MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 557

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"Extreme waste!"

Otsutsuki Japanese-style frowned and cursed.

Completely ignore other people.

Obviously, he was extremely disappointed with the performance of Tao Shi and others...

Even though they had given them three [Ten-Tailed War Beasts] as guards, they were still killed at the speed of light.

This can no longer be described as waste.

Simply a jerk!

Originally, I was going to let Tao Shi and a few people slaughter the planet.

Then ambush a wave of Kaguya and a style;

In order to force the manipulator behind the move out, and wait for the opportunity to come, take the enemy's head straight, and succeed in one strike!

What a pity, such a good plan.

Completely disrupted by the peach-style rubbish.

How can you not be angry with Japanese?

In the beginning, you shouldn't have sent these **** here!

"Who are you?"

Zhu Jian asked with a very solemn expression.

It seems that this guy is also from the Otsutsugi clan?

Or, can Otsutsuki Peach Pose also transform your soul?

But, this guy gave Hashima a sense of oppression.

Far more than peach style!

The two sides can't be compared at all!

Who is this guy?

to this.

Japanese contemptuous smile:

"Is that you? The native who defeated Kaguya that Shishi said?"

"It turns out that this power of burning life is indeed worthy of the word good."

"No wonder you can kill Tao Shi and them..."

"It's a pity, it's still too weak!"

The Japanese controlled this soul clone and waved it with one hand.

A powerful soul impact roared out and passed through the column in an instant.

For the body, this shock is as gentle as a breeze.

But for the soul of the column, this impact was like an eighty hammer, slamming into his soul.

Let it start suddenly, dizzy.

Just a little.

His soul will be blasted out of his body, and he will be killed on the spot...

This old Japanese thief of Otsutsuki who has lived for thousands of years.

Even if you don't have a body, even if you only use peach-style soul strength, you can still display all kinds of incredible and powerful soul secret techniques!

It's almost desperately powerful.


Hasuma bit the tip of his tongue and used the pain to stimulate his consciousness, sobering up to three points.

next moment.

Hashirama didn't hesitate, and immediately moved.

One foot shattered the ground, erupting dozens of times the speed of sound, turning into a red light.

Moving around the Japanese-style soul clone of Otsutsuki, moving at high speed.

Hashimama knew very well that if he stayed in place again, he would take another Japanese-style soul attack.

I am afraid that I will die instantly!

That kind of weird soul-level attack, even with the power of the eight doors, is difficult to resist...

Attributes are mutually restrained, it is too serious.

Therefore, only move.

By moving at a high speed, the opponent can't lock his body in order to avoid that kind of weird soul attack!

at the same time.

The pillars also aimed at the position and punched out.

Directly a thousand meters away, the peach-style black stick was inserted into the door between the ground.

Together with the body of the black stick and Tobirama, they exploded together!

As such.

It can also help Tobirama get out of trouble.

Sure enough, Tobirama, who was smashed to pieces, lost the restraint of the black stick and leaned on the body of the dirt.

He quickly regained his shape.

Hasuma believes that with Tobirama's intellect, he will soon discover the weakness of Otsutsuki's Japanese-style soul form and find a way to deal with it, right?

And you just need before.

Just hold on to the other party and prevent the other party from killing other people.

Eight minutes, it can last for more than a minute, should it be enough?

"Yes, very fast."

"Very sensitive combat intuition."

Looking at the 'red light' surrounding him, the Japanese also gave heartfelt praise.

Being able to withstand his own casual blows and immediately start moving and dodging; such combat ability and intuition are much stronger than those of the peach-style rubbish.

If in the past.

For this kind of indigenous talent, they will even deliberately recruit them.

Let him become a slave leader of the [Picket]; manage and suppress other slaves for the Otsutsuki clan.


This mission involves his own calculations and the manslaughter of Kaguya;

Of course it is impossible to leave a living mouth!

All the natives here must be killed.


Only with the strength of the peach-style soul, and no body; it really greatly limits the strength of the Japanese style.

Not even one percent of the power can be used.

It is even more impossible to lock between columns in high-speed movement.

There is only one way.

Japanese raised his hand and aimed at Juo in the distance.

The Ten-Tailed War Beast, which had just regenerated its head, immediately began to change.

Dark stripes of incantation spread out from the body, quickly wrapping the whole body.

Natsume and Kaguya in the distance can be seen at a glance.

This is the unique secret technique of the Otsutsuki clan, which can cover and replace the container with a [wedge seal] with its own information.

Just like [Niche] can easily devour and change souls.

【Wedge】is specially used to cover and replace the flesh.


The Japanese style is to take a whole [Ten Tai] as your own container, and then cover it with a [wedge] and replace it with your own temporary body!

Moreover, Japanese-style means and abilities are far beyond Yi-style.

Directly use the massive chakra of [Ten Tails] in the air to speed up the thawing of the [Wedge] seal.

Just a few seconds before and after.

His [wedge] seal has been 100% thawed and transformed into a human shape!


The black portal opened.

The temporary body transformed by [Ten Tails] passed through the portal in an instant.

Came to the front of the Japanese soul avatar.


The temporary body and soul avatar merged, and an invisible buzzing sound spread out.

this moment.

A powerful oppressive force, centered on this, came crashing down!

Let all creatures within a radius of several thousand meters breathe, and the pressure is doubled.

It was as if the heart was being grabbed by an invisible force.

Some of the weaker Jōnin even knelt directly to the ground, breathing rapidly and convulsing all over.

Even Qianshou Hashima was suppressed by three points, and his movement speed slowed down a lot.

Very simple, this is the suppression of the level!

Just like Hashimama and Tobirama, just emitting chakra can cause great oppression to ordinary ninjas.


Relying on the soul contributed by the peach style, the body contributed by the ten tails.

Otsutsuki Japanese style, this senior elder of the family, can finally exert a small part of his power.

And this small part of power is for the entire ninja world.

But it is without a doubt, a thorough crushing!

Due to the inability to replicate the special [purifying eyes], there are still a pair of [white eyes] in the eye sockets of Otsutsuki Japanese style at the moment.

However, the ten-tailed [Six Gou Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye] still opened between his eyebrows.

Relying on the [Six Gou Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye], the Japanese style can finally barely see the movement of the pillars.

"bring it on!"

"Let me try your power."

The Japanese style carried his hands on his back, and he was extremely confident and arrogant to face the invitation to the battle.

Read The Duke's Passion