MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 320 , Skeleton Raiders

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Chapter 320, Skeleton Raid Team

 The truck that left suddenly reversed.

 The people who rescued their companions were shocked and immediately went to look for their own firearms.

Without waiting for them to pull the gun out of the disabled car, the canvas curtain on the back of the truck was lifted up.

 One after another figures wearing leather armor and holding battle axes, holding the edge with one hand, jumped down directly.

 They were running towards this side in large numbers.

 The eyes of the panicked people were full of surprise.

 “How many people are there if you don’t tell me?”

 “Grass, what is that thing? Why do they have no face!”

 “Damn it, what’s in the car is not food, it’s just skeletons.”

 Seeing the appearance of the approaching figure clearly, several people were even more horrified.

 “We were wrong, we are all survivors.”


 But the skeletons who gathered around did not give them any chance.

The remaining Goatee people cried loudly and begged for mercy.

  A gunshot was fired.

 Hurryly, he opened the safety of the firearm and started shooting forward.

It is not clear whether it can protect against the tearing, scratching and biting of zombies, but when worn on the body, it looks more professional.

The equipment on those people is not bad.

Goat Beard panicked, cursed loudly, let go of the things in his hands, turned around and ran away.

The rest of the people went to loot a few cars, while the skeleton dragged a few corpses over.

Wu Heng looked around and said, "Go and look at the overturned cars and loot out useful things."

Even so, the running speed of the skeleton far exceeds that of the remaining people.

 The bullets shot out like raindrops, hitting the skeletons.

 “They are not human beings.”

 It feels like a stormtrooper.

 At the two boys in front, two shots were fired "bang bang".

 “Grass! They can’t be killed, so run away!”

 “Ah! Give us a chance.”

 The bullets kept pouring forward, hitting the running skeleton holding a tomahawk.

The boss with the goatee who had been dragging the long wooden box under the car looked up and found that his younger brother had run several meters away.

Wu Hengcai jumped down from the car.

 While running wildly, he took out a pistol from his waist.

The rest of the people also got out of the car and went to the overturned and crashed off-road vehicles to search for loot.

 The younger brother fell down due to pain.

 In addition to guns and ammunition, they also wear body armor.

Tomahawks fell from all directions, the sound of chopping meat drowned out the cries, and the entire battlefield gradually became quiet.

  Hurryly, he picked up the fallen firearm from under the car.

 Started to shoot wildly at the charging skeletons.

 The force of the bullet knocked down the skeleton at the front, but then it got up from the ground again.

 “Help me hold it up, your women, I will help take care of them.”

 “Run, they are not human, they are just like zombies.”

 The fighting form displayed by the one-handed axe-skeleton is really a little different.

He was quickly caught up and fell to the ground, with the battle ax falling continuously.

At that time, letting these one-handed ax skeletons form a commando team may show good results.

 Wait for the skeleton to enter the standby state.

 “Okay!” Qi Hancai took out the walkie-talkie and gave the order.

 Continue to follow the other skeletons and launch a charge.

Seeing that the bullets had no effect, the others turned around and ran away.

“Yang Hao asked us to do it, don’t kill us.”

Hold an ax in one hand and run fast.

Without waiting for a big scold, he was caught up with the skeleton, and he chopped his head and fell directly.

 The body was already **** and bloody.

 Can’t see the face clearly.

Wu Heng thought for a moment, and then released [Conversation with the Dead] on one of them.

 The corpse sat up and looked this way.

Wu Heng asked directly: "Why are you following us?"

 The corpse, whose mouth was already open, replied, "Seeing that there are not many of you, we want to get some benefits."

 Sure enough, it was at the market that it attracted the attention of others.

Wu Heng continued to ask: "Did anyone give you instructions?"

 The corpse replied, "No, we discussed it and followed him directly."

“Besides these cars, is there anyone else?”


“Other than those here, does anyone else know that you are following us?”


 After several questions in succession, Wu Heng had nothing else to ask.

 The magic was dissipated, and the body lay back on the ground.

In other words, these people set their sights on themselves in the market, thinking that there were not many people there, so they pulled several carts of grain, and then they thought of robbing them.

 Perhaps, in the market, this kind of thing is done a lot.

 It’s just that they were unlucky when they met Wu Heng and the others today.

“Pull everything off their bodies!” Wu Heng said.

 Several skeletons came forward.

 The body armor, ammunition clips, cigarettes and other items were all searched out.

Wu Heng also directly released the [Bone Slavery Technique] on the plucked corpse.

 The skeleton stood up and walked to the queue of battle ax skeletons on the side.


 At this time, Qi Hancai and others also brought over the looted items.

 In addition to rifles and bullets, there are 5 grenades, a machine gun, and a rocket launcher in a box.

 The rest include dry food, beer, mineral water and other supplies.

Once they were plundered, there was quite a lot of stuff.

 “They’re all here!” Qi Hancai said.

Wu Heng put away his weapons and continued: "What about those off-road vehicles?"

“It’s broken and can be repaired, but it’s no longer necessary.”

 There are many cars in this world.

 With a crash like that, it would be better to find a car in better condition on the side of the road.

 Go to a 4S store, it’s open casually.

“You can hand out the bulletproof vests here and load the food and drink into the car. Let’s go back.”


 Everyone carries their things into the car and then all gets in the car.

 The skeleton also boarded the trunk.

The convoy restarted and headed towards the old factory area.


The rest of the journey went without any problems.

 Even the few off-road vehicles that rushed out just now did not cause any damage.

 Instead, they sent a lot of firearms and bullets, especially a machine gun and a rocket launcher. At first, Wu Heng was wondering why the opponent didn't just fire a rocket launcher.

