MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 369 , snake emblem auction

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Chapter 369, Snake Emblem Auction

Wu Jingguang is in his 40s, with short hair, thick eyebrows and a square face.

  Looks like a very capable person.

 Before the end of the world, he should also be in an important position.

After hearing what the other party said, Wu Heng looked at him with some doubts.

˜Inviting the old factory area into the military shelter is not the first time it has been mentioned. The last time it was Yang Long and Qi Hancai.

 At that time, the market had just been established, and the old factory area sold grain to the outside world, showing sufficient supplies.

This time there is a new commander-in-chief of disaster relief. It should be the scouts who left yesterday and brought the news back.

“You want to leave here?” Wu Heng asked.

Wu Jingguang did not hide anything, nodded and said: "To be honest, we will leave here before winter, withdraw all our troops and join the provincial and district rescue teams, and we will also take away several cooperative shelters."

“We can plan our own development and have no intention of joining any force.” Wu Heng said more directly.

“The specific time has not been decided yet, Chief Wu wants to keep the secret for us.”

“Of course.” Wu Heng nodded and sent several people downstairs.

Wu Jingguang continued to ask: "Which kind of corpse core was taken to show this kind of behavior?"

Wu Heng thought for a while and said, "We will discuss it then and see if we can make appropriate adjustments."

Wang Chenggang also followed up and said: "During this period, they frequently went to the market to exchange for food. It seems that they were preparing to leave and planned to exchange for more food to leave."

 “Well, of course.”

 “How is the development in the provinces and regions?”

Wu Jingguang's eyes narrowed slightly and he said: "Chief Wu must put the overall situation first and the future of mankind first."

Wu Jingguang is interested in Wu Heng’s special abilities and the source of food in the old factory area.

Wu Jingguang thought for a moment and continued: "Is the price of military equipment in the old factory area a little too low? Should it be raised a little bit?"

Get into a military transport vehicle and drive away directly.

 “Yeah!” Wu Jingguang smiled and nodded.

“While gradually recovering important areas, we are also planning to recover military industrial enterprises.”

 Looking at the disappearing vehicles.

Furthermore, Wu Heng is also confident that it is stronger than any refuge.

Wu Heng also smiled and nodded, "This is best."

Wu Jingguang stood up and said, "Then let's go back first. If you need anything in the future, let's contact you more often."

How is it possible that if you work hard to develop yourself, you will have to give it to others in the end?

“Those bone soldiers outside are your special powers? They are really amazing.”

 Each side is tentatively inquiring about each other's information.

“Military equipment is more sophisticated and can be used after being properly kept, so you won’t suffer any loss.”

Wu Heng was inquiring about some matters in the province.

It seems that just as 'Qi Hancai' guessed, they are selling off supplies and preparing to evacuate here.

 After chatting for a while.

Wu Heng did not answer, just shook his head slightly.

Wu Heng nodded and continued to ask: "When do you plan to leave?"

“Haha, you see I talk too much, don’t be surprised, Chief Wu.”

Wu Heng glanced at Qi Hancai and Li Yahong on one side, and said directly: "Thank you, Commander Wu, for your kindness. We are used to living here, and we don't want to leave here yet."

A few people sat together and chatted for a while.

Qiangzi said with some dissatisfaction: "Damn, the rescue team is still here. I didn't see anyone rescued. Now I plan to leave first, and I want to prostitute us for free."

He pondered for a moment and smiled again, "I'm just making a suggestion. Since Chief Wu has his own plan, he won't force it."

Wu Heng smiled and said: "Commander Wu, why not bring your people to join the old factory area? We also have a plan to build a fortress for unity and development."

“It seems that it is indeed better than a small place like ours.”

Wu Jingguang hesitated to speak several times, but in the end he said no more.


“I had no intention of awakening, and I also took a lot of risks at that time.” Wu Heng replied.

Wu Heng sighed lightly, his tone helpless, "We only have such a small number of people, and we won't be able to use so much equipment. It will just be left in the warehouse to collect dust. Food is more important."

 Food and military strength, the two most important things, are not lacking.

Wu Jingguang continued: "The strength of zombies continues to increase, and the living space of survivors is constantly compressed. Only when everyone unites can we have more chances to survive."

“Well, after all, it is a key planning location. When the ammunition production resumes, I can connect you with each other and exchange what you need.”

“Well, that should be the reason.” Qi Hancai agreed.

 When the vehicle disappeared completely, Wu Hengcai said: "Let's go back to the conference room and discuss it."

A few people nodded and returned to the conference room.


 Military armored vehicles.

 “Those skeletons are really powerful.” Wu Jingguang said.

 When I first heard about this kind of power, I didn’t believe it.

Now I see a dense army of skeletons.

