MTL - NBA: Get the McGrady Template at the Start-Chapter 200 Subei was injured

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on the other hand,

Coach Wharton looked at James and Su Bei with admiration in his eyes. The offense of the two was really unexpected, and the Nuggets were at a loss.

He also didn't expect that James and Su Bei would cooperate so well.

This reminded him of the cooperation between Irving and James back then, which completely overturned the Warriors.

Suddenly saw the Lakers' hope of winning the game.

"Su Bei, James, you guys are still playing according to this rhythm, you must cooperate well and hit their inside as much as possible."

"And the mentality of the Nuggets' inside players should have collapsed, even if it is defense, they can't defend you."

Coach Wharton talked about the problems in the Nuggets' interior, "In addition to their physical strength, it is also a problem. Now is a good opportunity for you to widen the gap."

James and Su Bei nodded,

Then they looked at each other and smiled.

They both showed appreciation for each other. In fact, during the team training, the two of them didn't cooperate much.

But in actual combat, James is often fed by Su Bei, and gradually the cooperation between James and Subei has become better and better.

"Don't worry, Coach Wharton, we will definitely win this game. Even if the Nuggets' inside players have Jokic, as long as they meet the two of us, they have nothing to do."

At this time, Su Bei's face was calm, and his tone was full of strong confidence.

This confidence comes from the cooperation between his own strength and James.

James next to him also nodded, and glanced at Su Bei: "After you play, pass me more **** again, and I'm pretty sure I can hit the ball in."

There was a little excitement in the tone.

It feels so good to be fed the ball, and it is very simple for James to play.

The other players smiled. They could feel that with James and Su Bei, the Lakers would definitely win this victory.

"We will definitely win, and we will completely widen the gap with the Nuggets."

The game continues.

The Nuggets attacked again.

Murray reminded Harris: "Don't blindly want to rush into their inside line when attacking, first see if Jokic has a chance..."

Murray knew that Harris' personality was a bit irritable, and he would be easily disturbed by that guy from Subei, so he couldn't make other mistakes.

First a reminder to Harris, just in case.

"I see!!"

Harris made an ok gesture, took a deep breath, looked at the Lakers players again, his eyes became calm, and he had to score.

After receiving the ball, Harris broke through inside.

When Harris broke through to the free throw line, he saw McGee suddenly defending in front of him, and a touch of surprise flashed across his face.

The other Lakers players were also staring at Harris, not knowing whether he was passing or attacking.

on the other hand,

Jokic appeared next to Harris with the help of his teammates' pick-and-roll.

Without any hesitation, Harris passed the ball directly to Jokic.

After receiving the ball, Jokic first made another fake shot, just to trick McGee into defending him.

McGee also jumped forward without thinking, mainly because Jokic made two mid-range shots in front of McGee just now.

This makes McGee feel that if he doesn't defend his shot, he may be shot by him.

He didn't want to make such a mistake again.

And at this moment,

When McGee stepped forward to defend, Jokic lowered his center of gravity again, dribbled through the inside, and scored with a rebound.

The basketball fell into the hoop.

Jokic had a triumphant smile on his face, then glanced at McGee again, and said softly.

"Don't guard me anymore, you can't guard me, so just give up!"

This sentence has been echoing in McGee's ears for a long time, and Jokic has already scored six points on McGee's head.

It's hard to imagine how broken McGee is now.

Next, the Lakers' offense centered on Su Bei and James.

As long as Su Bei goes in and passes a false pass to James, the Nuggets players will even focus on James.

But in the next second, James didn't catch the ball in his hand.

The faces of the Nuggets players changed slightly. They knew that they had been cheated by Su Bei.

Not only the Nuggets players, but even the audience and photographers in the arena were also deceived by Su Bei.

In the end, Su Bei scored the ball with a small throw.

gave a response...

"I thought he passed the ball to James, who knew he didn't, this fake move is too realistic!"

"This is even weirder than a magician's pass. It's really amazing!"

The fans in the arena said one after another, their eyes full of enthusiasm.

They have never seen such a scene.

On the other side, the faces of the Nuggets players became ugly, and they didn't expect to be tricked by a rookie.

This is really a shame.

Yang Yi in the live broadcast room also exclaimed.

"Su Bei's whole body is fake, there is truth in the fake, and there is fake in the real,"

"It's really confusing to tell if it's true or not!"


In the third quarter of the game, Su Bei showed a strong breakthrough ability.

As long as he enters the inside of the Nuggets, there is no ball he can't hit.

So much so that the whole fans were cheering for Subei's voice.

This also made the head coach of the Nuggets look very ugly. The threat that the player Su Bei posed to them was too great.

If this rhythm is followed, their entire Nuggets will lose sooner or later.

