MTL - Never Marry a Man With Two Tintins-v3 Chapter 10

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The time when Bi Feng’s power was suppressed was too long. Once released, it was faster than the wind.

Because of the shame that Cheng Nuo was injured, Bai Rui gave him the white sheets that had been washed out from the seal. He was carefully wrapped around him, and the wind and the fart were cool.

It is still in the area of ​​Syracuse, although it is estimated that the White Family has already determined that the two will fall into the dead, and it is necessary to be careful. Bai Rui sat on his back and observed the terrain. Cheng Nuo squatted behind him to see the book that Tao Mo had left for him.

He looked at it for a while and closed the book silently. The book is just a simple theoretical knowledge and practice method. Many things still need him to explore and find the trick that best suits him, shorthand, and nirvana.

The joy of surviving faded away. He is now upset and discouraged. Bi Feng has been constantly advancing toward the position of the Sacrifice City. Cheng Nuo looks at Bai Rui who is in front of him, and his heart is slightly safe. In any case, you must first find the streamer.

Just thinking about what to say after meeting the streamer, Cheng Nuo’s head is empty, he is completely scum... Any words are pale and superfluous, even thinking of the clarified lake green eyes chest has a suffocation feel.

After three days of driving, Cheng Nuo’s injury has been much better, but he still has to be there.

Bai Rui’s brow suddenly slammed and patted the neck of Bifeng, letting it stop above the clouds to hide his body.

Cheng Nuo was surprised: "What happened?"

"It should be the Syracuse Flying Beasts passing by, don't worry." Bai Rui turned into a half-beast, and the sharp golden eyes observed the situation of the team through the clouds.

A total of a team of ten people, all of them are **** and embarrassed, it seems to have encountered a strong enemy. The person who fell behind the last break made Bai Rui a little surprised. It was the Guardian who left the Snow City in the same year. The World of Warcraft he was riding should be the one that he had to give to Chengnuo. Bai Rui turned to read the ability to remove the hidden atmosphere.

These two Bifengs grew up from a small age, and were later domesticated by Bai Rui. At this time, they were inductive to each other. The one that B was riding suddenly yelled and flew upwards desperately.

The other World of Warcraft did not have the high wind, and thought it was the enemy attack. They were on the way to escape to Syracuse. The formation was suddenly chaotic, and the frightened Warcraft screamed and flew forward.

The ability of Yiyi was not enough to drive Bifeng. Bifeng took him to break through the clouds, and the two winds met each other. They were happy and screaming. He saw a shocked expression after seeing Bai Rui, and then hurryed, the voice was already trembling: "I will see the Lord!"

"I am no longer a master." Bai Rui whispered, "There has been no relationship with Syracuse since then."

B, one by one, bowed: "Yes! In the same year, the escorts sent to Cheng Gongzi are unfavorable, but also less ... punish!"

Cheng Nuo side lay there and smiled and said: "I am still good now, thank you at that time! For your hands and feet, please take one or two."

B1 quickly rushed: "The son does not hinder the best. Six young masters, the last three days on the Syracuse border, the young master in the trap of the monk was taken away, the subordinate has sent a letter back to Syracuse, also asked the six young masters To rescue!"

Cheng Nuoyi, subconsciously looked at Bai Rui, Bai Mu accident? ...

He doesn't know who Bai Rui and Bai Mu are stronger now, but among the people he saw before, Bai Mu is definitely one of the best players in the world. Is such a person actually taken away?

Although Bai Rui has no feelings for Syracuse, it is clear that he still has brotherhood for Bai Mu, otherwise he will not call Bai Mu as his eldest brother...

Bai Rui's face has not changed, but the eyebrows are slightly gloomy, Shen Sheng: "What kind of monks?"

B was a bit of a slap, and described it carefully. Cheng Nuo was even more surprised. It turned out that the monk was only two people!

Yiyi fast track: "The two are dressed in black cloaks, with a peach-wood mask on their faces, and they can't see the appearance. One of them is a fire-powered person, red-haired, tall and tall; the other is a master of the gold-based ability, black long. The curly hair, both of them were extremely sinister. The Flying Beasts couldn’t resist sending out the distress signal, just as the young master rushed around. The two said that the city’s mainstay would use a fixed city pearl to change to Muxi Island within one month. people……"

When Cheng Nuo heard the first half of the sentence, his brain slammed and the heart leaped wildly. Red-haired firepower, is there anyone else in the world?

He was shocked to see Bai Rui, Bai Rui squinted: "Maybe it's just a coincidence... just curly hair is rare, the gold master..."

