MTL - Never Marry a Man With Two Tintins-Chapter 10

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While watching the booth, Cheng Nuo secretly paid attention to Bairui. Bai Rui finally sold it again. The stream of the latrine and Changchun also came back.

Although Bai Rui is still cold, he can simply answer a few words when others ask. He was originally a handsome boy, and it is easy to make a good impression.

Cheng Nuo noticed that he put the small basket in silence and couldn't help but secretly laugh. It was when he smiled that Bai Rui’s eyes seemed to sweep over here. The eyes were particularly sharp, and Cheng Nuo was stabbed cold, and quickly put away his gaze.

Things are selling more and more smoothly, and Cheng Nuo likes to put all the money in the small purse, and his eyes are fascinated. Perhaps he can consider doing some small business here for a long time?

He has already begun to figure out what small business is suitable for. It is that the temporary temporary booth fee is not low. One day is eight primary energy coins. When you are embarrassed, you are simply distressed.

The streamer sees Cheng Nuo, who looks like a smile, and the boss is not happy. He hasn’t seen Cheng Nuo laughing so often on himself... He secretly decided to find more ways to get some money.

At noon, things are almost sold, and they put the baskets up and ready to eat. At this moment, the tall men of three or four knives and knives came over from the side of the market, and the head-to-head was obviously the two screaming brawny men who met in the morning.

Cheng Nuo didn't want to face them, he took the streamer's arm and pointed at a small alley: "Let's go here, I remember there are many shops inside."

The streamer looked coldly at the few people and followed Chenguo to the alley. However, Cheng Nuo himself stopped with a bamboo basket - the men were actually surrounded by Bai Rui.

Bai Rui is taller than the streamer, but it is just a child of about ten years old. It is especially thin in the center of those people. In contact with Bai Rui, who has obvious social defects, Cheng Nuo has to worry.

Streamer did not understand: "What's wrong?" He looked at the path of Cheng Nuo's worries, and his face suddenly had a little more gloating. If other slum dwellers are being bullied outside, he will help himself, but if it is Bai Rui's kid, he will only applaud. It was the way that Cheng Nuo looked worried and made the streamer very dissatisfied. How did he care about the white boy?

He pulled the sleeves of Cheng Nuo, pulled him a sly, and impatiently said: "Go!"

Cheng Nuo stopped his feet and stared at Bai Rui: "Little light, wait."

The headed Dahan turned the herbs in the basket into a mess, and frowned: "What are the broken things... But this Zhu Youcao is still quite rare. Child, how much is this Zhu Youcao?"

"Fifteen primary energy coins." Bai Rui answered quietly.

One of them laughed: "You dare to ask! This is the top five energy coins?"

Bai Rui said faintly: "No counter-offer."

That person said: "This kid is interesting... Doing business is not a counter-offer, do you think this market is open for you?"

Cheng Nuo listened to the sound coming from the place, couldn't help but put the basket on his body and stuff it into the streamer, and took a few of the remaining herbs from the inside. The streamer conditions are reflexively caught, and Cheng Nuo is already trotting into the crowd, and the slick gnashing teeth, this **** female! In the future, he must not be allowed to contact the white boy again!

Cheng Nuo squeezed in and stood next to Bai Rui, and said innocently: "Is this big brother going to buy Zhu Youcao? It’s not easy to pick it up. But if you buy it back, you can let the dumplings drink soup and keep him. Drinking skin like water."

Before the streamer there also sold a Zhu Youcao, this grass can be used to benefit the blood and beauty, is the female favorite, counts a very precious herb. That tree sold 18 energy coins, which means that Bai Rui’s asking price is still very reasonable.

It’s just that these few people are not good at the same time. The strong dragon is still not pressing the head snake, let alone Bai Rui is just a child?

Dahan smiled and said: "You can talk to this child... Then I will add three more, how about the eight energy coins to take away?"

Cheng Nuo looked up at his face and revealed two tiger teeth: "There are a lot of eight books, but it’s not easy for us to come and see it. So, I will give these red letters to my eldest brother, and Zhu Youcao stewed black-bone chicken is the best, but also fifteen energy coins, okay?"

He said, picking up the Zhu Youcao and handing it over with the red Ying in his hand, looking at the few people with a look.

Dahan was uncomfortable with the black eyes and smiling eyes. He finally took the grass and handed the money over: "But it."

Cheng Nuo did not count, and the smiley eyebrows bent: "Thank you, Big Brother."

When the few people left, Cheng Nuo only counted down, but it was a lot. He handed it to Bai Ruidao: "Give it to you, it’s better to meet these people and always smile."

Bai Rui’s eyes swept down his palm and he succinctly said: “What’s going on.”

"...Can you change a line?" Cheng Nuo saw that he didn't reach out, so he put the money on the basket and smiled. "Be careful."

When Cheng Nuo walked back, he saw the streamer black face, biting his lips with his white teeth, and his eyes were almost spurting out of the fire. The other three children are all puzzled. Obviously they have been angered by the streamer, and they are hiding from one side. In his eyes, these children are actually physically strong, but they all need to take care of them. Helping Bai Rui is just a little effort. He laughed casually: "Let's go, let's see what else to buy."