And it's only a matter of time.

Coach Wharton on the other side is full of smiles, feeling that they will win this game for sure.

"Su Bei's kid has grown really fast, not only in breakthroughs, but also extremely solid in dribbling."

Coach Wharton's eyes fell on Su Bei's body, and he muttered to himself.

That really makes me like this player more and more.

The last thirty seconds of the third quarter.

Su Bei made a mid-range shot from the free throw line, and all the players on the inside set their eyes on the basketball, ready to grab the rebound.

Only a bang was heard.

The basketball was bounced out.

When Su Bei saw the scene in front of him, he didn't panic in the slightest. His figure was extremely fast, and he went to grab the rebound.

at the same time.

Harris next to him also went to grab the rebound. After Su Bei grabbed it, when he was about to make a tip-up again, Harris' whole body also bumped into him.

Two people's bodies collided together...

Su Bei's fingers touched the entire basketball and made a clicking sound.

In an instant, a painful expression appeared on Su Bei's face.

But Su Bei resisted the pain in the fingers of his right hand and threw the ball.


Basketball scored.

The third quarter is over.

The final scores of the two teams were:


A difference of twelve points.

This time the Nuggets have completely fallen behind the Lakers.

The fans in the arena cheered again, and the Lakers basically won.

At this time, the head coach of the Nuggets saw the score on the court, and his face became extremely ugly.

They were clearly the leaders at the beginning, but they were beaten like this by the Lakers in the end.

This kind of mentality is like a roller coaster, sometimes it will be extremely high, and then it will be extremely low.

After fighting for a long time, I finally fell behind......

Although the head coach of the Nuggets is unwilling to see such a result, he has to accept this reality.

On the other side, Su Bei's face became very pale.

After James and Coach Wharton noticed this, they looked concerned and asked quickly.

"Subei, Subei..."

"What's wrong with you, where did you get hurt???"

"Call the team doctor..."

In less than thirty seconds, the Lakers team doctor rushed over.

Seeing Su Bei clutching his right hand all the time, Su Bei's cold sweat has already seeped out...

"Slowly release your right hand, let me see what's going on..."

The Lakers team doctor squatted down and said softly to Su Bei.

Keeping his eyes on Su Bei's right hand, the team doctor suddenly saw a large red and swollen area on Su Bei's right hand.

There was a hint of worry in his eyes, and he observed carefully again.

"You can't play ball."

"If you play basketball like this now, this hand will be useless!"

The team doctor's face became very serious, his eyes fixed on Su Bei, and he said in a deep voice.

This sentence is like a thunderbolt,

Everyone on the field looked at Su Bei with worries on their faces.

In his opinion, Su Bei's right hand might have a fractured index finger, and there was also a serious injury to his wrist.

The faces of James and Coach Wharton next to him were even more dignified.

"Team doctor, what is going on with him now?"

"Fracture, and now the injury is extremely serious.\"

\"Su Bei can't play anymore, or his hand will be useless."

The team doctor glanced at Coach Wharton again and said again.

Coach Wharton glanced at Su Bei, and immediately said: "Su Bei, you should follow the team doctor to receive treatment."

"No, I still have to fight..."

"No, this is my order, you must receive treatment..."

Coach Wharton's tone was very tough.

Subei has no He can only obey Coach Wharton and receive treatment.

"I hope that Su Bei can come back safely, and that injuries can stay away from him."

"Eternal Hope..."

All the fans present watched Su Bei leave, and all of them clasped their hands together and sincerely prayed for Su Bei.

Even Lin Xue couldn't help but ran out and walked into the passage, seeing the pale Su Bei, tears welled up in her beautiful eyes like autumn water.

"What's wrong......?"

"Su Bei, are you okay?"

Lin Xue's face was full of worry, and she looked like pear blossoms with rain.

"Xiaoxue, don't cry, I'm really fine."

Su Bei stroked Lin Xue's soft hair with his left hand, and said softly.

He didn't want Lin Xue to worry, but still...

Seeing Lin Xue like this, Su Bei also felt extremely distressed.

He was still enduring his own pain at this time, and when he was in the locker room, he had to ask the system if there was such a potion for recovery.

Su Bei thought to himself that now he could only use the system.

At this moment, Lin Xue shook her head even more, looked at Su Bei with distress, and supported him.

She doesn't want anything to happen to Subei, never.

"No matter what, I will always be with you, always be with you..."

Lin Xue lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice, "I'll be with you all the time..."

There was a trace of determination in his eyes.

This is her man.

If Su Bei was going to die, then Lin Xue didn't want to live either.


Su Bei hugged Lin Xue tightly, and said softly, his tone was very gentle, he didn't care about his injury at all...


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