"Is it the difference?" Cheng Nuo was even more surprised. He couldn't help but blurt out. For a moment, he was confused. Isn't the streamer now and away? This is simply impossible!

He struggled to stand up, Bai Rui was busy holding him, and Shen Sheng said to B: "I know this thing, you don't have to leak my whereabouts after you return to Xuecheng."

B did not hesitate: "Subordinate to obey!"

He said that he released a flying beast from the spare Warcraft bag and jumped up and said: "This Bifeng is a temporary replacement for the son of the prince. Now the object is returned to the original owner. Cheng Gongzi, please don't let the six young masters A heart."

Bai Rui’s face was slightly reddish and he whispered: “More mouth.”

He was ready to send away Chenguo, so he went to the back of Syracuse and took great pains to surrender the pair. One of them sent a promise to go back, and there was a thought in his heart. Chengna remembered himself when he saw World of Warcraft...

Cheng Nuoyi, B and his party have been riding the World of Warcraft under the clouds. He remembered the scene of escorting himself on the same day, as if it was still as clear as yesterday, and he was somewhat emotional.

He cheered up and found that Bai Rui was looking at himself and seemed to let him choose his destination.

Cheng Nuo bit his lip: "We will first ask where the Muxi Island is - Bai Mu is your brother. After that, if the person is not streamer, we will save Bai Mu and go to the Sacrifice City."

Although he did not feel very good about Bai Mu, but can not ignore the mood of Bai Rui.

"Good." Bai Rui did not stop at all, and jumped to the other side of the wind, and ordered the two winds to continue on the road.

Cheng Nuoyang said: "Dingchengzhu, what is it?"

Bai Rui calmly said: "It was the pearl that the ancestors of the Syracuse era passed down. I just heard about it. It’s just that these people have misunderstood that Bai Jintian will not use it for any change. He hates being threatened."

Cheng Nuo Wei, the relationship between Bai Jia, he knows a little bit, the father and son are really indifferent like paper...

The two men inquired about the whereabouts of the masked two, but no gains, but they knew the location of Muxi Island. It is an island famous in the West Sea. It is a very important transportation hub. The island is full of fish and dragons, and thieves are everywhere. According to the speed of Bi Feng, he could get there in half a month.

Perhaps those who are thinking about it will be put aside for the time being. During the hurry, Cheng Nuo will continue to condense and practice the practice of the gods. However, it is slightly small and the injury is almost good.

He is sure that he will not be able to drag his legs even if he can't beat each other. The ability to hide the shape is absolutely to escape the sacred device Lingbo microstep! As long as there are soil and plants, he can safely evacuate.

Although B is so described, he still feels that the possibility of streamer is zero. After all, the red hair of this world is not only streamlined, but also the ability of the fire system is more than a cow.

Just someone who can catch Bai Mu...

He frowned and thought it was still impossible. How could the streamer be more and more separated? Everything can only be confirmed after waiting. After five or six days, the two men had already arrived at the West Coast along the Bifeng. Anyway, there was still a lot of time. In order not to attract attention, Bi Feng was put into the Warcraft bag. The appearance has also changed. After all, Bai Rui and Bai Mu are too similar. I am afraid that Bai Rui’s face will cause the other party to be alert.

After Bai Rui Yi Rong, he is a normal person with gray and gray appearance. After Cheng Nuo is equipped with the silly hairstyle, it is only more common. Both of them are dressed as males, and Cheng Nuo is still learning the other big man's waist and holding a knife that is domineering and leaking. This way, it will not attract attention.

The appointment time is still long. The other party can't wait at the trading point so many days in advance. They also settle down in the coastal towns for a few days to replenish resources, and then set off on the boat to Muxi Island. .

The boat was built very large, but the ticket was extremely expensive. The loss was that Bai Rui had collected a lot of energy in the seal before the refining of the instrument and sold it for the energy coin.

Cheng Nuo did not take the boat, was a little dizzy by the bumps, he ate a clearing the heart of the gods, and by the way also plugged one into Bai Rui mouth.

These days, I was in a hurry, and Cheng Nuo was still injured. When the two had almost no intimacy, Cheng Nuo felt that the soft and soft tongue had licked on his finger, and a numbness passed down his fingers to the brain. He hurryed. Retract your hand.

Bai Rui looked at the distance without any trouble, and his face was particularly serious.

Cheng Nuo is forced, what does this mean?

"This brother, can you sell me some medicine for seasickness?" A weak voice suddenly came from the right side.

