MTL - Never Marry a Man With Two Tintins-v2 Chapter 43

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Cheng Nuo sat on the edge of the big bed, secretly clearing the scorpion, but did not know what to say, it is too embarrassing.

He suddenly remembered those eye-catching jewels on his head, and rushed his hand to fumble and groan, thinking that after walking for a day with such a shemale, he would not want to die!

Anxious, the hair was entangled, and Cheng Nuo hurts.

Rubbing, long hair really is so troublesome!

"Don't move." Bai Rui walked over and held his hand. Cheng Nuo was like an electric shock, and he hurriedly pulled his hand back.

Bai Rui's fingers were slender, carefully picking up the jewelry for him, and took the dresser ivory comb to help him smooth out the messy hair, and the movement was very gentle.

Cheng Nuo shrank his neck and held his breath. He didn't dare to move.

When Bai Rui’s hand left, he dared to raise his head and pretended to smile easily: “Is it strange?”

Bai Rui looked at his smooth forehead and his long black hair with his shoulders and his face to the side: "Good."

The room was immersed in silence, and only the red candle would occasionally sparkle. Bai Rui also sat down on the bed, about half a meter away between the two.

Cheng Nuo actually has a lot of questions, why Bai Rui wants to agree to what he should be, what time he can leave, and so on. But he can't ask, Bai Rui has enough burden, he can only choose to believe Bai Rui.

His eyes had no intention of sweeping over the bed, and he was almost indifferent and rubbed. He forgot the **** drawing axis! There is a small box on the bedside, which seems to be the time to use...

Cheng Nuo blood rushed to his face, he carefully looked at Bai Rui, Bai Rui is sitting right, the eyes are also looking at the front. He sneaked the pillow and squeezed the two ghosts underneath, which made him relieved.

He also remembered Bai Rui’s injury, but Bai Mu’s hand was not merciless. He turned his face to Bai Ruidao: "Are you hurt, is it better?"

“No problem.” Bai Rui whispered, “Don’t worry.”

Cheng Nuoyu looked at his side face. Bai Rui seemed to be like this when he was a child. He didn’t care about his own injuries or even his life... He didn’t know how the old metamorphosis of Bai Jintian taught children...

Bai Rui suddenly stood up and said: "You should rest first, I will be on the beam of the bedroom."

Cheng Nuo said: "The bed is big, nothing."

It’s as cold as a hail, how can you make a sick bed on the beam? And this day is estimated to last for a while...

He rushed out of the boots and jumped into it. This bed was a bit too exaggerated, but it didn't come across.

Bai Rui stunned and finally took off his boots and lay outside.

However, although they are far apart, perhaps because they are too quiet, they can hear each other.

Cheng Nuo glanced at Bai Rui without hesitation. The side of Bai Rui was very beautiful, his nose was straight, his thin lips were tight, and his silver hair was scattered on the red pillow.

Somehow, Cheng Nuo felt that his throat was a little thirsty, his body was hot, and his eyes were staring at Bai Rui's red lips.

I especially wanted to bite it... I suddenly got this idea, and he was shocked by himself. When he returned, he was so shy and self-confident.

Bai Rui seemed to have some restlessness. He frowned and sat up, jumped down and blown out the two red candles, and opened the window again. Then he went back and lay down. Cheng Nuo stayed, it seems that this red candle should not be blown out?

However, he reacted very much, and the red candle seemed to bring some aphrodisiac effect. However, the drug in the red candle should be milder and not harmful to the human body.

The shyness in my heart finally faded away. Cheng Nuo took a few deep breaths, but the heat on his body was still not retreating, and his breathing was a little short.

He had to climb up and said: "I drink some water."

Bai Rui did not say anything, just sit up silently and let him let go. Cheng Nuo put on his boots and went to the table. The tea was already cold. He poured a cup of gas and poured it on. The feeling of hotness really faded a lot.

He remembered Bai Rui and was busy holding the cup: "Are you okay? Do you want to drink water?"

Bai Rui squatted and turned his face to the side: "No."

Cheng Nuo looked at his unnatural expression and apparently turned red ears, and his face slowly heated up.

rub! His mouth is really a pothole!

He shook his neck and climbed into the bed, then folded his neck against the wall. He didn't dare to move, and his body curled up. He didn't know when he was asleep.

Bai Rui has been quietly watching the top of the account. He heard that Cheng Nuo’s steady and long breath, gently sideways, and looked at Cheng Nuo’s back with ecstasy, his eyes were not willing to lick.

I don't know when it started, he has a deeper bone marrow craving for this person, and now the body is also hot and difficult, I can't wait to get up, and trap him, just like the skin in the picture.

When I saw him as close to the red-haired boy that day, there was never a anger in the chest. He almost killed his streamer...

However, he is afraid that this person hates hateful eyes...

When Cheng Nuo opened his eyes and found that it was the next morning, Bai Rui did not know when he had left.

