MTL - Never Marry a Man With Two Tintins-v3 Chapter 17

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Cheng Nuo quickly converges on the smile, grabbed the streamer's arm and checked it. It was determined that it was all minor injuries, and suddenly he let go. If it is a traumatic, the streamer will be very fast. Before that, his own awkwardness has already been crusted. Chengnu has to envy and hate the ancient people.

He wanted to see Bai Rui, and he was afraid of annoyed the streamer. He had to bow his head and explain carefully: "I went to see Bai Rui, he seems to be hurt."

Streamer endured with anger: "Well, you tell him, you have to accompany me for two years, and we will leave after a while."

Cheng Nuoyi, remembering the words of the streamer before, suddenly secretly complained, how can he explain to Bai Rui now? And let Bai Rui wander alone for two years in such a perverted world, how can he be assured? But the streamer can forgive him, it is already a dreaming thing...

He was guilty of "hmm" and walked stiffly out, almost crying.

Rub, simply punish the labor and stay alone in the mountains for three or five years! The only fault is that this adult...

But how do you growl in your heart, and when he goes to Bai Rui, he tries to make the sound natural. The wound on his body has been treated, but the traces are still there, the wounded vocal cords and the bites on the lips can't be covered...

Bai Rui immediately discovered his anomaly. He asked if he didn't wait for Chengnuo's opening. "Are you injured?"

Cheng Nuo didn't dare to look at him. He lowered his head and pulled up his wrist to check and said: "A little hurt, don't tighten... Are you injured?"

He quickly took out a bottle of internal injuries and poured out a few pills, but quickly pressed Bai Rui down.

Bai Rui suddenly stretched out his neckline, and his tone of calm was slightly higher: "Is these injuries all he got?"

He looked at the delicate bruises on his lips and neck, and his eyes were slightly stunned.

Cheng Nuo did not dare to look at Bai Rui, guilty and explained: "... will soon go down, Xiaoguang is not intentional..."

Bai Rui restrained himself to keep calm and said: "Where is there any injury?"

"" Cheng Nuo tried to stand up straight, and the waist and hips were actually hot - his healing was not there at all, but the potholes!

Bai Rui naturally smelled the faint **** smell that had not been scattered on his body. He did not insist on checking, but gently put Cheng Nuo in his arms and gently rubbed his lips and said: "No next time, otherwise I will Take you away."

Cheng Nuo’s ears shook and he couldn’t say anything. He now sees these two people, no matter which one is guilty.

He fed Bai Rui to take the healing medicine and helped him heal the wound. As for the two years, don't say two years, he didn't dare to mention it in two months. Bai Rui's patience and repressive expression now makes him apologetic.

Just as Cheng Nuo was in a mess, the streamer had been waiting impatiently.

When he came over with a black face, he saw that Bai Rui was half-hearted and holding Cheng Nuo. He almost blew it up again. He endured with anger: "Cheng Nuo, haven’t finished talking to him? We should leave."

Bai Rui brows and asks Cheng Nuo: "What is going?"

Cheng Nuo’s heart has already become mad. He feels that it is easier to come out from the seal of the land than to face these two people at the same time! He could feel the pair of fire-breathing green scorpions that shot at his back, and quickly stepped back two steps, standing between the two.

Streamer took the gas and took Cheng Nuo’s hand to his side. He smiled coldly at Bai Rui: “Chenguo left me for two years, of course, I have to stay with me for two years. We have already said it.”

Bai Rui’s eyes have been watching Cheng Nuo, seeing his guilty look narrowing his neck, and he smiled bitterly.

But now it is much better than he expected, two years ago, he waited. He knew that Cheng Nuo could not refuse the streamer, no matter what.

"Is that the case?" Bai Rui calmly looked at Cheng Nuo, said, "Okay."

Bai Rui said so simple, Cheng Nuo lowered his head and his eyes were unconsciously hot.

