MTL - Never Marry a Man With Two Tintins-v3 Chapter 128 [Parallel World | From the Cross]

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Under the temptation to seduce, Cheng Nuo found that his resistance was negative, or that his resistance was too weak, but that he was too hooked.

He was very difficult to put his hand on the chest, let the two close together slightly separate the body, raised his head and looked away from the crossing, "That... go home."

In this kind of thing, Cheng Nuo does not always seem to be so passive and shameful, but he is calm and his face is still red.

The more quickly I swept around, I took off my shirt and laid it on a flat grass.

Cheng Nuo looked at his movements, and his heartbeat was not like he thought. It was too bold, even though the hill was private, except for the two of them, but in case...

He nervously said: "Don't you go back?"

The hand that crossed the hand was very flexible to explore into his clothes, and when he breathed, he pushed it gently and responded directly with the action.

In addition to the familiar sweetness and the smell of grass, the taste of the mixture is especially tempting. When the more and more came in, Cheng Nuo’s head tilted back in an unbearable manner, giving a rush of high and high.

In his gaze, he looked at the yang of the sky and disappeared completely. He became a bright moon that was constantly shaking. He could only hold it tightly, and he couldn’t hold it. He was breathing, and his mind was completely confused.

The hot and hard things in the body keep coming in and out, either fast or slow, always making him unable to help make some shredded sounds, and the body is completely softened under the grinding.

Suddenly there was a strange noise around, and Cheng Nuo tightened his body nervously, biting his lower lip and cuddling and cuddling, and his body was shuddering.

The more out of the sudden tightening, a sudden asthma, gasping and whispering comfort: "Don't be afraid, just a Warcraft. You are too tight, relax..."

Cheng Nuo screamed: "So I said to go home and do..."

He hadn’t complained yet, and he slammed his hips and slammed into it. Cheng Nuo yelled, and the whole body slid back. The brain was blank and the toes were too Excessively fast | irritating stunned.

The more away, the more comfortable he couldn't breathe. He was fascinated by the dark eyes with mist in the moonlight, just wanting to keep doing this warm and comfortable body.

However, he also remembered that he couldn't make Cheng Nuo too tired. He quickly turned around and took Chengnuo on him, then slowed down slightly.

The more quickly he found the pebbles on the grass, he touched the back of Chengnuo, and he was smashed out of some gravure, and he was distressed for him.

He has used a few times to use too much strength, I am afraid that all of them will hurt.

Cheng promised to breathe and breathlessly propped up his body. His face was flushed: "Uncomfortable on the ground, go back soon..."

The more he got his neck down, kissed it, and then speeded up.

In the fierce attack, Cheng Nuo was almost squatting away from the body. He could only hold the person under his body so tightly. He knew that purple eyes had been watching himself...

More and more fast | feeling together, Cheng Nuo bite off the shoulder of the more shot, the back of the trembling is so powerful that it can not be calmed for a long time. The more and more smoked | I shot and went out for a while, and I couldn’t help but kiss Cheng’s forehead and lips, and the hand kept appeasing him.

Cheng Nuo also kept kissing, and he liked to look at the moment of the more lost, especially touching, so that his heart would follow.

He was fortunate in his heart, this time, although the legs are soft and soft, it’s not so shameful.

On the way back, the simpler to wrap the Chengnuo front with his clothes and hug him. He walked very slowly, and stopped from time to time with Cheng Nuo's lips. Then a short walk took a long time to get home.

The more I was too lazy to wear clothes, the naked upper body, the thick black long curly hair scattered on the back, and the wind swayed gently.

Cheng Nuo is looking silly, and the more the moonlight is too tempting, the **** is terrible, he quickly cast his gaze to the back.

The hot wind from the evening wind gradually became colder. Cheng Nuo knew that the chills from the cold, he tightened his shoulders that had already cooled, and his legs were also on the waist. The current posture is very numb and a little shameful, but his heart is sweet and can't say anything to refuse.

He carefully sorted out his hair and sighed sighingly: "From the end, you are too good for me." It will make me a bad person.

The more he stopped, he snorted again in his mouth and whispered: "Not good enough."

After returning home, Cheng Nuo was directly pressed on the bed, and the more it seemed to prove that he would like him more, he wrapped his lips and tongues in his still soft place and began to swallow and spit.

Cheng Nuo hurriedly raised his upper body and screamed: "You don't want to do it yet?"

The more he glanced at him, the more he answered with a simple action, and Cheng Nuo’s breathing suddenly became chaotic.

Cheng Nuo was also completely stimulated and released, and also desperately cooperated with Yue Yue. He comforted himself in his heart, indulge this time, and later control the point...

The good thing is that when he sees his exhaustion, he will stop to let him catch his breath, or feed him to drink honey and moisturize the scorpion. That is, the feeding method is a bit too nauseating. The more I always pass to my mouth and then slowly pass, Cheng Nuo's face is red, but the scorpion is really thirsty, and also drink with closed eyes.

Later, he couldn't shoot it. He was lying there from the other side of the belt. From the bottom, he was holding him tightly, and his waist was still standing up. Cheng Nuo is really amazed by the physical strength, too special horror!

He didn't want to show weakness, or was forced to make some whimpering pleading: "Come faster... from the..."

"It’s very fast..." The voice from Yue is very depressed, that is, it will soon wait for a while.

When everything was completely calmed down, the sky was bright, and the softness of Cheng Nuo was on the other side of the body, and he did not want to move. More and more satisfied, holding him down the stairs to clean, eyebrows with a lame smile.

Cheng Nuo was stimulated by the smile, and it was even more urgent to feel overwhelmed.

He imagined it in his heart, and he couldn’t move away from it, and then took him to take a bath... I can certainly do it! Of course, he is now too soft and not convincing, so he will let the more clean, and when he takes a bath, he will fall asleep, until the next day at noon, the waist is still sour.

In my heart, I plan to silently. In the next few days, Cheng Nuo will be insane as soon as he is accompanied, and the practice will be put aside for the time being - it is a honeymoon period.

Cheng Nuo found that he was more excited when he took the initiative. He still doesn't know where the physical limit is from Vietnam, but he doesn't want to know.

One night, I couldn’t wait to hold him, and the two of them were tumbling on the bed, and Cheng Nu suspected that the bed would collapse in the morning and evening.

The author has something to say: the head is still a painful death, the comment is not going back for a while~ There should be a last one, the day after tomorrow, because I don’t know if the cold will be better tomorrow, I still have the feeling of writing today~

Originally, I wanted to write back all the way to the taste, and found that the rhythm still has a little bit left. The most important thing is that the wood of the headache has a mood to write...

The little black house should not be there. Now it’s so sweet and not too rough to eat.


Thank you for the grenade of the dead orange gn~

Save the manuscript address, one-on-one pit dog blood, interested gn can be collected first, the ball will open later~

Read Ultimate Level 1