MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 381 , Level 15 changes

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 Chapter 381, changes at level 15

Wu Heng held her chin with his fingers, lowered his head and pressed it.

  Shanara was a little flustered, and her eyes glanced out the window from time to time.

 Through the glass, you can still see the two maids having fun. They don’t intend to carry anyone behind them at all.

 Her heart was pounding and her face was getting redder.

 It’s better to open the teeth lightly.

   We haven’t seen each other for several days, and we miss each other in our hearts.

 “Sister Shanara, haven’t you finished talking yet?”

 Minnie’s shout came from the courtyard.

 Shanela turned her head away and licked her wet lips.

Hold the opponent's face and say: "We have agreed to level 15, so keep working hard."

"Understood!" Moya walked out and looked at Wu Heng, "Where is the body?"

“Moya, go ahead and record the body first, and wait a week before canceling the wanted order.” Imiro said directly.

 The next day, the association.

Imiro looked at the document in his hand again.


Moya took it away and walked towards the morgue.

 Ask: “What do you think?”

 I'm afraid he is the most exaggerated one among the entire association's spies.

 “Well, I’m just making a conjecture.”

Wu Heng knocked on the door lightly, and after getting a response, he walked in directly.

Becoming a Whisperer means truly having an identity. Not only will it be easier to put aside the identity of a pirate in the future, but when in danger, you can also seek refuge in any association.

Imiro continued to ask: "How is your pirate lady developing?"

Hearing these words, Wu Heng was also very happy.

Moya was not far away, sorting the information on the bookshelf.

 Wu Heng returned to the study room.

"My cargo ship left Treasure Island temporarily. The other party knows my route and approximate time. I doubt it has anything to do with the port." Wu Heng expressed his thoughts.

Then he said: "Let's do this. If you, the pirate lady, can provide three level three bounty and effective information, I will arrange her into the Whisperer, which can be regarded as giving her an identity."

 “Is something wrong?” Imiro looked up.

"Okay." Wu Heng nodded, and then said: "I also killed the captain of a bayonet pirate group. The third-level wanted order, the cargo ship was robbed and got into the hands of 'Philippa'. If it is revealed, he will die." In my hands, someone may have inferred that I am related to Philippa."

 The two walked out of the study, and Wu Heng took out the body wrapped in a straw mat.

 It is not difficult to write a letter to the other party and ask ‘Lilith’ to arrange ‘Philippa’.

 “It’s in this space ring!”

  If it is the effect of a rare item or prop, there is no place to check it.

"Yes, members of the Sword Pirates can die at any time, but they cannot die now." Wu Heng said.

“It’s not bad. Some information is being sent back one after another, but her pirate group is small and they don’t have access to information about high-level pirate groups,” Wu Heng said.

 Speaking of which, I had some contact with Lilith, the leader of the Whisperers.

 The only thing that can be guessed is the port.

“You want the autopsy to be a little more private?”


 Hearing him say that he was going to deliver supplies, Imiro frowned.

Imiro nodded and pondered for a moment, then said: "Your idea has a certain possibility, but it is a bit far-fetched to mobilize all the pirates based on this alone. Otherwise, bribery of the port ship management will become the main source of intelligence for the pirates."

 “Come out first and give me the body.”

 “Bragging!” Shannara said, pecked her again, then straightened her clothes and walked out quickly.

 Outside the deacon’s study.

The other party owes me a favor to a certain extent.

Wu Heng said directly: "Yesterday, I sent supplies to the pirate informant. On the way back, I was attacked by the pirate group. The other party got the news of the blank envelope and came to block the cargo ship I arranged."

 In the study room, Imiro sat behind the desk, looking through the documents in his hands as usual.

Imiro said: "I will arrange for a small team to check it at that time. Before we have accurate information, we should not make any big moves on the island."

 Just a conjecture.

 It will be even better now that the deacon "Imilo" is here to handle it.

 Send a boatload of supplies and let the other party plunder it.