Ni girl! Labor capital came to a frank and savvy grandfather, and now the whole kind of sentimental feelings like Lin’s sister, see everyone want to indent the tortoise shell! So toss and toss the past, when is the head! He is now with the streamer, Bai Rui that boring personality, it is estimated that watching the moon every day shows a emptiness and loneliness? Don't let labor and capital live forever in your life! ......

Streamer sneered aloud: "That's best!" He took Chengno and went forward.

Cheng Nuo was stunned by him, biting his teeth and raising his head, and forced his footsteps: "Xiaoguang, I can't leave Bai Rui. I am sorry for you, can't be sorry for him!"

The face of the streamer suddenly became fresh, and the face of Bai Rui was slightly horrified.

"What do you mean?" The streamer desperately suppressed that he did not pinch Chengnuo's wrist as before, and gnashed his teeth. "You want to..."

He couldn't say a few words in the back, and his body was slightly trembling, his face had become pale. What he was most afraid of was that Cheng Nuo agreed to be with him because of his pity and apology, so he would not tell me that he would leave with his surname Bai.

"No, you two are equally important to me. I have been separated for nearly two years. I don't know what you have suffered. I am very distressed, so I don't want Bai Rui to repeat it again..." Cheng Nuo said here. It is a slight whimper, dumb voice, "It's my fault."

He said that he could not wait to cut a few knives. He understood that the streamer was self-harming, and he wanted to be self-mutilated!

The foot slammed into the air, and the streamer had held him in his arms.

Cheng Nuo looked up in amazement, the muscles of the streamer were tight, and stiffly said to Bai Rui: "Well, I will not force me. I will take him back to Changning Island now, and you will come."

The speed of streamer is very fast, just like a whirlwind, and Cheng Nuo has no time to ask what the so-called Changning Island is.

Waiting for the streamer to put Chenguo in a room on the ship, Cheng Nuo has not returned. He knows that Bai Rui has been following the two people... Streamer and Bai Rui are so strange and calmly get along, he feels uncomfortable.

The streamer quickly went out without going back. Cheng Nuo quickly sat up and took a cautious look at the outside. Both of them stood still at the bow, as if they were posing, but they should not fight again.

I was nervous all the time. Now, as soon as I relax, Cheng Nuo feels the pain below. After that toss, the hard-to-find place is estimated to be split again. He squats and stands still.

He sucked cold air and took off his clothes. As expected, a small piece of blood was dyed on his trousers. Cheng Nuoqi wants to vomit, why can't the **** cure be used here?

He was swearing to wipe the medicine, the door opened, and the streamer and Bai Rui came in at the same time.

"..." Cheng Nuo's hand trembled, and the pill bottle rolled on the ground. His old face rose red, rubbed, the world report is so fast! I have just seen someone else's naked body, so I was seen back so soon! He quickly put on his pants, and he wanted to cry without tears.

The sharp sense of smell quickly smelled the **** smell, and the eyes swept away the medicine bottle that fell on the ground. I suddenly rushed over with a look: "Bleeding again? Lying down, I will give you a medicine."

Bai Rui was frowning, and there was still blood on the inside of the legs of Cheng Nuo... He held his fist tightly and his heart was angry.

Cheng Nuo shook his hand in horror: "Let's go out, I will do it myself, a little hurt..."

It was just the streamer, but he ignored his will. He pressed his head down on his knees, and Bai Rui actually came over to help hold down the two paws he waved...

Cheng Nuo was scared to move, and the unlucky place was surrounded by both of them. He wanted to find a tofu and killed him. There is still a smear in his sorcerer's squad, and when he clicks on it, he can't stand the tempo of Sanchao! He closed his eyes tightly and waited for the end of the medicine, the face was still hot.

The trousers were quickly taken care of, and the streamer gently placed him on the bed.

Cheng Nuote wants to vomit, labor is really not a glass man!

Bai Rui glanced coldly at the stream, and he went out first. In fact, the streamer actually couldn’t apologize, but his face was indifferent, and he sneered out and followed.

