MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 10 some friends can be trusted forever

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  Chapter 10 Some friends can be trusted forever

  After Yongze accepted the task, Minato didn't let Yongze go out to do the task immediately, but asked Yongze to prepare for a few days later.

  Minato explained: "Although I believe in Nagasawa's ability, you still rarely touch this type of mission after all.

  In these three days, I will give you a lot of information about sneaking in and stealing secrets, and I will also personally tell you some precautions, so you should prepare for the battle. "

  Yongze nodded and agreed.

  He really hasn't done any high-level missions and lacks experience. He admits this because he is so "ordinary".

  This task is of great importance, not only related to whether Nagasawa can be promoted quickly, but also Minato's debut in front of high-level officials as Hokage.

  If he fails this time and leads to the implementation of the three-generation proposal, it will definitely have a negative impact on Minato's personal prestige.

   Some people may think that although Minato has strong personal strength, he is not suitable to become Hokage.

  So Yongze thinks it's nothing. For such a big event, it's better to be careful and make more preparations.

   And staying for three more days, he can just go to check whether Kakashi has learned to shave.

   It can also be called Saltwater and Inuzuka Midori to make preparations in advance. After all, this is a transnational mission, or stealing confidential documents such as Anbu information.

  When he walked out of the Hokage Building, Yongze realized that it was already noon, so he walked directly towards Konoha Commercial Street, preparing to buy something to eat.

  He lives alone. Although he can cook, he is too lazy to do the laundry. He usually eats out, and occasionally goes to Minato’s house for lounging.

  The slightly cool autumn wind blows, blowing the withered and yellow leaves into the air, sparkling in the sun.

  But some people on the street who are still wearing short sleeves don’t care about the autumn wind at all, and are still enthusiastically discussing the signing of the contract between Konoha and Iwagakure.

   "Finally the war is over. I heard that the signing of this contract is all thanks to the third generation."

   "Yes, thanks to the presence of the third generation, Konoha will finally usher in peace again. Unfortunately, the third generation has abdicated. I wonder if the fourth generation can protect Konoha like the third generation."

   "It's hard to say, the fourth generation seems to be only twenty-three years old this year, it's really too young, it's really worrying."

  Hearing the voices of these discussions, Yongze shook his head with a smile.

  The signing of the contract depends on the third generation? You really have the face to say it.

  If Minato hadn't killed a large number of Iwagakushi jonin, and then destroyed the opponent's main supply routes, how could Iwagakushi give up so easily.

   "But it's not unreasonable to say that the contract was signed entirely by the third generation, after all, it's that kind of 'contract'." A sneer appeared on Yongze's face.

  The reason why Iwagakure can accept Konoha's conditions is because the conditions given by Konoha are really good.

   There is no need to pay compensation for resources. The third generation said that Konoha forgives Iwagakure for invading the country of fire and will not be held accountable. Iwagakure only needs to sign a peace treaty with a truce.

  Nagasawa could only express his speechlessness. Those who didn’t know the conditions would think that Konoha was the one who lost the battle.

   This means that Konoha was invaded by Iwain, and won the battle, which means that his family has a big business, and he is too lazy to worry about losses. He doesn't want anything, but only hopes for peace.

  Yan Yin: "Is there such a good thing? Then I will definitely sign it."

  In fact, Yongze can also understand a little bit of Sandai’s thoughts. Maybe he is really tired and doesn’t want to fight anymore, and the truce is not without any benefits.

  But this is not the reason why you take all the credit for yourself.

   And let Minato be Hokage, and he still holds so many rights and is not willing to let go, euphemistically called "Minato is still young".

  Yongze shook his head, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

It can't be said that Hiruza Sarutobi is stupid or incompetent. If he is really incompetent, he has no way to be buried in the door, and he led Konoha to win the second ninja world war when he was ordered in danger, and defended Konoha's number one ninja The name of the village.

   Maybe time really changes everything.

  Forcing himself not to think about these annoying things, Yongze began to think about what to eat next.

   As for Ilaku ramen, although it tastes good, I just ate it yesterday, so I don’t want to go today.

  Barbecue is a bit too greasy for lunch...

   Thinking about it, Yongze found himself walking in front of a dumpling shop without knowing it.

   Without hesitation, Yongze walked in directly. He hadn't eaten dessert for a long time, and it seemed that it was not impossible to eat dumplings for lunch.

  Walking into the store, Yongze walked to the boss panel and said familiarly; "Watanabe, same old."

  Boss Watanabe said with a smile: "There are three additional versions, right?"

   "Of course, did you forget that I haven't been here for a few days?" Yongze joked with a smile.

   "Of course not, after all, you are Mr. Yongze." The boss laughed twice, and went to make dumplings for Yongze.

  He thinks his dumplings are too sweet, but Yongze still thinks they are not sweet enough.

  So he was deeply impressed by Yongze, and with Yongze's long-term patronage, the two have become friends who occasionally joke a few words.

  Yongze took a random position nearby, quietly waiting for his dumpling.

  He liked to eat all kinds of desserts in his previous life, and he paid a heavy price for this. Now in the world of Naruto, with the magical thing of chakra, there are many things that don’t have to worry about.

   "Senior Nagasawa?"

  Suddenly, a vigorous voice came from behind Yongze.

  Yongze turned around curiously, a boy with watermelon hair and wearing a green tights came into his eyes.

   "Senior Yongze, thank you." Matt Kai solemnly thanked Yongze.

   "Huh?" Yongze was a little puzzled, and he hadn't done anything for Maitekai.

  Maitkai explained: "Since Kakashi returned to the village, he has been very depressed, and he is only willing to use rock-paper-scissors for a duel.

  But after he finished the task with you, I felt that Kakashi's youth had returned, and he even asked me for advice on physical arts.

  Although I don't know what you said to Kakashi, thank you very much! "

   "You are really..." Yongze didn't know what to say for a while, Kakashi is really lucky to have such a friend as Kai.

   "Senior Nagasawa, how did you cheer up Kakashi?" A red-eyed girl sitting next to Kai asked curiously.

  She was really curious about how Nagasawa did it. She, Kai, and Asma had been giving Kakashi advice all the time, but Kakashi didn't care about them.

   And Nagasawa just did the task with Kakashi, and it actually cheered Kakashi up.

  Asma Gangzitie and others next to him also looked at Yongze curiously.

  They didn't understand how an ordinary Chunin like Nagasawa cheered Kakashi up.

   "How did you cheer up Kakashi..." Nagasawa was lost in thought.

  ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone,

   This chapter was posted in advance, and it should have been posted at noon tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)