MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 548

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Pu Shi rolled his eyes and observed Toriyama and the others from a distance.

Obviously, he still remembers the peach-style advice; he will never approach these ninja natives rashly.

Be prepared to observe their actions first, and then use long-range attack methods.

Kill these nasty bugs!

But he soon discovered the anomaly.

"Huh? Only one native is mobilizing the Chakra in the body?"

"Is this converging chakra to the heart?"

"A boring move, how much power can this be used?"

"This is not what Chakra is used for, these stupid natives!"

Pu Shi laughed contemptuously.

Then, get ready to attack and kill these bug ninjas.

But at this moment.

The green-robed ninja let out a roar, and his breath instantly soared dozens of times.

"The Eighth Dead Door - Open!"

"Eight Gates Dunjia Formation!"


"Night Kai!"

In one go, without the slightest hesitation.

The crimson chakra blood steam rose violently, and it skyrocketed again.

The surrounding sea water evaporated, forming a circle of hot spiral airflow.

At the same time, a blood-red steam turned into a ferocious dragon, and suddenly raised his head and roared, shocking all directions.

next moment.

The blood dragon goes out to sea, distorts space, and is incomparable.

See here.

Otsutsuki Kiura Style: ∑(°Д°)!!!

Chapter 467 Decisive Battle in the Ninja World

At this moment, on the ruins of Wuyin Village.

Seeing that Otsutsuki Mokura-style was tricked away by the foam.

Hashirama also breathed a sigh of relief.

Mainly the Otsutsuki-style [Yellow Spring Hirazaka] ability is too incomprehensible!

As long as he is still around, Otsutsuki's side can almost be said to be invincible.

You can go in and chase, you can go back.

Just like Tobirama with Flying Thunder God, the movement ability is too strong!

Only cheated the guy.

Only by dealing with the two of Otsutsuki Peach-style can they win a chance.


Fighting and fighting, the other party sees that the situation is not right.

Directly open the portal to escape, and then go back for a wave of help.

Then the ninja world can only wait to die...

Therefore, on Tobirama's side, they will directly break out at all costs; they just don't want to give Urashi any chance to escape!

With Pu Shi's departure.

There is no nonsense in the peach style.

"Jin Shi, go! Crush that inferior creature to death!"

"As ordered!"

Otsutsuki Jinshi gave a command and attacked immediately.

[God Chase] - Activate!

Jin Shi instantly brought several streaks of purple lightning, and hurriedly slammed into Qianshouzhujian.

This ability can not only greatly increase the speed, but also increase the attack and defense, and it is not weaker than the 'Light Dun Chakra Mode' of [Cloud Hidden Village].


The opponent of the Jin-style attack is not an ordinary shadow.

It's the pervert of Senjuzhuma!


This thunderous impact came to an abrupt end.

It was like hitting a wall made of meteorite iron.

There is no way to shake the column.

Instead, he was punched by the column and flew back dozens of meters.

"This breath..."

"It actually combines chakra and planetary energy?!"

Jin Shi was stunned and shocked.

It was the first time he saw that there were alien natives who could combine chakra and planetary energy...

That's right, early in the preparation.

The pillars almost absorbed all the natural energy of the 【Land of Water】! .

At this moment, the increase after he turned on the [Immortal Mode] was even more astonishing, no less than the seventh gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

The battle power between the pillars soared again.

The power of one blow is enough to shake the mountains and shatter the earth!


Not waiting for Jinshi to stand up.

Hasuma once again used [True Thousands of Hands], controlling a huge wooden hand.

I slapped it towards Jin Shi with a slap!


The earth dragon rolled, shaking all directions.

This palm wound Jin Shi once again.

His chest shook and he almost vomited blood.

Afterwards, the wooden hand between the pillars grabbed the Jinshi and threw it to the right.

The golden form that was thrown out flew directly out of the kilometer.

Smashed hard into the ground.

This guy has rough skin and thick flesh, and he resisted the giant Buddha without dying!

I had to kick him out of the battlefield first and let others drag him...

So ever.

Jin Shi has just climbed up from the underground, ready to return to the battlefield.

"Swipe swipe-"

A group of ninjas who had been waiting here for a long time also appeared one after another, besieging Jin Shi.

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai, the third generation of Tsuchikage Onogi, the fourth generation of Kazekage Luosha, the Kirigage Terumi Mei, the ghost shark... and a large number of villages remaining on the ninja.

The people in the ninja world did not dare to hesitate, and as soon as they came up, they did their best:

【Escape from Dust·The Art of Peeling the Realm】!

【Thunder Dragon Bomb】!

【Water Escape·Big Shark Bullet】!

【Magnetic Dun·Aventurine Spear】!

In the face of a powerful Otsutsuki enemy, no one would foolishly retain their strength.

For a moment.

A large number of ninjutsu attacks, overwhelmingly smashed towards the golden style!

As a branch warrior, Jin Shi doesn't have the kind of good thing [Reincarnation Eye], and he doesn't have the ability to absorb ninjutsu attacks.

Only with weapons and physical resistance.

He was smashed to the ground again, even more embarrassed.


Five shadow levels, with a large number of Shang Nin.

If you deal with the ten tails, it is naturally not enough to jam your teeth.

But if it was to hold the Otsutsuki Jinshi, there was still some hope.

not to mention.

At this moment, Lei Ying and others, because of the destruction of the village, are all furious, and they are not afraid of death...

I just want to kill Jin Shi and take revenge.

The brave who meet in the narrow road wins.

The desperate Raikage and the others were naturally even more aggressive; they actually entangled Otsutsuki Jinshi.

Make him unable to return to the peach style.

Seeing that Jin Shiki was dragged by a group of indigenous ninjas, Otsutsuki Momo Shiki was even more displeased.

"Things like trash can't be counted on at all!"

Peach snorted.

Then, without hesitation, he immediately took out two small boxes.

The other two [Ten-Tailed War Beasts] were released.

Jinshi was dragged.

Only by releasing two ten-tails can Tao Shi feel more at ease.

no way.

The indigenous ninja Qianshou Hashima in front of him is too fierce!

The scene of being seriously injured by his sneak attack before still left Tao Shi with lingering fears.

He doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't use ten tails as a meat shield to carry...

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