 Not only did he believe this, but he was also surprised and afraid of this kind of power.

"It should be his superpower. Qi Hancai is in charge of the camp, and the real right to speak is in his hands," Yang Long said.

 “Hey~! He is a talented person, but it’s a pity that he doesn’t have a big picture view. What a pity!” Wu Jingguang sighed softly.

"Should we continue to contact him?" Yang Long did not evaluate Wu Heng, but asked directly.

Wu Jingguang shook his head and said: "No need, the railway side has almost prepared everything. In the past few days, all the supplies will be replaced by grain. Let's leave here and join the provinces. When our military industry resumes production, he is the one who came to ask us to exchange supplies." It’s time.”



 In the conference room.

Qi Hancai said: "We discussed it before and planned to use the mall on the turntable as a new trading market. It has a wide territory and is in the center. The surrounding shelters can more conveniently come to exchange supplies."

 Each shelter is established to avoid densely populated areas in the center.

 Placing the market in a central location can indeed take care of the surrounding areas.

Moreover, the buildings here are all ready-made, the roads are wider, and the parking lots are complete.

 There is basically no place that needs to be rebuilt.

 Once food supplies are shipped, the market can be opened.

“Okay, you can arrange it!” Wu Heng agreed.

"Okay, then I will have people plan this area in the afternoon and open it to the outside world as soon as possible." Qi Hancai said.

Wu Heng continued to look at Li Yahong, "How is the situation over there in the county?"

“There are no problems in the county, but the supplies are almost exhausted, and it is difficult to find too much gold in other shelters.”

“Keep the passenger terminal first, and move the focus of development here.”


 Then, several people discussed the production of equipment.

 Wait until everything is settled.

  Separate each other and go about their own business.


Wu Heng returned to the manager’s lounge upstairs.

 Not long after, there was a knock on the door.


The door opened and Li Yahong walked in directly.

  Close the door, throw aside the backpack in your hand, rush up to him, wrap your arms around his neck, and kiss him heavily.

 Then, a pair of hands took off his clothes.

Wu Heng put aside his head and said: "There's no need to be in such a hurry, just stay here tonight."

Li Yahong took off his coat and said, "I don't have time. The convoy back to the passenger terminal is waiting. I came up to deliver gold to you and will be leaving soon."

 “So urgent?”

“Of course you can’t feel it if you’re a hands-off shopkeeper.”

After Li Yahong finished speaking, she looked at him shyly, "Why, you don't like this?"

“No way, I originally wanted to accompany you in the evening, but since we are in a hurry, let’s make a quick decision.”

Wu Heng pulled her naked in two or two strokes and patted the desk beside her, "Hold her up, don't fall."

 “Hmm!” Li Yahong, who was in high spirits just now, suddenly became a little shy.

 Hands on the table with both hands.


 After the soft moan of deep love.

Li Yahong lay weakly on the table, "I'll accompany you next time. I still have a lot of things to do when I go back today."

 “Well, okay!” Wu Heng said with a smile. Li Yahong rested for a while and while getting dressed, she said, "Do you have someone else?"

 “Who else?”

 “Is it Qi Hancai?” Li Yahong looked at him.

Wu Heng slapped her **** the buttocks, "No, don't make random guesses."

"Really? How can you hold back for such a long time?" Li Yahong fastened the back button and continued: "I also understand the current environment. You are the leader, and I don't blame you if there are others, but you can't forget me. "

"Don't worry, I only have you here, don't think too much."

"Really, if there is someone you like, please tell me when the time comes and we can live together peacefully." Li Yahong put on her coat and said before leaving: "In the backpack is the gold of this period."

"Oh, I see."



Li Yahong opened the door and left, walking quickly downstairs.

Wu Heng also picked up his backpack and opened it. Inside was various gold and silver jewelry, weighing more than 30 kilograms.

 After putting them all away.

Wu Heng also got dressed, opened the gate and returned to Treasure Island.



Wu Heng went downstairs and just reached the first floor.

 I saw Anderweil teaching Minnie to write letters.

 It’s not that I can’t write.

 It’s about the format and what to write in the letter.

The hometown of both of them is Luntam City, so they should also write back to report that they are safe.

Seeing Wu Heng coming down, Minnie ran over and pulled him to sit down in front of the sofa. "Master, read the letter I wrote."

Wu Heng picked it up and looked at it, "It's very good. I can see the longing for your friend and the unabashed show off."

 “Hey, Sister Wei’er taught me this.” Minnie said happily.

“I didn’t teach you how big the house is, how big the house is, how big the swimming pool is, how big the dinner is, and so on.” Andwyer immediately emphasized.

“But I just want to say that if they know that I am living a good life, they will be happy for me.” Minnie said in a serious tone.