He went forward and tried to hold the streamer's hand, a glimpse of the glimpse, and went straight ahead.

Cheng Nuo smiled, and the streamer sometimes had a bit of a girl's temper. He greeted them in Changchun. Several people talked and laughed at the back. Sure enough, when they were not in the stream, they turned back and rushed back to Changchun and others. Cheng Nuo took up his hand and the streamer face rose slightly. This time he did not make a living.

However, the streamer still glanced at him and whispered: "You are not allowed to talk to the kid with the surname white."

"Okay, I will definitely ignore him." Cheng Nuo promised with the voice of the child. He secretly laughed, the child's vinegar is really big. In his heart, the streamer is naturally more important than others.

Although the town's shops are not too many, the things are still complete, and the five people slowly spread out to buy. Cheng Nuo and Streamer bought a lot of small pieces of daily necessities, as well as food and the like, and the money soon spent almost. Cheng Nuo’s heart was a bit depressed, and he still wanted to buy clothes for the streamer. He could only wait for the next time.

It was afternoon in the corner when the corner was ready to go back. When passing through the market, Cheng Nuo found that people were almost scattered. Bai Rui should have already left and did not know if his things were sold out.

The original intention of Cheng Nuo is to stay one night and wait for the next day to go on the road. After all, there are some forests outside, and it is very dangerous to stay overnight. They are not worried about the streamer, and they say: "Now there is more than one hour from the dark, and I am not afraid of encountering beasts. I will kill them. I am familiar with the caves on the road, you can rest assured."

Looking at the determined look of these children, Cheng Nuo can only choose to believe them.

After an hour, the sky gradually darkened, and the streamer really led them to find an empty cave.

Several children acted in awesome manners, some on the trees to cut branches, and some to collect firewood, it is really methodical, Cheng Nuo also quickly went to help. In this respect, he is indeed far behind these children.

Some of the bamboo baskets blocked the road, and Cheng Nuo moved them all into the corner. When he moved one of them, he suddenly stunned, because the basket was particularly heavy, and he was barely able to lift it up.

Changchun, who was making a fire, changed his face and quickly came over to help move the bamboo baskets over. Cheng Nuo hesitated: "This basket is yours?"

Chang Chun lowered his head and said, "Hmm", his eyes are still a little dodging and still go to the fire, and Cheng Nuo is even more confused. He can be sure that there are not a lot of money sold by several of them in Changchun, but if there is food in Changchun’s basket, where does he come from so much money? He spent thirty energy coins and bought a small bag of flour.

I didn’t ask for the promise, but when he first arrived, he was also robbed by the streamer.

When he was sleeping, Cheng Nuo felt that someone pushed himself. When he opened his eyes, he saw Changchun being close. Chang Chun whispered: "Cheng Ge, I have something to tell you."

Now the age of Cheng Nuo's surface is actually similar to these few and a half children, but the streamer makes them all called Cheng Nuo Ge. His psychological age is already 19, and naturally he will not feel awkward.

Cheng Nuo looked at the streamer and slept in the air. He carefully turned the streamer in the direction, lest he roll into the fire, and then he walked out with Changchun.

The moonlight is very thin, and the spring is holding a torch and going straight to the forest. Cheng Nuo vaguely heard the voice of the beast, and felt uneasily, pressing down the voice: "Changchun, if there is anything, just say it here."

Chang Chun quickly stopped and said with a low head: "Cheng Ge, when I buried the two people yesterday, I left something... Don't tell the light brother, he hates people to lie to him."

Cheng Nuo breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this is no stranger to Changchun. The children of these slums are full of luxury and food. It is not surprising to see those belongings. During this time, these children will follow him every day, and he is also very pity for these children.

He whispered: "Well, I know, I won't tell him, go back and rest."

Chang Chun raised his eyes: "Cheng Ge, this is what I left, you have come to see." He said, reaching his back and taking out a small bag and moving forward.

Cheng Nuo did not think much, and took two steps forward curiously. At this moment, a cold boy voice suddenly came from the side of the tree: "You have made me angry."

Cheng Nuo was really shocked and didn't jump. He groaned and realized that the voice was very familiar. It was actually Bai Rui! Chang Chun was also shocked and pale, and his chest was violently undulating.

Bai Rui was very flexible in stepping on the branches and bounced a few times. He quickly landed on the tree from a few feet high, and looked at the two indifferently from a few meters. Even if the moonlight is weak, his silver hair will still shine, and a pair of beautiful gold dragons are also very clear at night.

Changchun has already put away the small bag, whispered: "Cheng Ge, I went back to sleep first." He leaned toward Bai Rui and walked straight to the cave.

Cheng Nuo looked at Bai Rui, unable to help the amount: "What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Is it scary to scare people?"

Bai Rui glanced at him coldly and his tone was very calm: "Stupid."

Cheng Nuo did not understand: "What?"

Bai Rui has jumped back on the branches, and he is lying on the tree squatting back to Cheng Nuo. It turns out that he is lying on the tree.