MTL - NBA: Get the McGrady Template at the Start-Chapter 191 warriors goal

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Unexpectedly, he would face the Rockets this year. Curry smiled inwardly. Since the match against the Rockets, the two teams have been playing for the past two years.

These two teams are in every Western Conference finals.

Depressingly, the Warriors win every time.

Harden is so angry that he vomits blood...

Curry and the others are also very familiar with the Rockets' style of play, and the Rockets are also familiar with their own style of play.

What the two teams play is the state of the game.

"The Rockets are really hard to deal with."

Curry glanced at the Rockets' information calmly, pondered for a while, and said.

With Harden in the Rockets, it is very difficult for the Warriors to defend Harden, even Curry himself, the difficulty is not small...

Harden's retreat three-pointer, so far no one has been able to prevent it.

A man who studies the rules at four o'clock in the morning every day, that's scary.

Coach Cole picked up the Rockets' profile with his right hand and kept staring at it. Every time he saw Harden's profile, he frowned and felt a headache.

What a mess...

As long as they can meet the Lakers or the Nuggets, at least it is easy to advance, but if they meet the Rockets, then their probability of advancing is only 50%.

"The Lakers are so lucky. If we and the Lakers both advance, it's time for us to avenge them!"

That time they lost to the Lakers, the Warriors were really ashamed.

Curry thought of the young player who led the Lakers to win their Warriors. After that, every player in the Warriors secretly held his breath, wishing to meet the Lakers again, and let out this breath.

"Revenge is necessary, kill the Lakers!"

"Now I clearly remember the way that young Lakers player [Su Bei] played, he was so arrogant!!"

"Last time we only lost a few points, and almost killed them completely. It's a pity that they won."

"Next time, there will never be such a mistake."

Green next to Curry was extremely angry when he heard about the Lakers.

Throughout the Warriors,

All players know that Green's temper is the hottest.

On the court, Green's stunt is to spray the opponent.

Especially the divorce scheme, let Green play it with great proficiency.

Durant stood quietly with his arms folded.

If this is wearing a hard hat, it will be a proper contractor's temperament.

Maybe, some people think these people are the demolition team.

"The strength of the Lakers is not very strong, but if we really meet the Lakers, I think we should be careful, after all, James of the Lakers is back now!"

"James' ability, I don't think I need to talk about it."

A gleam of fear flashed across the Warriors players' eyes.

They can not be afraid of any Lakers player, but they must pay attention to James.

Who made James the number one player in the league, and also their old opponent.

After hearing this, Curry nodded slightly, with a tinge of enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Once James explodes, it's really unstoppable."

"And in the last game, I still remember that young player's three-pointer. His shooting speed is comparable to mine!"

Curry closed his eyes, thinking back to that young player [Su Bei] a little bit.

It still surprises him so far, and he never thought that it would be as fast as his shot speed.

Curry knows that his shooting depends on the speed and arc of his shot, and it took a lot of practice to master this stunt.

I didn't expect that young player to appreciate the essence of Curry's shots so quickly. Such a talent...

Even Curry is envious, but unfortunately he can't.

"Our first task now is to eliminate the Rockets first, and then we may face the Lakers."

"But I feel that the Lakers may not be able to eliminate the Nuggets. You should also know that the Nuggets have the league's number one center like Jokic!"

Coach Cole turned around, looked at everyone and said.

There was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Nuggets' ranking in the regular season is not low, and their strength is beyond doubt.

They also hit up abruptly, relying on Jokic, who is almost invincible in the interior, can pass the ball, and can score.

The Nuggets have found a treasure.

Curry and Green's eyes brightened even more, "Yes, it is possible that the Nuggets can eliminate the Lakers."

"It's really possible. No one inside the Lakers can limit Jokic. A person who can shoot and shoot is too strong."

Curry sighed secretly, "If their center could be like Jokic, he wouldn't be so tired."

The most important thing is that Jokic's ball quotient is very high, coupled with his passing ability and shooting ability, he is almost an unsolvable existence in the interior.

Coach Cole nodded, but now he feels that the Warriors still have great hopes of winning the championship this year.

Especially in the East, almost no team can be the opponent of the Warriors.

In the past, James broke out of the Eastern Conference finals, but now that James has come to the Western Conference, it is really hard to hit the Western Conference finals.

Without an opponent like James, Coach Kerr felt that he could live for two more years.

Greens stared at Harden's information, his eyes turned cold.


You didn't beat our Warriors last year, and you can't do the same this year.

Green is even more confident, and this confidence comes from the strength of their entire Warriors team.