 “Then I’ll thank the deacon for Philippa.”

 “Well, it’s nothing, try to stay away from the island.”


 After the matter was discussed, Wu Heng left the room directly.


 Just left the door. Then he saw ‘Silla Rose’ walking towards him.

The two said hello, and Shiragui walked in directly.

Wu Heng thought for a moment, stood at the door and waited for a while, then Xilagui walked out of the study.

 “Wait for me?” Sheela asked.

"Ah, are you okay? Let's go sit over there for a while."

 “Let’s go!”

 The two of them went to Xilagui's study.

Wu Heng sat down on the sofa, while Xila Gui sat opposite and asked, "Is it about the evil sword again?"

“No, I want to ask you about level 15 professionals. They all said that there is an essential improvement in each profession at level 15. I don’t understand what they mean.” Wu Heng asked directly.

 I didn’t think of asking at first.

 After all, I will reach level 15 soon, so I will naturally know when the time comes.

 When Dan met Sheila Gui, he asked about it.

 I also have some understanding in my heart.

Sheilagui looked at him with some suspicion, "Do you really not know, or are you just testing me here? Don't you, a mage, usually read?"


Wu Heng thought for a moment and said: "I came from a small place and got all my books from the association. My knowledge is not as broad as you think. It does not mean that all mages are scholars. It is inevitable that some of me will This kind of thing slipped through the net.”


Sheila Gui was amused by him and smiled. She had never seen anyone say that she was sent to a foreign country.

Then he said: "There is indeed a saying that level 15 is a watershed for professions. After each profession reaches this level, some changes will occur, but it is not as exaggerated as the rumors."

 “So, what exactly has changed?”

Sheela Gui continued: "The first is the change in title. For example, if a boxer has reached level 15, when the outside world introduces you, they will mention that this is a great boxer, which means that you have reached level 15 and have a certain level. Achievements, and in terms of physical changes, the great boxer will have an immortal body, full of strength and will not age, and will still maintain a relatively youthful appearance even at the age of several hundred years. "

 “Immortal? Immortal?”

"That's not what I mean. It's just that there won't be that obvious aging in appearance, but when one's lifespan is exhausted, he will still die normally. The important thing is that his energy is full and he will be even more powerful when fighting." Xilagui said.

Wu Heng nodded, indicating that he understood.

 According to his own panel, reaching this level unlocks special abilities.

 The Boxer has unlocked the immortal body and can maintain full energy to fight.

 Appearance will also change.

 “Where’s the mage?”

"I don't know much about mages. There seem to be two opinions. One is a master spellcaster, which should be a change in the power of your spells. The second one is related to your school. I'm not sure." La Gui thought for a moment and replied.

Wu Heng nodded to express his understanding.

  No matter which profession, reaching level 15 is considered a very high level.

 Being sought after and respected by others.

“Are you going to reach level 15?” Xi Lagui asked after explaining.

 “How is that possible? I’m just over 20 years old!”

"Don't worry, you are already very good at reaching the level of deputy deacon at the age of 20. It is not impossible to reach level 15 in the future." Sheela comforted.

“Yeah!” Wu Heng nodded, and then asked: “Has the evil sword had any results?”

“No results yet? I’ll let you know when there are results!”

 “Do you want to have dinner together later?”

Silla rolled her eyes at him, "Let's wait until later!"

Wu Heng chatted with her about pirates again.

 There was nothing to say and he left here directly.

 Go back to the study and say hello to Anderweil.

  He returned directly to his residence.


 Minnie is watering the flowers in the yard.

He waved his hand and went directly to the fourth floor.

 Open the gate and go to the zombie world.

 On the other side is still the manager's office. I looked down at the vehicles queuing up to exchange food in the corridor.

 Took out the walkie-talkie and pressed the call button, "Qi Hancai!"

"You say!"

 “Prepare the convoy and go out to clean up the zombies.”


 Go downstairs, get in the car, and rush towards the zombie area.

 (End of this chapter)