MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 4 , the door is not closed

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Chapter 4, the door is not closed

 When I walked out of the store, there was a heavy bag of money in my backpack.

 If the end is not coming.

Wu Heng can go to the gold shop to exchange for gold and silver, and then take it to the world for direct consumption.

 Let's not say that he is as rich as a country. It should be no problem to buy a few maids from other worlds.

  I also heard someone mention the Druid profession in the tavern.

 Can transform into various different forms to satisfy your partner’s novelty.

 What a pity, it’s too late to say anything now.

 He did not sell gold jewelry in the shop.

 It’s not that the store doesn’t accept them, but it’s because they are afraid of causing trouble.

 As long as the money in exchange is enough, if you really take out the gold jewelry, it will only attract some special attention.

 Without strength, you are just a fat sheep in the eyes of others.

 What we need to do now is to upgrade and accumulate troops.

 Walking along the road towards the blacksmith shop area.

Blackstone Town does not restrict weapons, but swords cannot be unsheathed and bows and crossbows cannot be exposed in the city.

 “Here you go, what do you want to buy today?” the weapon store owner greeted.

 “Is there a smaller shield?”

 “There is one over here.”

 The boss took off a small silver buckler and placed it on the counter.

 Wu Heng took it in his hand and tried it. It felt quite heavy. If used for a long time or in high-intensity combat, it would be a burden to oneself.

 “Is there anything lighter?”

The boss looked at him and took out another shield from below, "It is used for children's training. It has an iron surface and treated hardwood on the inside."

 The outside is made of silver iron, and the inside is made of dark wood.

Hold it in my hand and try the weight.

This is not bad, and the attack method of zombies is to grab, retreat and bite, which is basically enough.

  Wait until your attributes are higher before trying a heavier shield.

 “That’s it!”

  “75 copper.”

This price is not cheap, a layer of wood wrapped in iron is worth so much.

  But in this weapon shop, it is really the cheapest.

 Call out 75 coppers, pick up the shield and walk out of the shop.

 I went to an armor shop along the way and bought a set of leather armors. They were hard leather armors with simple craftsmanship and a sour smell of leather.

 He did not choose to buy armor for the skeleton warrior.

 First, the number of skeletons will continue to increase. If they all wear this kind of equipment, it is simply unaffordable under the current situation.

  The second point is to be as low-key as possible.

 The Necromancers are not treated kindly here, so it does not attract much attention, which is not a bad thing.

 As long as he is alive and has the bronze key, then the source of troops and level are not a problem.

After buying the armor, before leaving, my eyes fell on the wooden human-shaped wooden frame in the corner.

  is used to display armor.

 The one in front of me is a bit shabby and obviously has been eliminated.

“Boss, is this wooden frame obsolete?” Wu Heng asked.

 The boss looked up and said, "If you need it, it's 2 copper coins."

He originally wanted to throw it away for you and then take it away.

 But the other party clearly saw his intention and made a direct offer.

Wu Heng didn’t say much, took out 2 copper coins, and left directly holding the human-shaped wooden frame.

This kind of thing is not valuable, and its characteristic is that it is a humanoid of equal height, and the position of the head and body can be distinguished.

 After having dinner outside, Wu Heng returned to his residence.

  Did not return to the modern world, but remained in it.

 The apocalyptic environment is no longer suitable for habitation.

 At least you don’t have to breathe the rancid air here.

Standing in the living room which is not very spacious.

 Pick up the short spear and shield, and start practicing thrusting movements against the human-shaped wooden target.

 Aiming at the head, repeating over and over again.

 He has not received formal training, but he is familiar with these movements, which is definitely not a bad thing.


 The next day, we simply had breakfast.

 Put on your armor, open the door and enter the zombie world.

The air is still filled with the rotting smell, and the roars of zombies can be heard outside the window from time to time.

 Put away the bronze key and go directly to the living room.

 17 skeleton warriors holding kitchen knives and daggers stood upright in the living room.

With everything ready, Wu Heng directly ordered, "Come out with me."

  The zombies in the corridor have been cleared away, but the smell is still strong.

Wu Heng took the skeleton with him and first went downstairs to check the stair door. After confirming that it was still closed, he walked upstairs.

 Arriving on the sixth floor, there is an iron door leading to the roof platform.

 His idea is simple.

 Just go from the roof platform to the corridor of the next unit to continue cleaning up zombies and continue to accumulate the number of skeleton warriors.

 It is obviously unrealistic and unreasonable to rush out and confront the zombies wandering outside.

 The safest way is to take the rooftop.

Use the bronze key to open the iron door and take the skeleton to the rooftop.

 The roof and ground were filled with many debris, the most conspicuous of which was an iron cage made of iron mesh.

Dead pigeons can still be seen in the rusty iron cage.

 The community has been coordinating the private construction of pigeon cages before, but it seems to have no effect. There are iron mesh, steel bars and cement prepared on the side. It seems that it still wants to continue to expand.


 Suddenly, the roar of zombies came from behind the pigeon cage.

Three zombies bypassed the iron cage from both sides and rushed towards this side with their teeth and claws bared.