Standing on the deck, Bai Rui said faintly: "I thought that at least you would not hurt Cheng Nuo. Now it seems that I am wrong."

Streamlining for a moment, biting his teeth: "He was my own person! If it weren't you, we would be a kiss! How can I hurt him!"

"He didn't betray you, it's my sake." Bai Rui quietly said, "I don't know what you misunderstood. We were forced to kiss by the pressure of the Lord of Syracuse. But before I got stuck in the seal, he I am thinking about going to you."

A stream of light, doubts: "I am trapped in the seal... What does this mean?"

Bai Rui glanced at him, simply said the passage of the time, and then coldly said: "So, you still hate him for hurting him, I will take him away. I am pestering him, he is moving." ”

Bai Rui looks at his face in the distance. If it is not Cheng Nuo, he will never want to see this stupid face.

The streamer looked at the sea and couldn’t react. What Bai Rui said is not the same as what he knows. Was it true that Cheng Nuo was not told to leave, but was taken away? And haven’t contacted myself for so long, is it trapped in the seal? ......

For a long time, he slammed on the side of the ship, and despite the restraint, the whole hull was still shaking.

He gritted his teeth: "If it is not Cheng Nuo, I will kill you!" Anyway, what Bai Rui said made him feel much better.

Bai Rui eyes stunned, each other.

The streamer slammed in directly from the window, and Cheng Nuo was looking at the book that Tao Mo had left for him in bed. He looked up and was shocked. The look of the streamer was particularly terrible. Like he wanted to eat people, he rushed over and pulled his shirt off, revealing his bare back and waist.

Cheng Nuo thought that he was stimulated again, and he was upset: "What happened?"

Looking at the stream of light, as long as you look carefully, you will find that a large piece of skin is new, more shallow than others. As the surname Bai said, when the seal was out, Cheng Nuo suffered a heavy burn.

He bowed his head and carefully kissed the back of Cheng Nuo, whispering: "Is it still hurting?"

Cheng Nuo thought that he was concerned about himself, and smiled distressedly: "There is definitely no pain in your knife."

Streamer reached over and touched his hair, especially soft, and Cheng Nuo closed his eyes comfortably and almost didn't fall asleep. He was somewhat flattered, and the streamer is now gentle like a cat...

"I will cut your hair for you," whispered. "You are too ugly now."

Cheng Nuo stunned, and he didn't need to say that he also knew that this was Bai Rui's craft... Before his hair was streamed and cut, the streamer was a bit clumsy at first, but it was like a decent.

He smiled and nodded. "Good."

Cheng Nuo simply washed his head and stood there to let the streamer cut it for himself.

He discovered that the streamer seemed to be higher than two years ago, and his heart was a bit stuffy. When I was a child, I was a little dwarf. How long is it long?

After cutting it, the streamer looked at it intently. Now Cheng Nuo is exactly the same as before, but his face is pale... He scraped the cat's lips and whispered: "I won't let you hurt in the future." ""

Cheng Nuo’s old face suddenly turned red, rubbing, not only pain, but also too shameful!

A few days down the sea, Bunno comfortably raised the wound, streamer and Bai Rui seems to have reached a tacit agreement, came over one afternoon in the morning, and he slept on his own at night.

The current status of Streamer is also known, and it is really a dumbfounding. For more than a year, the streamer has long since left the decent and went out from scratch. Changning Island is his base area, and anti-social anti-humanity is their goal. His martial art is called Chang Ning, and his men are eight hundred people, occupying a large area of ​​the sea.

The streamer said that the heart is empty and his eyes are on the side.

Cheng Nuo is a little bit sorrowful. When he was a child, he wanted to be a robbery leader. Now it’s really true... This kid won’t still grab a bunch of females to do the harem?

The author has something to say: first modify it later~

In fact, these chapters are quite a lot of slots - but it is a bit harmonious ~==||

Scratching your head, it will give Xiaoguang a separate time~~捂脸~