He looked at the pillow for a while and slowly climbed out of bed. Bai Rui’s suit was scattered on the ground, seemingly intentional. Cheng Nuo looked down at his clothes and took off and dropped them one by one. He made the scene, jumped in his coat, and casually chose other clothes to wear.

He tried to make his own hair, but apparently there was no such technology, and he had to call the moon.

The two estimated that they had waited outside in the early morning, one gave him a waiter to wash, and the other quickly packed up the messy room.

Cheng Nuo thinks that their eyes seem to bring some deep meaning, and they can only be cheeky and unconscious.

The moon has bundled his hair, and he has to make jewelry on it. Cheng Nuo quickly stops and wipes, and the **** is enough for one day.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as a woman who wants to go to the daughter-in-law tea. Cheng Nuo slowly eats it early and can't help but ask: "What about Bai Rui?"

A trip to the moon, said: "Mrs. still call the Lord is wonderful, the young master should be Liang Yufeng practice."

Cheng Nuo’s heart moved: “I’ll see how?”

Behind the Liangyufeng Palace, there is a foot and a thick snow on the road, and the terrain is very steep. After Cheng Nuo played a 12-point spirit and traveled to the moon, his heart was secretly ashamed. He was also sent to practice for a few years, but he could not match the speed of the attendant.

It has been going for a long time, waiting for Cheng Nuo to get there, Bai Rui is confronting two weird giant Warcraft, a mess in the snow, lying three or four Warcraft corpses.

Yuyue screen whispered and explained: "This is a four-level World of Warcraft snow funeral, very powerful, and the Lord has progressed rapidly over the years."

Cheng Nuo looked at the calm face of those Warcraft Bai Rui, suddenly remembered him when he was a child. At that time, Bai Rui seemed to deliberately lead the group of martyrdom practitioners, and he was stubborn and arrogant, and he did not want to owe human feelings...

Thinking about it, he could not help but smile.

Over there, Bai Rui has simply solved the remaining two, and his eyes are exactly on the side. Obviously, everyone has come.

Cheng Nuo walked away with a smile: "How about practicing together?"

Bai Rui looked at him quietly, waved his hand toward the moon, and walked for a month.

Cheng Nuo untied the cloak and left a side, slowly posing a defensive posture, he can no longer drag his hind legs.

At first, the two were still somewhat unnatural, but gradually found the feeling of training together before. Bai Rui was very responsible for Master. Cheng Nuo attacked the defense again and again, until he was exhausted and sweated.

His hair was a little messy, and he sat on the floor in a panting breath: "Bai Rui, wake up when you get up."

Bai Rui looked at him and nodded seriously, his eyes were particularly soft.

When going down the mountain, the hot sweat of Cheng Nuo gradually became cold sweat, and he could not help but chill.

Bai Rui walked around him, hesitated, and pulled his hand.

Cheng Nuoyi, a warm stream has been passed along to Bai Rui's hand to him, warm and sunny, especially comfortable.

"Is it still cold?" Bai Rui asked him sideways.

Cheng Nuo began to have a different heart rate. He shunned Bai Rui’s eyes and tried to withdraw his hand: “I am not cold, I don’t need to consume your energy elements...”

Bai Rui paused and released his hand in silence. The natural atmosphere was already relaxed and suppressed.

Cheng Nuo bites his lower lip, and he has no choice at all...

When I returned to the palace, the two medical practitioners had already waited there, saying that they had to check with Cheng Nuo, and Bai Rui went to see his abnormal old man.

Cheng Nuo's mouth is a little pumping, and he still has some Princess Huangfu treatment.

He also sat down calmly, and the two medical practitioners checked him again and together, and the attitude was much more respectful than before.

After a while, a medical practitioner looked cautiously: "Mrs, can you let me see your arm?"

Cheng Nuoyi, this is what I remembered before that pothole! His scalp is numb, he can not include any medical science in medical surgery. Is these two people a gynaecologist? rub! Potholes!

However, his identity has changed. He is a fox and a tiger. "What happened? There is something to say!"

The medical doctor hesitated for a while: "Mrs. pulse is generally smooth before... Did you have a room yesterday?"

Cheng Nuo was silent for a while before he smiled: "The age of the young master is still small, and it has not been the first time... that, this is really helpless."

Bai Rui, can only temporarily grievance you!

The two medical practitioners have changed their looks, and the two face each other.

The young master is still not developing? However, some males are mature at the age of fifteen...

Cheng Nuo hardened his scalp and waited for them to react. In fact, his guilty conscience was not good.

A medical person hesitated: "This way... It’s just that the Lord is stubborn and does not let the subordinates diagnose the pulse. The subordinates will give some medicine to the young master and the wife, and ask the lady to advise the young master to take it on time. The lady is a little weak. I still need to make up for it, and I will give birth to Liner as soon as possible."

"..." Cheng Nuo’s mouth twitched and smiled stiffly. "Good."

He looked at the two prescriptions for the tour and the moon was dark. Rub, he is not a female in this world, how can it make up a baby?

Read Return of the Mount Hua Sect