There are zombies on the roof?

It just so happened that the skeleton warrior was upgraded immediately.

 Looking at the zombies rushing over, he directly ordered, "Attack."


The 17 skeleton warriors rushed forward with kitchen knives and knocked down three zombies head-on. The kitchen knives fell like raindrops.

The sound of chopping meat resounded through the roof of the building.

Facing the siege of many skeleton warriors, the three zombies had no power to fight back. They were like living fish on the chopping board. They could only keep trying to get up before being knocked down again.

Wu Heng stood behind and had no intention of intervening.

 Just waiting for the battle to end so that he can summon the skeleton.

The sound of dragging the ground suddenly sounded behind him.

Looking back, I saw another zombie with a sprained foot, dragging its ankle, approaching here.

When he found Wu Heng looking back, the zombie roared, limped and quickened its pace.

"Depend on!"

There is actually a zombie who wants to carry out a sneak attack.

 Looked at the skeleton not far behind him.

 After confirming that the skeletons can be mobilized in time, I want to try to challenge the zombies in front of me.

He tightened the iron spear in his hand and rushed toward the zombies in small steps, calculating the distance between them in his mind.

When the distance is two meters, the left leg steps forward and bows, and the iron spear in the hand stabs straight up.


 The head of the gun instantly penetrated the zombie's collarbone and emerged from the back.

 Off the way!

I wanted to stab it in the mouth, but the zombie limp and moved around, causing the spear to skew.

 Although it also hit the target, the position did not cause fatal damage.

The power of the zombies' forward motion caused Wu Heng to take a few steps back.

The rotting body continued to move forward along the barrel of the gun, stretched out its withered gray arms, and grabbed Wu Heng's face.

Hold the round shield in front of you, step back to retract the spear, and sweep across the leg bones.


 The sound of broken bones was heard, and another foot was broken.

 The zombie lost its balance and fell sideways.

 The set of movements was performed smoothly and the effect was obvious.

The zombie was unbalanced and fell to the ground. Wu Heng stepped forward and stepped on his back, stabbing out one after another with iron spears.

Each time, he aimed at the back of the zombie's head, but the zombie struggled violently and fought back. It was not as simple as a fixed target at all.

 During the fierce struggle, the zombie stood up again. Wu Heng backed up and started circling with the zombie while ensuring his own safety.

 At this time, the fighting on the side has ended.

 Three zombies were turned into mincemeat under the attack of skeleton warriors.

 No need to give orders.

 The skeleton warriors rushed over and surrounded the zombies chasing Wu Heng. The kitchen knives kept falling.

 The chopped zombies cannot lift their heads.

Wu Heng stood aside and flicked the iron spear.

Zombies are very powerful and fearless of death. Not to mention the elderly, most of today's young people lack exercise.

When facing zombies head-on, it is really difficult to deal with them.

  【Gain experience +10.】

 【Summon-Skeleton Warrior Experience +5.】

 The experience prompt appears and the last zombie is killed.

 Use the zombie's clothes to wipe the blood on the iron spear, and then use the "Bone Slave Technique" one after another.

 Four skeletons stood up one after another and joined the queue of skeleton warriors.

 There are now 21 skeletons.

 Four iron bars were found on the spot and handed over to the hands of the four skeletons.

With what just happened, Wu Heng took the skeleton soldiers and checked the roof platform again to confirm that there were no zombies in some hidden locations.

Only then did we arrive at the iron door leading to the second staircase.

 There were a lot of stone bricks and debris piled up in front of the door, which should have been piled up by the zombies that had just been killed.

I just don’t know how they turned into zombies after they had already fled to the roof.

 Command the skeleton warriors to move all these debris away.

 The iron door was opened, and there was still a strong rancid smell.

 There were blood stains on the ground, but there were no zombies. They should be downstairs.

Wu Heng said softly: "Let's go down."


 The skeleton warrior entered the corridor, followed by Wu Heng.

The only one who reached level 2 was also kept by his side to protect himself.

The goal this time is still clear. First check whether the door on the first floor is closed tightly, and then search for items in each room.

 Tap tap tap!

 Skeleton feet stepped on the corridor, and dense footsteps sounded.

Although the sound was not loud, it was extremely noticeable in the empty and quiet corridor.



There were roars of zombies downstairs, followed by the sound of hurried running.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and six zombies poked their heads out from around the corner.

 Seeing the group of skeletons coming downstairs, they roared ferociously and excitedly at the same time.

 “Kill them….”

Wu Heng also gave the order directly.


  The kitchen knives were raised one after another and rushed towards the zombies below.

 The dozen skeletons walking in front carried a powerful impact.

He pushed back the zombies that jumped up and rolled down the stairs to another level.

 Then, kitchen knives kept falling one after another.

 Tap tap tap~!

 However, before these zombies were killed, several more zombies rushed up.

 There were probably more than a dozen of them, pushing and shoving in front and back.

 And downstairs, there were more footsteps.

Wu Heng’s heart tightened.

 It’s over.

 The stair door is not closed.

I have released a new book, I hope you all like it.



 (End of this chapter)

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