cut in half, and a large amount of blood spurted out like a fountain, dyeing the surroundings bloody.

  The soldiers at the G5 base all looked at this scene stupidly, not knowing whether they were still surprised that their respected officer was an undercover agent, or were they surprised by Yongze's strength.

   "General Yongze, why did you kill him directly? We should be able to get more evidence about Doflamingo from him." Tina said.

"It doesn't matter, the evidence here is enough for us to revoke his Qiwuhai's position and then arrest him." Yongze said with a smile: "Besides, I am avenging you, just now he clamored to kill you .”

   "Then what should we do next?" Tina asked.

   "Notify the headquarters, tell them what happened here, and then quietly wait for Doflamingo to come over." Nagasawa said.

   "Doflamingo will come?" Tina asked a little puzzled.

   "He will come." Yongze replied with a smile.

  Caesar called for help. Given the importance of Caesar, Doflamingo would not ignore it.

  And Nagasawa asked Tina to give some false information to Virgo, and Virgo must have told Doflamingo about it.

  Even if Doflamingo doesn’t come, it’s okay to just send some cadres over, and it won’t hinder Nagasawa’s plan.

  Yong Ze made a plan before going to Punk Hazard, let his shadow clone personally lead the team to Dressrosa, and liberate the country when the time comes.

  Seeing that Yongze has become a riddle again without explaining, Tina had no choice but to temporarily suppress her inner doubts, and first contact the Navy Headquarters according to Yongze's order.

   Immediately afterwards, Yongze set his sights on the navy of the G5 branch. The navy who looked at him with oppressive eyes was a little flustered, almost thinking that Yongze was going to kill them as traitors together.

   "Although I don't know what Virgo pretends to be like on weekdays, but being able to become the head of the base must have made a lot of achievements and is also very popular." Yongze said.

"No... That's right, Commander Virgo is a righteous navy who loves his subordinates and is merciless to pirates. If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, I would never believe that he is actually an undercover agent." A navy member of the G5 branch lowered his head in frustration Said.

   "What is the purpose of becoming a navy? Who is your justice for?" Yong Ze asked again.

   All the navy looked at each other, and the atmosphere became silent immediately.

  "I once heard that the G5 branch is a maverick naval branch, jealous of evil, even if it disobeys the orders of the headquarters, it will kill pirates, it is a maverick justice force.

   Now it seems that it is nothing more than that. Are you interested in killing pirates? Is your justice the justice of Virgo? "Yongze said in a mocking tone.

   "Of course...of course not!" one of the sailors said courageously.

   "Killing pirates is because pirates do a lot of evil. My own father died at the hands of pirates. Our justice is to protect the safety of the people!"

  Other navies were also infected one after another and spoke out their justice.

   "Then what are you waiting for here? A group of children have been abducted and sold here and used for experiments. Why don't you send them to treatment?" Yongze said.

   "Obey, Admiral Baima!" The navy members of the G5 branch looked at Yongze respectfully, and then followed Yongze's order to send the children to the warship for treatment.

  Yongze quietly watched the warship leave outside, watching the G5 navy **** the children to treatment.

"I thought you wouldn't care about them. After all, from your standpoint, the decline of the navy's strength should be something you are very happy to see." Aokiji's voice came into Yongze's ears, and he stood beside Yongze. behind.

  Yongze smiled and said: "If you think so, then underestimate me."

   "Is the navy necessarily the enemy? I don't think so. On the contrary, I think the navy will be a great boost to the revolutionary army."

  "Although there are some navies that regard the world government as justice, there are still navies like you that regard the people as justice. They are all talents welcomed by the revolutionary army."

   "It is really a bold idea to develop a revolutionary army within the navy." Aokiji understood Yongze's plan.

  Yongze smiled, and after the revolutionary army's propaganda work is in place, he can also implement the plan within the navy.

  Yongze believes that if a person is sincere to the people and really wants to change this terrible world, then he must join the Revolutionary Army in the end.

  What the revolutionary army needs to do is to let people understand what a revolution is, and then let everyone see a little hope of success.

  When Nagasawa was talking about the revolutionary theory with Aokiji in the base, a pink figure fell from the sky, landed on the ice, and came to Punk Hazard.

   "What the **** happened here, Caesar, don't die." Brother Ming rushed towards the research base as soon as he arrived on the island.

  Caesar is too important to him, he doesn't want to bear Kaido's anger.

  But not long after Doflamingo entered the naval base, he saw Nagasawa and Aokiji standing there.

  Doflamingo paused, feeling like he was being fooled. When he met two admirals at once, few of them could remain calm, let alone he came to save people.

  Doflamingo didn't hesitate, and immediately turned and left. Two generals came out. Regardless of whether Caesar was or was, he had no ability to take Caesar away from the navy.

   "Doflamingo, since you're here, don't rush away." Yongze quietly came to Doflamingo's side and pressed his shoulder.

  Doflamingo instantly felt as if a mountain was pressing on him, making it difficult for him to move.

   "咈咈咈咈, you are worthy of being a legendary monster recruited by the world." Being held down by Nagasawa, Doflamingo did not show a timid expression, but laughed instead.

   Doflamingo turned around and looked at Yongze, maintaining his arrogant smile and asked: "So, Fujiwara Nagasawa, what are you trying to do when you stop me? You know, we are an 'alliance'."

  Brother Ming has many identities, these are his arrogant capital, such as the former Tianlong people, such as Qi Wuhai, and the king of the countries that joined the world government.

   "Alliance? I'm sorry, it's not anymore, Doflamingo, you colluded with the Four Emperors Kaido, and your Qiwuhai identity has been deprived." Yong Ze said with a smile.

  Doflamingo's heart sank, but he didn't panic immediately, he still had that arrogant smile on his face.