 Instead, he rushed over and shot at the cab.

 As soon as I got in the car and thought about it, I figured it out.

When the rocket launcher was thrown, the entire truck's cargo would be affected. At that time, they thought the truck was loaded with food, not skeleton soldiers.

 The factory gate opened and the convoy drove straight in.

 Skeletons began to get off the two trucks.

Qi Hancai parked the truck with the 'machine gun' directly into the garage.

 After parking the car, Wu Heng came down and put the cannon directly into the space ring.

Qi Hancai is not surprised that he can collect things. He has seen it before.

Standing aside and watching, he asked directly: "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

“Let’s make weapons as normal first. If anything happens, I’ll let you know.” Wu Heng said.


 The two of them walked out of the garage together.

 Qi Hancai asked someone to move the body armor to the warehouse, and Wu Heng went directly back to the dormitory.

 Open the gate and return to Treasure Island.


 Come out of the boundary gate.

Wu Heng went directly to the alchemy laboratory.

Opening the door, several alchemy skeletons were busy with their work, sorting, purifying, and refining medicinal materials.

 Making potions is not as simple as cooking porridge.

 The steps are quite complicated.

Wu Heng set his sights on ‘Expert No. 1’.

Expert No. 1, who has only six arms, is carefully handling the third-level corpse core in front of the alchemy table.

 After thinking for a moment, he changed to another skeleton and said, "Alchemy No. 1, come here."

The dwarf skeleton walked over while shaking the potion bottle.

Wu Heng took out the 8 corpse cores collected today, "These are first-level corpse cores, made into first-level potions."

The dwarf skeleton took it, put it in the refrigerator nearby, and then returned to his original working position.

Wu Heng did not continue to disturb them.

 Close the door and walk directly downstairs.

Going down to the first floor, Minnie was sitting at the coffee table practicing writing. When she saw Wu Heng coming down, she immediately smiled and said, "Master, I thought you weren't at home!"

“You’ve been upstairs, prepare the bath water, I want to take a shower.”

 “Okay, Master!” Minnie got up and went to prepare bath water.

 After the bathtub is filled with water.

Wu Heng soaked in it comfortably.

 He tilted his head back and leaned on the edge of the tub to think about today's contact with the military market.

 The harvest was not small. In addition to buying a machine gun, there were also 8 corpse cores.

 It’s all what you need.

 Furthermore, the market pricing is really not expensive.

“You can go there often and change more things you need.” Wu Heng muttered.

 Except for ammunition.

 Corpse, various required mechanical parts, special types of work, or the corpses of some deformed zombies.

 You can also use it yourself.

“Talents are also very important, and we will recruit some when the time comes.”

 The development of the base is still difficult to achieve by relying solely on ordinary survivors working hard.

 Recruiting people for special jobs or people with special abilities is also very important.

 At least, after Hadron discovered the ‘lazy dog ​​bomb’, the efficiency of clearing zombies has increased several times.

 So it is not a bad thing after all that there are many talents in various industries in the base.

Thinking in my mind, the bathroom door was gently pushed open.

Wu Heng squinted and looked to one side.

I saw Minnie walking in quietly wearing a bath towel. Outside the bath towel, her white clavicle arms and straight calves were exposed.

Seeing Wu Heng open his eyes, he said with some disappointment: "I wanted to scare you."

Minnie said, sitting down on the edge and gently splashing water on him.

Wu Heng put his hands on his white and tender thighs and put his hands into the bath towel, "There are always some weird ideas throughout the day."

“Hehe!” Minnie smiled and gently touched the other person’s chest with her green-white fingers, “Master, your muscles are so beautiful. I wish I were so strong.”

 “There is no girl with muscles all over her body.”

Minnie smiled again and said, "Let me give you a squeeze on your shoulder. I see you seem a little tired today."

 Follow it, go around to the back, and gently rub your shoulders.

 Hand after pressing for a while.

Minnie continued: "Master, this posture is a bit tiring, can I go in?"

 “Come on!” The bathrobe slipped off.

 Revealing a slim and energetic body.

 Carefully stepped into the tub and sat in his arms.

  Just as he sat down, he leaned on his arms as if he had lost all strength.

“Aren’t you going to press it?” Wu Heng asked, holding his arms around his waist.

Minnie’s face turned slightly red and she stroked her wet ears, “I don’t have any strength anymore.”

 “No matter where it is, it’s over before it even begins.”

Minnie hugged the other person's shoulders and complained softly, "The master is so bad!"


 It is approaching dusk.

Andwyer also came back from outside.

Waiting for ‘Chef No. 1’ to bring dinner, the three of them sat together and ate.

 “Sister Shannella hasn’t come to eat for the past two days.” Andwyer said.

Minnie said while eating, "The merchant ship is here, busy with things over there."

 “Has the Star Flower fleet left yet?”

"No! I heard that we need to prepare food, fresh water, and goods to take away." Minnie answered.


 He himself commanded the undead and forgot about the living beings.

 Being prepared to go to sea, you must be well prepared, otherwise you will die of thirst and starvation at sea.

 “Yeah, that’s right.”


 The three of them had dinner.

 Still training in the courtyard as usual.

Wu Heng has also become more and more proficient in the use of swordsmanship. Even without the [Instructor]'s long sword, he can still dance with style.

It’s just that swordsmanship is still basic and has not reached the intermediate level.

ˆPractice for a while.

Wu Heng took his two daughters back to his room to rest.


 The morning of the next day.

Wu Heng went to the association and just entered the hall.

 A staff member came over quickly and said, "Sir Archdeacon, here are two of your letters."

 (End of this chapter)