When Cheng Nuo looked at the past, he was even more awkward. He held the railing tightly in his hands and looked at Bai Rui subconsciously.

The person who asked the question had a pair of extremely bright red eyes, and the hair was like snow. It was actually the white lady who had to enter the door that day.

He actually forgot this morning, but now he immediately thought about it. By the way, An Chen is still the nominal wife of Bai Rui... Although Bai Rui said that they don’t have a house or something...

Bai Rui’s look was the same, and he glanced at Chengnuo: “Xiandi, is there any medicine for you?”

Cheng Nuojun nodded and said to An Chen: "This is not worth the money, just send you."

An Chen got the small bottle and opened it and sniffed it. He was a poison-friendly companion from a young age. He smiled at Chengnuo and threw a small money bag: "Thank you."

When An Chen went, Cheng Nuo opened it and there was at least a thousand primary energy coins. The young master is really generous!

Somehow, he felt hot with this purse, and he was also angry and couldn't help but put it in the hands of Bai Rui. "You take it."

Cheng Nuo said that the hut that had returned to the book had laid down and closed his eyes in distraction. The head is not dizzy or disgusting, it is a bit sour in the stomach, the food on the boat is seafood, always with a smell of stock.

He thought of the wind that was stuffed in the Warcraft bag and put them out. The two Bifengs are now in a small state that keeps the size of the sparrows. It seems that the furry is a little cute. Cheng Nuo suddenly remembered that he had not given the names of the two Bifeng.

The door slammed, and Bai Rui also came in, and his face seemed to be clearer. These two days have their own concerns, and Bai Rui rarely performs so easily.

Contacted to meet An Chen just now, Cheng Nuo somehow more awkward in my heart.

The bed was very small, and Bai Rui also squeezed up and lay there quietly watching Cheng Nuo. The two were very close.

Cheng Nuo slowly embarrassed, although Bai Rui's appearance has changed, but the look is exactly the same as before, now it is gentle and let him have some heartbeat. It is said that his appearance has completely changed. Bai Rui does not feel awkward.

He pretended to face his face naturally: "These two Bifeng have no name yet. What do you think is good?"

Bai Rui reached out and touched his hair and said, "Let's get up, it's all good."

Cheng Nuo is speechless, but he is the standard nameless incompetent star!

He pointed to the slightly larger point: "That's just called barley, the other is called wheat, how?"

"Good." Bai Rui looked at him and suddenly said, "At that time, I didn't go to the church. My grandfather liked my big brother. He went to Muxi Island this time and must be related to his older brother."

Cheng Nuoyi, this ship is indeed a direct access to Muxi Island...

I don't know how his face was hot, and he lowered his head and said "oh".

Bai Rui put the two winds into the Warcraft bag, and the slender and flexible fingers began to solve the belt.

Cheng Nuo is a stiff, and quickly hold the whisper: "What are you doing? The wall has ears..."

"Nothing, I will hide the sound, others can't hear it." Bai Rui's breathing is a little bit rushed, and the voice is even more dull. "Suddenly want you, don't you want to?"

It’s been a long time, but it’s still a day outside. This boat is basically a bandit, time and place are not right... Bai Rui’s self-control has always been very good, how suddenly is it so urgent?

Cheng Nuo forced: "I will give you a hand to do it?"

Bai Rui quickly recovered his appearance, and the hot and soft lips fell, and everything later became involuntarily.

Cheng Nuofu was in bed, kept breathing and his eyes were blurred.

Bai Rui's lips gently kissed the newly grown meat on his back, causing a slight tingling, which made him somewhat unbearable. Bai Rui’s hand is also busy below, and it is soft and meticulous.

The following was suddenly opened, and Cheng Nuo screamed in a hurry and shuddered.

Bai Rui was obviously very excited. He quickly moved his waist and hit him. The whole person was shaking, and his eyes were messy.

The two people's bodies have already been matched, and Bai Rui can always tease him.

Throughout the afternoon, both of them were lingering on the small bed. Cheng Nuo did not know that Bai Rui had done it several times. He only knew that Bai Rui kept changing his posture. The two things took turns and he almost vomited blood. And died. Later, Bai Ruifu finally stopped at him with a satisfied face. Cheng Nuo panted for a long time to slow down.

Rub, the two are amazing!

The author has something to say: scratching his head and saying that the streamer will certainly not be jealous of others.

Just seeing the streamer, Xiaobai has to be vegetarian for a while, this chapter is reserved for Xiaobai Point welfare ==||


Thank you yolanda81 girl mine ~

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