The three top scorers of Thompson, Curry and Durant are here for the Warriors.

Just ask, are there any stronger players in the league than them?

Even if there is, can a team have three at the same time?

However, the Warriors have such players here.

"When we play the first game against the Rockets, we must show me the momentum of our warriors!"

"Last year we played the tiebreaker with the Rockets in the Western Conference. I hope we can eliminate the Rockets directly this year!"

"When the time comes, just look at Harden and cry, haha..."

Green has a sarcastic smile on his face. The Rockets have been provoking the Warriors for several years.

But they never won, which is why Green has always looked down on the Rockets.

In Green's eyes, the Rockets are a defeat.

"We must pay enough attention to the Rockets now, and we must be cautious. If we really lose this knockout match, this year's champion will be gone..."

"Don't forget, we have now achieved two consecutive championships, and we are only short of the last championship!!"

Coach Cole's eyes gradually became deeper, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Because in his view, the basketball court is like a battlefield.

A battle between real men.

There is bound to be a winner and a loser...

Absolute cruelty.

Coach Cole is not willing to see Curry and the Rockets eliminated, because in his opinion, he still wants to achieve three consecutive championships.

A true dynasty of warriors.

Coach Kerr had waited a long time for this day.

And now the Warriors already have two consecutive championships.

If you have the third crown, then the real Warriors dynasty will start.

At that time, it was the true heyday of the Warriors.

This is why Coach Cole has always asked them to be more cautious, and now the Warriors cannot make any mistakes.

They have to win, win the Rockets, win the Lakers, reach the NBA Finals, and win.

That's what they're aiming for this season.

All players are healthy now.

In fact, all the players are waiting for this moment.

As for Curry and Durant, their eyes fell on Coach Cole, and there was a touch of expectation in their eyes.

"Three consecutive......"

Curry muttered to himself, thinking of the OK combination of the Lakers back then, the Lakers dynasty they established in the early 21st century.

There is envy in his eyes. As the head player of the Warriors, he is more willing to lead the Warriors to the heyday of the three consecutive championships.

"The coach is right, this year's playoffs, we will definitely go all out!"

"Take the Rockets, win the Western Conference finals, and win the NBA championship!"

"This is the path we really want to take. No matter which team wants to stop us, they have to weigh whether their own strength is enough?"

Green said that in his opinion, no team can compare with the Warriors.

Curry also said softly:

"Now we still have to train seriously. After the first game starts, the players on the court must give me their best to play!"

"What we have to do now is to play the era of the Warriors' three consecutive championships!"

The players trembled slightly, and their eyes gradually became serious.

They seem to have waited for this day for a long time, but this time the nba championship is not so easy for the Warriors to win easily.

All teams are working hard for it, and each team has its own cards.

They will never show their cards until the critical moment.

When Coach Cole saw their determined eyes, a smile flashed across his mouth.

This is the player he taught, the real tough guy on the court.

"For the Warriors!!"

"come on, come on, come on..."

"come on, come on, come on..."

"come on, come on, come on..."

All the players stacked their hands together and shouted loudly.

In an instant, their bodies were full of fighting spirit, as if the blood in their bodies was boiling, fighting for the warriors.


the next day,

It was half past five in the morning. UU reading

Lakers arena.

Subei and the others arrived one after another, warming up...

Other players came to the arena and began to train hard again.

They know that hard work is not a performance in front of everyone, but walking alone in the dark.

Su Bei knows a philosophy, never pretend to work hard, because the result will never accompany you to act.

None of the players were caught in the victory over the Trail Blazers, and they were still training steadily.

James came here, first doing warm-ups, and then started strength training.

The same was true for the other players. In less than half an hour, their sweat soaked their clothes.

If they take off their clothes and twist them a little, the water will flow down.

In the eyes of James and the others, these sweats will never compare to the moment of losing.

Coach Wharton came to the arena and watched the players training, but no one seemed to notice his arrival.

Seeing this scene, Coach Wharton was also slightly taken aback, and a smile flashed across his face.

These players have become much calmer, and they have really changed.

Coach Wharton was very touched, perhaps because of him [Subei]!

His eyes fell on Su Bei. His appearance made Coach Wharton even more appreciative.

But now there are only two days left,

The Lakers are about to play the Nuggets. The overall strength of the Nuggets is not weak, even a little stronger than the Lakers.

"The only good thing is that the first game is at our Lakers' home court."

Coach Wharton muttered to himself, he wanted to see what kind of strength the second-ranked team in the regular season had.


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