Wu Heng nodded, "Yeah, that's okay. Just send it to the association and mail it out tomorrow."

 “Hmm!” Minnie packed the letter and stamped it with sealing wax.

Andewil continued to say from the side: "Master, in the afternoon, the people from the Snake Emblem Consortium sent a message, saying that the auction is about to begin, and the guests on the island will be picked up at Port No. 7 the day after tomorrow."


Wu Heng would have forgotten about it if he didn't mention it.

Last time at the Snake Emblem Consortium, the other party did mention this matter to me.

 It is an auction organized by a consortium, where some rare items will be sold.

Wu Heng now has money in his hands, and he is quite rich. He even feels that he is the person with the most cash in Treasure Island.

 It is still necessary to buy something that can improve yourself.

 However, there is a wanted warrant for 500 gold coins on his body.

 The deacons told him not to go to sea.

 Is there any danger?

  After Minnie sealed the letter, she asked: "What auction is it?"

“Organized by the Snake Emblem Consortium, selling some things.”

 “Oh, master is going?” Minnie asked.

"Not sure yet. There are more enemies recently and it's a bit dangerous." Wu Heng said directly.

"That's right. It's a place that sells things. If you have money, you can't buy anything. If you don't go there, you won't go." Minnie said and continued to hold his arm, "Master, I bought a lot of food today. Made for you to eat.”

  Feeling that he could fight again, he nodded, "Uh..., okay."

 Wait until after dinner.

 The three of them conducted simple training in the courtyard.

They then returned to the room to rest together.


the next day.

Wu Heng went to the association again.

 Let's see if there are any special circumstances, and at the same time inquire about the consortium auction.

 This matter is not a secret.

Even ordinary team members know this.

 Stayed away from the association for a while.

Wu Heng returned to his residence and went to the zombie world through the gate.

 According to the plan, the mall began to be restored.

 Prepare to establish new markets.

Wu Heng asked Qi Hancai to prepare the truck and lead the skeleton army to continue cleaning up the zombies in the surrounding communities.

 The large-scale zombie tide was attracted by the sound when the turntable was cleaned last time, and has been almost cleared.

  There are still remaining zombies, forming a small group of corpses.

  But for the already formed skeleton army.

 There is no threat.

The skeleton army pushed forward all the way, and a large number of zombies were slaughtered.

 The battle is over.

Wu Heng took a look at his attributes.

  【Level: 14 (157877/165000)】

 The experience has reached 157,000.

It takes almost two more waves of zombie battles to reach level 15.

 Becoming a level 4 archmage is not just about completing the agreement with Shannara.

  More, it is also an improvement of one’s own strength.

 Have more ability to resist risks, and the physical condition has reached a new level.

 In short, the higher the level, the more benefits and no harm.

After all the corpses have been dragged over, Wu Heng releases the [Dead Corpse Battlefield].

 Then he got into the passenger seat and returned surrounded by skeletons.

Wu Heng said: "Look where there are still corpses around. Clean them up in the past two days."

Qi Hancai, who was driving, thought for a moment, nodded and said: "There is a trade city to the north of the main road, and there should be a lot of corpses."

 “Well, record it first and go there next time.”

 The convoy returned to the mall.

Wu Heng rearranged the skeleton soldiers and returned to Treasure Island at dusk.


 Another day passed, at the port.

Wu Heng appeared at the port with the 'Transformed Veil' and 'Keran Mu'.

 From a distance, I saw a medium-sized passenger ship docking at the port.

 The logo of the Snake Emblem Consortium is printed on the side of the ship.

 There were dignitaries in extraordinary clothes who boarded the ship together.

 It seems that these people still trust the Snake Emblem Consortium. At least many of them bring female companions instead of guards.

Wu Heng also boarded the boat with the crowd.

 At the location of the connecting board, there is a staff member checking the invitation letter.

 After confirming the invitation letter.

 Hand him a number plate.

“Madam, this is your room number. A staff member will explain the boarding process to you.”

Wu Heng’s current image is that of a middle-aged woman.

 Took the number plate and boarded the ship directly.

 Find the room according to the number and waited silently.

 After a while, the ship started and left the port.

There was also a knock on Wu Heng’s room, and a staff member walked in.

After saluting, he said: "Guests, you will arrive at the consortium's 'Shengya' passenger ship in two hours. The auction will be held at midnight. During the rest of the time, we will provide entertainment and dining venues. If you have anything you need to exchange, we will There is also a mutual trading floor where every guest can exchange needed items within the venue.”

  In other words, the passenger ship that is sitting now is a transport ship, and the auction is not here yet.

Wu Heng nodded to express his understanding.

The staff took out two cloaks again and said, "This is a cloak with hidden runes etched on it. It can conceal your identity and avoid many troubles after the transaction."

 (End of this chapter)

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