   "What are you going to do, arrest me? Are you qualified to arrest the king of a joined country?"

   "A pirate is not qualified to be the king of a franchise country." Yongze replied.

  Suddenly, Doflamingo made a claw with his left hand, and five transparent thin threads appeared on each finger. Then Doflamingo quickly waved his left hand, and the five transparent silk threads quickly hit Yongze.

  Yongze used his hand as a knife, and with a light swipe, all the silk threads flying over broke instantly.

  However, Doflamingo took advantage of the time when Yongze's hand moved away to back away quickly, and distanced himself from Yongze.

   "Doflamingo, resisting arrest is a higher crime." Yong Ze said with a smile.

   Now Doflamingo couldn't keep his arrogant smile anymore, he looked at Yongze coldly.

   "Fujiwara Nagasawa, do you know the consequences of your actions?" Doflamingo said in a low voice.

   It is not easy to move him. Could it be that the world government is not clear about his investigation and is just ignoring it selectively.

  In addition to Doflamingo's own power, he has too many things involved, the Four Emperors, and the underground dark power of the new world, the Celestial Dragons.

   "Of course I know, I got rid of a heinous pirate." Yong Ze replied with a smile.

   Confirmed that Yongze must catch him today, and Doflamingo is not talking nonsense. He didn't hold back the slightest hand against a monster like Yongze, and directly used the ability of fruit awakening.

  Under the effect of the awakening ability of the thread fruit, everything around Doflamingo turns into a thin transparent thread.

   Huge white waves composed of tens of thousands of transparent white thin lines appeared on both sides of Yongze. The waves composed of white lines surged up and down like real waves, and gradually moved closer to Yongze.

  Doflamingo didn't attack Aokiji, and Aokiji never said a word from the beginning, plus he quit the navy, Doflamingo felt that it was one less general to fight.

   Facing Doflamingo's waves-like lines, Yong Ze pulled out the blade like a fire.

   "Everything is ashes, and the blade is like fire!"

   Fierce crimson flames erupted from the flowing blade.

   Immediately afterwards, Yongze swung a knife horizontally, and a fire tornado composed of high-temperature flames was released, instantly burning all the white silk threads near Yongze.

   Standing on the sidelines and watching the battle, Aokiji showed a thoughtful expression. The flames of Yongze reminded him of the white beard during the war on the top. Although he could tell the difference, they were all the same ferocity.

   Immediately afterwards, Yongze swung his sword again, and a crescent-shaped Hokage slashed towards Doflamingo quickly.

  Doflamingo raised his hand, and instantly there were a lot of white silk threads on the ground, standing in front of Doflamingo like a huge shield.

   Afraid that he would not be able to stop Yongze's slash, Doflamingo also used the armed color domineering to strengthen the white line.

It's a pity that the gap between the two sides is too large. Even if he is armed and domineering, Doflamingo's line shield can't block Yongze's slash, which left a huge hole on Doflamingo's arm. the wound.

   "As expected of a monster." Doflamingo knew that he couldn't go on like this, so he had to take the initiative to attack in order to win the slightest chance of victory.

Yongze didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, and Doflamingo knew why, because Yongze felt that he was not a threat, and he didn't need to be serious about solving him. Yongze hit hard.

  Doflamingo ignored the severe pain from his arm and exploded his fruit power again. Thousands of silk threads were wrapped towards Yongze in the shape of flamingo wings, and all the threads were attached with armed domineering.

  While performing this move, Doflamingo almost instantly used his strongest move, 16 rounds of holy bullets.

  Doflamingo's previous attack did not arrive, and in the next second, 16 huge waves and white lines wrapped in high-density armed colors rose rapidly from the ground and pierced Yongze at an extremely fast speed.

  After all this was done, Doflamingo gasped for breath. Such an outburst was not an easy task for him.

   But something happened to Doflamingo's disappointment and shock.

The flames in the flowing blade converged into the knife, and Yongze swung the knife again. With just one knife, all the silk threads that attacked were burned up. The powerful high temperature even melted the ice layer of Punk Hazard instantly. Ice and Fire Island may become Fire Island.

   "Damn, the gap is so big." Brother Ming clenched his fists tightly. He didn't expect the gap between himself and the general to be so big.

   But what he didn't notice was that Aokiji beside him was also surprised.

The moment Yongze swung the knife just now, he felt the temperature around him soared, and even the prosthetic limb he created with his ability melted instantly. Aokiji wanted to recreate it, but found that his fruit ability was destroyed under this extreme temperature. Weakened a lot.

  Aokiji was very surprised, because this is something that even Akainu can't do, and Nagasawa actually restrained him more than Akainu!

   No, even Akainu was restrained by him!

  Because Nagasawa's flame can burn Akainu's magma, but Akainu's magma can't help Nagasawa's flame.

  In Aokiji's heart, the probability of the revolutionary army's success suddenly increased a lot.

  Although Aokiji does not agree that the strong are nobler than ordinary people, strength is indeed indispensable if the revolution is to succeed.


  Dressrosa Island, after receiving the news of the main body, the shadow clone Yongze smiled and said to the revolutionary army: "Comrades, it's time to liberate this country!"

  So Yongze took Sabo to start the activity that he had prepared long ago.

  Release those who have been turned into toys, expose Doflamingo's deceit and villainy, and bring the darkness of this island to light.

  Under Yongze's prepared and quick action, the entire country was soon liberated.

   And Yongze used the live phone bug to spread everything, and the last one ended with Yongze's speech promoting the concept of the Revolutionary Army.

  The end of Shichibukai Doflamingo, the deep darkness of Dressrosa, the live broadcast of the liberation of the Revolutionary Army, and Nagasawa's last speech, the world became restless again.

  (end of this chapter)

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